University of = Central Oklahoma
THURSDAY October 26, 1995
The Student Voice Since 1903
Final reform proposed for education overhaul By Susan Reger Staff Writer
Local reaction was less than enthusiastic to a proposal by the Governor's Performance Team to overhaul Oklahoma's education system. A small crowd attended the public Elsner hearing Oct. 18 in UCO's Will Rogers Suite. Deregulation of public schools, alignment of state colleges and universities under OU or OSU, reallocation of resources and elimination of tenure were a few of the recommendations made by the team after eight months of research. "Changes such as this need to be thoroughly discussed across the state, not just among 50 people," said Dr. Kenneth Elsner, dean of the college of education. The team, composed of 50 state employees and private citizens, explained the two major goals of the plan to members of the Governor's Commission on Government Performance who
will review the proposal and forward its own recommendations to Gov. Keating by Nov. 15. "The mission of the proposal is to monitor performance outcome of students and achieve financial integrity, said Michael Ashcraft, Oklahoma City businessman and team member. "The intent of the team was not to dictate texts, close schools or eliminate funding." President Nigh said he would hold comment until the final report and Dr. Stephen Law, UCO faculty senate president said he believed the proposal would be the worst thing Nigh to happen to higher education. With the assistance of Peat Marwick, a local consulting firm, estimated overall savings average $200 million in the first year and $1 billion over a period of five years. Ashcraft said the team's proposal was customer-driven and cost-effective to be achieved by streamlining the overall structure and operation of
the educational system. One example of structural change would be to centralize services such as personnel, payroll and accounting to one center instead of employing a similar staff at each school district or university, he said. Under the proposal, agencies such as the Oklahoma Regents for Higher Education would be replaced by a secretary of education selected by the governor with approval by the senate. "Instead of downsizing, elimination of jobs would occur more often through attrition as employees resigned or retired," said Ashcraft. Alignment of the colleges and universities under OU and OSU would eliminate excessive administrative layers and improve abilities for students to successfully transfer credits between schools, he said. Elsner said he hoped legislators would bring Law in people from other states who have V See PROPOSAL, Page 6
Pouring the future... Salvador Trugillo smoothes wet concrete for a new sidewalk near the Art Building, while Louis Montoya guides the shoot. (Staff photo by Joy McNutt)
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