The Vista Nov. 05, 2009

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In search of a cancer breakthrough Ryan Costello

immune system, when paired with the immunological agent, can use to specifically target other tumors. According to Chen, this therapy "Uses the tumor itself to develop an antitumor vaccine," inside the body. What makes this developing treatment unique to others is its potential to eradicate tumors in multiple places at once. Studies in Chen's research have shown that when local treatments are applied, the antigens from the original destroyed tumors can eliminate cancerous cells across the body over time. In one study, Chen's team applied the treatment to a tumor in a human subject's arm. Eight months later, the antigens from the initial treatment had cleared a tumor from the same subject's lung.

Ste' If liter

A UCO faculty member is in the midst of what may be groundbreaking cancer research on the campus. 2008 U.S. Professor of the Year and Assistant Dean of UCO's College of Math and Science, Dr. Wei R. Chen is studying the benefits of a combined laser technology, entitled 'laser immunotherapy' as a cancer treatment. Developed exclusively in Oklahoma, this new treatment approaches cancer using a method combing both a laser and an immunological agent. The agent is given first, which is aimed to stimulate the body's immune system. The laser then releases thermal energy, which breaks the cancerous cells apart. The destruction of a tumor's cells leads to the release of an antigen that actually kills other cancerous cells, which the body's

Photo by Vista Staff

Dr. Wei R. Chen, the 2008 U.S. Professor of the Year, is in the middle of cancer treatment reseach he calls "laser immunotherapy". Chen is also the Assistant Dean of UCO's College of Math and Science.

Rebuilding a school

Panel discusses violence

the village for more than two decades. He began Staff• Write/ the project in 2005. He Dr. Richard L. uses historically authentic Nostrand, David Ross Boyd materials and techniques Professor Emeritus in the to help rebuild and preDepartment of Geography serve their community. The latest project is the at _ the University of rebuilding of the schoolOklahoma will present house originally built in "Rebuilding El Cerrito's 1882, but burned in the Schoolhouse," on Nov. late `50s. With the help of at Pegasus Theater at 5:30 students and faculty from p.m. in the Liberal Arts universities in Oklahoma building. Nostrand is recognized and Texas, the project is internationally as an expert almost done. Faculty and on Spanish-American liv- students from University ing particularly in New of Oklahoma, Texas State Mexico along the U.S.- and UCO will be attending Mexico border. He will dis- reconstruction in spring. Nostrand plans to use cuss the history of his projthe schoolhouse as a cornects and the impact upon munity center, village El Cerrito's community. museum and field trip His current work focusheadquarters. The viles on the coordination lage has experienced rural and the reconstruction of depopulation and ecoa one-room adobe schoolhouse in El Cerrito, New nomic decline since World Mexico. An adobe home is War II. "It's very isolated," Dr. made out of dry mud and Photo by Laura Hoffert Doug Hurt, assistant prostraws. El Cerrito is a tiny Since the start of school, UCO has provided hand fessor of geography, said. Spanish-American village sanitizers around campus to prevents students, staff, 6o miles southeast of Santa "People that live there are faculty and visitors from catching the flu or HI NI. see SCHOOL, page 6 Fe. Nostrand has studied

lender de Leon

Flu awareness lenefar de Leon .s',„jf. I I riir,

The Transfer Leadership Council and the Wellness Center will host a free flu awareness and education program at • the Nigh University Center Ballroom A on Thursday, Nov. 5 at 7 p.m.

Photo Provided

Last year's UCO school rebuilding team (left to right) Jeff Widener, Sharon Kelting, Josh Gibson, Traci Ferguson, Doug Hurt, Salena Etzler stands in front of the schoolhouse in El Cerrito, N.M.

Students and faculty are encouraged to attend, and learn how to take preventative measure against the flu. There will be free refreshments and door prizes offered at the event. "We want to bring awareness to UCO students and faculty about how to pre-• vent the flu," UCO Wellness Center, MPH Danielle Dill

DIOD YOU Mow 7 Mel Blanc, who played the voice of Bugs Bunny, was allergic to carrots. The tongue of a blue whale is as long as an elephant.

see CHEN , page 6

said. "We want students to take advantage of the campus and community resources." There are common flu symptoms that student and faculty need to be aware of such as fever, headache, muscle ache, chills, dry cough, runny nose and stomach symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. The Center of Disease Control reported this season would be the worst flu season, because of the HiNt also known as Swine flu spreading throughout the nation. CDC reports that the HtNiw can cause illness, hospitalization and/or death. CDC recommends see FLU , page 7


High: 73 ° Low: 54 ° SUNNY


High: 77 ° Low: 55 ° WINDY

Tivanna Harris Stqff U/riter

24,105 domestic violence cases were reported to Oklahoma law enforce-

ment in 2006, and only 5o% percent of intimate violence incidents are reported to law enforcement (OSBI 2006 UCR). This is the reality of domestic violence here in the Oklahoma. UCO N.O.W (National Organization for Women) organized a Domestic violence panel lead by Becki Warner N.O.W president, to help with education and awareness of crimes against women. On the panel was Lieutenant Daimon Alexander ofthe Oklahoma City Police Department Domestic Violence unit, Marisabel Kremeier a program coordinator and prevention educator with the YWCA Oklahoma City, Deah Johnson a Women's History masters student

and Jennifer McLaughlin a sexual violence specialist from the Oklahoma Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. The panel discussed topics such as domestic violence, date rape, and stalking. We are told as young girls that if a boy hits you than he likes you. According to Mclaughlin, studies show that as early as fifth grade patterns are already set in, if someone is going to abuse they will. The panel agreed that it has become a cultural issue because of the way male-female relationships are looked at. Kremeier admitted that she goes into elementary schools to do prevention education. " We have to teach them what a healthy relationship is, some have never seen one." said Kremeier. The panel brought up the case of a 15 year old girl that was gang rape by see PANEL ,



Photo by Allison Rathgeber

The UCO National Organization for Women (N.O.W.) chapter recently held a panel to discusss the realities of domestic violence in Oklahoma.

TUNE INTO NEWSCENTRAL UCO's student-run newscast runs Monday through Thursday on Cox Digital Cable channel 125 in Edmond at 5:00 p.m.

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When to tap Rainy Day fund?



By Editorial Board Tulsa World


EDITORIAL@UCO360.COM The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semi-weekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and only on Wednesdays during the summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy obtained.

EDITORIALS Opinion columns, editorial cartoons, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the, Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO.

LETTERS The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, with a maximum of 150 words, and must include the author's printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034-5209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 131. Letters can be e-mailed to .


MANAGEMENT Laura Hoffert, Editor-in-Chief Kory Oswald, Managing Editor Caleb McWilliams, Copy Editor Chris Wescott, Sports Editor

Kaylea Brooks, Tiffany Brown, Steve Vidal, Jenefar De Leon, Ryan Costello, Amy Stinnett, Tivanna Harris, Emily Davis,


Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer

The protest ... on the Capitol steps by the state Pardon and P-i-arole Board over employee furlough days brings up a question: When exactly is the Legislature going to tap the "rainy day" fund? The state's rainy day fund was designed to be used at the onset of a downturn to make up for shortfalls and minimize the extent of cuts to key public services. Oklahoma's revenues have fallen dramatically. Based on economic forecasts and experiences from past downturns, it does not appear that the revenues will rebound until at least 2011. By one estimate, the state might face

shortfalls of some $1.45 billion. Even with the use of federal stimulus funds, budget shortfalls could exceed $500 million. While some have argued the prudent course is to save the rainy day fund, which has a balance of at least $600 million, the rules governing its use prohibit spending most of the fund once revenues begin to recover, even to make up for ongoing shortfalls. The Pardon and Parole Board is but the latest agency to feel the effects of the plummeting state revenues. Since August, employees there have had three involuntary furlough days. Most likely there will be more furlough days for this agency and others. As one protester point-

ed out, "They (state offi- start dying because enough cials) should not have cut funds were not available to pay Department of Human the tax base." But no lawmaker would Services case workers. It admit that several years might notice when services ago, when the economy for the elderly and the diswas strong, the Legislature abled are sliced, when the made a mistake when it roads aren't • getting fixed enacted deep phased-in and the public cannot get a cuts in income tax rates. drivers license renewed in Now, forced cuts are affect- a timely fashion. Perhaps ing state services. Perhaps there will be some regret taxpayers would rather when our prisons run short have their tax cuts — prob- of correctional officers and ably equivalent to a few our roads aren't regularly bags of groceries a year patrolled. The rainy day fund is — than see that essential state services continue to full. It was meant for economic downturns. If this operate. The public might see isn't an economic downthings differently, howev- turn then what exactly er, when the prisons start constitutes one? Oklahoma backing up because the is in the midst of a toad Pardon and Parole Board strangler of a rain. Is anycannot handle its docket. It one noticing? might care when children

It's time for casinos to come clean By Editorial Board The Muskogee Phoenix

The odds for slot machines at casinos in Oklahoma should be reguADVERTISING PHOTOGRAPHY lated and published on the record just as Nevada does Stacey Sprague Byron Koontz for its casinos. Allison Rathgeber ... Our story reveals that Amanda Siegfried tribes are not required to CIRCULATION maintain or list a particuADVISER lar payout percentage. As Laura Hoffert the Oklahoma Gaming Mr. Teddy Burch Stephen Hughes Compliance Unit informed the Phoenix, " ... there are no laws/guidelines, either ADMINISTRATIVE state or federal that dictate ASSISTANT payout percentages (odds) at tribal gaming facilities." Tresa Berlemann The Phoenix asked

tribes about slot machine odds after receiving a few phone calls from casino patrons who expressed concern that payouts at machines had been altered to lessen the odds of winning. The gambling experiences of a few people are very subjective. Those experiences are not an adequate measure of if tribal casinos are returning a sizable portion of what people wager in prize money. The only reliable measurement can come from the tribes or regulators who reveal the payback percent-

ages or odds. However, the National Indian Gaming Commission and state overseers don't require it, and most tribes won't release that information. The Cherokee Nation told the Phoenix that the nation's payback percentages are a matter of "proprietary pricing strategy" and they are not disclosed for "competitive reasons." We can't understand why the state, when it negotiated gaming compacts with the tribes, did not include payout percentages as part of the pact. Nevada requires a minimum 75 percent payback of money

wagered in slot machines, and Kansas requires each gaming machine to be programmed to pay back 8o percent. There's no question that tribal casinos have improved Oklahoma's economy with new jobs and attracting visitors from out of state who spend their money here. There's no question that tribal casinos return a healthy portion of their revenues to public projects and services. But as long as the tribes operate in secrecy, those who play the machines will wonder what kind of odds they're up against.

Why do you drive when you can walk instead? Julie Alexander

Denise Jones

Junior English Education

Sophomore Psychology

"Because it's convenient. It's just a little bit easier to get around."

Alexis Nabor

Tim Deffebaugh

Junior Music Theater

Junior Interpersonal Communication

"I ride my bike. Actually, it got stolen but if I had a bike I would ride it.

"Cold weather, or vice versa really, really hot. Laziness. Do you want more?"

Dithering on Afghanistan not a strategy As he continues to stretch out the timetable on a decision about whether to escalate the U.S. commitment to the war in Afghanistan, President Barack Obama has asked for a provinceby-province assessment of the tribal and other local leaders in that mountainous country. The ostensible reason is to try to figure out which local regions have leaders inclined to cooperate with the U.S. and able to provide a modicum of stability, meaning there would be little need for a lot of U.S. troops. To many people, how-

"I walk a lot. I don't drive unless it's out of walking distance."

Freshman Accounting

Afghanistan: It's time to decide The Gazette Colorado Springs

Freshman Accounting

Morgan McEwen

"Because I live off campus and it's far, and I come straight from work."

By Editorial Board

"I guess because you get there faster."

Mark Thompson

seems to be the road the obsessive micromanage- president is set to take us ment from Washington of down. a country about which even So our best bet is to most reputed experts in this define what success would country know little. be in Afghanistan, maintain ... If the U.S. has a the troops to achieve that legitimate interest in goal, then draw down U.S. Afghanistan, it is to ensure military forces and inform that al-Qaida, which has whatever government international ambitions emerges in Afghanistan and capabilities, does not that if al-Qaida does estabre-establish operational lish bases we will destroy bases in Afghanistan. No them pronto. credible authority believes Then go after al-Qaida it has them now. where it is, in Pakistan, ever, this looks like almost

Competition is key to getting insurance costs under control Controlling costs and expanding access to quality care can be achieved

town hall meetings. ... In many parts of the country, one or two insurThe twin goals of ers dominate the market, President Barack Obama's and a lack of competition health care reform effort is a major contributor to are controlling costs and premiums rising far faster expanding access to qual- than inflation. As a result, ity care. some people can no longer A public option can help afford insurance, and many achieve both objectives if it employers are scaling back isn't rendered toothless in the coverage they provide. the logrolling for congresCongressional leaders sional support. announced this week that One of the worst strat- with what has worked best Public support has they will include a pubegies would be a cross so far: better intelligence between the status quo and and the occasional special remained strong despite lic option in the bills preramping up troop levels to forces operation or drone insurance industry scare sented for debate on the tactics and a news media House and Senate floors. the number Obama's gen- strike. erals have requested to do Is that so hard to feeding frenzy focused on Each already includes coma handful of noisy demon- promises that could limit the job. Unfortunately, this decide? strators at last summer's its effectiveness: an opt-out By Editorial Board The Press Democrat

clause in the Senate and a House requirement that the government negotiate rates with insurers rather than basing them on Medicare reimbursements. Key questions, including who is eligible to enroll, remain to be settled. Insurers support provisions of the health care plan that would require people to obtain coverage, and so do we. It's no different than states requiring auto insurance or mortgage lenders insisting on homeowners insurance. But the industry stren



Facebook friendships: Appropriate for students, profs? Cody Bromley ('turn ib/Nor

As young professionals look to build an online persona for later use in life, online social networking sites like Facebook and LinkedIn are becoming home to not only students, but also professors. With the rise in popularity of these sites among professors comes a simple question, "should you be online friends with your professors?" For some students, being online friends with a professor is just like being friends with anyone else online. "Facebook is not a deep friendship. I'm friends with a lot of'people I've never met in real life," UCO junior Jennifer Burris, said. "My professor used it; he made a Facebook group for our class and could message us quicker on Facebook." Mass Communications professor Dr. Kole Kleeman sees online student/professor relationships a different way. "I don't think they should accept them as friends. They're not your friends; they're your students," Kleeman said. The question was raised, if it's inappropriate to be reallife friends with one of your students, what is the difference if it's online? "My cousin teaches high school, and she's a very popular teacher, and students constantly are trying to get her to accept them on Facebook and she doesn't do it," Kleeman said. Facebook users revealing information about their personal lives were also a concern for some. According to Burris, students should only have things that are presentable on your Facebook, because eventually future employers might see it. "If you have pictures of you doing inappropriate things, then that shouldn't be up there right now," Burris said. Some students view the crossing of the personal and the professional lives of students as a safety concern. "Male teachers, female students, you never know. It's not something you want to mess with until after you graduate. There's just too many different situations that could go wrong," Tarr said. Tarr worries the the mixing of the two groups could

V. Al';'g>



„,Offlkell.r., U,ORIG. or:

Photo Illustration by Allison Rathgeber

Some students and professors disagree on whether it is appropriate for students and professors to be friends on social networking sites like Facebook or Linkedin. "I don't think they should accept them as friends,” Mass Communications professor Dr. Kole Kleeman said. "They're not your friends; they're your students." Junior Jennifer Burris said that "Facebook is not a deep friendship. I'm friends wtih a lot of . people I've never met in real life."

lead to what some might consider favoritism, or possibly leading to situations where a student might be made uncomfortable. Kleeman didn't completely oppose the idea of professors and students being friends bn Facebook. "After you graduate, not while you're earning your grade and being evaluated on. You're not friends," he said. Social networks allows teachers and students to keep in touch after the semester ends. If students need a letter of recommendation, the professor is right there to ask.

