University of Central Oklahoma
Dentists provide free care for elderly, disabled TULSA, Okla. (AP) — Dr. Richard Naught wants to put a dent in the number of developmentally disabled and elderly people who cannot afford proper dental care. So he volunteers his skills and know-how to a statewide program called D-Dent, an acronym for Dentists for the Disabled and Elderly in Need of Treatment. Dentists in the program provide free comprehensive dental care. "It's just a segment of our community that doesn't have availability to dental care," Vaught said. "This is our attempt to take care of people" who are not being taken care of by the public health system.
Alert waitress spots phony bills BOISE CITY, Okla. (AP) — Two Texas men were arrested and about $380,000 worth of counterfeit money was seized after an alert waitress tipped authorities that two men were trying to pay for their meal with fake money. Donald Francis Christian, 31, and Ronald Jay Lopez, 29, both of San Antonio, were charged with possession and passing of counterfeit currency, federal prosecutors said. The men were arrested Thursday in the Oklahoma Panhandle by the Cimarron County Sheriff's Department, said John Green, first assistant U.S. attorney. Joseph L. Gallo, special agent in charge of the Secret Service in Oklahoma, said authorities found about $380,000 in counterfeit money and photographic negatives used to make the phony money.
Wages up, says Labor Dept. WASHINGTON (AP) — American workers' wages, salaries and benefits rose 3.6 percent in the year ended Sept. 30, the government said today.
♦ See WORLD WRAP, Page 4
TUESDAY November 2, 1993
The Student Voice Since 1903
UCO celebrates 102nd birthday with drawings By Steve Sager Staff Writer
TheUniversity of Central Oklahoma will celebrate its 102nd birthday 12:30 p.m. Nov. 9 on the west side of Old North. Susan Thompson, director of student activities, said as part of the celebration, 102 students will be chosen to participate in a drawing for a full semester tuition waiver. All students chosen will be awarded a $20 gift certificate from the UCO B ooks tore. The names will be chosen at 12:45 Nov. 2 in the University Center breezeway. Students can sign up through Nov. 2. Sign-ups today will be held in the University Center. Thompson also said UCO President George Nigh will be picking one name through today for a chance to receive a $100 gift certificate to either the UC Bookstore or The Corner. Students who are picked must be wearing UCO clothing when Nigh comes into the class or they will not be eligible to win the prize. The first 2,000 students to sign up will receive free UCO window stickers. Also, the organization signing up the most people will win $300, said Thompson. Thompson said students must have a validated student LID to sign up and students can only sign up once. "This is an opportunity for the university to give back to the students and also to promote pride on campus," said Thompson. Free cake and punch will be offered and all students along with the public are welcomed to attend.
Former UCO employee pleads guilty to sex crimes By Joy McNutt
Staff Writer A former University of Central Oklahoma bookstore employee was sentenced Thursday, for sex crimes against five boys ages 13-15. Ronald Junior Haney, 27, pleaded guilty to six counts of offering to engage in lewd acts and no contest to one count of kidnapping. The crimes occurred between Jan. 10 and Mar. 7. Oklahoma County District Judge Richard Freeman handed Haney two consecutive 20-year sentences, each, with the last 10 years suspended. "It may mean five years or it may mean eight or nine years depending on the parole board," said Lou Keel, prosecuting attorney. "I have already written them a letter asking them not to parole him," Keel said. "He was getting more violent each time out." Haney has been held in tlie county jail since March.
Trick or Treat UCO resident assistant Todd Krout passes out candy from his room to Edmond children as part of a safe trick or treat sponsored by RHA. The Safe Trick or Treat was held Thursday night. (Photo by Mike Simons)
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Taekwondo Editorial 2 Letters to the Editor .2 Around Campus ....7 Comics 7
freshman wins two bronze medals in recent taekwondo competition in Florida.
Volleyball UCO spiker Rachel Price's unselfish team play has helped the volleyball team to reach new heights.