University of • Central Oklahoma
THURSDAY November 2, 1995
The Student Voice Since 1903
Classes need twenty to make By Susan Reger Staff Writer
Take it away... Cables hoist a cornice atop a column for the new Education Classroom Building. Located between the library and Old North, the building will represent a blending of several architectural styles. (Photo by Randy S. Smith)
Students, grab your faculty advisers now! Summer enrollment and the budget crunch may be the last things on the minds of UCO students, but upper-level and graduate-level students would be well-advised to consult with faculty advisers before enrolling for spring semester to insure getting the courses required for graduation. A comprehensive Jacob analysis conducted by the budget office has led to a new minimum enrollment requirement of 20 students for bachelor-level classes and 15 students for graduate-level classes. The changes will begin this spring, said Dr. Clyde Jacob, vice president of academic affairs. The previous minimum enrollment figure was 10 students per class. Jacob said that with few exceptions, UCO could no longer compensate for small classroom sizes that do not pay for themselves. On the other hand, Dr. James Baker, chairperson of the history and geography department, said the subsequent deletion of some smaller sections would have the potential of creating a whole set of problems for students trying to complete subject requirement for graduation.
"If students are blocked from finishing school this summer, they could lose potential jobs, especially teaching majors," said Baker. "If a student changes to another university, we may not get them back." Jacob, however, said there are mechanisms in place for low enrollment sections for students who had to take them to graduate. UCO would go ahead and offer such courses, said Jacob. These numbers (for minimum enrollment requirement) are just averages, he said. "Students need not fear that because there are not more than 20 in a will not be offered or graduation will be impeded," said Jacob. "It simply means that we have to be certain to get those "numbers up to minimum level as much as possible to offset actual costs of courses." Course expenditures include faculty salary, faculty benefits and some administrative costs. Dr. Albert Lynd, assistant vice president of academic affairs, said some sections have different situations, Lynd such as laboratory classes where there are not enough microscopes to accommodate 20 students. "In those cases, we would have to offer those classes," said Lynd. VSee CUTS, Page 13
INSIDE TODAY INDEX Editorial 2 Campus Quotes 2 Sports 10,11 Campus Crime .... 14 Around Campus .. 15 Comics 15 Classifieds 16
REUNION The wartime women of 1945 reunite after 50 years during the 1995 Homecoming.
ALUMNUS Proof exists that life and accomplishment continues after graduation.
AROUND TOWN Check out John Clanton's recommendations for the coming weekend.