According to Kleeman, he uses LinkedIn, to keep in touch with past students. "I don't know how many of my students that have graduated that I'm on their LinkedIn's," Kleeman said. LinkedIn, which was launched in 2003, allows its users to post their full academic and business resumes. Also, more prestigious users write recommendations for users who might just be starting out in the business world. UCO students, aculty and staff on both sides of the issue see no problem with befriending after graduation.

UCO's Melton Gallery serves students, public community Reference Library. "It serves art history, art classes, human.S•/(11•1 I riler ities, history classes and museum studies," William Wallo, gallery coordinator, said. The Melton Art Gallery is a hidden asset "They also use it for college receptions durlocated in the art building that most stu- ing the graduation ceremonies." dents wouldn't know about unless they are Wallo, also a professor in the art departart students. ment, said that the art donated to the Used by various departments to hold' aft gallarN:Vas' gift' from the reference luncheons, meetings and ceremonies, library that Howard and Merle Melton the Melton Art Galley is the result of a put together for educational purposes. generous donation from the Melton Art Howard Melton owned a chemistry plant,

Kaylea Brooks

Earn 3 hours of Upper Division credit in 5 days of class!


Michael Genovese Professor of Political Science Director, Center for Leadership Studies Loyola Marymont University

American Exceptionalism & „ ,A Marriage & Family A Taste of Place, Food, 8 Culture

Andrew Bacevich Professor of International Relations '& History Boston University Author, The Limits of Poor

Stephanie Coontz, Professor of History & Family Studies, The. EvergreenStete Collage; Oire!ctai of ResearcitYPublic Edoctilion, to6i1611.0A4Conternporary famatiee

Amy Trubek Professor of Nutrition & Food Science University of Vermont

but he and his wife were always fond of collecting paintings. The Meltons had collected paintings privately for many years before they decided they wanted to share some of those works of art with the public. "The Melton Legacy Collection has been the most valuable single gift ever received by VCO. The Melton Legacy Cgllection contains 60' works -of Eurdpean and American Art, that were given to UCO by the Melton Art Reference Library. Receiving the gift fulfils the University of Central Oklahoma's mission to preserve and display cultural objects for educational purposes and confirms the university's commitment to receive further gifts from donors in the future," said Wallo in an email. "The Melton Art Reference Library and UCO agreed that the Collection would be preserved and made available in a dedicated gallery spaces for the visiting public and the OKC Community: The gift becomes the property of the university at the end of a lo-year era thatbegan in2003." The paintings range in Movements and eras, from Renaissance to landscapes by modem painters. The paintings consist of Western European Art and American Art. "Some of the artists are well known, some successful in their own regions," Wallo saift The paintings cover the walls of the gallery, sectioned off historically or by period in which the art was created. Walking into the gallery, the more traditional paintings hang on, the •(iall. The El Greco paintings, St. Thomas and St. Paul painted during the 16th century, were done by a Greek who was trained in Italy during the Renaissance. On the left hand side, the Dutch Wall is home to paintings .of Dutch artists who introduced oil painting during their age of naval control in the 17th century. Such artists include Rembrandt Van Rijn, with a portion of one of Rembrandt's paintings, The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes 'Fulp (1632). The portion is a portrait of the doc-

tor, entitled Dr. Tulp by Eastman Johnson, an American painter of the 19th century. Johnson's excerpt is an example of an artist painting and studying former artists, Wallo said. "That's what some artists do. They walk around museums with a paintbrush in _their hand and try to recreate the art," he said. The turn of the 19th century was an important time in history for France and America, as the two countries celebrated their first centennial anniversaries. Towards the end of the 19th century, Paris became the art capital of the time, a title that has been held by Venice' 41tid other parts of the world dining different time periods, Wallo said. French painters fiirtheredt, by way of Impressionism, Cubistn Wand Expressionism, different types of at that loosened traditional definitions of painting with brighter colors, had more exaggerated brush strokes and explored different types of landscapes for painting than traditional works. Grant Wood and Everett Shinn, both American painters, painted in Paris in the early 1900s. The gallery is also home to several Thomas Moran paintings, and though Moran was not a native of America, many Americans have seen his paintings of the Rockies, Yellowstone and otherlandscapes in the late i400s. His parntx<ns of the mountains and the 'Grandy ta.4ypn were used to promote the Snia Fe'raProad in 1909. There is alSb a wall dedicated 40 different types of portraits, and the styles of different artists in painting their subjects. Wallo said he would like more students to tour the gallery. "We would like to be part of their des. tination," he said. "We take imagery for granted. Even when seeing prints of art, it's not the same as seeing the original. Each of these have their place and validity."

Kevin Mahoney Screenwriter Playwright Professor, University of New Mexico (Taos)


Photo art by Allison Rathgeber

application and additional information at or call 405.325A309

Brandon Hey (left), senior photography, and Kenzie Heidelberg, freshman photography, look at a painting in UCO's Melton Gallery. The gallery "has been the most valuable single gift ever received by UCO," William Wallo, gallery coordinator, said.



Campus organization strengthens families nuanne Harris StafflPriter

Many Bronchos are familiar with student organizations such as the PreMed & Health professions, the accounting club or Prelaw society but one they may not be familiar with is the Campus Council on Family Relations. This is a student organization that offers networking and career information for students interested in a career that involves strengthening and supporting families. The organization was started in 2003 and is affiliated with the National Council on Family Relations, which also offers resources to students interested in a career in family relations. According to faculty sponsor, Dr. Nate Cottle, the organization is very active, participating in activities such as Homecoming and the president's Christmas Party"We try to give education on anything that helps support and strengthen

organization also sends out families" Cottle said. The organization focus- a career list to graduates es on ways to help families of the program for current and the family child abuse career opportunities. "Four of our students effort. "The organization is stu- are attending. the national dent ran but we do have meeting in San Francisco, some nontraditional stu- California next week" Dr. dents as well as grad stu- Glee Bertram, the faculty dents that participate in sponsor, said. "We usually have meetthe organization and they offer a unique prospective" ings once a month on Tuesday evenings," Cottle Cottle said. The organization also said. CCFR had a joint lunch has a Web site that is put together by the student meeting with the Early board. The site has links Childhood Association on to a variety of things for November 4 with guest families, such as children's speaker Major General music and books and a list Larita Aragon. She is the of teen life skills parents leader-in- resident for 2009 can look at. It is also linked to 2010 for the College of to the National Council's Education and Professional Studies. Web site. "You are attending one of UCO, in coordination with the organization, has the premier teacher educaan approved master's pro- tion programs in the state, gram through the nation- I believe nation," Aragon al accreditation agency. said. "Families today are This allows students to get the accreditation title extremely fractured, and of Counseling and fam- educators to stay relevant ily life Educator by going have to fill those gaps." Photo by Tivanna Harris Any student interested in through a coursework with 10 areas of content. This family relations is encour- Students filled out paperwork and ate at the Campus Council on Family Relations joing meeting with the Early Childhood Association on Nov. 4. coursework eliminates the aged to contact Bertram. need to sit for an exam. The .

