The Vista Oct. 27, 2009

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Four-day schedule still a possibility Kory Oswald Ilariagmg Editor UCO is studying the possibility of moving to a four-day school week for the entire campus, but the alternative scheduling would not be implemented until the fall of 2010 at the earliest. "With no hesitation, I tell you the decision has not been made one way or the other," Dr. William Radke, the provost and vice president for academic affairs, said. "I don't think there is a huge urgency. It might be spring [2011], or it might be fall eleven, because this is a huge shift." Radke began to consider the prospects of alternative class scheduling last fall amid concerns that enrollment would decrease due to high fuel prices. In September 2008, Radke created the "Alternative Scheduling Action Team" to study the issue and look at all possible options regarding an alternative class schedule. "In the interest of being a green university and reducing the amount of travel to campus and ... in trying to preserve enrollment, academic affairs agreed to form an alternative scheduling task force," Radke said. The team released a report of their findings in April with two key recommendations that were based almost exclusively on feedback from the 2,167 students that responded to the survey. The recommendations were to change to a four-day schedule or leave the current scheduling in place. The first option in the team's recommendation is a system of two class periods a week for most classes. This MondayWednesday and Tuesday-Thursday arrangement would set up the four day

very light day. Effectively, we are already a four-day university," Radke said. The most challenging area for a fourday schedule will be the sciences and arts. There are a limited number of labs with a large number of students that need to use them, and dance class must meet five days a week to meet the accreditation requirements. The report said the primary benefits for the alternative scheduling would be "student convenience and interest and better facilities utilization." If the alternative scheduling were enacted, the campus would have to ensure adequate staffing for the entire campus. Radke said the Friday and Saturday classes would probably be staffed with adjunct professors. UCO Safety and Transportation Services would have to make sure they had the staff to open the buildings on Saturdays. Janitorial services currently end at midnight on Fridays and would therefore have to be extended to Saturdays in order to have clean buildings for school on Monday. Also, some minor changes would have to be made, like adjusting the campus' automated air conditioning so that it would Photo by Byron Koontz work during Saturday classes. "The details here are immense," Radke Dr. Bill Radke, the provost and vice-president of academic affairs, said four said. day scheduling will not be possible until Fall 2010 at the earliest. "If you just go to a four-day schedule and you forget about Friday and Saturday, However, Radke also said that the uniweek and possibly extend the academic other than the logistics of getting enough day because the more than 1,000 hours of versity may be able to implement Friday classrooms, enough classroom time and class that are held on Friday would have to and Saturday school regardless of whether meeting accreditation standards, the probor not the four-day week is put into effect fit somewhere earlier in the week. lems are probably fewer." Changing to a four-day week could also because the current class load on Friday is A key problem Radke sees is the already lead to an alternate Friday-Saturday sched- about half of that on Monday. Currently UCO has approximately 650 congested parking situation would become ule for condensed classes. Radke said this option would be beneficial and appealing to 670 sections of classes offered on Friday much worse if the school tried to move an additional 1,00o plus hours into a four-day to the nontraditional, adult working stu- and 1,200 offered on Mondays. see CLASSES, page 6 "Comparatively speaking, Friday is a dents.

%IP Fashion funds crown PHOTOS ON UCO360.COM

Tiffany Brown ,sw,li.1 I


While shades of red, neon, velvet, chains, and eighties baroque may be the latest fall Go online to see trends in Vogue, a few new Allison Rathgeber's fashions were used to generate photos funds for scholarships. The current Miss Asian documenting Volunteer University of Central Oklahoma Service Learning held a fashion show to help Center's week-long raise money for the next Miss endeavor to live like the Asian UCO. homeless. The show was sponsored in part by the Multi-Cultural Student Services. MeShawn Conley, Director of MultiCOMING UP ON Cultural Student Services, said NEWSCENTRAL the benefit was started about Shack-a-Thon

Tune in to channel 125 on digital cable in Edmond to see.Sam Ozor's story about Shack-a-Thon.

three years ago. Part of what the MultiCultural Student Service office was established to do is, "to recognize different ethnic programs," Conley said. It is a diverse program that recognizes many races. When MissAsian UCO 20072008 Jennifer Myers suggested a fashion show be held to raise funds for the next winner of the pageant, Multi-cultural Student Services supported the idea and helped start what has become an annual event. The fashion is, "Unique to Miss Asian UCO," Conley said. The funds raised through see FASHION, page 4

Tiffany Brown Stall II we/

Last Tuesday, an event that occurred at the UCO was all but routine. After attending an 11:00 a.m. class, a student had sat in her hunter green vehicle and made a few calls on a cell phone before beginning a trip that would take her from Edmond to Oklahoma City. Nothing happened on the ride to school that morning that would make Kristie Brown suspicious enough to check the tires on her vehicle before making the approximate 19-mile journey to OKC. No cars was cut off on the way to school, no conflict occurred for the parking spot Brown parked her car

that morning, nor had Brown been in an altercation with anyone at the school that would lead to someone taking retaliatory actions against her or her property. Brown's vehicle had been parked in the commuter's parking lot, east of the Liberal Arts building for less than two hours before leaving for her destination. Brown left the lot and made a right turn on Baumann Avenue. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. As Brown approached the red traffic light she stopped. She turned right onto east Second Street and it was not long before she heard a noise coming from the back of the car. Since I was her passenger, I suggested she pull over to check the car. see VANDALISM, page 4

Legends cooks up new menu Kaylea Brooks s,,ll ,,,„

Zach Jacobs' first installment of how to Go Green to Save Green will air later in the week.

face:book STA FAC

A first-hand account of vandalism

Photo by Byron Koontz

John Madore serves food to patrons at the Legends restaurant in the University Center.

DO You MOW.? Eggplants aren't really vegetables, they are fruits. Polar bears can eat as many as 86 penguins in one sitting.

