The Vista October 25, 1994

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State election '94 update inside University of Central Oklahoma

TUESDAY October 25, 1994

The Student Voice Since 1903

Spring enrollment procedures receive extensive facelift


By Julie Dye Staff Writer

(Staff Photo by David McNeese)

New UCO pay lot justified? By Roy Howe Staff Writer Anger was quick to greet some students last Wednesday as they found the parking lot east of the University Center manned with toll attendants for the first time. Students who were using the lot didn't understand it is was not designed for student or staff parking, said A.K. Rahman, director of Auxiliary Services. "That lot has always been a metered lot for University Center business only," he said. Rahman said the 468 space lot was purchased by Auxiliary Services to provide places for customers of the University Center, for visitors to the campus who are not allowed to park in the places designated for UCO students, faculty or staff. "We have over 200,000 people per year who are not students who attend the University Center for conferences, meetings, special training, banquets and continuing education," Rahman said. "They need a place to park." Students may ask if their tuition helps pay for this parking area. "No state funds are given to Auxiliary Services," Rahman said. "It's part of the campus because it serves the campus population, but it gen-


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SPORTS UCO Lady Bronchos volleyball defeat Texas' Tarleton State in three games last Thursday.

erates its own revenue," he said. Six employees man the lot and are paid from the Auxiliary Services budget. The pay lot has six places to enter and two exits. Students can park in the lot if they are willing to pay, Rahman said. "I've had some students who only take one class and say 'I don't mind parking in the pay lot."' Rahman said the pay lot should be no surprise to anyone as signs stating "soon to be pay lot" have surrounded the area for 18 months. He also said that pay areas are found at almost all colleges and universities and that UCO's is one of the most reasonably priced. The new lot's hours of operation are 6:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. and will usually be open to anyone for no charge on the weekends. The rates to park at the new lot range from no charge for the first 30 minutes to $4.50 for more than seven hours. Parking decals for UCO students to park in the various designated areas cost $25 per year or $15 per semester. After 5 p.m., commuter students with a valid parking permit can park anywhere on campus except those designated for handicapped, 24-hour reserve, maintenance, the pay lot or a resident space.

KEEP ON TOP An easy to read guide for students interested in the Nov. 8 governor election is on pages 10-11.


With the latest class schedule on the stands, students will soon line administration building halls to enroll in spring classes. But some changes in procedure have been enacted to ensure returning UCO students have priority when enrolling, said Jerry Legere, assistant vice president for enrollment management/registrar. "In the past, for the first opportunity to enroll, UCO never made the distinction between whether you were already in school at UCO or whether you were a brand new person coming in," Legere said. "As a result, there could be a senior from another institution coming in and enrolling with our seniors, and it's very conceivable that in high demand courses, some of those seniors who weren't previously enrolled here could be taking seats away from our students." The solution was to create priority enrollment, where currently enrolled UCO students are first in line for classes. Seniors will be considered first among students, followed by juniors, sophomores and freshmen. "Priority becomes more and more important as students get up into their junior and senior years," Legere said. "Some classes fill quickly, and we want to make a commitment to those students who have continuously been pursuing their degree at UCO." Priority enrollment begins Nov. 2 for grad students and seniors and runs in order of classification and alphabetical listing until the day before Thanksgiving break, Nov. 22. Currently enrolled students, regardless of class or alphabetical listing, will be allowed one last "all" day, Nov. 28, before non-enrolled students begin to register. "Once the priority period is over, we'll move into early enrollment," Legere said. "That's where it's opened up to new students, new transfers, and continuing students who, for whatever reason, chose not to take advantage of their priority."

See ENROLL, Page 6

WORLDLY WISDOM International Week events give students an opportunity to "see the world."


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