The Vista November 1, 1994

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University of Central Oklahoma

The Student Voice Since 1903


Vista embraces

`unusual' track record at UCO

Clinton's campaign promise on student loans pays off By Julie Dye Staff Writer

By Paul Eddy Staff Writer The UCo Vista Invites you to "Celbreate" with them. We've desided to embrace our mistakes in pas tissues.

Column A sometimes not so perfect papier The Vista is no Neverland publication, but sometimes our attention slips, and misprints shied through. Still it shouldn't take a fulbrught scholar to catch most mistakes, a lucky thing as we don't have one here, but small thngs can appear bigger than real ity. We wish we were parfect, and we sometime are, but we usually ar not and the same is true with everyone anywhere. Just looking at all my mistakes can make me cringe and crawl away, but mostly I'm proud about what I say. And though the meaning is somtimes unclear, it happens a lot around here; I think I can still somehow tell what I'm trying to say. Really this would be funni if it weren't so true, there are tymes I wonder if it's worth a try, it is. This paper is prone to mistakes, whitch our readers are so kind to point out to us, and believe it or not we really appreciate this. All in all we put a goo paper out, but things come up and we fall down on our faces. After all none of us are professionals yet, we're still learning to spel punctuate and all sortsa o wonderful grammer rules, we are just students no more and sometimes less. But if we make mis takes it's only natural you see we're human too, I thnk.

Editorial 2 Letters 2 World Wrap 6 Around Campus 15 Sports 8-9 Comics 15

TUESDAY November 1, 1994


hose who voted for President Bill Clinton because of his campaign promises to help students can finally hold him to his word. The National and Community Service Trust Act was signed into law Sept. 21, and students may now start applying for AmeriCorps, a national program which gives students educational awards for performing community service work. "AmeriCorps members are beginning service in communities this fall, in projects addressing local needs in the areas of education, the environment, public safety, and health and human needs," said Gary Kowalczyk, acting chief financial officer of AmeriCorps. "Members will be eligible to receive an education award following successful completion of service." $$$ Students receive a $4,725

pursuant to Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, other than a parent loan," Ward said. "The student can't do it to pay back a loan their parents got for the student." $$$ He said the payment goes directly to the loan holder for education already received or the institution the student plans to attend. $$$ The award may also be split— with some going towards an existing loan and some to an authorized college for future use. $$$ "The money must be used within seven years of completion of their service, and you must be 17 years or older (16 in some programs) to participate. In most cases, you also need to be a high school graduate," he said. $$$ For an application to the program or more information about AmeriCorps, call 1-800-94-ACORPS (22677). V (See related story, Page 11)

Hope for faculty pay raises dismal; Morale sagging, say senate members philosophy. The senate's vice president Roberta Sloan, associate professor of oral communication, said she believed low faculty pay to be a campus wide concern in her first

"...No salary increases certainly puts us behind the cost of living related to three Staff Writer years ago," Sloan said. UCO President George Nigh has said side from a $400 boost to their that he understands frustrations associated annual base pay, UCO faculty with faculty salaries, but have received no across-the-board pay without an increase in funding to the increases in the past three Having been told by the legislature that we would be state state's colleges and uniyears. Believing UCO receiving the same budget or less, people seem to be versities, his hands are teaching salaries remain too low, two faculty leadgetting a little frayed around the edges... There seems tied. Nigh has also said that ers say job satisfaction is to be not a glimmer of hope. —Stephen Law the UCO staff, as well as being compromised. UCO Faculty Senate President faculty, deserve a pay "People who I raise. encounter regularly Law said that a forewarning of no further express concern that we don't seem to be report to the senate in September. "I believe that it is our job to reflect how funding from the state further lowers faculty keeping up even with inflation and that there seems to be no increases in the future," said the faculty really do feel, and to find a vehi- morale. UCO Faculty Senate President Stephen cle or a way of making that apparent to the ''See RAISE, Page 3 Law, associate professor of humanities and president," she told the Faculty Senate.

By Roy Howe




award for working full time and $2,362.50 for part time work. Awards of $1,000 are granted to students who complete summer programs. $$$ Kenneth Ward, UCO financial aid peer counselor, said participation in the program in no way affects eligibility for other financial aid. "All of the money that they earn through this does not count against them when applying for federal and state financial aid," he said. $$$ Students who work full time may also receive health care, child care when needed and a living allowance of up to $7,500 per year. Ward said a full-time term of service requires a minimum of 1,700 hours of work in nine months to a year. $$$ Part time constitutes 900 hours over a two-to-three year period, and students are limited to two terms of service. $$$ "The awards can be used to pay off any loan made, insured or guaranteed

Lady Bronchos volleyball played Emporia State, West Texas A&M and Oral Roberts last week.


NEW FACE Professor Dr. R. John DeSanto, new to the UCO lineup this fall, teaches what he loves.

MUSIC Writer Jimmy immy J Hyde reviews new music releasesfrom Yellow Pills to Weezer.

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