Legends inside the Nigh Center is no longer just a buffet eatery. It's a dine-in restaurant with more possibilities than most students or faculty realize. "It's not a club," Amy Walling, UCO Dining services marketing director, said. "We want to reach out to all the faculty and students and make sure that they know that Legends is just as compatible a restaurant than those off of campus, and you don't have to lose your parking spot to get it." Legends has transformed with recent renovations to become a sit-and-eat restaurant headed by a five-star chef, rather than the all-you-can-eat buffet it formerly was. The restaurant also makes to-go orders. "What we're trying to promote is that it's open to the public," Greg Schwartz, director of Dining Services, said. "Students and visitors can come into Legends. It's not a faculty lounge. It's just as affordable as the food court or any restau-

rant outside of the university. Students with flex or Broncho bucks can pay with those options as well. UCO Dining Services will be offering a promotion in conjunction with OK-43. Clues for a game will be given every night during the airing of the The Office on OK-43 from Oct. 27 to Nov. 22 from 6 p.m. to 7p.M. The game starts tonight, Oct. 27, and by Friday the clues will hint to a sentence that viewers can submit online at The prize is an office party for to at Legend's. Ten of those prizes will be awarded to viewers with the correct answer. Dining services also has catering available for students and faculty. "I don't think students and faculty know that they can have their weddings here, their business meetings," said Walling. Along with Central Catering, Legend's has prices that are competitive to other restaurants and catering services. "We're just as good," Walling said. Legends will have several other promotions throughout the holiday season.



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COMM. BUILDING, RM. 131 100 N. UNIVERSITY DR EDMOND, OK 73034-5209 405-974-5549 EDITORIAL@UCO360.COM

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PAGE 2 OCTOBER 27, 2009

AN APOLOGY:wows***


The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semi-weekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and only on Wednesdays during the summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy obtained.

EDITORIALS Opinion columns, editorial cartoons, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO.

Editor-in-Chief .

At The Vista, we often hear that our publication is "nothing more than a student paper." True, we are a student paper, but we operate by the same set of standards as The New York Times, The Associated Press or any other legitimate news source. We are taught the importance of ethics and the severity of not following ethical practices. This is why one of our editors will no longer work for The Vista. It has been brought to our attention former

Co-Editor Nelson Solomon plagiarized in articles he wrote for The Vista. We have a zero tolerance policy for plagiarism and because of this, Nelson has resigned as part of the staff. We are committed to providing the students, staff and faculty of UCO accurate information about the campus. We, as a staff, promise to work harder to uphold this commitment and to make sure nothing like this happens again while we are at The Vista. As Editor-in-Chief, I am sorry for letting you down.

LETTERS The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, with a maximum of 150 words, and must include the author's printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034-5209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 131. Letters can be e-mailed to vistaucoemailcom.


MANAGEMENT Laura Hoffert,


Kory Oswald, Managing Editor Caleb McWilliams, Copy Editor Chris Wescott, Sports Editor


Kaylea Brooks, Tiffany Brown, Steve Vidal, Jenefar De Leon, Ryan Costello, Amy Stinnett,

Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer




What's your least favorite commandment? Mark Amyx Freshman Computer Science "Thou shall not lie. It's too truthful."

Morgan Bond Freshman Music "I like them all."

PHOTOGRAPHY Byron Koontz Allison Rathgeber Amanda Siegfried

Stacey Sprague



Mr. Teddy Burch

Laura Hoffert Stephen Hughes


Gary Murphy Junior Broadcasting "Thou shall not commit adultery, because I want to have sex."

Nasser Atiyeh Freshman Political Science "Number three [thou shall not take the Lord's name in vain]. I like to say, 'God damn it.'

