The Vista Oct. 13, 2009

Page 1


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lumnin The outline of domestic violence, traced on campus Tiffany Brown The Bottom Line

The Nobel Peace Prize: Why Obama? PAGE 2 Domestic Violence

Statistics from Oklahoma and the resources for help. PAGE 3 Passport to Turkey

Passport program presents Turkish history, culture PAGE 6 Buddy Broncho

The double life of junior Caleb Everet revealed. PAGE 8


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They stood in the hallways of the Nigh University Center at the University of Central Oklahoma telling their stories. Many individuals passed by without stopping to listen. A few glanced at them, but did not hear their voices. Even fewer took the time to hear them beseeching to be heard. Although the red cardboard silhouettes were not real people, their stories were. They represented people who lost their lives to domestic violence. Chatter amongst peers became prominent. Fast-food aromas filled the space. The silhouettes fought for the attention of those passing by just as they may have fought to save their lives and that of their children before they were murdered. Breastplates bared the names and circumstances surrounding the

Photo by Allison Rathgeber

David Neumann, A senior Biology Major and his son, Tsyrus, a 7-year-old White Rock Elementary Student read the bresastplates of domestic violence victims who were murdered. The red silhouettes were on display at the Nigh University Center last week.

deaths of those killed in Oklahoma. Program held its second annual On Oct.8 the Violence Protection Silent Witness Initiative. The 79

Two things that usually don't add up: math and entertainment

Waiting our life awa

lenefar De Leon

"Some feel that math is a dead subject," he said. "But it's a vibrate St(0-11 rites discipline." During DeRose's presentation, The UCO College of Math and Science hosted "Math in the he used films such as "Ratatouille," Movies" with guest speaker Pixar "Finding Nemo," and "Monster's animator Dr. Tony DeRose on Oct. Inc.," to show how the digital animation works from beginning to 7 in the Constitution Hall. DeRose has been at Pixar for 13 end. Accoding to DeRose, each aniyears as the leader of the research group at the Pixar Animation mated Pixar film takes about four years to complete from story board Studios. He has worked on films such as to the end of the process. "Motion pictures have gone "Toy Story II," and also the Oscar winning short film "Geri's Game." through a revolution," he said. "It's Dr. John Barthel], the Dean moving rapidly to digital movies, of the Mathematics and Statics and it's amazing how mathematics Department said he was thrilled play a role in these films." DeRose explained the process and honored to introduce DeRose as part of the UCO Everyday that it takes for a film to become Genius Series at the opening of the digitally animated. Pixar employs about 1,200 individuals in a variety presentation. He has been the recipient of of departments from story board, the ACM SIGGRAPH Computer character animation and digital achievement and the 2006 technology to help complete the Scientific and Technology Academy process, he said. He explained how Pixar attempts to complete three Award. "It's an honor," DeRose said. films every two years for thepub"It's tremendous to see such a I ic. "I hope others gain an appreciaturnout." DeRose provided UCO students tion of the artistic and technology with a behind the scene look at the aspect," he said. "It's interesting to role math plays in digital filmmaksee MATH, page 4 ing industry.

red silhouettes displayed honored women, men, boys, girls, teens, and children who were killed. The Rust family was just one of several figures featured in the exhibit where an entire family lost their lives. On Monday, January 12, 2009 Summer Rust was found dead in her El Reno Apartment along with her four children Evan, 3; Tegean, 4; Autumn,? and Kirsten, 8 all whom had also been murdered. Joshua Steven Durcho, 25, who had been Rust's boyfriend was accused of chocking and strangling Rust and her 4 children and is currently awaiting trial. According to The Oklahoma CoalitionAgainstDomesticViolence and Sexual Assault (OCADVSA), 51 percent of domestic violence victims killed were murdered by an intimate partner whether they were ex's or current partners. Fiftyseven percent of victims and perpesee VIOLENCE, page 3

Kaylea Brooks Stafffi titer

With the flu season in full swing, many students and people in general are flooding into doctor's offices. As the epidemic rages, more people are encountering a frequently occurring problem that has nothing to do with their illness: waiting. On average nearly one out of four complain that the wait-time to see

doctors is more than 3o minutes, according to Consumer Reports of 2007. The American Time Use Survey said that if the hours Americans spent were to be evaluated by the average hourly wage of production, which is approximately $17.43, Americans spent over $240 billion dollars in 2007. "The time that patients spend seeking, receiving and paying for See WAITING, page 4

Photo by Allison Rathgeber

Omar Thabet, sophomore international business major, waits to for an appointment in the Student Health Center.

Pakistan hopes U.S. does not repeat history Nelson Solomon r Ad.,

Yesterday, a suicide car bombing targeting Pakistani troops killed 41 people, as reported by the Associated Press. It was the fourth militant attack in just over a week, as the Taliban pledged to mobilize militants across the country for more strikes. This only increases the need for tripling nonmilitary aid to Pakistan to about $1.5 billion a year for the next five years. The Senate approved this aid on Sept. 24. However, conditions laid out in the bill, authored by Senators John Kerry, Democrat of Massachusetts, and Richard AP Photo by Ishtlaq Mehsud Lugar, Republican of Indiana, Taliban spokesman Azam Tariq, right, is seen with leader of 711-1111 have unleashed street protests Pakistani Taliban movement Hakimullah Mehsud in Sararogha in TAMIIBOOM 21011.FIF and a flood of criticism from Pakistani tribal area of South Waziristan along Afghanistan border. NewsCentral is on-air tonight at 5:00 p.m. on channel 125 on Cox Digital Cable. On tonight: A golf course is connected to a restaurant that serves good home-cooked food.


MID YOU ENOW.0.7 The longest word in the English language, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is pneumonoultramicroscopic,silicovolcanoconiosis. If you toss a penny 10,000 times, it will not be heads 5,000 times, but more like 4,950. The head's picture weighs more, so it ends up on the bottom.




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Pakistanis who say the bill compromises their country's sovereignty. President Asif Ali Zardari of Pakistan has agreed to the stipulations in the Kerry-Lugar bill, but he is coming under sharp criticism from opposition parties and many Pakistanis who view America as a cavalier and condescending ally. Pakistan's Parliament is currently discussing the Kerry-Lugar aid bill. U.S. officials say the main goals of the new assistance will be to shore up the crumbling Pakistani state by building infrastructure like roads and power plants, and to improve the standing of the United States with the Pakistani people, as reported by the New York Times. In return, the Obama administration expects Pakistan to keep up the fight against Islamic militants, though there are worries that the See PAKISTAN, page 4

Check the blogs

Li 03Gonc

"Inside the Lines" with Chris Wescott


No major accomplishment to accompany award


EDITORIAL@UCO360.COM The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semi-weekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and only on Wednesdays during the summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy obtained.

