Week promotes alcohol awareness
Homecoming 2004
■ Campus groups will provide alcohol abuse information and will host events. by Sarah Skinner Staff Writer
Photo by Robert Crauthers
A member of the UCO marching band plays during halftime Oct. 16 at the Homecoming football game. The Bronchos won the game to continue an undefeated season. For Homecoming photos, see page 8. For game information, see page 10.
UCO hosts foreign policy forum ■ Experts spoke last week on U.S. involvement in the world and on global security to an audience of about 50. by Michael Robertson Staff Writer
Approximately fifty people gathered in the Nigh University Center Oct. 12 to participate in the "American Power and Global Security" discussion about the United States' foreign policy. The event was part of "The People Speak" series of community forums, designed to stimulate discussion among the public about current political issues. The event was funded by the United
Nations Foundation and co-sponsored by the Oklahoma Campus Compact and the Greater Oklahoma Chapter of the United Nations Foundation. A panel of experts spoke on issues of foreign policy, including: Dr. Don Betz, UCO provost and vice-president for Academic Affairs; Dr. Randal Jones, UCO political science professor; Retired General Dennis J. Reimer, director of the National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism; Dr. John Cragin, political science professor at
Oklahoma Baptist University; and Dr. David Nixon, depai Intent head and associate professor of political science at OSU. Sue Darst Tate, director of the Alternative Dispute Resolution System for the Oklahoma Supreme Court, moderated the forum. She opened it with comments from each panel member, asking them to talk about the different forms of power available to America when dealing with other countries. Gen. Reimer spoke first, citing the
Carol Channing to make one-night appearance • The television and movie actor will perform this weekend at Mitchell Hall. by Kelley Chambers Staff Writer
While many college students may not be familiar with Carol Channing, she's coming to UCO's Mitchell Hall Theatre anyway, for a one-night only performance on Oct. 22. Channing is perhaps best known for her 1964 Tony Award-winning role as Dolly Levi in "Hello Dolly!" Since then she has appeared in several movies, countless television shows, at nightclubs, has recorded ten gold albums and has the distinction of unseating the Beatles on the record charts in 1964, with her original cast recording of "Hello
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see CHANNING, page 3 Actor Carol Channing will perform at Mitchell Hall Oct. 22.
collapse of the Soviet Union and the subsequent end of the Cold War in December 1989 as the time when America's position in the world changed. "(The Cold War) was a world we understood," Reimer said. "We hadn't thought through what would happen if the Soviets collapsed." Reimer went on to identify military, moral, economic, and diplomatic powers
see POLICY, page 5
Policies in effect to deter drinking at Greek events by Sarah Roberson Copy Editor
Not all Greeks drink and not all schools allow drinking. UCO, along with all other regional universities in the state are dry campuses, and fraternity and sorority houses are included in this policy. Although some associate Greek organizations with drinking, UCO Pan-Hellenic President Elizabeth Greenwood said she doesn't believe Greek members drink any more than the average college student. Dan Ross a junior ACACIA member said, "I think it's just a brand and it plays into the media stereotype." But according to the American Psychological Association, one study conducted by the Psychology
Department at the University of Missouri-Columbia, found that students who did not drink in high school and later joined a fraternity or sorority, were two to three times more likely to drink in their first year of college than those who do not join. Although UCO is dry, student organizations can get approval to have alcohol at their functions through third-party vendors. But, alcohol is not allowed on the actual campus. "They (the organizations) have to go through an approval process with Campus Life," Greenwood said. This policy was instated in the fall of 2003, Greenwood said, and Fry believes it is an improvement to the old system. Before, students were not allowed alco-
see GREEK, page 7
Bacchus and Gamma will host activities for "Alcohol Awareness Week" Oct. 18 to 22 to promote alcohol abuse awareness among university students. The organization, designed to focus on alcohol abuse and safety, hosted an "Alcohol 101" party in the Commons Clubhouse at which they had free food, music, informational games and responsible drinking information. They had the Alcohol 101 CD-ROM program for students to try, and they had Fatal Vision Goggles, that allow a person to find out what the world looks like after they have had a few drinks. Bacchus and Gamma also provided BACZONE cards. These cards are based on gender and weight, and let a person know how many drinks they can have before their blood alcohol content is above the legal limit. Bacchus and Gamma is also hosting a drunk driving simulation from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Wednesday at Broncho Lake. There will be free food, provided by TADCA, and students can come see the effects of drunk
see AWARENESS, page 3 CAMPUS ANNOUNCEMENTS ■ Volunteers are needed for Poverty Awareness Week, Oct. 25-30. For information, visit ■ The annual International Festival will be from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 12 in the Nigh University Center Ballroom. For information, e-mail Hans Dookhony at Or Steven Ondieks at . ■ "Make a Difference Day" will begin at 9 a.m. Oct. 30. Sixty volunteers are needed for the service project, and anyone interested should sign up by Oct. 27. To sign up, contact Derek Burks, UCO Volunteer Center Coordinator in Rm. 414 of the Nigh University Center, at 9742621, or e-mail dburks@ucok.eclu. ■ The Student Health Center will give flu vaccinations Oct. 25 for $15. For more information, call the Student Health Center at 974-2317.
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