Tresa Berlemann

Copy Editor's Creepy Chapter Two of Three Caleb McWilliams

what we were doing and why we thought we were dying. It must have sounded terrifying or at least intriguing to Copy Editor Josh to hear both Andrew and Kolt in the background, What you missed so far: Creepy church watchmonks, nearly crying to their significant others, while I'm explainUFOs, appearing automobiles, frightening graveyards ing our demise to him. Looking back, it's interesting that out of all the scary and a local with dubious motives. After a long journey, we were at the apparent hub of central Oklahoma things the three of us had previously seen in other places, one gasp from Kolt in this place was enough to send us all hauntings, Kitchen Lake Bridge. three over the edge of manliness into cowardice. I finally turned around enough to make our way back After escaping from our would-be Kitchen Lake Bridge to the paved road, and it was then that Kolt told Andrew tour guide, my friends Andrew and Kolt and I meandered and I what he had seen. A silhouette. slowly down the road. "That's dumb," I said in response. "There's all sorts of We had convinced ourselves that the 7-Eleven cusshadows and trees and stuff and you only thought you tomer was little more than friendly guy who wanted to help out, and we overreacted. Of course, that must have saw something. And you got us all scared like you saw evil been our fear. As far as we knew, people on the south side incarnate or something." "No guys, I promise. It looked like a lady with long hair of Reno Avenue spoke another language. just standing on the other side of the trees," he said. Somehow we found our destination, and turned off Of course, Andrew and I were upset by this seemingly the well-paved road onto another road to hell. As anyfabricated sighting. As we drove on, we tuned out Kolt's one knows, it wouldn't be a road to hell without gravel insisting pleas and concentrated on getting back to civiand decaying trees. Young men such as ourselves have lization. nowhere near the sense of Philippe the horse in Beauty Our disbelief was soon punished, however. and the Beast. There's a continuous sort of noise that you can hear Though creepy, the first mile on this gravel road offered no real thrills. We drove along, listening to a CD when you go drive a gravel road. Bits of rock occasionally we had burned for the occasion. Somehow music from hit the frame of your car, but otherwise it's a mostly conThe Ring, The Exorcist and Halloween seemed appropri- stant, crunching sound. As we slowly drove on the road with our increased ate for our pilgrimage. bravery, I heard a terrifying noise and looked straight out As Tubular Bells rang out my car's feeble stereo systhe back window. Andrew had simultaneously done the tem, we reached a three-way intersection with a sign same thing. that said "Bridge Out" blocking the right side of the road. Kolt, a previous watchmonk suspect and now silhouAgain, common sense was fleeting and I drove by the ette storyteller, must have thought we were angry with detour sign, dodging the snowy and slushy "curb." him or playing a trick on him. My fear at this point was less focused on ghost witches "What?" he yelled, with some indignation. and smoldering piles of toys and dolls than it was on get"Did you hear that, Caleb?" Andrew slowly asked. ting my little Honda Accord stuck in the road that was "Uhh. I think I did," I replied. becoming increasingly less gravelly and more muddy. We both had heard the irrefutable noise of footsteps Twice I recommended turning around, but my friends outside, behind my car. This wasn't the sound of the four persisted. Peer pressure ruled. tires on a gravel road, but a sound of three or four heavy The road narrowed while the mud grew. Eventually, I footsteps, following my car. began to turn my car around. Though I had little choice, "You're making that up," Kolt said. "Tell me you guys my friends chastised me for being cowardly. I thought are making that up." that being caught with even less room to maneuver my Of course, we both knew we were not, and were even car was worth the ridicule. further terrified that Kolt did not pretend to hear it with As we braked to a stop and I began the agonizingly US. slow process of turning around, my friend Kolt gasped I slammed on the accelerator. and turned white. Coming up over the hill, we saw a pickup truck parked "What? What did you see?" my friend Andrew asked. "Just go..." Kolt trailed off, his voice wavering between on the road. I let off the gas a little bit to appear less rushed, and nonchalantly tried to bypass the truck. horror and surrender. "Hurry up and go." As soon as my headlights brought the full road into This process, as quick as it may take on a normal road view, however, we saw two or three people standing not besieged by demons, ghosts and witches, was taking opposite the truck with beverages in their hand. longer than I realized. There were broken tree branches I slammed on the accelerator. . everywhere in the road, and I was hesitating after every The faceless people immediately ran toward my car, switch from forward to reverse. Taking the time to safely and . the simultaneous scream of three city boys pierced turn around on this road seemed entirely more important the stuffy air inside my car. than hurting my tires. Thankfully, I passed by the ghastly runners before they As I waited for a response from Kolt, both he and had time to reach my car, and then breathed a heavy sigh Andrew called their significant others. As if on cue to of relief. We were still going fairly fast toward the main remind me of my singleness, my friend Josh called me as road, when we all saw a dead animal on the side of the Kolt and Andrew said their good-byes. road that none of us had seen before. "Josh, I think we might die," I said. I slammed on the accelerator. Knowing my over dramatic ways, Josh calmly asked

Without looking ahead of my car more than a few feet, I barreled down the gravel road until I was out on the nice and normal paved road. We all vowed to never return. The next day we returned to Kitchen Lake Bridge, obviously. This time it was daylight, so our vow didn't apply. We had done research on the area after getting back to Kolt's apartment, and discovered that there was supposed to be a burned down house. Apparently the locals burned a witch inside the house. Or something. Additionally, we had discovered that footsteps without a body and dead animals were common near Kitcher, Lake Bridge, along with an eerie sense of fear or dread. Since our experiences were independently verified, we felt the need to further investigate. We found the foundation and remains of the house on our return, and almost hopped the fence to check it out. Instead, we used sound judgment and did not. We did, however, get out of the car once to look at the house, but did not leave the road. After returning to the safe and secure north side, we all discovered that the back of all our jeans were covered in caked, red Oklahoma mud. The thought at the time was we had rubbed up against something, but now I'm pretty sure the ghost of the wicked witch was warning us. I made several trips out to Kitchen Lake Bridge after that weekend, ignoring my warning, each time bringing a different group of friends with different ideas of acceptable risk. In these times I drove further down the road to a place where the road was completely closed off, and walked down the road a few times. I saw more dead animals on the side of the road. I even pretended, to the dismay of some inexperienced Kitchen Lake Bridgers, to see the fabled headless beer-tossing bear foretold on the Internet. A constant companion on these trips was my best friend Nick, who had not been on the initial journeys but had been a part of every journey since. One dark and stormy night near Halloween, Nick and I decided to explore the area past the road closure. I had never ventured very far past, as I was a weenie.w We were met by unexplainable fog that seemed to dissipate and reappear at the scariest moments. On a wet night, fog was not unforeseen but it was definitely part of the pervasive dread that seemed to drape this location. Nick and I drove around the area, along other roads near the burned down house. We discovered several oddly shaped trees and some more creepy houses, but nothing that warranted calls to significant others we didn't have. Until this point, no one had any idea why the area was called Kitchen Lake Bridge. There was no bridge anywhere to be found, and the area only had one sign that said "Bridge Out" with no actual bridge. It wasn't until Nick and I discovered the true bridge of Kitchen Lake that we moved on from petty but ultimately harmless thrills to actual fear from visible maliciousness. Vista Copy Editor Caleb McWilliams can be reached at .



OCTOBER 27, 2009

Central Catering to host showcase lenefar De Leon sfiff. / . 11 -riter

The UCO Central Catering will host its Fall Catering Showcase Oct. 27 at the Nigh University Central Grand Ballroom. • Twice a year, UCO Catering promotes and shares its catering to the public. This year, Executive Chef Chris Barton will feature a collection of signature dishes including wine tasting. Chef Barton has 20 years of culinary experience. He arrived at UCO in 2007, before his work included cooking for five-star restaurants and at world-famous cruise lines and exclusive resorts. He has also cooked for the Queen of England and as the Executive Chef for the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. Barton has participated in the Guinness Book of World Records for "Largest Sit-Down Dinner," serving 13,000 meals at once. He is also was a major part in opening of

Opus Steakhouse and Nikz at the Top, which are both local popular steakhouses. He has cooked for celebrities such as Nicole Kidman, Sidney Pollack, James Wood and also the cast of "The Firm." Greg Schwartz, director of UCO Dining Services said in a recent press release sent out by the media department at UCO, "We're confident that once people experience the exquisite cuisine and catering capabilities Central Catering has to offer, they'll be pleasantly surprised at what awaits them." Central Catering is a full-service catering service that can host corporate events, conferences, weddings, proms and a variety of special events and meetings on-site in the university. Clients have access to decorations, facilities, parking, and security and state-of-the-art technology/audio-visual equipment. They have also partner with 01(43 for an "Office Party" promotion since Oct. 26 until Nov. 20. Viewers have the

