The Vista November 1, 1990

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Abortion Foes Criticized page 2

Bush Stumps For Price page 4

Bronchos Victorious In Track page 6

November 1, 1990

89, No. 18


Thursday Edition

Central State University, Edmond, Oklahoma

Legal conflict forces senate to shut down Bush says he won't hesitate to use force OKLAHOMA CITY (AP)--President Bush said Monday "we'd have no hesitancy at all" to use military force in the Persian Gulf if provoked by Iraq and indicated he feels no obligation to get Congress' approval. "History is replete with examples where the president has had to take action," Bush said. Apparently referring to the U.S. invasion of Panama, Bush said, "I've done this in the past, and certainly, somebody mentioned provacation, we'd have no hesitancy at all." Bush said he was not trying to prepare the country for war. "I'm just doing my job as president of the United States," he said. "I'm not preparing anybody for anything. I'm as determined as I've ever been that this aggression will not stand."

Souter voices doubts for barring counseling WASHINGTON (AP)—The Supreme Court began scrutinizing a ban on abortion counseling at federally subsidized farnil y planning clinics Tuesday in arguments punctuated by pointed questions from new Justice David H. Souter and fellow members. Souter voiced doubts about regulations that bar doctors and family planning counselors from discussing abortion even with women whose pregnancies are endangering their health. "You are telling us the physician cannot perform his usual professional responsibility," Souter told Solicitor General Kenneth Starr, the Bush administration's top courtroom lawyer. "You are telling us the secretary (of Health and Human Services) in effect may preclude professional speech." Starr, conceding the ban "tilts against abortion," defended its validity. Although fueled by the continuing struggle over abortion, the legal dispute over the regulations centers on free-speech rights. The court must decide whether the regulations comply withe a 1970 federal law and, if so, whether they violate the Constitution. A decision is expected by July. The argument is over information available to the 5 million low-income women who depend on family planning clinics and similar health care providers. Please see WORLD WRAP on page 8.

By Sam Powell Staff Writer

Conflict within Central State University's student senate resulted in the cancellation of the regular Monday meeting for the second time this month, senate members said. Student Sen. Charles Brimer raised a question as to whether the agenda, a listing of the meetings procedure, was posted in accordance with the Oklahoma Open Records Act. The Oklahoma Open Records Act requires the posting of an agenda 24 hours before meeting time, excluding Saturday and Sunday. According to Brimer, there is more than one problem with student senate procedure. "I have the agenda posted on Friday and it doesn't have a date," Brimer said. "This makes the meeting Performing a duet from "Porgy and Bess Plus!," E. Christoinvalid and in violation of the Oklahoma Open Repher Veasy and Janet King sing "Bess, You Is My Woman, cords Act. Now."The opera was presented at Mitchell Hall Theater durDonna Banks, student senator said, "We reing the Homecoming weekend. (Photo by Dan Smith) searched the question and found that we have been holding illegal meetings all year. We have tried for two weeks to head this off." Terry I aFrance, student senate speaker said it is common knowledge that the senate meets every Monday. "I'll take full responsibility for the mistake," LaFrance said. "I talked to the state's Attorney General CSU will also compete with 24 By Mark Schlachtenhaufen public higher education institu- and he said we were right to cancel the meeting, but Staff Writer tions if the $40 million allotment he felt any district attorney would be reluctant to is approved. Campus buildings reA $40 million request made last quire repairs on leaky roofs, bro- prosecute." Damon Anon, senate historian, said, "The reason week by Oklahoma State Regents ken sidewalks and other critical for Higher Education for needs, Hans Brisch, higher educa- this is happening is there is a lot of hostility toward the speaker because of the Oasis proposal." emergency repairs falls short in tion chancellor, has said. substance and needed revenues to The Oasis proposal was for a new software progState institutions need $1.1 bilupgrade statewide campus facili- lion to improve campus condi- ram for the senate, he said. ties, a Central State University of- tions, regents said. Funding would "The proposal was passed by the budget commitficial said. come from the Capital Preserva- tee and sent to the senate," Anon said. "Then the seClyde Jacob, academic affairs tion and Economic Enhancement vice president, said that while the Fund and a revenue bond issue, nate sent the proposal back to the budget committee. intent of the capital funding prop- according to regents' information. After the last senate meeting, the speaker appointed new budget committee members, and they overosal is sincere, it lacks several Regents have designated $207 turned the proposal." ingredients. million as highest priority needs State legislators will meet next and $40 million as critical needs. i_aFrance said, "I don't think the cancellation had February, and the session will last "Our immediate concern is to anything to do with the Oasis proposal." until May. There is no guarantee work with the Legislature to secAccording to LaFrance, a pressing issue is the lack that lawmakers will vote on higher ure capital funding to meet the of sponsorship at the senate meetings. education appropriations, Jacob most urgent health, safety and "According to the handbook, there must be a sponsaid. energy-saving needs," George sor present," he said. "In the past, Dean (Dudley) "Higher education is competing Kaiser, regents' chairman said. for revenue funding with other "Academic equipment needs and Ryan came to the meetings, but left before they were over. I used that for a precedent." state agencies," he said. "The state academic programs are next." regents have not begun to think The student senate handbook requires a sponsor be about how it will be allocated." Please see NEED on page 8. present to validate a meeting.

Jacob says request falls short of need

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