EDITORIALS Opinion columns, editorial cartoons, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO.

LETTERS The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, with a maximum of 150 words, and must include the author's printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters.

Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034-5209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 13L Letters can be e-mailed to .

Laura Hoffert, Co Editor Nelson Solomon, Co Editor Kory Oswald, Managing Editor Caleb McWilliams, Copy Editor Chris Wescott, Sports Editor -


EDITORIAL Kaylea Brooks, Tiffany Brown, Steve Vidal, Jenefar De Leon,

Staff Writer Staff Writer

Staff Writer Staff Writer


Stacey Sprague

Byron Koontz Allison Rathgeber Amanda Siegfried

CIRCULATION Laura Hoffert Stephen Hughes



Mr. Teddy Burch

OCTOBER 13, 2009

The Nobel Peace Prize: Why Obama?





The Norwegian Nobel Committee determined last week that President Barack Obama is worthy of what was once lauded as one of the grandest honors in the world. As dictated by the will of Alfred Nobel, the award is given "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses." A brief look at the history of the Nobel Peace Prize: The first award, presented in 1901, was awarded to French economist Frederic Passy, according to www.nobelpeaceprize. org, the official Web site for the award. An advocate of free trade, Passy directly engaged in political questions, advocating educational reform and intervening to prevent war between France and Prussia over Luxembourg. Passy supported a system of international conflict arbitration, which was inspired by Randal Cremer's resolution that established arbitration between the United States and England. In 1888, his efforts led to a meeting between British Parliamentary members and French deputies to discuss the concept of organized arbitration. The following year, the InterParliamentary Union was established with Passy as one of its presidents. Passy's writings and speeches advocating peace were widely recognized. In 1909, he published Pour la paix, a work which chronicled the establishment of the various peace and arbitration organizations with which he was associated.

Last year's award went to Martti Ahtisaari, former President of Finland, for his great efforts, on several continents and over more than three decades, to resolve international conflicts, according to www. . He was a major contributor when Namibia achieved independence in 198990, arbitrated in Kosovo

which brought the RussoJapanese war to an end. Wilson did the Treaty of Versailles. Though that failed to be ratified in the Senate, Wilson was at least acknowledged as its main architect. Compare that to President Obama. There's not even a claim that Obama has accomplished anything." Obama, likely recog-

THE BOTTOM LINE BY NELSON SOLOMON in 1999 and 2005-07, and helped to bring the longlasting conflict in the Aceh province in Indonesia to an end in 2005. He was President of Finland from 1994 to 2000. After his presidential term, he again stepped up his work for peace, among other things by establishing Crisis Management Initiative, which played an active part in bringing about the Aceh peace accord in 2005. I beg the question that has been on the mind of many in the last few days: What exactly has Obama done that is worthy of being in the company of these individuals? Former Bush U.N. Ambassador John Bolten compared Obama's award with those given to other sitting American presidents in an interview with National Review: "President Woodrow Wilson was given the award in 1919, Teddy Roosevelt in 1906. Roosevelt brought brokered the Treaty of Portsmouth,

nizing the unusual nature of receiving the award, accepted it as "a call to action" rather than as a reward for past accomplishments. Has this become the norm for receiving this extraordinary honor, or what used to be an extraordinary honor? The Nobel Peace Prize is now a motivation tool to work for global peace? Obama has made many goals and promises during his campaign and term in office, many of which are worthy and honorable. It's not like he has done nothing; by giving up his predecessor's plan for a missile interceptor in Poland in order to push Russia to urge sanctions on Iran for their purported nuclear plans, he succeeded in getting global cooperation in dealing with the Iran problem. Nine months into his presidency, when there has been no real major accomplishment in his term, he is not worthy of this award. This only adds to the

pressure on him to achieve the goals he laid out. What happens now if his stated goals aren't met? Was being given the Nobel award a mistake then? What happens to Obamamania around the world then? An Oct. 3 Saturday Night Live skit portrays the situation very succinctly: The president (played by Fred Armisen) was defending his record against critics who had accused him of turning the United States "into something that resembles the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany." The fake Obama denied this. "When you look at my record, it's very clear what I've done so far," he said. "And that is nothing." The sketch went on to show Mr. Obama/Armisen running through a checklist of things he had vowed to do — closing Guantanamo Bay prison, overhauling health care. All were marked, "Not Done." "Looking at this list I am seeing two big accomplishments," he said. "Jack and Squat." No further explanation needed on that topic. Those on the Republican side of the aisle have called this yet another slam on former president George W. Bush. I would agree with this sentiment in that Obama being given this award was so surprising and unexpected that there had to be another motivation for it, and if it was in private hopes of offending Bush, then I am disappointed in the Norwegian Nobel Committee, which is charged with carrying out the will of inventor and businessman Alfred Nobel.



What are your plans for fall break? "I am going home ... to Tulsa. I am going to chill with my little sister and boyfriend."

"I'm going to a concert and chilling with friends."

Bailey Woolum Sophomore Elementary Education

Brielle Brown Freshman Broadcast

Aaron Edwards Freshman Engineering

"I'm going to go home and help my boyfriend do homework."

Camille Huelle Freshman Criminal Justice

"Nothing spectacular, just spending time with family."

Roosevelt Morgan Sophomore Forensic Science

"My birthday is on fall break, so I plan on going to the casino. I'm also supposed to be going to see a movie, I forgot what it's called though." "Nothing really, just hanging out with friends."

Justin Suskey Sophomore Business

Compiled by Kory Oswald and Byron Koontz



OCTOBER 13, 2009


Palestinian Hamas security forces march during an exercise in the Khan Younis refugee camp, southern Gaza Strip, Saturday, Oct. 10, 2009.

AP Photo by Altaf Qadri

AP Photo by Ben Margot

AP Photo by Eyad Baba

A physically disabled Afghan girl waits at the International Committee of the Red Cross orthopedic center in Kabul, Afghanistan, Tuesday, Oct. 6, 2009.