New program to offer students inexpensive rental cars bership card. Registration is free and the membership card is used at "Connect" Staff'," ,itet stations, where a student The UCO Office of will be able to swipe their Transportation and Parking card and rent a Hertz vehiServices will give students cle for just around $8 an easy access to inexpensive hour. When the Connect rental cars at an hourly rate program begins, UCO from Hertz starting in the will have two rental staspring semester. tions, each with two cars. Hertz's Connect proThe rental stations will be gram, the first of its kind located outside the Nigh at an Oklahoma University, offers students an alterna- University Center and the tive route to alternative UCO Wellness Center. Tim Tillman, the alterforms of transportation. native transportation coorThe program was develdinator at UCO, said Hertz oped • to offer a simple, will offer, "late model, streamlined avenue for low-mileage vehicles that students to gain access to are green certified." This rental cars. Beginning in includes vehicles like the January, UCO students can Ford Escape or the Toyota register at connectbyhertz. corn and wait for a mem- Prius. Mike Sokoff, director of

Ryan Costello

the UCO TPS office, originally noted the convenience of the Hertz Connect program before asking Tillman to research its benefits. Unlike cars in similar programs, Connect vehicles are fully insured, and will not require any additional coverage by student renters. The age requirement for the program is 17-yearsold, instead of the standard 25-year-old requirement enforced by most car rental programs. Tillman believes the new program will serve the university in both a financial and environmental sense. Hertz Connect has no quota for their vehicles' use, whereas similar rental organizations require a certain number of rentals to continue to offer service. In

fact, if UCO students rent enough Hertz cars under the Connect program, the university will have a chance to share UCO rental profits with the company. Environmentally speaking, Tillman references industry standards that predict that, "every Hertz rental car could take as many as 15 cars off the road." With two stations offering four cars on campus, this means there could be as many as 6o fewer cars' worth of emissions and 6o' cars' worth of parking not occupied by commuters. If there is any one wall for the Hertz Connect program to climb, Tillman thinks it would be the "car culture" that students live in today. The financial impact for

an individual owning a car be a small program with is one thing Tillman believes a big impact," Tillman could help the program to said, "It's a great thing that scale this wall. Tillman says works. It's real. Iris right that between insurance, here." In the future, Tillman gas, and maintenance, a car can garner a hefty monthly ' hopes to expand on what cost. For commuters close the program can offer. to a Connect station, this From as small, but concost could be trimmed if venient, as offering rentnot completely avoided. "If al trucks during moving you offer a viable alterna- week, to as large as setting tive, people will take it," an example for the entire city and state. Tillman Tillman said. Tillman added, "I think said he would like to see we have a generation corn- Edmond and Oklahoma ing up that is far more envi- City take UCO's lead and ronmentally conscience install rental stations like than previous ones, but these throughout city limthey are practical about it." its, a process seen recently As ambitious a program in such major areas as New as Hertz offers, Tillman York and Washington D.C. maintains that it is not one that is meant to replace traditional car ownership. "This is hopefully going to

A Glimpse around the World


AP Photo by Aftab Alam Siddiqui

Policemen baton charge employees of fair price shops during a protest in Patna, India, Wednesday, Nov. 4, 2009

AP Photo by Vahid Salemiw

A pro-government Iranian female demonstrator, makes her way as she holds a poster showing pictures of the late revolutionary founder Ayatollah Khomeini and supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

AP Photo by Sergei Grits

A man adjusts his mask, a precaution against flu, while walking in the western Ukrainian city of Lviv, Wednesday, Nov. 4, 2009.

AP Photo by Rich Schultz

New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine emerges from the booth after voting at the Elks Club in Hoboken, N.J., Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2009.



Piracy downloads could be costly for students Cody Bromley

the worst of worst, college students. Market research Contributor firm NPD concluded that Keeping up with the lat- from the data they collected est music trends is not easy, on piracy in 2006, college nor cheap. As students race students alone accounted to be relevant, where does for more than 1.3 billion university policy fit in? For illegal music downloads. many students, piracy netGiven this, college stuworks like Limewire and dents who have Internet Frostwire are both poorly access are likely to use kept secrets and the hor- these piracy tools. The uniror stories of the fines and versity has remained relalawsuits that could follow tively quiet on the subject. are all but secret. The Office of Information "I feel like I buy a lot Technology, who oversees of CD's. I'd like a free one the campus's network, does every now and then," UCO not currently take an active junior Vivian Le, said. role in preventing on camStudents have long tried pus piracy, instead opting to justify their download- for an open network enviing habits with a variety ronment. of excuses, but Le gets to "We leave it up to indithe point on why she feels viduals." Bill Elliott, execujustified. tive director for the Office "We [students] can't of Information Technology, buy expensive music all the said. time," Le said. As it stands, the univerThe fines for spreading sity does not have anything across a peer-to-peer net- in place to prevent piracy work can set the poorest programs on campus. of college students back "The university doesn't quite a pretty penny, more really do anything right realistically to the tune of now unless someone comes $30,000 per file. to us and says 'this issue While most cases happened and you need to Photo Art by Byron Koontz have settled out of court, research it'," Elliott said. the Recording Industry In any case, even if such Pirates "sail the seas" searching for places to ilAssociation of America an instance happened legally download copyrighted material. Most often prowled college campuses where the school was con- the spoils are music and movies. for what they held to be tacted regarding the file

sharing habits of a student. Elliott said the university always tries to make sure they protect the student. Typically, such conduct is passed on to the student conduct office, but Elliott said in the last six me these notices, which used to come four to five times

a year, have virtually stopped. This philosophy on how to maintain a network differs from the state's other large academic institutions such as the University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State, who beginning on October 25th will begin blocking access to piracy networks and sites. "I couldn't tell you the answer right now, but there's probably a good chance we could be forced to do the same thing," Elliott said. According to Elliott, the issue may be linked to funding from the federal government, who could say, "If you don't block these sites, we're not going to give you money," Elliott said. Being a public university, UCO may eventually have to fold to the standards that are set on the legislative level. "We've tried to put

things in place that said, `here's a way to do it, and here's a way to do it legally," Elliot said. Ruckus was referring to, a joint venture of Sony and Universal Music Group. Ruckus started as a completely free, and completely legal alternative to file sharing networks available exclusively to college students. Despite being the home of free, unlimited, legal downloading, the site has specific rules for the usage of its files. The songs were encoded with Digital Rights Management protections that kept users from transferring songs onto a CD or to a non-approved mp3 player, such as Apple's iPod. The service would let users transfer to a small list of compatible MP3 players, but for an additional

monthly fee. The lone legal alternative closed its virtual doors earlier this year. The site,

which had furnished its

income from ad-sales, had to call it quits when slipping popularity caused advertisers to drop. Downloading illegal music may lead to costly consequences.