Awards to recognize faculty Ryan Costello

Abby Charlow, who won the nontraditional student Hie, Sial) award. The original two UCO students will awards were established have an opportunity to by the Association for recognize influential facNontraditional Students in ulty and staff next week Higher Education as a part with the 2009 Friends of Commuter, Transfer, and of Commuter, Off-Campus, Nontraditional Student and Nontraditional Student week. This year, in an Awards. The Friends Awards are effort to further recognize granted to the three fac- the campus' workers, Box ulty and staff members who and the university elected have most impacted the to give a third award, one college experiences of the specifically given to a facstudents with whom they ulty member representing UCO's transfer students. share the campus. This move was in no Nathan Box, the coordismall part due to UCO's nator for Student Services strong majority of nontraat UCO, is in charge of the ditional students, wh4ch; award process. Box regards represents 89 percerif of the awards as a way to enrolled Bronchos. ' Box "highlight faculty and staff feels that this group can members who go out of sometimes be considered their way." Last year, the award as UCO's silent majority. "[Nontraditional stuwinners were Director dents] are here and have of Transportation and specific needs," he said. Parking Services Mike Sokoff, who won the com- "This is . a way to celebrate muter award, and Student who they are." The Friends Awards Transfer Representative

are a part of UCO's second annual celebration of Commuter, Off- Campus, and Nontraditional Student Week, which starts Oct. 31 and continues through Nov. 6.. Awards will be received at special ceremonies at each winner's office on Nov. 5. Other events for the week include volunteer work, a membership drive on the Liberal Arts, and `Philanthropy Night' at several local restaurants. A full schedule for the week's events is available at the Nigh University Center room 115. Nomination forms for the Friends Awards can be obtained by any student at the NUC room 115, and must be submitted by Nov. 4 at 5 p.m. Vista Writer Ryan Costello can be reached at rcostello@uco360.corn.

chance to register to win an "Office Party for 10," while watching the television series "The Office," from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. The winners will have their event catered at Legends Located at the Nigh University Center led by Chef Barton. The showcase is from 4:3o to 6:3o p.m. in the Grand Ballroom located on the second floor of the Nigh Center. The event is free and open to the public. Guests can park free during the event in the Visitors Parking lot. For more information on the Fall Catering Showcase call 405-974-4635 or visit their website at "It's very rare a university has the ability to work with a chef of Chris' caliber, so we're so excited about sharing one of our best kept secrets with the public,Greg Schwartz in the same release. Vista Writer Jenefar de Leon can be reached at .

Volunteers serve Edmond breakfast Amy Stinnett .S'l(tif • l I ri/ cr

For nearly twenty years, volunteers have been serving hot breakfasts and sack lunches to Edmond residents at Breakfast on Boulevard. This service, fully dependent on donations from individuals and community organizations, has one mission—"to feed all who are hungry," Breakfast on Boulevard Moderator Mickey Stufflebean said. Anyone, for whatever reason, can go down to the First Christian Church, located at the 2 ❑ d and Boulevard intersection, and receive up to six free breakfasts and six sack lunches, no questions asked. They open their doors at 6:30 a.m. and close up shop around 7:15 a.m. In 2008 Breakfast on Boulevard served about 23,000 meals and the directors predict an increase

this year, amounting to a total approximate cost of $42,500. Because Edmond is considered a middle- to upperincome community, many people overlook the fact that there are Edmond residents in need of assistance. In these hard economic times, organizations like Breakfast on Boulevard can be rewarding to both the recipients and the volunteers. Students at UCO are encouraged to exhibit three core values—character, civility and community, what better way than to get involved in a local charitable organization? According to Bethany Scott, a junior here at UCO, many students simply do not know where to go. "There's more out there than they might think, and that's a big misconception," she says. "There are hundreds of organizations off and on campus."

Scott has a lot of volunteer experience, having served as chair of the Big Event, a member of the American Democracy Project, and a volunteer at Feed the Children and the HOPE center. Scott encourages her fellow Bronchos to get involved in their communities because it helps programs like Breakfast on Boulevard to grow and it is good for their future. For those of you who are thinking ahead toward careers, the VSLC also allows you to log your volunteer hours and start a volunteer transcript. "A volunteer transcript sets UCO students apart when applying for jobs, internships, scholarships and graduate school," says Lyndsay Holder, assistant director at the VSLC. Vista Writer "rimy Stinnett can be reached at

Buddy's offers meatless options Kaylea Brooks II lac/

Buddy's will now be offering more options to suite the needs of vegans and vegetarians with more menu options now available. Recent student dining surveys voiced concern from .UCO's vegan/vegetarian population about the lack of options. In response, Buddy's will now have a part of the kitchen specifically set apart for vegans/vegetarians. "With the vegan food, we will be very strict," Director of Dining Services Greg Schwartz said. "We will treat it as if they were allergic to animal products [and biproducts]." Schwartz addressed the fact that vegans eat food that has no meat, and also food that isn't a bi-product of animals, such as cheese or milk. The part of the kitchen sectioned off for vegans will not have any kind of animal product, a worry of many vegans when eating. There food cannot contain butter, which comes from milk form a cow. They cannot have cheese, also from a cow, or honey, a bi-product of bees. A vegetarian's food choice depends on the person, with some not being as strict and eating fish, but no other meat. Some will eat eggs, and others won't eat any kind of meat

at all, but they might eat cheese and drink milk. "There are many reasons people choose a certain diet," Schwartz said. "Some choose to be vegan or vegetarian for nutrition, some for ethical reasons, like the humane treatment of animals. And some people just have' that personal preference." No matter what reason a vegan or vegetarian has for choosing their diet, they are offered options at Buddy's, sectioned off on the right side of Buddy's Kitchen. Thirty percent of the recipes in Buddy's dishes are vegan recipes, and Schwartz said that after trying out the dishes, the more popular dishes will be repeat dishes. The items in these dishes will contain seasonal items as well to offer more variety. Schwartz also said that Buddy's will be promoting healthier eating of students as a whole by recommending that students become "flexitarian," or people who "actively incorporate meatless meals into their diet, but aren't necessarily vegetarian." Dining Services recommend that students eat at least one meatless meal a week, in by doing so,' students would be promoting better health and less strain on the environment. The new campaign slogan from Dining Services puts it simply: "Be a flexitarian. It's simple. Once a week, skip meat." ' Vista Writer Kaylea Brooks can be reached at • kbrooks©uco360.corn.