Sean Tucker flies his Oracle Challenger bi-plane inverted over US Marine Corps Major Nathan Miller, flying F/A-18 Blue Angel #5 Thursday, Oct. 8, 2009, over San Francisco Bay.


Continued from page 1

trators are living together during the time of the victim's death For the small amount of time the silhouettes stood in hall at the NUC, their eerie presence prevented them from becoming camouflaged, lost in the crowd, or just another face. Just as many victims suffered at the hands of their partners for years, the exhibit featured only a small portion of individuals murdered over the past decade or in domestic disputes. In addition to the 79 silhouettes displayed during UCO's Silent Witness Initiative, 61 victims were honored on Oklahoma's Remember My Name list. Those 61 domestic violence victims were represented as silhouettes and are retired and no longer used in the exhibition. The memories of their lives may have faded from public view. They may have become yesterday's news, but their legacy has been placed on red cardboard cutouts that have made them all but forgotten. Although they have been remembered for the lives they once lived, the victims' silhouettes came without the tears they cried, the screams they yelled, the blood they bled, and the pain they felt from the bruises and broken bones, or their broken spirits and their broken homes.

The initiative was hosted by UCO's VPP, in conjunction Skyla Brooks, 1, was killed 3 months before her second with The Oklahoma Coalition Against Domestic Violence birthday. She had been brutally beaten, bitten, and sexu& Sexual Assault organization. ally assaulted. Multiple bones were broken new and old The VPP is available to assist UCO's student, faculty and cigarette burns were found on her body. Brooks was abused by her mothers live in boyfriend, Kurt Vomberg and staff who have been abused in any way. The office was established for those who need help or those who Jr, Vomberg had violently shaken Brooks the day she was have survived abusive relationships. This includes victims hospitalized. Despite the number of wounds she had sus- of dating or domestic partner violence, sexual assault or tained, Medical officials determined the cause of death to rape and stalking. The program will help victims get access to resources be Shaken Baby Syndrome. Brooks' mother, Tammy Brooks, is serving a 20-year either on campus or off campus. This includes counselsentence for child neglect, while Vomberg is serving a life ing, medical assistance, housing needs or relocation, in prison sentence without the possibility of parole for 1st legal assistance for obtaining Victim's Protection Orders, academic concerns such as schedule changes, or other degree murder. Many more domestic violence victims spend the last services that may be needed. Kathryn Toahty, VPP Coordinator, said services are hours of their lives in fear and pain, yet their stories have available for either short-term or long-term assistance never been told or they have never been honored. As of April 22, approximately 39 domestic violence whichever is determined to be necessary by the survivor. All services rendered are confidential. Service will be homicides have occurred in Oklahoma. In 2008, 49-percent of domestic violence perpetrators made death threats provided to all UCO students' faculty and staff regardless of race, gender, appearance, ethnicity, orientation or against their victims before the homicide. The Silent Witness Initiative has brought awareness to religion. The VPP office is located at the Nigh University Center domestic violent issues and the consequences that are the in Room 113. It is open M-F 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. result of abusive relationships.

3 QUICK FACTS ON OKLAHOMA DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: Oklahoma Ranks 9h nationally in the number of females murdered by their intimate spouse. (Violence Policy Center) In 2008, 23,853 domestic violence reports were made to Oklahoma law enforcement. This includes: 51 murders; 547 sex crimes; 3,387 assaults; 19,869 assault and batteries cases.

10 SIGNS OF ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP: 1. Jealousy. The abuser displays jealousy of who you talk to, see or meet up with 2. Kept isolated from family and friends, monitoring where you are going, who you are seeing, your phone calls and text messages

Domestic violence reports have increased 12.5% from 1999 to 2008 (2008 OSBI UCR Report).

3. The abuser is charming one minute, abusive the next - this can be an ongoing pattern and the good times can last anywhere between a few hours to several months before the abuse then reoccurs.


4. Physical violence - punching, hitting, slapping, biting etc


State resources: SAFELINE number is a 24-hour hotline answered by crisis interven-

5. Belittling you and putting you down.

tion specialists trained in domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking issues, their number is 1-800-522-SAFE (7233)

6. Shouting at you, calling you names, criticising, mocking, and threatening you in words.

Local sources:

7. Controlling the finances enabling them to control how you spend money, if you can leave or stay or make decisions

Edmond Police 359-4420 UCO Police 974-2345 For more information about VPP program contact its office at 974 -2224 or on the web at:



8. Constantly checking up on what you are doing. They may follow you and check your phone calls etc 9. Being sexually abusive. Forcing you to have sex, forcing you to have sex in a way you do not want to. Anything that feels wrong to you 10. After the abuse, telling you it was your fault, that you caused it to happen and that it will never happen again. Begging for forgiveness. women and men are at greatest risk of being murdered while separating or after leaving a partner.


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PAGE 4 OCTOBER 13, 2009

American government professor finds ties between home, current country Kaylea Brooks S1a/fII 'titer

"Americans tend to not be patient with these things," a UCO professor who came from halfway around the world said. Dr. Husam Mohamed, originally from Palestine, knows what it is to be patient, from traveling hang-ups that suggest dis.:Timination to an excellent education that earned him the job he has today. Two American teachers inspired Mohamed to pursue teaching himself while he was a student in the West Bank, motivating him co better others through education. "You always have a teacher who has influenced you in your life," he said, and those teachers are reasons Mohamed wants to inspire his students. In 1985, Mohamed began his journey toward his current position when he received his bachelor's degree in Middle Eastern Studies from BerZeit University and later he received his master's and doctorate in Political Science from the University of Cincinnati by 1994. Mohamed did not intend to teach American government and he said that if he were not teaching government, he would teach philosophy. He completed 6o graduate credit hours in Philosophy at UC. But when he arrived at UCO in 1999, he began teaching the introductory level American Government courses. When students enter his classroom at the beginning of the semester, they are not sure what to expect from a Middle Eastern professor teaching an American Government class. Mohamed stands in front of the class with confidence in speech and knowledge— tall, husky and clean-shaven. He looks nothing like a stereotypical Palestinian man, much less sounds like one. His accent is stately, and with ease the professor lectures as if he spent hours memorizing a script. He pokes fun at col-

lege students and their usual lack of knowledge in politics, but all of this he does in good humor. But, he is serious about teaching them this important topic they don't know. "It is very difficult to get to teenagers," he said. "They just aren't interested in government. They don't care." Ignorance and apathy aren't the only traits that Mohamed said he sees in young Americans. He also said he believes that perceptions of life begin in the family, and that family life in America is vastly different than it is in the West Bank. "Family is big in the West Bank," Mohamed said. "While here the family is like the European nuclear family, in the West Bank the family includes aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc." In the West Bank, society stresses group mentality over self happiness, he said. The individualistic society of Americans stemming from ever-shrinking smaller families is well known to the rest of the world, and Mohamed said that culture of Americans is so far spread that it wasn't hard for him moving to the United States. "Western culture is globalized. It is dominant everywhere. It was easier for me to move to the States than it would be for an American to move to the West Bank, or any other culture," he said. Despite differences in culture, Mohamed rarely experienced discrimination throughout his time in the U.S., through he said at times he was delayed in flights because of his nationality, and even then he said it wasn't a big deal. "I'm not discriminated against," he said. "I've read about others who are treated worse." Since moving here, Mohamed ardently pushes students to learn and understand their government and its practices. Students keep him inspired, especially those who come back later and thank him for what he taught.