Center forGlobal Competency brings students together Emily Davis Staff-Writer

The Center for Global Competency reactivated a program on campus this semester that incorporates relationships between domestic and international students. Broncho Buddies is a program that gives students a chance to grow culturally without leaving campus. The program is designed to bring students together to have learning experiences and build friendships. It's a chance to give students opportunities to learn from other cultures, by pairing them with a person from a different background. This semester 75 students took part in this program. Students that signed up for the program were paired up according to interests and gender, after answering a survey. ' All the students met at a kick-off party at the beginning of the semester to meet their buddies. The program incor-

porated ice-breakers such as, "Find Your Buddy." As students checked in at the event they were handed a fact sheet of their buddy and they had to talk to people in order to find their buddy. After the first mixer students were encouraged to hang out with their buddies and do activities together outside of the group meetings. "It's important to actually call your buddy and hang out with them," Valerie Sebestyen, a Broncho Buddies participant, said. Sebestyen said this program is a good way to get an "outside point of view" on our culture, and that this experience has been "very positive" and "opened my eyes more." Rui Xu an international student from China said she has "really enjoyed it." Xu was told about Broncho Buddies by a friend a couple of days before it began and was happy to find out that they were being paired with someone whom they shared

the same interests. Xu and Sebestyen are "buddies" and they both love horses. Sebestyen owns a horse and has taken Xu to the stables with her. They have also gone to lunches and an art museum. This program is free to the participants and each month there is a smaller bash like the one at the beginning of the semester. Marco Rodriguez, Coordinator of the Center for Global Competency said that the turnout this semester "exceeded the expectations." Rodriguez said that most students learned of the program through "word-of-mouth," but that he also gave a lot of class presentations. There are no guidelines on what the buddies do outside of the events, they can do "just whatever they have to do," Vista Writer Emily Davis can be reached at .

Greek honor society inducts 17 new students "Omega is a way to honor those top student leaders who do so much" Kaylea Brooks StaffI l "ritcr

Greek honor society The Order of Omega inducted 17 new students last Wednesday, one of the "biggest initiations yet," according to Pan-Hellenic advisor, Jessica Schwab. "Our chapter is one of several chapters nationally," she said. "Order of Omega recognizes the top leaders on campus who give back to the community, and do well in their academic endeavors as well." The honor society is allowed to initiate up to three percent of Greek students, and the society is open to both men and women how go through an application process to receive the honor. Omega holds initiation every semester and applicants must be at least juniors. The group will sponsor four children for the President's Club Children Christmas party, in which underprivileged

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children of Edmond receive Christmas presents from their sponsors. They also sponsor a philanthropy for various causes during Greek Week, and also hold a larger project in the spring. Omega was established inn 1959 by a group of fraternity men at the University of Miami who believed that Greek students should be recognized for their acts to the school and community. "Omega is a way to honor those top student leaders who do so much," said Schwab. The organization branched off to the University of Southern Mississippi in 1967 after the chapter notified the dean of their desire to charter other universities who had the same goals as Omega. In 1977, Omega became a co-ed organization. While many institutions inquire to become part of the society, Omega states that it wants it's members to be "active honorary[s]." As said by the mission statement, "There must continue

to be a common means by which the most outstanding fraternity men and women can stand united to further the philosophy of the college fraternity." The UCO chapter of The Order of Omega began in 2005. The new inductees are: Jennifer Burris of Alpha Xi Delta, Lindsey Hanna of Alpha Xi Delta, Chase Moore of Pi Kappa Alpha, Jay Adams of Pi Kappa Alpha, John David McFarlin of N Kappa Alpha, Logan Pennington of Pi Kappa Alpha, Elizabeth Le of Delta Zeta, Brittany Smith of Delta Zeta, Hunter Scott of Sigma Tau Gamma, Darren Dupus of Sigma Tau Gamma, Vanessa Canfield of Alpha Gamma Delta, Aubrey Frazier of Alpha Gamma Delta, Ryan Taylor of Sigma Nu and Tabitha Terrell of Alpha Kappa Alpha. Cole Stanley, who is assistant vice president of Student Affairs and also alum of PI Kappa Alpha, and Kortnie Napier, a Greek Life graduate assistant and alum member of Delta Sigma Theta, were both chosen as honorary initiates.

Campout for cancer by Broncho Lake Phillip Hemphill

on a grassy patch between Broncho cancer, such as the various forms and

Lake and the Communications the costs associated with treating and Building. preventing it. "We are also .planning to reserve "We want to raise a lot of money... On Nov. 18 to 19, the candidate the canopy next to Broncho Lake," we want to get the word out about class of Sigma Nu will be camping Kartomo said. "We plan to have a live cancer and teach them some stuff," outside of Broncho Lake to raise funds performance by a band, The Morning Kartomo said. As for any goal in this year's event, for St. Jude's Research Hospital out of West." Other than a live music perfor- Kartomo and Eldred said that they Tennessee. The annual event known as mance, other activities are scheduled. are looking to beat last year's goal. "Campout for Cancer" is put on to "We will be pushing students to "We are looking at beating last raise funds for Sigma Nu's philan- class on a sofa on wheels," Kartomo year's goal of Um° — somewhere said. "Possibly even use a scooter." around $1,300 to $1,500," Kartomo th ropy. "It [Campout for Cancer] is a fund- Tim Eldred, another Sigma Nu said. "We are also looking to have a raising where we raise money for St. candidate assisting Kartomo in the fun and memorable time." Jude's Research Hospital," said Gema planning of the event explained they "We don't want this to be another Kartomo, philanthropy chair for the will accept donations and provide boring fundraiser," Eldred said. "We candidate class of Sigma Nu. "There is rides to those who donate. want this to be an exciting event. It is going to be live music, food and just a In addition to the activities, all about the children." lot of fun activities." Kartomo explained that they will be Both said students can expect to This year's event is slated to be held putting out basic information about see flyers about it around campus.




Continued from page 1

Chen said this could lead to the treatment of inoperable tumors in the future, adding, "The key is we don't

"We can be proud of what we do here, of what we can achieve." --Dr. Wei Chen

have to cut anything." The laser immunotherapy treatment currently focuses on late stage melanoma, which the American Skin Cancer Foundation defines as a malignant tumor that originates in melanocytes, the cells that produce the pigment melanin that colors human skin, hair, and eyes. Although not the most common skin cancer, melanoma causes 79 percent of all skin can-

cer deaths because it can advance to other parts of the body. • Chen believes that this treatment could potentially be used to treat various forms of cancer. Chen is currently studying the treatment's effectiveness on breast cancer. In light of medical bills from cancer treatment costing Americans an estimated $92.3 billion in 2009, Chen also noted that laser immunotherapy would be a cost-effective alternative to traditional cancer treatments like chemotherapy. "Definitely, it's cheaper," Chen said, attributing the treatment's affordability to its efficiency and to the laser's reusable nature. Another of this new treatment's myriad of benefits is its convenience to the patient. One cycle lasts


six weeks, and involves little to no recovery or side effects. "So far all of our patients have been outpatient," Chen said. Chen's research in laser immunotherapy began in 1992, while he was teaching at the Oklahoma School of Science and Math. The idea for the treatment was developed while Chen was working with Dr. Robert Nordquist, who Chen regards as his mentor. Chen believes that UCO can sometimes be overlooked as a research center. The professor maintains that work being done by UCO faculty and students is on the cutting edge of research. "We can be proud of what we do here. Of what we can achieve," Chen said.

