University of Central Oklahoma
THURSDAY November 6, 1997
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The Student Voice Since 1903
Seniors lose traditional spot
Grad students to enroll first By Mark A. Schneberger
Staff Writer
Taking aim UCO student Neal Wynn takes aim before shooting his arrow inside Wantland Hall. Wynn practiced during Mark Herrin's archery class Monday. (Staff photo by Bryan Terry)
CO seniors, who are traditionally allowed to take first pick of classes during the Spring enrollment period, will lose that perk next Monday. For the first time in recent university history, the seniors will have to stand in line behind hundreds of graduate students and wait for their turn at the counter, UCO enrollment officials said this week. "This is a different way of doing things, but something we felt was a long time in coming," said Jerry Legere, assistant vice president for enrollment management and registration. "We feel this will be easier for our department in that we can conceivably accommodate all the graduate students in one day." Beginning Monday, Nov. 10, all graduate students will be allowed to enroll- for the Spring semester. The admissions department will be open 8 a.m. -
7:30 p.m. The department is located in the lowest level of the University Center, just south of the Bursar office. Enrollment officials note that graduate students should plan "to wait a while" in line. They expect 900 or more students to converge on the department throughout the first day. "I fully anticipate that we will have a really long line on that date, so students should get there as early as possible," Legere said. "It will definitely be an interesting challenge." Last semester, and in former years, seniors and other students with 90 earned credit hours were allowed to enroll for Spring courses during the first enrollment day. Now they will enroll Nov. 11-13. Students whose last names begin with letters H 0 may enroll the first day, P-Z named students the second, and A-G named students on the third day, respectively. Officials said the department -
changed the enrollment date schedule in response to a request made last year by a graduate student and urgings from a department dean. Legere said the change should prove beneficial for all students, and assist the department in "warming up" for the thousands of undergraduates to follow. Students with 60 or more earned hours will enroll Nov. 14 and Nov. 17, with M-Z named students scheduling first and A-L students following. And those with 30 or more acquired hours will schedule for courses Nov. 18 and 19. Students will follow the same alphabetical assignment as those with 60 hours. Any student unable to register for classes on their assigned day, due to conflicts, may enroll on any subsequent day after 1:30 p.m. They may also schedule classes on any day that the alphabetical breakdown includes their last names. The final scheduling day is Nov. 21. OD
UCO narrows the field for new custodial service By Phillip Roder
Staff Writer
CO's Custodial Services Committee met on Friday to discuss the potential field of candidates for cleaning UCO and narrowed the field from seven to
three. The committee decided that Witt, Fila, and Flannery (WFF), Unico, and Southway were the best choices after extensive research on the references provided by the companies. The committee has invited WFF and Unico to an interview on Friday, Nov. 7. The third
company will be interviewed only if the first two fail to meet standards set by the committee, said Lennis Pederson, facilities management director. The companies will have 30minutes to "present their best shot," said Pederson. Following their presentation, they will have approximately a
30-minute question and answer period. During time the committee members will be able to ask questions that they feel haven't been answered, or still need to be addressed to make a decision, he said. WFF is based in St. Louis, Mo. and has been in business since 1974. Unico is based in
Boston, Mass. and has been in business since 1949. Southway is based in Oklahoma City and has been in business since 1986, said Ron Mattingly, co-chair of the committee and director of purchasing and business affairs. The new company will have a five-year contract with UCO, said Pederson.
INSIDE TODAY INDEX Editorial 2 Sports 13-15 Around Campus ....18 Classifieds 19
FEATURE Campus mailman discusses life, UCO and the golden rule.
REVIEW Boogie Nights, well made, but not for the easily offended.
AROUND TOWN See what's happening around OKC this weekend.