Photo by Byron Koontz

UCO professor Dr. Husam Mohamed's journey in life has led him from the Middle East to Edmond. While he works in his office he appreciates the influences in his life, and intends to return the inspirations to his students.

"One of the things I like would be students who thank me. I tell them to send pictures and e-mails. To me, that's very nice." Mohamed realized the importance of his position after his 13-year-old daughter came home, and disagreed with him over something because of what her teacher had told her. "I like it. My own daughter listens to her teacher over me, so I have that kind of power to influence, too." Another benefit teaching bestowed upon Mohamed is learning about things

WAITING healthcare is just as real as the dollars they spend for medical services," Princeton economics professor Alan B. Krueger said in a Feb. 9, 2009, The New York Times column. "Perhaps patients should be asked to report the amount of time the spend obtaining health care services in effort to modernize medical record keeping." If patients have to wait 3o minutes to an hour, such time usually takes the place of work, school, and other important activities that occur during the day. Patients must plan their entire day around the appointment, possibly taking time off in the morning, or afternoon, for a checkup that may take 15 minutes at the most.

Vista Writer Kaylea Brooks can be reached at .

Continued from page 1 UCO's Student Health Center is one of the few that can see patients almost immediately. "The wait is an average of 10 minutes," nurse Renee Francis said. "In the real world, of course it's much longer." The same Time Use survey said that altogether U.S. patients spend around 847 million hours a year waiting on medical attention. To make those numbers more real, that's 96,690 years, and this statistic is just from the year 2007. It is unknown whether the trend is increasing. The debate over healthcare is already muddled enough without considering whether healthcare providers are being as efficient as possible with their patients'

time. Nonetheless, it is a problem doctors need to consider addressing. In the age of instantaneous service where companies and business are constantly competing for the attention of the consumer, healthcare needs to revamp its customer service policies. A frustrated patient who must wait an hour to see the doctor for five minutes may look elsewhere for medical attention. More often then not, the average person wants to voice his or her concerns to the doctor, and it makes a great difference if the doctor genuinely listens to the patient and connects with him or her. If the patient feels valued, the time spent waiting would not matter as much. But


since many doctors, especially those who are good, are busy and over booked, it is easy to usher in the patient and prescribe without really listening or caring. Another problem could be that making patients wait allows practices to charge more for that time. When a patient sits in the examination room for 45 minutes but the doctor only sees him for five, is it ethical to charge him a higher bill for an intermediate visit, instead of a brief one? Wait-times are understood to be a usual occurrence, however inconvenient they might be. Vista Writer Kaylea Brooks can be reached at .

Continued from page 1

see how the artistic and technology community come together," he said At the beginning of DeRose's career Pixar had 125 employees, he said. Now, Pixar is growing. However, it continues to maintain the small company attitude, DeRose said. "Pixar employees those that are willing to learn," he said. "It's the thought process and lesson that is very val-

ued. If I don't know the problem I am determined to know how to solve it." The presentation was free and opened to the public. It was sponsored by the College of Mathematics, the Science Fall Seminar Series and Everyday Genius. Vista Writer Jenefar de Leon can be reached at .

hope others gain an appreciation of the artistic and technology aspect"

PAKISTAN effort will turn out to be a short-term spurt overtaken by Pakistan's preoccupation with its archrival, India. Usman Irshad, a UCO finance sophomore and president of the Pakistani Student Association, reflected the views of many of those living in Pakistan. Irshad said he is fine with the money being given by the U.S., but the problem arises with the restrictions and attachments that come with the aid. "They agreed on the money, and then it's like, the other requirements that come in after that. 'We're going to be sending troops into your country, we're gonna go into Waziristan and [all these] areas,' and the people are like, what if America repeats what they did 20 years ago when they came in and gave all the weapons to all the mujahideen trained them to go against the Soviets, and just left," he said. "And all those trained militants, they had the weapons, they had everything. Now they're the same people who rose up against the country," he said. During the Soviet War in Afghanistan from December 1979 to February 1989, the U.S. aided the insurgent leaders. America began training insurgents in, and directing propaganda broadcasts into Afghanistan from Pakistan in 1978. In early 1979, U.S. Foreign Service officers began meeting insurgent leaders to determine their needs. According to the then U.S. National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinsky, Central Intelligence Agency

he didn't know because of his students. He enjoys the challenge, he said. "Then both of us learn something new," he said. "I love it. I don't see myself ever doing anything else." On a Tuesday and Thursday morning at 9:3o, you can find Dr. Mohamed lecturing over civil rights and liberties as some students nod off under his melodical accent. But not all of them. If you look throughout the room, you'll see others listening about things they never knew.

-Dr. Tony DeRose

Continued from page 1 aid to the insurgents within Afghanistan was approved in July 1979, five months before the Soviet invasion. Then-U.S. President Jimmy Carter insisted that what he termed "Soviet aggression" could not be viewed as an isolated event of limited geographical importance but had to be contested as a potential threat to US influence in the Persian Gulf region. The US was also worried about the USSR gaining access to the Indian Ocean by coming to an arrangement with Pakistan. In 1988, the governments of Pakistan and Afghanistan, with the United States and Soviet Union serving as guarantors, signed an agreement settling the major differences between them known as the Geneva Accords. Among other things the Geneva accords identified the US and Soviet non-intervention in the internal affairs of Pakistan and Afghanistan and a timetable for full Soviet withdrawal. The agreement on withdrawal held, and on February 15, 1989, the last Soviet troops departed on schedule from Afghanistan. After the Soviet deployment, Pakistan's military ruler General Muhammad Ziaul-Haq started accepting financial aid from the Western powers to aid the mujahedeen. In 1981, following the election of US President Ronald Reagan, aid for the mujahedeen through Zia's Pakistan significantly increased, mostly due to the efforts of Texas Congressman Charlie Wilson and CIA officer Gust Avrakotos.