Clothing Company

Oklahoma's Premier Designer Denim Std

Photo Provided

7644 N. Western Ave. Oklahoma City (405) 848-0334

This flyer from from Dining Services is part of the service's efforts to recommend students eat at leat one meatless meal a week.


PAGE 4 OCTOBER 27, 2009


Continued from page 1

the benefit help to provide an additional scholarship to the Miss Asian UCO crowned winners. Currently, pageant queens receive a tuition waiver to help offset the cost of attending UCO in addition to other awards after winning the title. Kim Pham, Miss Asian UCO 2008-2009, was in charge of this year's benefit. In addition to holding the UCO title, Pham is the reigning Miss Asia. She was Crowned

Oklahoma's Miss Asia 2009 earlier this year. The next Miss Asian UCO pageant will be held Nov. 21 in the Nigh University Center. It will be the first of three pageants sponsored by Multi-Cultural Student Services, Conley said. Other pageants include Miss Hispanic UCO and Miss Black UCO. Miss Asian UCO is held for anyone who wants to showcase their Asian culture, Conley said. However,

2009 contestants have already been chosen. The clothes featured in the Miss Asian fashion show was provided by Chaos Clothing store. A total of $370 was raised as the fashion show benefit held Oct. 19. The 2009-2010 Miss Asian UCO will be the recipient of the money raised.


Continued from page 1

She drove a short distance, looking

for an appropriate place to pull over. As

she approached University Drive, she turned right and pulled into the Baptist Collegiate MiniStry parking lot. Brown got out to see what was wrong with her car. Since the noise came from the back of the car, she glanced back. Brown immediately noticed the tire on driver's side in the rear was flat. She examined the tire up close. She noticed two slits on the side of the tire. Her first reaction was disbelief. She said to herself, "You have to be kidding me," Brown said. She then asked herself, "Who could have done this?" She began recollecting her thoughts trying to recall someone, or anyone who would have been angry enough with her to slash her tire, but couldn't, she said. She said she attempts to be friendly toward everyone she meets. "I would rather stay to myself than be mean-spirited toward anyone I don't know." She informed me that it looked as if her tire had been slashed. Photo illustration by Byron Koontz While Brown sat in her car and wait- Although car vandalism has not been on the rise on UCO's campus, universied for assistance from her uncle who was in the Edmond area, two university ty officials advised students not to leave valuable belongings in their vehicles. employees in a golf cart approached her. Several university officials said car remind students not to leave anything The two had stopped to warn her of vandalism has not been a problem at valuable in plain sight in their cars. the flat tire on her car. One employee also UCO, but also stated there may have been This included backpacks, purses and commented on the two cuts in the tire incidents that have gone unreported. other things. It was recommended that saying it had been slashed. When other students were spoken to students with electronics such as CD playUCO police were contacted and came about the incident, they said they have ers remove the face if it is detachable. to look at tire. When an officer arrived he witnessed cars with broken windows in Anything of value left in vehicles could said he was unsure of whether the tire was parking lots. place students at a higher risk for being slashed or whether it blew out because it The university did take the time to victimized. was old and worn.

In spite of the incident, Brown remains in good spirits. "I am not a victim," Brown said. "Unfortunate events have happened, but I am dealing with it." Brown said regardless of what has happened, the circumstances could have been worse. "I might be thankful, because the tire could have blown out...on the highway, which could have caused a major accident." The slashed tire was old and Brown wouldn't have replaced the tire if it were not slashed. She also wanted to express gratitude toward those who helped her get the problem resolved. "I'm thankful for the officer, the fellow UCO student who helped, and my uncle who actually changed the flat tire," Brown. "These people stayed until the tire was changed. I want to thank them for everything they did." "I am Very grateful God placed them in the right place," Brown said. She spoke about here experience with the UCO community thus far. "UCO students, faculty and staff are some of the nicest people I have met," Brown said. "If I were anywhere else I don't know what would have happened." She advised other UCO students, faculty and staff to check their vehicles before leaving school lots to make sure everything is okay. Vista Writer Tiffany Brown can be reached at tbrown@uco360.corn.


AP Photo by Ibrahim Usta

Pro-Palestinian Turks stage a protest against Israel, Monday, Oct. 26, 2009 a day after fierce clashes between Israeli police and Palestinians in Jerusalems Old City, in Istanbul, Turkey. Demonstrators, holding Palestinian flags and posters of Palestinian leaders and the AI-Aqsa Mosque, set on fire an Israeli flag.

AP Photo by Anna Shevelyova

A woman cries outside a theater, which Chechen gunmen seized in 2002, as the relatives of the slain hostages mark the tragedy's 7th anniversary, Moscow, Monday, Oct. 26, 2009. The attack took place late Oct. 23, 2002, during the second act of the musical "Nord-Ost", and the gunmen took about 800 people hostage in an attempt to prod Russian authorities into ending the war in Chechnya.

AP Photo by Alexander Zemlianichenko Jr

Kremlin guards parade during a ceremony of the Changing of the Guard, at the Kremlin in Moscow, Saturday, Oct. 24, 2009. The uniforms worn were designed to resemble Russian military uniforms used at the time of Czar Nicholas II in 1907-1913.