Continued from page 1

ones that their families to the 1800s." Students can gain credit have lived there for hundreds of years, or ones that for attending and signing want to get away. People up to participate in this there live a simple life- project as a class course. "It was a great expestyle." The UCO Geography rience to learn about the Student Organization, the culture and geography. UCO Laboratory of History Also the great food we had Museum and the UCO a chance to eat made the Department of History trip a great experience," and Geography sponsor Jeffrey Widener, a graduate student, said. Dr. Nostrand's lecture. "It was like going back Hurt said this is his fourth year attending the in time, the homes are gorgeous and everything is project. "It's an exciting hands- preserved in the village," on experience," Hurt said. Sharron Kelting partici"It's a great opportunity pated on the trip last year to see an entire different said. Hurt said that students world, it is like going back

Photo by Allison Rathgeber

Vista Writer Ryan The laser immunotherapy treatment Dr. Wei Chen has been researching Costello can be reached at focuses on late-stage melanoma, a malignant tumor. rcostello@uco360.corn.

would gain experience and also help a community. "They will use the concepts they learned in class in a short period of time. We have alumnus come back to participate," Hurt said. "It's making a difference for a community, and it's for a good purpose. Students get to meet new people, and gain a sense of the community." The event is free and open to the public. Vista Writer Jenefar de Leon can be reached at


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Amy Stinnett

Knight, who teaches Psychology of Grief, said the Natural History of Bereavement Spirts fi titer course is an "in-depth examination of As Benjamin Franklin said, "In this grief." It teaches students how to assist people world nothing is certain but death and in coping with grief and will be offered as taxes." an elective, available to all UCO students. The University of Central Oklahoma is All of these classes, bare an accounting training students to be the best at dealing class in the Business building, which are with death. held in the Coyner Health Sciences buildDr. Chris H. Burkey, a professor at UCO's Department of Funeral Service, is also a ing on the southwest side of the campus. In this building Funeral Service stulicensed embalmer and funeral director in dents are able to dissect human cadavers, Oklahoma. He earned his Funeral Service learn restorative art, and experience a degree at UCO in 1978, only twelve years mock funeral home complete with vaults, after the university awarded the nation's caskets, and even stationery that would be first Bachelor's degree in Funeral Service found in a genuine funeral home. in 1966, he said. In addition to intelligence, a prospecSince, UCO remains one of only five schools in the country that offers a tive funeral director must also possess compassion, Knight said. Bachelor's in Funeral Service. Burkey agreed, comparing the job of a Additionally, UCO alumni have gone funeral director to that of a minister. on to train individuals all across the coun"We get the dead where they need to try, Burkey said. go, and the living where they need to be," The longevity of faculty in the departBurkey said, adding that the role a funeral ment is also viewed as positive. Professor Larry Morgan, an adjuct, director is a "crucial component of grief taught at UCO for 35 years. Morgan has resolution." Burkey and Knight noted that this is also practiced law while in addition to


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The life behind funeral services



. . ce metery Cremated can he.iri,‘ ade $7,000, not. - inclndlng sts.., into dia.tnCitids't6 ,!ae wren aije* elry monument or marker costs. . '4. Oklahoma state law -requiress.. by cove, one 2 feral:; Director was ranked nn-embalmed Oead bodies be bu ried -.:1;ittarice!S:" or cremated within 24 hours, after 44 OnH'igh pay and M nimal Schooling death Regliited0 list . 5. Thanks to modern technology, gy', Nati onal loved ones who are unable to attend 3.... .A.cco'rding‘, Fiinerat::-.Directors Association, a ceremonies can watch wehcasts. ar adult funeral can cost over teaching at UCO. Other professors, such as Dr. Gary Sokoll and Dr. Joseph Gyzybowski, have taught at the university for 20 years or more. Interim Department Chair and Assistant Professor Angela Knight is the newest member of the crew since August of this year. Knight and Burkey each sat down with me to tell me all about UCO's Funeral Service Department. Among the handful of loyal faculty members, many different subjects are taught to accommodate the requirements of a degree in Funeral Service. "This program is so unique in that we have [all] these hardcore classes. The interdiscipline is incredibly diverse and necessary," Knight said. For this reason there is a "high standard [for students in the program] to be able to understand business, science, and psychology," Knight said. These classes include Psychology of Grief, Funeral Service Statutory Law, Funeral Home Management and Anatomy/Dissection held in the cadaver lab. Knight mentioned two new classes being offered by the department, Natural History of Bereavement in the spring and Contemporary Funeral Service this semester. The Contemporary Funeral Service class will help train funeral directors who will need to be able to deal with the changing demographics of this country. As Burkey pointed out, the Baby Boomer generation is a group of people who are very individualistic and funeral directors must be "adaptive to what the families want," such as "green" funerals.

the reason more females have recently entered the field, because they are "natural caregivers." Also, a funeral service can be "dramaturgical," Burkey said, meaning that it is similar to writing a play, except that it is one without rehearsals, Knight chimed in. "No two funerals are the same" and there is a lot of "pressure on a funeral director. You only get one chance to get it right the first time," Burkey said. Burkey suggested that students who pursue the degree should begin with their one-year apprenticeship, a requirement to obtain a funeral director's license. Laying out the scenario of being called to the scene of an accident at '2:3o in the morning, Burkey said a student would likely think, "This is not for me." According to Burkey, if students stick it out, they will always be guaranteed a job somewhere. The problem in the metro is that students from UCO "flood the market," Burkey said, but in other parts of the country they "can always find a job [and] don't have to worry about being laid off." A common misconception about funeral service is that it does not require a college education. Burkey said that he always has to prepare himself to answer a second time when asked what subject it is that he teaches. Though they take their job seriously, they are able to laugh about the "Addams family" persona they may be given. "We're just normal people," Burkey said. "We coach little league. We go out to is just like any other passion a person might have."



Continued from page 1 ing the song is the perfect amount of time to wash your hands. The Transfer Leadership Council and the Wellness Center will provide free flu kits to participates of the program which will include: hand sanitizer, tissue, cough drops, sanitizer wipes and basic flu information provided by the CDC. Nineteen deaths caused by the HiNi flu have been reported to the CDC this year. Children younger than 2-years-old, and adults' 65-years-old have a higher risk of contracting the flu and require urgent care. Allen said that students should not be afraid and worry about the HiNi. "I don't want students and faculty to worry about HiNi," Allen said. "I want them to have a healthy respect of the flu and to take precaution."

preventative measures such as the seasonal flu vaccine. "I think preventative measures is the key against the flu," Dill said. "Coughing on your selves, or just not going to class when your sick to prevent others from getting sick will help." CDC also repOrts washing your hands with soap in water regularly after contact with several people, and keeping hand sanitizer if soap and water is not available. "I always say listen to everything your mother said," James Allen, Assistant Director Health Promotion said. "Washing .:crour hands regularly and using hand sanitizer." Allen recommends singing the "Happy Birthday" song, when washing your hands. The amount of time sing-


The UCO clinic currently does not offer the vaccination but students and faculty should talk to their health care physician for more information. Allen said that once UCO clinic will have access to the vaccine they will promote and make it excisable to the students. Allen recommends students and faculty to get the vaccine to help protect against the flu virus this winter. "Recently Mercy began operating UCO clinic," Dill said. "They are a support and promoter to our efforts." "If you do become contagious with the flu," Allen said. "Inform your professors, they will work with you. Limit social contact, you want to prevent it from spreading to others."

Continued from page 1 one is that rape is a physical violent crime and victims will be battered and bruised, the reality is that only 13-percent of victims show up with trauma. According to the panel the majority of attackers use the power of control on their victims. "Recanting is the one thing we fight the most," Alexander said. According to Alexander, Oklahoma is a evidence based prosecution state and it is very important to have the cooperation of the victim. A concern brought up by the panel is what to do if you or someone you know finds themselves in an abusive situation.

up to twenty people and it was watched by an even larger crowd. This event went on for over two hours and no one stopped it. l\'Iclaughlin said it was a horrific and degrading crime and as educators we need to take a look at what makes bystanding okay to do.. "Someone should had absolutely stopped it, at the department we try to ask ourselves what would we do if it was our daughter." Alexander said. The panel also talked about a couple of misconceptions of sexual assault, one is that the attacker is a stranger; the reality is that it usually occurs by someone the victim knows. Another

"Seek help, or an advocate, people are there to support you. If a friend conies to you do not judge, let them know that the specific actions of the attacker are not okay and offer resources," Kremeier said. The panel said that prevention education is also key in awareness. "There are simple things you can do for prevention: never leave your drink unattended or yourself unattended let your friends know where you are," Johnson said. The panel also said it is important to get a medical exam if you think you have been a victim of a sex crime. Some things

to look for if you believe you may have been drugged is if you feel like you had sex but don't remember having it, if your level of intoxication doesn't match the amount of alcohol you had and if the amount of memory loss doesn't match the amount of alcohol you had. "Getting you drunk to have sex is rape," McClaughlin said. Important things the panel wanted students to take away from this discussion was "Men should respect woman," Alexander said. "Change starts with us and with education," Johnson said.