Irshad said he understands that the Pakistanis fear losing their sovereignty with the Kerry-Lugar bill. "They [the U.S.] want you to do what they're telling you on the basis that they're going to be giving you $1.5 billion a year," he said. The Pakistanis want the U.S. to believe that they can do it on their own, and they feel that they should have been credited more in the U.S. media with the Swat operation from earlier this year. Irshad also said the media should have reported that Pakistan did carry out an operation, he said. The operation, which occurred from April to July resulted in the country's Swat and Buner districts being clear of militants and safe for return of the displaced local population. Irshad said he is also concerned that the U.S. wants in on all of Pakistan's strategic operations and a list of all military officials. "I guess that's a little too nosy in other people's business," Irshad said. Other than these objections, Irshad is supportive of the aid being given. "The Taliban are still there, suicide bombings keep going on and you've gotta get rid of them. I haven't heard a single Pakistani say we're happy with the Taliban here. We're sick and tired of them," Irshad said. Irshad also said he does not have an issue with the aid being given, but that will

change if the same mistake from 20 years ago is made. "What if they [the U.S.] do the same thing they did last time? We'll have more trouble again. That's what they're [protesters] are saying right now." Irshad said the issue comes down to a lack of trust between the U.S. and Pakistan. "America wants us to use the money in the right place and not use it to do something else," he said. "But I guess we'll have to go through it and trust each other, hope for the best and get rid of all the terrorists." On Sunday, 39 hostages who were held by militants in Pakistan were freed after a 22-hour standoff between the militants and the Pakistani army commandoes. Their government is now set on targeting the Mehsud faction of the Taliban, which operates in the county's mountainous South Waziristan tribal area, as reported by the Wall Street Journal. "This [South Waziristan] is the main area that it is known all the Taliban, alQaida are at," he said. "It's on the same terrain that Afghanistan is, and it's hard to mobilize your troops." The U.S. and the Pakistani government are both targeting the area. Vista Co-Editor Nelson Solomon can be reached at

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PAGE 6 OCTOBER 13, 2009

Passport program presents Turkish history, culture Tiffany Brown

Turkey, this year's Passport program destination, has recently received international attention by ending a century of hostility against Armenia with a peace agreement. UC 0 welcomed Nurcihan Uysal on Oct. 7 to present the history of Turkish women during a Passport event. Uysal is a graduate student at the University of Oklahoma's Gaylord School of Journalism and the outreach director for Oklahoma City's Raindrop Turkish House Cultural Center. Uysal began "The Women in Turkey" event by discussing the Advent of Islam. The Advent of Islam was from 610 to 632 A.D. It was known as the time of the prophet [ohammed. Mohammed eltablished the Islamic religion at Mecca and has become the staple of the Islamic religion. During this time the sovereignty of women in Turkey was recognized. "Before the Advent of Islam, women didn't have rights," Uysal said. In the Arabian Peninsula, men used to bury- their daughters, after they were born. Father's were often ashamed of having girls, said. They were viewed as the property of men. Women were also seen as sexual objects in the Islamic community. In the beginning Turkish women could not choose their husbands. They were given away through arranged marriages. -

"[During] the Advent of Islam, women became spiritual and intellectual equals of men," Uysal said. Women were liberated. Thy had the opportunity to choose their husbands instead of having prearra_.,;.sci marriages. Uysal explained how her parents supported her decision to choose her own husband before she got married. During the 7th century, women were no longer considered as property. They had the right to demand mehr, the Turkish word for dowry. Also, Turkish women could get divorced, collect nafaka, a child support fee, and had a share in inheritance. "After the introduction of Islam there is some traditions that changed," Uysal said. According to Uysal the most important change was the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Era began in 1299 and ended in 1923. The span of the Ottoman Empire covered Europe, Asia, North Africa, Europe and the Mediterranean. It gave rise to strong female figures such as "Valide Sultan" which translates into Mother Sultan or Queen Mother and influenced more than 60o years of traditions and social customs. The life of Sultan Suleyman the magnificent, one of the major rulers in the Ottoman Empire, was shaped by several women; including his wife Hurrem Sultan, Roxelena. During this time the status of women was elevated. Although the Ottoman era gave women rights, cultural changes did not occur overnight.

Uysal explained how the rights and status women in Turkey has changed and the rights they gained in the past have been degraded due to patriarchal and uneducated society overtime. Restrictions were placed on rights based on gender. Men and women had clearly defined roles in society. The patriarchal society has become a part of cultural and societal norms. The Turkish society and family structure was and still is patriarchal in parts of Turkey. "It's usually the culture, tradition, and history... before Islam that shaped the status of human in the Middle Eastern country," Uysal said. The Republic Era of Turkey began in 1923.In 1924 Kemalism became one of the dominant ideologies in Turkey and replaced the Ottoman era. "After World War I the Ottoman Empire collapsed," Uysal said. Ataturk became the leader who helped establish Turkey as a nation and paved the way for the modern Turkish society. It gave women additional rights based on Western laws. Women were also encouraged to dress according to the Western Dress Codes, Uysal said. In 1930, women were given the right to vote in their local communities. In 1934, women received the right to vote nationally in Turkey. By 1935, 18 women were apart of the parliamentary in Turkey. The world's first woman supreme-court justice was a Turkish woman named Firuzan Ikinciogullari in 1930s.

