Vol. 83, No. 14
October 25, 1984
Thursday Edition
Central State University, Edmond, Oklahoma
Candidates begin scramble for student senate elections By Curtis Killman The election of the Student Senate officers by the student body will not take place until Nov. 14, but a scramble for the soon to be vacated presidential seat is already developing. In an effort to give the voter the opportunity to make an intelligent decision, The Vista will run a series of articles profiling each candidate running for office. Joe McCourry, the current president of the Student Senate, will not be running for office, after serving in that position for the past two years. Although formal filing for offices does not begin until Oct. 29,
four people are expected to file for the office, according to Helen McNulty, secretary of the Student Senate. According to McNulty, the student senators who intend to vie for the office of president are John Buttry, the current vice president; Ed Howell, current parliamentarian; Simon Okonjo, leader of the Nigerian student union, and Bill Smith, a transfer student from Rose State College. McNulty, who also plans to run for a senate position, says she will wait until Monday before announcing which office she will seek. Joe McCourry, president of the Student Senate for the past two
years, is stepping down this year but says, "I'll ask the newly elected officers to appoint me to a vacant senator position, so that I can be available to them on an advisory basis. "The new officers are going to find that there are many areas of their office that is unfamiliar to them. I can be of some help." McCourry said there will be a forum at 10:30 a.m. Oct. 12, two days before the election, in the LA Auditorium. All the candidates will be present for this open discussion and all are invited to attend. The deadline for filing for office is 5 p.m. Nov. 9.
Wanted for questioning concerning rape in Edmond, on Oct. 5. Suspect is described as black male, approximately 25 years of age, 6 feet tall, 165 pounds, slender, dark eyes, short afro, medium complexion.
Edmond police search for 'weekend rapist' By Jeff McCall The Edmond Police Department is currently searching for a man whom they believe to be responsible for the rapes of four Edmond women. On Sept. 14, the suspect began his rash of crimes by passing through an unlocked door of a duplex and raping his first victim. On the rapist's second attack, he entered through an unlocked garage door of the victim's house. He then raped her while her children slept nearby. Sneaking into an unlocked car while his victim was in a convience store, the suspect hid in the back seat until she returned. Forcing her to drive to Oklahoma City, he raped her then made her bring him back into Edmond. On October 6, the fourth and last reported rape occurred when the victim, heard a noise outside her door and opened it. The rapist forced his way into the residence and raped her. All of the victims are caucasian and range from 24-40 years of
age. All the rapes occured after or around midnight. Although the specific whereabouts of the suspect are unknown, Detective Manie Brewer of the Edmond Police Department believes the suspect may live in the "university area," since the rapes have been committed on the northside of Edmond. Brewer suggested basic precautionary measures to prevent being raped. "Keep doors and windows locked at all times. Keep strangers out of the house and try to have company when you're in a parking lot late at night", he advised. The suspect is described as a black male, approximately 25-years-old, 6-foot tall, 165 pounds, slender, dark eyes, with a short black afro and medium complexion. He speaks proper English and has no discernable accent. Anyone information about this person should contact the Edmond Police Department at 341-4008, or the Oklahoma City Police Department Crimestoppers at 235-7300.
In this issue... Male suicides... page 3 Who's Who on campus...page 4 Student wins first in arts festival...page 5 KCSC broadcasts local talent...page 6 CSU hosts Cameron...page 8
Dr. Lee Hicks
Douglas Duke
Profs given communication award By Eva Galipeau Two oral communications instructors received awards for outstanding service in their fields at the Oklahoma Speech, Theatre and Communication Association's annual convention Oct. 22. Doug Duke, director of debate and retiring president of OSTCA, was recognized as the Outstanding University Instructor for 1984. Duke, who was elected president
of the organization in 1983, was instrumental in coordinating this year's convention in Tulsa. "It is a honor to be recognized by your peers," Duke said. "It makes the award extra nice when people you work with recognize and appreciate your efforts." Dr. Lee Hicks, drama director, was recognized as the Outstanding Drama Instructor for 1984. Hicks
has been a member of the CSU faculty since 1954 and has directed more than 70 plays. He also serves as regional chairman of the American College Theatre Festival. The instructors were nominated by their peers in the communications field at both the high school and university level. The convention attracted more than eighty educators from across the state.
Program promotes self-support in third world African countries By Kathleen Neary A missions program titled "Tarzan Doesn't Live Here Anymore" will be presented by Dr. Hall F. Duncan, professor of advertising and marketing at CSU, and his wife, Evelyn R. Duncan, assistant professor of administrative services and business education at CSU, at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 24, at the Clegg United Methodist Church. The program will feature Central Africa and how by teaching effective business practices to business men and women in Africa, the country can become self/supporting. Dr. Duncan said that he hopes to recruit groups of business men and women in Oklahoma to assist in providing personnel and equipment for business
education programs in the high schools and continued adult education programs in Zimbabwe. "The idea is once this is established we will have a number of African people to go to other countries to help build a sound business education program," Dr. Duncan stated. Last summer the Duncans were invited by the Africa Church Growth and Development Department of the Methodist Church in Harare, Zimbabwe to tour Zimbabwe. They lectured at schools and universities in England, Scotland, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan and Zimbabwe. According to Dr. Duncan, there will also be a slide presentation of their trip and everyone is invited to attend the program.