AP Photo by David Longstreath

A devotee of Gim Tsu Ong Shrine races across hot coals during a fire walking session at the Vegetarian Festival Sunday, Oct. 25, 2009, in Phuket, Thailand. The annual festival traces its origin back to the early 1800's when Chinese tin miners and others who had been stricken with disease recovered by adhering to a strict vegetarian diet.



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PAGE 5 OCTOBER 27, 2009










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PAGE 6 OCTOBER 27, 2009


Getting closer ... India and the United States Dr. Sridhar Krishnaswami (.017VSIMMICIII

The Indian American community is sure to be elated with the President Barack Obama lighting the traditional lamp signifying the celebration of Diwali at the White House.The event also marked the first time ever a President of the United States personally gracing the occasion which is of deep significance to the Indian American community in America. "I think it is fitting that we begin this work in the week leading up to the holiday of Diwali—the festival of lights— when members of some of the world's greatest faiths celebrate the triumph of good over evil",the President said at the East Room of the White House in the presence of several of his cabinet members,Indian Americans in his administration and prominent members of the community,most certainly cutting across party lines. The fact that the President of America graced the Diwali event in the White House goes much beyond Obama's respect for one of the world's greatest religions.In many ways it also signifies the distance the Indian Americans and India have traveled within the United States itself. Numbering close to three million,the community is very diverse in America intellectually,economically and from the various faiths that is representative of India. And politically the community has traveled significant distance as well—the money bags in the Republican and the Democratic parties aside,hundreds of Indian American youngsters actively participate in the American political process and in a healthy way. Diwali—or Deepavali—is celebrated across America in University and college campuses;and the extent of the celebration will perhaps depend on the size of the Indian student and faculty population in the respective campuses.I remember the time in Ohio in the late 197os and early 198os when we celebrated Diwali in our college towns at the Ohio University and the Miami of Ohio. It was great fun then even if the numbers were small.But for the last two years I have been traveling to Oxford Ohio where my daughter studies at Miami University and have been stunned at the fashion in which the Indian Student Association puts up

a Diwali show.This time around I am going to miss it but my wife is traveling all the way from Chennai especially for this event ! This Diwali for me is quite unlike what it has been before and I am noticing the difference myself.The last time I "celebrated" Diwali in India was in 1990 prior to being sent to Singapore for my first overseas assignment;and then in 1995 I moved over to Washington DC where I spent 14 long and wonderful years. All the time on Diwali I used to call relatives and be thrilled by listening to the sound of fire crackers—brought back wonderful memories of childhood when I used to look forward to the day of getting up at the wee-hours of Diwali morning and "unload" the fireworks.It is to be seen to be believed—rattling noise of fire crackers and the skies being lit in a variety of ways. But 19 years down the line I am noticing a change—less noise and less pollution.And there is a very good reason for all this: the youth in India have changed .A good friend of mine put it this way " Twenty years ago there were fewer outlets for the youth and the youngsters of today are also concerned about issues like pollution,environment and child labor that is frequesntly associated with the fire crackers industry". Yet the environment is as lively as it has always been Happy Diwali to all of you at UCO. A former Senior Researcher, Staff Writer, Editorial Writer and Special Correspondent for The Hindu in Singapore and Washington, Dr.Sridhar Krishnaswami is currently the Head of The School of Media Studies and Professor and Head of the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication at the SRM University near Chennai, India. He can be contacted at


Continued from page 1

other than the academic aspects of the week. research. Only ten percent of UCO students live The team's report claims that mainon campus, but Radice said that UCO has taining the current scheduling system worked hard to create an active campus could result in "the perception that UCO life for those that do and he is concerned is neither innovative nor flexible in terms about the ramifications a four-day schedof the changing needs of students and the ule would have on campus activity. Fifty-seven percent of students taking the survey reported a preference of 1. social environment." "Certainly UCO is still primarily a cornhaving all their classes on two days per week. "From a green standpoint you're still muter college but we don't really want to burning fuel whether gas prices are low go back to being only a commuter college," or not," Radke said. Radke said. "It would be environmentally the right The same number of students reported preferring longer class periods 2. "I think the university has come a long thing to do if we could reduce the number that meet fewer times per week. way and we have just so many cultural, of cars having to come and go everyday. leadership and research, creative, scholarNow; I would argue that there might be ly activities, global activities, community other ways to do that other than alternaengagement activities and so on, going on 3. 'When given options for which days of the week they preferred taking tive scheduling. Like car pooling, mass campus ... we want to make sure that we're classes, 69.5% reported that a four day week with classes held (M/W, T/R) transit, etc." not going to negatively impact those." was their preference. The report also said the recommendaThe team attempted to survey all stution for alternative scheduling applies to dents enrolled at UCO about their schedthe fall and spring semesters only. The uling preferences. Out of the approxiA majority of student respondents (54.1%) also reported considering 4. summer term is already adjusted for a mately 15,724 students that were asked taking courses year round. This number drops to 35.1%, however, among four-day week with condensed course only 2,167, roughly 17 percent, of students those students who identify themselves as living on campus. formats. responded. Radke said that while the alternaOut of the 2,167 students, 1,451, or 57 tive schedule could be put into place as percent, said they would prefer to have 89% of respondents reported living off campus, with 5o% living outside early as next fall, scheduling for that all classes on two days, 840 students said of Edmond. semester begins in February and there they would prefer classes on three days, is still a large amount of research to do. 310 preferred at least one class every day However, Radke believes the vice presiand 16 left the question blank. dents of the departments could decide of respondents reported working at least twenty hours per week. 62% Only 3o percent of the students prerelatively quickly if they want to pursue ferred keeping the current schedule the the changes. way it is, but there are many other posi"We of course want to provide the best When asked which factors most affect when students take courses, the tions to consider. possible services and opportunities for Cindy Boling and Dr. James Machell, three highest responses were as follows: our students and if that means going to the facilitators of the action team, recently Work (36.9%); Work and Distance of Commute (10.4%); four day, and we can do it, we will do it," presented the recommendations to all the Work and Extracurricular Activities (8.o%). Radke said. vice president groups that have asked to "If it means going to six days, we'll do see the information, and the other departNov. 9 at the vice president group's weekly meeting. that." ments like administration, student affairs, Another recommendation by the team was underway "We're devoting the entire ... meeting to alternative Information Technology, enrollment management and before the study actually took place, according to Radke. scheduling and at that point we are going to get into pretty the UCO Foundation. The report recommended centralizing the scheduling for much the nitty-gritty of it and try to understand where we "If they wanted to see it we presented the information the university through the Office of Academic Affairs, want to head with this," Radke said. to them," Boling said. "But we didn't actively seek them instead of leaving it up to the independent departments Radke also said that reaction to alternative scheduling out." proposal has been mixed among the chairpersons of the make their own schedule. The different departments are currently studying the The report claims that this approach would be more idea while Radke collects information from the faculty departments. "It depends on the discipline," Radke said. "It wasn't efficient at "matching and accommodating class sizes with senate, which is doing its own analysis of the alternative room capacities," and may help with building mainteoverwhelmingly positive." schedule, and Other departments. Radke did not have any information regarding areas nance, energy costs, and would help keep track of meetAll the research will then be combined and analyzed on ings and events outside of class. The team also recommended UCO take up some additional studies to help with efficiency and innovation. One study recommended UCO should study the scheduling patterns of students to determine if there are "hard-to-fill time slots" or "over-subscribed time slots" for classes. The study suggests a possible reduced-price for the hard-to-fill class times as an incentive for students to enroll in them.

