University of Central Oklahoma
TUESDAY October 17, 1995
The Student Voice Since 1903
Proposal hints changes for UCO legislative bills in the 1996 The draft suggested UCO or that collectively report as a Affiliated universities "should session, said Rick Buchannan, the University Center at Tulsa as system responsible to 'the be administered by a Chief Keating's press secretary. candidates that could "address Oklahoma State Regents for Executive Officer (CEO) A secondary model for that need." Higher Education (OSRHE). responsible for all operations. alignment would include a third Under the present educational The draft concludes that the "The officer would coordinate A preliminary proposal to comprehensive university that structure, each institution system could "conservatively administrative and operational restructure would "focus on education supports - its own student body save over $4 million by practices with the affiliated t h e degrees, development and and separate administrative staff, consolidating administrative university president." Oklahoma research." faculty and associated programs functions only. educational See REPORT, Page 6 system will align UCO and other universities with OU or 0 S U , eliminate Brisch tenure and reduce many administrative and staff positions. The final report by the Governor's Performance Team, a staff of 50 state employees and private citizens, will be presented at a public hearing 2 p.m. Oct. 18 in the Will Rogers Room at UCO. Peat Marwick, a local consulting firm, provided the research team with statistical analysis. The request for the proposal was made by Gov. Frank Keating. This will be forwarded to the Governor's Commission on Government Performance, which will then evaluate the recommendations and forward its own proposals to Keating by Nov. 15. .Keating will review the The Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority house float represents the homecoming parade theme of building for the future. The commission's report and use float was one of many with a construction motive during the parade Saturday(Staff photo by Joy McNutt) whatever he thinks is feasible NI See related story, Page 4 legislation to be included as
By Susan Reger Staff Writer
UCO pride....
Campus Quotes .... 2 Around Campus 15 Sports 10,11 Comics 15 Classifieds 16
HOMECOMING UCO Homecoming parade themes excellence in state emergency rescue services, Broncho spirit.
SPORTS Defending LSC champs Texas A&MKingsville rains on UCO's Homecoming game 27-21.
HEALTH TIPS Wholelistic health column equates early cancer detection with better recovery