The Vista Oct. 14, 1997

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University of Central Oklahoma

TUESDAY October 14, 1997

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The Student Voice Since 1903

Dorm residents petition to keep custodians By Phillip Roder

Staff Writer UCO's Custodial Services Committee met Friday afternoon to discuss hiring a n e w custodial service despite the fact dorm residents petitioned against it. Kidess Tewfic Kidess, Resident Hall Association (RHA) president, presented a petition signed by many dorm residents concerned about losing the current staff. "The people cleaning the dorms now are like our family," said Kidess. Kidess Pederson said he is concerned about times when the dorms would be cleaned after the new custodial service takes over. The students want to ensure that the bathrooms will be cleaned after "peak times" to control diseases, he said.

"Our goal here is cleaner buildings," said Dr. Cornelius Wooten, vice president of administration. One of the most important issues the committee took into consideration was the loyalty of the custodians to the company they're employed by, said Lennis Pederson, facilities management director. The committee does not want to hire a company who will be shipping new people in every week, he said. The committee wants the faculty and the custodians to have a relationship where they're on a first-name basis. Current UCO employees have the option to work for the new company for three months, and anything after that would be decided by the company, said Pederson. The person certified to care for the Hamilton Fieldhouse pool will be retained for at least one more year, he said. "We want to make sure that the pool is cared for by someone who is certified," said Pederson. The committee also wants to ensure the security of the buildings. If the cleaners come at night, they will have to have access to the offices, which has been a problem in the past, said Pederson. The committee would like for the new custodial staff to begin work Jan. 1, 1998,he said

Hanging by a thread...

UCO student Tasha Wynn loads yarn in Dr. Jo Ann Adams' weaving class. The class is one of the only weaving classes in the state and is held every semester. (Staff photo by Bryan Terry)

UCO 10-year plan outlined; Planning groups formed By Colby Grieser

Staff Writer w o UCO administrators have outlined a plan for change—a plan that has a goal of keeping the university competitive and innovative going into the 21st century. Doug Fox, executive in

residence, and Dr. Ed Cunliff, director of Institutional Research and Planning, have written a document called Planning for the 21st Century, which explains the ten-year plan. The first part of the process involves creating ten area planning groups; one for each college, one for each of the four administrative areas, and one for

technology. These groups will examine each of the areas they were established for. There is also a University Planning Group (UPG), which will oversee the area planning groups. It includes a chairperson from each area planning group, three students, faculty, alumni and

INSIDE TODAY • FEATURE Black Lab Editorial 2 provides Sports 8-9 aid and companionship Around Campus ... 14 to UCO writer.


Classifieds 15


FOOTBALL The Bronchos win fourth straight; ranked nationally


KIDS' FAIR Student group sponsors festival for local children at UCO.


V See PLAN, Page 3

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