Morality war waged on campus

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Meticulous. care

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Photo by Allison Rathgeber

Photo by Allison Rathgeber

Cameron Brown (left), freshman kinesiology major, talks to volunteers Mike George and Tony George about abortion.

Becki Warner, senior applied liberal arts, Morgan Jenkins, senior mathematics, Leah Bates-Albers, junior biology, and Kara Hanas, senior political sceince, (left to right) hold up signs for abortion rights.


THEIR SIDE ANTI—ABORTION: Justice For All is an anti-abortion group that wants education to serve as a way to prevent abortions.

"Let's make the choice not to kill a innocent human being," Mark Wood, a Justice For All volunteer, said. Justice For All staff member Catherine Wurts said they didn't want to just set up the exhibit and leave allowing debates and arguments to get out of control. "We want t6 make abortion unthinkable" Wurts said "We want to have a good dialogue and are interested in what people think" Wurts said. UCO student Jordan Harris stopped to ask Wood about the beliefs of the organization. "I don't believe in abortion except in the instance of rape" Harris said. Harris talked about a friend who was raped and decided not to keep the child and how difficult it was. "Abortion doesn't solve the problem of being raped it only compounds the issue," Wood said.

"My body, my choice" was the slogan worn on student tee shirts protesting for abortion rights. Andrew Webb an advisor with the N.O.W (National Organization for Woman) said that it's important to protect every ones rights. "Historically women have been treated as second class citizens," Webb said. He talked about some of the photos that where included on the exhibit. "The graphic photos don't bother me, it's that they are not true." Webb said. Webb believes people are allowed to engage in a debate but should debate on legitimate facts and tell the truth. N.O.W. historian Lauren Brandeberry was informed about the issue on Justice for All coming to the campus and held an emergency meeting on Thursday last week to discuss the issues that would be brought up. "We are not extremist, we believe that Roe vs. Wade has good restrictions," Dr. Eva Dadlez faculty advisor for N.O.W. said in the Thursday meeting.

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THE COMMON GROUND: "The common ground that we both share is the' prevention of unwanted pregnancy, but it is not practical to see self- control as a form of birth control" said UCO student Leah Bates-Albers who is in favor of abortion rights. Webb said lie doesn't believe that there will ever be an actual common ground between the two groups. Tammy Cook public relations rep for Justice For All said she believes that there is a lot of common ground between the two groups and that they simple want to start a dialogue between the two. "We both believe that women are valuable and their rights are important, that is a huge common ground." said Wurts. Justice For All asked Crossroads Clinic to come out to the event as well. "We want women to see the whole picture." said ITzaboth Norwood a representative with Crossroads.

She said they are a Christian organization and most of our staff is anti-abortion but they do not tell women not to have an abortion. "We want women to all have the information before making a decision,"Norwood said.


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Happy birthday! Happy birthday to actor Joel McCrea (104), actor Roy Rogers (98), actress Vivien Leigh (96), musician Ike Turner (78), actress Elke Sommer (69), singer Art Garfunkel (68), actor Sam Shepard (66), singer Peter Noone (62), singer Bryan Adams (50), actress Tilde Swinton (49), actress Tatum O'Neal (46), actress Judy Reyes (42), baseball player Javy Lopez (39), musician Kevin Jonas (22). Many happy returns.


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Bronchos look to rebound in three-game home stint Chris Wescott

to go with his nine assists. Second on the team in Sports Editor points is Jacob Roadhouse who has eight goals and ti The surging University assists. Matt Cohn is third of Central Oklahoma on the team with five goals hockey team met their and 12 assists. match last weekend in The Bears spread the Wentzville, Mo. The offensive attack around a Bronchos dropped their little bit more than UCO. third and fourth game of They have eight playthe season against the No. ers with over io points 1 Lindenwood Lions. to UCO's five. Leading All four of this season's Oakland is Jordan losses have come against McDonald, who has 12 Lindenwood. However goals and six assists. Brett the Bronchos are 9-0 Haugh is second on the against the rest of their team in goals with eight. schedule so far this year. North Dakota State's UCO gets three games at offense is led by Matt home this weekend to get Odom who has three goals them back on track. They and three assists. Shawn play two against No. 16 Sayler and Corey Arones Oakland University and a both have three goals and rare Sunday game against two assists a piece. North Dakota State. Photo by Byron Koontz Opening faceoff for The Bronchos and Patrick Higgins [above] takes a shot on the Indiana University net on October 24.The Bronchos had their Friday night's match Oakland Bears are no nine game win streak stopped by No. 1 Lindenwood University last weekend. The Bronchos lost the two between UCO and strangers. They played Oakland is set for 7:35 game series by a combined score of 14-5 in Wentzville, MO. UCO will play three games in Edmond this each other twice last seap.m. On Saturday night son in Rochester, Mich. weekend. They two games against Oakland and then a Sunday match against North Dakota State. the two teams play again UCO will look to avenge at 7:30 p.m. Then in a rare the two losses that the Broncho goal. Other players cred- ninth in the nation with a 9-4 four goals. Sunday game, UCO plays Bears handed them in that series. In the second matchup, UCO ited with assists that night were record on the year. North Dakota North Dakota State at 2:3o p.m. The Bears won the first game 4-1, faired a little bit better offen- Kevin Fukala, Tony Panizzo and State, who the Bronchos will be All three games will be played at and the second 4 -3. facing on Sunday, comes into this Arctic Edge Arena in Edmond. sively scoring three goals on the Jonathan Cannizzo. In the first game last sea- night. Captain AJ Alfrey scored The official ACHA Division I matchup un-ranked and with a son between these two teams, a goal and had an assist on the rankings come out this Friday 2-3 record. Jonathan Cannizzo scored the night. Fellow captain Matt Cohn and should see both teams ranked Vista Sports Editor Chris The team leaders in points lone goal for the Bronchos, with sunk another shot in net and once again in the top 25. Oakland so far this season are Jonathan Wescott can be reached at Greg Masters on the assist. Justin was also credited with an assist. currently sits at the 16 spot with a Cannizzo who has 20 points in 13 cwescott@uco3 60, corn. Sgro started in net for UCO and Casey Smith scored the third 10-2 record. The Bronchos rank games, with a team high ii goals faced 21 shots, while allowing

Soccer falls to Texas Women's University Steve Vidal Sports Writer

The UCO soccer team had an opportunity to wrap up the regular season Lone Star Conference Championship with a win last Sunday over Texas Woman's University

last Sunday at Wantland Stadium. However they came up just a bit short falling to the Pioneers 2-0. If the Bronchos won the conference championship they would have hosted this weekend's Lone Star Conference Tournament. On a breezy 72 degree day in Edmond UCO took the field at Wantland with hopes

of another conference championship, their seventh in ten years. TWU had other ideas, somewhat limiting UCO's scoring chances in the first half and getting what turned out to be the only goal they would need at the 15:59 mark of the first half from Madisen Burrows. UCO turned up the pressure in the second half in search of the game-tying goal. They put up 13 shots and forced Pioneer Goalkeeper Nori Morgan to make seven saves. TWU added their second goal at