Tansu Ciller, became Turkey's first women Prime Minister in 1993. Uysal said. Ciller's term ended in 1993. Depending upon the country, a prime minister may hold the same powers and have equal status compared to the U.S. president. Turkey had 5o women in the parliament after the 2008 election. Women hold Ten percent of government positions in Turkey. Turkey had a female Supreme Court justice long before the U.S. did, and since Ciller had been Prime Minister that meant Turkey has had a female head of government. This is something the USA has not yet accomplished. Just as other nations have problems that cause concern in society, Turkey also has issues that cause problems in society. Headscarf Bans have caused groups of individuals to be discriminated against. Uysal explained how she experienced prejudice based on her decision to wear a headscarf and she explained how many women dropped out of college, since the government banned students from wearing headscarfs for a period of time. The headscarf ban was more political, Uysal said. Women who chose to wear them and women who didn't wear them get along well. The ban caused friction between citizens and the government. The First Lady of Turkey Hayrunisa Gul, wife of president Abdullah Gul has also dealt with criticism for wearing headscarfs, Uysal said. Other celebrated

Photo by Tiffany Brown

Nurcihan Uysal, a graduate student at OU's Gaylord School of Journalism and the outreach director for Oklahoma City's Raindrop Turkish House CulturalCenter, discusses the history of Turkish women on Oct. 7 in the Bob Burke Film Screening Room in the Mass Communications Room. women in Turkey include: Azra Akin, a Turkish model who was crowned Miss World 2002, Nedret Taciroglu a fashion designer who has held shows New York and athletes' such as Yasemin Dalkilic, who holds numerous world records in different categories of free diving and Sureyya Ayhan a distance track runner and a European record holder, Uysal said. Turkey also has a women's volleyball team name, "Sultanas of the net" who is climbing the top spot in European league. Aksu is the 2003 Eurovision Song Contest

Winner. "Turkey does not have a homogenous image," Uysal said. Many variations, education, location, socio-economic and other factors exist. Turkey's culture has changed due to the effects of globalization and mass media and the expansion of democratic and human rights for women. "The status of women in Turkey is different," Uysal said. Not "better," not "worse," but different. Vista Writer Tiffany Brown can be reached at tbrown@uco3 60. com .

OKC to lose $40 million Associated Press

Relient K has been making the real thing since 1997, when they were in high school. In the decade since, they've released five full-length albums (three are certified Gold), five EPs and a Christmas record, toured the globe, and racked up several hit singles, a Grammy nomination, two Dove Awards and performances on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Late Night with Conan 0' Brien and Jimmy Kimmel Live. The Los Angeles Times has praised Relient K for "its smart blend of punk pop and power pop, weaving together influences P e diverse PAS the Beach Boys, Blink-182 and Fountains of Wayne" while Spin noted, "Few bands play punk-influenced modern rock f as proficiently." Joining Relient K will be Barcelona and Copeland for "A Three Hour Tour."


For ticket information, call 405-297-2264 or 1-800-364-7111. Tickets also available at the Rose State College Performing Arts Theatre box office located at 1-40 and Hudiburg Drive, Monday-Friday 9 a.m.2 p.m., 2 hours before show time and online at .

OKLAHOMA CITY — Oklahoma transportation officials expect to lose as much as $40 million in federal transportation dollars over the next month because Congress has not provided as much money for road and bridge work as it authorized, Transportation Secretary Gary Ridley said Monday. Consequently, the number of transportation projects that contractors were scheduled to bid on will be scaled back from $53 million to about $7 million — an 85 percent reduction. The projects will be funded with state or federal economic stimulus money the state already has, Ridley told the Oklahoma Transportation Commission. "We have to pare that

back substantially," Ridley said. About 20 road and bridge

projects are expected to be dropped from November's project list and contracts for the work probably will not be awarded until next spring, Ridley said. The decisions came after Congress last month approved a stopgap spending measure for 30 days of funding on the final day of the federal fiscal year Sept. 30. Oklahoma could lose up to $135 million in federal transportation dollars in the next 12 to 18 months unless Congress acts, Ridley said. Federal lawmakers took the action as they wrestle with declining transportation revenue from federal fuel taxes, Ridley said. "The highway trust fund is gradually going broke," he said. "How do we fund transportation in the future? Congress has a lot

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of work to do." The fund, which gets money from the federal gas tax, has been hit hard by a reduction in the amount of gas purchased by American motorists. Congress had to pump $8 billion into the fund last fall to keep it solvent. "It is a looming problem," Ridley said. "We're living day-to-day, weekto-week with our projects. We're dealing with a lot of unknowns." Ridley said Oklahoma's transportation department has obligated more than $412 million of the $464.6 million in economic stimulus money it received from the federal government earlier this year. A total of 23 projects funded by $31.8 million in federal stimulus money have already been completed, he said. An additional $26 million in stimulus money has been set aside for two dozen projects in cities and towns across the state to comply with street and sidewalk access requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Ridley said transportation officials expect to hear from federal officials early next year on the state's application for federal highspeed rail funds, also part of the stimulus program. On Thursday, the state applied for about $2 billion in federal funds for rail improvements between Tulsa, Oklahoma City and the Texas state line along the nationally designated South Central High Speed Rail Corridor. A total of $8 billion has been set aside for high-speed rail projects nationwide.


PAGE 7 OCTOBER 13, 2009

Making a Statement; Bronchos stomp competition UCO hockey sweeps their ACHA Showcase opponents Chris Wescott I IS

A di t,

The University of Central Oklahoma headed into this past weekend with two goals in mind. Sweep the American Collegiate Hockey Association Showcase, and make a statement nationally. The Bronchos did both and in dramatic fashion this past Friday, Saturday and Sunday in Youngstown, Ohio. The first official regular season rankings were released last Friday and UCO stayed at the 12-spot. This came after the Bronchos dropped their first two games against the number one team in the nation, but bounced back big-time. UCO had won four straight, prior to this set of rankings. Those for included a series of total domination over Saint Louis University. Then UCO flexed their muscles against the, at the time, No. 22 team in the nation. They swept No. 22 Robert Morris, looking dominant at times. Those two series sweeps were not

enough to put the Bronchos into the top ten. However, this weekend went a long way in showing the voters why UCO belongs there. The Bronchos faced three tough opponents in the Showcase, but would not be denied the three game sweep. It started with Youngstown State, who received votes in the preseason rankings, but came into the Showcase un-ranked. UCO had little difficulties getting their first win of the competition and shut out Youngstown 3-o. The Bronchos had some more difficulties in the second match on Saturday as they played their first ranked opponent of the Showcase. UCO faced Duquesne University who is currently ranked No. 20 in the nation after starting the season No. 16. The game stayed tight early, but UCO broke away in the final period. The Bronchos would go on to trounce Duquesne 7-3. Goaltender Justin Sgro faced 23 shots, letting three by. Jonathan Cannizzo con-