Seven statistics from the official report:






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OCTOBER 27 2009

Bronchos crushed by Mustangs 43-16 Chris Wescott Sports Editor

Aseason that started with much promise for the UCO football program has continued its downward spiral with another Broncho loss this Saturday. The Bronchos traveled to Wichita Falls, Texas this past Saturday to attempt an upset of the No. 17 Midwestern State Mustangs. However the Mustangs were not denied their homecoming win and beat UCO 43-16. MSU jumped on top of UCO early in the first quarter on a 71-yard touchdown pass from Zack Eskridge to

Then MSUC opened up the scoring and never looked back. With 7:10 remaining in the second quarter, MSU kicker Jose Martinez sunk a 30-yard field goal. Then Any Tanner caught a 17-yard touchdown pass from Zack Eskridge with 49 seconds remaining in the half and the Mustangs went up by io. In the second half, running back Neal Carr scored on a five-yard run for the Bronchos with 10:20 left in the third. That was the only score of the third quarter. In the fourth quarter, UCO's attempts at a comeback were smothered when MSU quarterback Zack

Ethan Rosales. That drive took just 1:18 off the clock and lasted only three plays. The Mustangs then took a 14-0 lead with 10:52 left in the quarter on a 32-yard interception return for a touchdown. UCO began making a comeback however, beginning with a Daniel Morrell 22-yard touchdown reception from a pass by Brandon Noohi. That capped a methodical io-play, 73-yard drive that lasted 4:08. The Bronchos tied the game at 14 apiece when Jason Palmer strolled into the endzone from one yard out with 42 seconds left in the first quarter.

Eskridge hit Andy Tanner on a 70-yard touchdown pass with 13:28 left in the game. UCO got back on the board with a safety, making the score 37-16 with 3:00 left. With 1:04 left in the game, MSU got their final points on a 38-yard touchdown run by Brandon Kelsey. Quarterback Brandon Noohi finished the game 20 of 41 for 203 yards, with one touchdown and an interception. Noohi was sacked twice, but rushed 12 times for a net total of 34 yards. On MSU's side, Zack Eskridge threw for 15 of 20, 339

yards and 3 touchdowns with one interception. He was sacked twice. Jason Palmer led the Bronchos in rushing, but UCO had a tough time getting anything going on the ground. Palmer rushed 19 times for just 60 yards and a touchdown. Palmer, usually a dynamic runner, rushed for an average of 2.8 yards a carry. Daniel Morrell, once again, led the Bronchos in receiving with seven catches, 96 yards and a touchdown. MSU did a good job of keeping receiver super star Ryan Gallimore under wraps. Gallimore had just

five catches for 33 yards and no score. The Broncho defense had no answer for the high-powered attack of the Mustangs. Receiver Andy Tanner caught just four passes, but took them 114 yards for two touchdowns. The Mustangs combined for 154 yards on the ground and two touchdowns, although the UCO defense had some success limiting them to 2.4 yards a carry. The Bronchos, now 2-7 on the season, will take on the East Central University Tigers who are 0-9 on the season this weekend in Ada, Okla.

ROWING Continued from page 8



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Brown points to Lynes and Basinger as two girls who have stepped up and shown leadership this season. Both girls are captains. He also is excited about sophomore Jessica Lawson who he calls his strongest rower. Out of 37 girls on the roster, Brown says that only two had prior rowing experience and the rest were complete walk-ons. "I think what you're seeing here in Oklahoma is really unprecedented to what's happening in other parts of the country," Brown said on the growing popularity of the sport in Oklahoma. Recently the Oklahoma River has become an Olympic training site putting Oklahoma on the map in a sport that has traditionally been strong in the northwest and northeast United States. Plans are in the works for three new boathouses on the Oklahoma River in the next two to three years. One of those will be a UCO training site. The site will also be a Paralympics training site as UCO continues its partnership with the organization to bring adaptive rowing to this part of the country. A high-performance training center is also on the horizon for the river with the goal of drawing national team athletes to Oklahoma to train. "All of these things are going to help bolster the sport in Midwest and in the Southwest where rowing doesn't have the dominance that it has in the Pacific Northwest or even in the Northeast," Brown said. Because UCO competes in the Southern Region in the spring they will travel to Florida to compete in the Southern Regional to determine which teams from the region will cornpete in the NCAA Division II Championships. Next up UCO will close out the fall schedule with a meet at the Frostbite Regatta in Wichita, Kan. On November 1. The meet will be another chance for the young program to show improvement on their way to becoming a Division II rowing power.