Cropp's eighth of the season to tie for the team lead with recently injured Brittni Walker. Riley came up big for UCO as she has all season. With ten seconds remaining in the first half an A&M-C free kick went off the top of the crossbar. Then the ball went right to Heather Cavey who shot the ball from point blank range. Somehow Riley was able to get a hand on it and knock it off of the crossbar and harmlessly over the goal. The game

"The problem has been the first half. We don't start very good, and we haven't started very good all season. Mistake after mistake on the first goal and missed chances. Ilt's just disappointing." —UCO Head Coach Mike Cook

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73:21 of the game when Chastity Hayder knocked the ball into the open goal after UCO goalkeeper Megan Riley came out to stop a breakaway chance. "The problem has been the first half, we don't start very good, we haven't started very good all season," UCO Head Coach Mike Cook said. "Mistake after mistake on the first goal and missed chances it's just disappointing." Cook says it is also disappointing because UCO was the only team that controlled their own destiny in the conference race and they weren't able to get it done. UCO ended up dominating the game statistically including having numerous opportunities to get in position to tie the game off of corner kicks in the second half. For the game UCO outshot TWU 25-7 and 11-5 in shots on goal. Seniors Alli Miller, Tiffanie Meek, Meghan Saliba and Whitney Craft played their final home game for UCO hoping to get one more win in front of the home crowd. "They've been huge," Cook said of the seniors. "It's always tough every year to lose seniors but we do have a bunch of good young players but you do miss that senior leadership and what they bring each and every game." UCO would not have been in position to control it's own destiny on Sunday without what happened last Friday. UCO pulled out a dramatic t-o victory over Texas A&M Commerce at Wantland Stadium in double overtime. Facing a tie that would have dramatically hurt the Bronchos' chance to win the conference, Katelyn Cropp was the hero scoring a goal with only 1:17 left in overtime to lift UCO to victory. Cropp's goal came from about eight yards out from right of the goal. Summer Grantham picked up an assist on the play and the goal was

remained scoreless. Riley made her biggest stop of the game, and maybe the season so far, with about 16 minutes left in regulation. Riley came out of the net and challenged the leading scorer in the conference Meagan Talley on a scoring chance. Riley made an incredible sliding save on Lasley's shot to keep the game scoreless. UCO outshot the Lions 18-14 including 9-5 in shots on goal. Riley stopped all five shots she faced to pick up her ninth shutout of the season. Last weekend's matches concluded the regular season for UCO. They finished the season 7-3-0 in the conference in second place and 13-6-1 overall. With the UCO loss on Sunday, and West Texas A&M's win, the Buffaloes clinched the regular season conference title and the #1 seed in the conference tournament giving them the right to host the tournament. UCO has the second seed and does receive a first round bye. UCO will play the winner of Texas A&M Commerce and Texas Woman's in the semifinals on Friday at noon in Canyon, Texas. If they win they will play in the championship at 1 p.m. on Sunday. A conference tournament championship automatically qualifies UCO for the NCAA Division II Tournament. However they still have an outside chance at an at-large bid if they are not able to win the conference tournament. The team is not taking any chances with that scenario. Their only focus this weekend is bringing a Lone Star Conference Tournament Championship back to UCO. Vista Sports Writer Steve Vidal can be reached at .


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PAGE 10 NOVEMBER 5, 2009

University of Central Oklahoma soccer goalkeeper

Megan Riley by Steve Vidal, Sports Writer Megan Riley is enjoying a breakout season at the goalkeeper position for the UCO soccer team. In 17 starts during the regular season the sophomore posted a 12-4-1 record with an impressive nine shutouts. Riley, with the help of the UCO defense during the regular season, faced 57 shots and made 45 saves for a save percentage of .789. Another statistic is the 12 goals allowed by Riley in 17 games that gives her a miniscule 0.70 goals allowed per game average. Megan and the rest of the team will be back on the field in Canyon, Texas this weekend for the Lone Star Conference tournament. They also have a chance to qualify for the NCAA Division II Tournament.



This year you emerged to become the No. 1 goalkeeper on the team over Samantha Rusk. Last year she had the job and you backed up. Are you guys supportive of each other or is there a competitive rivalry? No, we're pretty supportive of each other and we encourage each other in practice most of the time. We both work hard against each other and make each other better everyday.


......, You had nine shutouts and plenty of big saves this season. Which is more exciting: making a big save or ending the game with a shutout?


Making big saves is pretty exciting, like against Commerce when I made two big saves and one probably would have been game ending if I didn't make it. So that's pretty exciting but winning is still the best feeling. At times this season the offense has played so well that it has kept the pressure in the other team's zone and off of you for extended periods of time. Is it hard to stay mentally in the game when the action is not near you for extended periods of time?


No, I stay pretty much in the game mentally constantly because I'm trying to tell people to mark and help them do their jobs because I can see the whole field. You warm up before the game so you think, "If they shoot this am I going to be able to reach out and dive and get it? Am I still warmed up enough to make the save that I need to make?"

_ Q....

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Goalkeeper can be a demanding _What has playing for such a position. Sometimes they get a coach like Coach Cook been like Q.... so far in your career? lot of credit but sometimes they get a lot of blame. How do you handle He's encouraging and he just tells me what I the highs and the lows of playing the need to do and I try to do it to the best of my position? ability so I can play. I love getting praised. Obviously, I think everyWhat is a road trip like for you one does. It's pretty exciting when someone guys? What do you do for fun tells you that you do a good job. As for the lows, while out on the road? on the team I don't really get blamed for goals. Road trips are usually pretty fun and we spend There have been some games like against Abilene that a lot of team time together. We hang out in were not good and I didn't play good. the room together and we play games that we It's a whole team effort and I think everybody sees it as a make up ourselves or we just hang out and whole team effort so if we lose we lose together and it's not talk. Mostly we just spend a lot of time with just one person's fault, and when we win we win together each other. and it's not just one person that won the game. You were a starter for four years What made you choose to come Ct.....,at Moore High School before to UCO to play soccer and what coming to UCO. Did you play has been the best part of playing goalkeeper the whole time there? on this team so far? How did goalkeeper come to be I came to UCO because I could tell that [Coach your main position? Cook] really wanted me to come play here and No, I played soccer since I was five and I really wanted to come play here and he really when you're about ten, teams start having goalpursued me to come here and they had kind of the degree ies and my coach put everybody in goal to see who did the best and I was one of the better program that I was looking for also so that's the reason I goalies. I still loved to play on the field though so I played came here. The best part about it is obviously last year on the field and in the goal about half and half. When was fun, I love being part of the team and everything but I got to high school I just played on the field because I I really like playing, so I love playing now I feel more part played competitively and I just played in the goal on my of the team now that I am playing more. I just really like competitive team so I could still get a little bit of both, but playing soccer for the school mostly. I looked at some other schools and they kind of looked then my senior year I just played goalie and I liked it. Mostly from competitive was why it became my main at me. I looked at the Naval Academy in Maryland but position because we only had one goalie and that's what I then I saw they were really strict and I didn't want to go there. Then I kind of looked at Rice University for a little was better at and that's how I made the team. bit and that was pretty much it. Do jou have any rituals or superI kind of wanted to stay close to home I didn't really stitions that you usefor good luck want to go that far so that's kind of why the Naval Academy uring the season? Does anyone and Rice went out the window. My family comes someelse on the team have any that times to see me play. are interesting? I have two little sisters who play soccer too so we're really busy. My parents are really busy and they can't be No not really. Sometimes I'm superstitious. I don't really have any examples from my time everywhere they come to the games when they can though. in college but sometimes if I eat something one They came to the Commerce game. It was pretty exciting; day before a game and I do well then I think I that was probably the best game of the season. need to remember this because this is what I'm going to eat before the next game. It's nothing really big or anything. Vista Sports Writer can be reached at For the rest of the team I don't think so, not that I know . of.







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