tinued his great season start with his sec- and had an assist. Brent Block scored a ond hat trick of the year. Team Captain goal himself, and Roadhouse added the Matt Cohn sunk one in the net, and added fourth score. Higgins had a lone assist, to two assists. Tony Panizzo added a goal and pair with Alfrey and Cohn who had two a an assist. Brent Block and captain Erik piece. Janses also had scores in the win. Derek With the three game sweep this past Szecsodi, Patrick Higgins, Nick Novak and weekend, the Bronchos move to 7-2 on team captain AJ Alfrey all had one assist. the season. They have four quality wins Jacob Roadhouse had four assists to his against ranked opponents. Their only two name on the night. losses game in the two game opening series With that win, the Bronchos had three against the reigning national champions wins on the season against a ranked oppo- and top-ranked Lindenwood University. nent. They would have another go at it on They wanted to make a statement, and Sunday morning as they faced No. 9 Rhode they have. Island in a battle of two evenly matched UCO will have a week off to recover and teams. then return home to play Indiana at Arctic The game stayed tight all 6o minutes. Edge Arena on October 23-24 in a two The Bronchos finally downed the Rams in game series. the third period. Rhode Island would have a chance late in the game as time expired to tie the game as they pulled their goalie Vista Sports Editor Chris Wescott can be reached at and crashed the net, but UCO held strong cwescott@uco360. corn. and won the game 4-3. Sgro faced 34 shots, and let in three. Shawn Steggles had one goal and an assist. Cannizzo scored a goal

Football falls to Southeastern 41-24 Chris Wescott ,h,„,

The University of Central Oklahoma was handed their fifth straight loss by Southeastern Oklahoma State this past Saturday losing 4 1-24. The game was over when Southeastern scored on a nine yard Justin Pitrucha touchdown pass to Jerrod Temple with 8:25 left in the fourth quarter effectively ending the Bronchos' attempts at a comeback. UCO falls to 1-6 on the season and the Savage Storm moved to 5-2. The Savage Storm opened up the scoring on a highlight reel 56 yard touchdown run by Josh Johnson. That put SOSU up 7-0 with 13:10 remaining in the first period. UCO would answer back with Chris Robbs 45 yard field goal with 1:45 left in the quarter, narrowing the lead to four. SOSU would then hit their scoring stride in the second. It all started when Noe Lopez picked off UCO quarterback Brandon Noohi and returned it 60 yards to the endzone, putting the Storm up 14-3. SOSU would then score on an eight yard touchdown pass from Pitrucha to Daniel Nichols with 8:2o left in the half. The Storm would then drive 10 plays for 46 yards in the final 1:35 of the half and kick a 23 yard field goal as time expired. SOSU would lead 24-3 at the half. Broncho quarterback Brandon Noohi opened the second half scoring on a 20 yard touchdown run. That capped a clutch five play, 77 yard drive and put UCO within two scores. The Bronchos needed a defensive stop, but would have to settle for allowing a field goal. SOSU would kick a 46 yarder, putting them up 27-10 closing out the third quarter. In the fourth, UCO would try to comeback, but SOSU's offense was ready to answer back to every Broncho score. Daniel Morrell scored on a 25 yard pass from Noohi with 13:54 left in the game. That play capped a quick 1:17 drive that went 48 yards. SOSU answered back a few minutes later on the nine yard touchdown pass from Pitrucha to

Soccer tops Angelo State 2-0

Temple with 8:25 left to play. UCO could not recover. The Bronchos would score on an 8o yard touchdown pass from Noohi to Morrell with 7:49 left. However it would not be enough. SOSU would score again on another Pitrucha touchdown pass and the Bronchos would go on to lose 41-24 in front of a SOSU homecoming crowd of 5,586. Brandon Noohi continued his success through the air, but tossed three costly interceptions. One was returned for a touchdown. His final numbers were 20 of 32 for 267 yards and two touchdowns. He was sacked twice, but rushed for 21 yards. Ben Birmingham once again led the Bronchos in rushing. He ran for 71 yards on 12 carries for a respectable 5.9 average. Daniel Morrell picked up the receiving slack, as Gallimore had an off game catching only three balls for ten yards. Morrell caught six passes for 142 yards and two touchdowns. The problem for UCO, besides turnovers, was defense. SOSU racked up 475 yards of total offense. 317 were through the air, and 158 on the ground. The storm also had 24 first downs on the day. UCO had a tough time containing SOSU's star players. Josh Johnson, the Savage Storm running back, ran for 102 yards on 13 carries and had one touchdown. Baylen Laury also rushed 17 times for 84 yards. Justin Pitrucha had a field day through the air. He completed 37 of 51 passes for three touchdowns and two interceptions. The Bronchos didn't have a complete lack of defense. Their pass rush was in full force on Saturday. UCO got to Pitrucha three times and forced two interceptions. They also added three quarterback hurries. Tucker Cason led the way in tackles with 13. He also had two tackles for a loss. UCO will come back to Edmond to play Southwestern Oklahoma State University this Saturday at 6: oo p.m. at Wantland Stadium.

Steve Vidal .sp„,/,• II


Wind, cold, or Angelo State could not slow down the UCO Soccer team on Friday. The Bronchos beat the Rambelles 2-0 Friday at Wantland Stadium in a game that could have been a lot more lopsided on the scoreboard. UCO improved its record to 10-4-1 and 4-1 in the conference. Angelo State carried the play for the first few minutes of the game before UCO settled in. Katy Kashwer had a goo(' chance to put UCO on the board near the end of the half, but shot the ball wide of the post. The teams ended the half tied in shots with four apiece and UCO had a 2-1 advantage in shots on goal. "I thi -,.k we should have put some away in the first half and nut keep them in the game, but our effort paid off the whole second half our goalie didn't touch the ball once," senior tullback Alli Miller said. After a scoreless first half the second half was all UCO, pummeling the Angelo State net with shots, just missing on several attempts. Finally at the 79:04 mark of the game freshman Dominique Dinka broke the deadlock with the first goal of her career off of an assist by Summer Grantham giving UCO a 1-o lead. Less than four minutes later the Bronchos executed a corner kick from Tiffany Meek perfectly feeding the ball to Meghan Saliba, who put it away from 20 yards out for her third of the season to take the two- goal advantage. "It's frustrating because this is

the kind of game that at some point kept going, kept going and I mean one mistake or something and all of a sudden there up one nothing so we gotta finish those chances, that's what we've talked about," UCO Head Coach Mike Cook said on the missed opportunities throughout the game. However he was very happy with his team's dominating performance in the second half finally breaking through for the two late goals. The Bronchos outshot the Rambelles an amazing 20-0 in the second half and 24-4 in the match including 8-o in shots on goal in the second half. Summer Grantham led UCO in the shot department with five and tied for the game lead in shots on goal with Brittni Walker with two UCO played thi., game once .gain at Wantland Stadium due to drainage problems from the previous day's heavy rain at Tom Thompson Field. So far the newl-- renovated Thompson field has been unavailable for all home games this season. UCO hoped to finally get to use Thompson Field in a match with Abilene Christian on Sunday Oct. 11. The Lam heads back out on the road this Friday for their final regular season road match against East Central before returning home for a big match against Midwestern State on Oct. 25 at 1 p.m. Vista Sports Writer Steve Vidal can be reached at .