Listen to the West and Wescott Sports Talk Show With hosts Chris Wescott and Anthony West exclusively on

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PAGE 8 OCTOBER 27, 2009

Bronchos win against Hoosiers in two game sweep Chris Wescott Sports Editor

Last Friday morning the official rankings for ACHA Division I hockey were released and the Bronchos were rewarded for their seven-game win streak. UCO received the ninth ranking in the polls, moving them into the top ten for just the second time in their four-year existence. This past weekend the Indiana UniversityHoosiers came to Edmond trying to upset Central Oklahoma. However, the Bronchos were not denied the twogame sweep, winning 4-1 on Friday night and 4-2 on Saturday night. In the Friday night game Indiana scored first and Photo by Byron Koontz took a i-o lead just 1:04 The Bronchos [above] celebrate one of their four goals on Saturday night in a win over the Indiana into the game with a goal by Hoosiers. The Bronchos moved to 9-2 on the season with the two-game sweep. Central Oklahoma Mike Vaughan. UCO struck takes on Lindenwood University in a top-ten battle that pits No. 9 UCO against No. 1 Lindenwood this back less than a minute season. later with 17:59 left on the clock. The score came from from the right wing at the Kevin Bergquist crashed his good series by putting UCO took the lead Greg Masters who took a blue line. the empty net getting chal- the Bronchos on the board back however on a Jacob pass from Shawn Steggles lenged by a Hoosier the with 5:33 left in the peri- Roadhouse goal. and fired a laser shot from whole way, stole the puck od. Steggles took the assist Roadhouse sent the shot the blue line to tie the game. "What lead to both and made a diving shot to from Patrick Higgins and through the five-hole of The first period ended in a wins was just being put the game away with Kyle Hirsch and knocked it Abramson on the play. Matt 1-1 tie. in better shape than 48.3 seconds left on the in back door for the tie. Cohn and Higgins were Following a scoreless clock. UCO won the game In the second period, credited with the assists. Indiana." second period, the game Higgins got on the score Cohn closed out the 4-1. stayed tight until the final On Saturday night it was board, taking a pass from scoring with 17:40 left in three minutes. With 3:14 —UCO junior forward much of the same. Indiana Casey Smith right in front the game with a one-timleft on the clock and the Brent Block came out fired up and ready of Indiana goalie Daniel er from the blue line on a game tied, UCO had an to play. The Hoosiers scored Abramson and flipped it up power play. offensive explosion. Greg the first goal again, this one high for the goal with 17:56 UCO junior forward Masters scored the first In a last ditch effort coming from Adam Logue, left in the period. Indiana Brent Block said that the goal off a rebounded shot to score, Indiana pulled who took a pass at the top of tied up the game with 5:14 Bronchos were not on top by Jonathan Cannizzo. their goalie and UCO took the crease and batted it in. left in the second on an ath- of their game in this series, With 1:36 left in the game, advantage. Freshman Shawn Steggles continued letic play by Chris Benz. but conditioning helped Mike Glowa sunk a shot

them to the wins. "What lead to both wins was just being in better shape than Indiana," Block said. "We admittedly did not play our best hockey all weekend otherwise the games would not have been so close. But what doesn't go into slumps is conditioning and we noticed that towards the end of both games Indiana was getting tired and we were still flying." Although unranked, Indiana has challenged ranked teams all year, most notably UCO and No. 2 Illinois University. Facing adversity brought on by the Hoosiers, UCO got the sweep and now look ahead to next week, when they travel to Missouri to take on No. i Lindenwood. "[The series] was big because it kept our good run going and kept our confidence high going into a tough match up against the top team in the league," Block said. UCO and Lindenwood faced each other twice earlier this season and the Bronchos came on the losing end of the series. Since those two losses to start the year the Bronchos have won nine straight, including four against ranked opponents. No. 1 Lindenwood (14o) and No. 9 UCO (9-2) face off this weekend in Wentzville, Mo..

Rowing a rising sport at the UCO

Photo provided

The UCO rowing team [above] competes in a competition in Boston. The rowing team is a little known sport on campus, but is gaining ground in becoming a big part of the rich history in UCO athletics.

Steve Vidal Sports Writer

ant Place

Many people know about the tradition that UCO has in sports such as football and wrestling. However there is a new sport at UCO looking to build a winning tradition, women's rowing. UCO is the only Lone Star Conference School with a program and they compete in the southern region rather than in a conference. On October 18 and 19 the team went to Boston for the nation's largest rowing event known as the Head of the Charles Regatta. The Bronchos finished a respectable 2oth out of 29 boats in the Women's Collegiate 4+ competition. A 4+ race means four women rowing and a coxswain steering the boat. "For a new, younger program in such a big race I think we fared pretty well," Head Coach Patrick Brown said. "There's always room for improve-

ment, but I thought that we did well against some competitive teams." Over 8,000 athletes competed in the event over the two days. The Bronchos faced cold temperatures in the low 4os and it actually snowed late in the second day of the competition. The race UCO entered in was 4,800 meters and they finished in 21:01, about five minutes behind winner Trinity College. UCO only competed in the 4+ competition. Most of the time they will also compete in the 8+ competition. Team captain Calah Lynes, Jessica Lawson, Brittany Koster, Laura Borkenhagen and Rachel Basinger at coxswain were the crew rowing the boat. The Bronchos' performance in Boston was their second in the threemeet fall season. Two weeks earlier the team sent five boats to a meet much closer to home at the Oklahoma Regatta on the Oklahoma River. The team fared well in each of the three races they were in, including their 8+boat finishing just 1:53 behind the

race's winner. The team competes only three times in the fall season. In the spring they compete in meets to determine who the champions of the sport will be. Even though they only compete three times in the fall, the workouts are tough with the girl's training for strength and endurance on numerous machines. "It's a very physically demanding sport and it takes a lot of willpower not just to row, but to come to practice every morning at 5 a.m.," Brown said. He looks for how coachable a girl is and attitude as well as physical ability in determining what roll someone will play on the team. The team practices six days a week out of the Chesapeake Boathouse on the Oklahoma River and three days a week in the weight room.

see ROWING page 7

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