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PAGE 8 OCTOBER 13, 2009

Buddy Broncho: Behind the mask Steve Vidal Sports Writer

Have you ever been at a UCO football game or other sporting event and wondered who is inside the Buddy the Broncho suit? Could it be a classmate or someone you know from around campus? Whoever it is, it takes a special personality to pull off being the school's fun loving mascot. The person just happens to be junior Caleb Everett, a student with two interesting lives in college: one as a normal college student, and the other as Buddy the Broncho. "Being Buddy the Broncho is an amazing opportunity but that's not who I am but I love doing it," Everett said. Everett is originally from Midwest City. He went to Carl Albert High School, where he played football and soccer. He never thought of becoming a mascot until he was at UCO. He decided to come to UCO because his Mom went to school here and his brother also attends UCO. Everett is a music production major and attends the Academy of Contemporary Music. After he earns that degree, he plans on coming back to earn another in advertising. When Everett is not in school or the mascot suit, he enjoys video games and music. He is also in a fraternity and involved in numerous campus activities. "I'm really into all kinds of music, there's not really one that I would say that I'm into," Everett said. "I've been playing guitar since I was in eighth grade, other than that I'm just a normal college student." Early in Everett's sophomore year the former Buddy, Jake Hansen, was unable to make it to a presentation. Everett, who worked a resident assistant at Murdaugh Hall, was contacted by Josh Deacon, one of the heads of housing, and asked if he would consider trying on the suit and filling in for Hansen. After wearing the suit at the event, Everett had no idea that Hansen would retire two weeks later. That left a permanent position opened as Buddy the Broncho and Everett was encouraged to try out for the position. Auditions were held over the course of a few days and Everett competed against a few other people before he secured the position. "The process of trying out was really the most awkward thing because it was in Constitution Hall and it was the advisor and the old Buddy the Broncho," Everett said. "It was a big huge room with just the two of them and all they did was just stare at me while I danced."

Photo by Byron Koontz

UCO junior Caleb Everett poses in front of a football practice at Wantland Stadium. Everett lives a double life, one as a normal college student and another as Buddy the Broncho, UCO's mascot. Everett is a music production major and attends the new Academy of Contemporary Music. He brings his own routines and moves to add to the already infamous Buddy attitude.

During football games and other events Buddy can be seen working closely with the UCO cheerleaders. Everett said he doesn't do any formal practice with them during most of the year, however he does practice with them in the Spring before they compete in the NCAA Cheerleading Championships. "Most of Buddy's stuff is self taught," Everett said. "It's like me just going out there and being goofy which is what Buddy does." Everett is a huge UCO fan and loves being the mascot at sporting events and other UCO functions. He also goes to off-campus events at places like Edmond Electric where he has entertained children. "My favorite part of the job is being able to represent the university," Everett said. Junior high kids are usually the most difficult for Everett to deal with because some of them don't think they can hurt the person in the suit. Everett has had the tail on the suit pulled many times and has even been kicked in the shins. He said the difficult part is continuing to act happy when he is in pain from being kicked. Another interesting fact about the Buddy suit is that when it is not is use it is locked in a room that only eight people have access to. To prevent theft, a special access card is needed to get into the room. If the suit turns up missing there is information in a computer to show the last person that entered the secure room. There was no training camp or boot camp that Everett had to attend after he got the mascot job. He said his natural tendency for acting goofy helps him bring his own style to the job, and no one had to coach him on what to do. There is a mascot camp that is part of the cheerleader camp during the summer that teaches the art of a being a better mascot, but Everett was not able to attend it this past summer. Everett said winning a national championship with the cheer squad is the coolest thing he has experienced as Buddy. He gives all of the credit to the cheer squad because, he said, all he really had to do was go out there and dance. "It gave me the opportunity to become a national championship which is something I can always say," Everett said As you might expect being Buddy the Broncho includes a busy travel schedule. Everett says that Buddy is usually required to be at events that the cheerleaders have to be at. Most of the time he takes the bus with them. Everett says he loves traveling to all of the sporting events and other events where he can represent UCO. "Honestly it hasn't been too hard because the demands of Buddy really extend to the weekend the majority of the time," Everett said on his ability to balance school with being the mascot. "The real task is not football season it's basketball season," added Everett. Some of those games are in the middle of the week and since there is a girl's team and a guy's team he stays extra busy. He enjoys the challenge and says he handled basketball season pretty well last year. Everett is using his job as Buddy to further his education. He receives the same type of scholarship that the cheerleaders get for . being the mascot. In addition to being Buddy, he also continues to be a resident assistant at Murdaugh Hall. As for his future after college Everett has thought

about what it would be like to be a mascot for some other organization. He has even thought about trying out to be Oklahoma City Thunder mascot Rumble the Bison. However he doesn't know if he would have the same kind of drive and passion for it because he would not be representing his school like he does when he is Buddy. Everett has no plans on giving up the job before he graduates, but he does have advice for future Buddy's. "Remember that just like if you are a football player anytime you strap up ... you are always representing the university and just try to maintain a positive attitude," Everett said. "Even if you're sick you got to go out there and give it as much as you can at all times." Everett has performed sick a few times and has the responsibility of finding and training someone to do the job if he really cannot perform at an event. There is no alternate or backup Buddy. Everett tries to be at the events with a fill in Buddy to at least help coach them to do the job on the rare occasions a fill in is needed. The next time you see Buddy the Broncho whipping the crowd into a frenzy at a game, or entertaining children at an event, you'll know that the person inside the suit truly has a passion for what they are doing.

Photo by Allison Rathgeber

Caleb Everett [Above] in the Buddy the Broncho suit on September 19, 2009 at the UCO vs. Tarleton State football game at Wantland Stadium.

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