The Vista November 9, 1993

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University of Central Oklahoma

TUESDAY November 9, 1993

The Student Voice Since 1903

COSAFE to host date rape mock trial By Steve Sager

Staff Writer

Killer asteroid threatens Earth TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) — An asteroid on a collision course with Earth could be diverted from its doomsday path by a concentrated sunbeam, researchers suggest. Some researchers have proposed an orbiting nuclear bomb as the most practical way to slap away a threatening asteroid. But two planetary scientists reported today in the British journal Nature that a giant orbiting mirror could focus a tio.ht_ beam of sunlight on the asteroid, vaporizing enough Of it to move it slowly aside. Melosh of the University of Arizona said the idea he developed with I.V. Nernchinov of the Institute for Dynamics of Geosphcres in Moscow is a safer alternative.

COS AFE, the alcohol and drug abuse prevention program of the University of Central Oklahoma will host a mock trial dealing with date rape at 9:45 a.m. Nov. 10 at the ballroom in the University Center.

The trial will feature Lou Keel from the District Attorneys office, public defender Bob Mildfelt and Judge Sid Brown, a UCO assistant professor of sociology. In a 1992 study by Lonihan, Rawlings and Eberly at Eastern Illinois University, "27 percent of the males participating acknowledged abusive sexual encounters, and 6 percent acknowledged committing acts

AAUP discusses tenure concepts, benefits at UCO

BIA police use excessive force A six-month investigation by The Associated Press found that BIA police officers routinely use force when arresting suspects and are rarely disciplined for assaulting them. The AP reviewed 17 cases of alleged brutality filed on six Western reservations from April 1990 to March 1993. In none of the cases was an officer punished — not even when medical reports indicated injuries were caused by force. Files released under the Freedom of Information Act included the case of an officer on the Ute Mountain Ute Indian Reservation who allegedly dragged a 14-year-old -.runaway out of a squad car by her feet and punched her in the face, then said the blood the girl spit onto the carpet was evidence of her combativeness. Most of the officers involved in the 17 cases continued to serve on reservation police forces. At least one was promoted, to head the force at Wind River. 1/See WORLD WRAP, Page 8


that meet the legal definition of rape, while 56 percent of the women sampled had been sexually abused as adults by someone known to them and 27 percent had been sexually assaulted by an acquaintance." Kate Leader, project director of the trial, said they got the idea of the trial from Texas Christian University. "We're adding to it and expanding on what they did," said Leader. Actors from UCO will be used for the other roles required in the trial. The jury for the trial will be made up of people from the audience, said Leader. People will be selected randomly, most likely by a sticker on their seat or some other means. Leader said, though, that anyone who does not wish to participate does not have to, and can decline to be a juror. Each individual table in the ballroom will also be asked to act as a jury, and decide what their decision on the case would be. "We see that these things are so up to individual interpretation that the juries get locked up and can't decide," said Leader. r See MOCK TRIAL, Page 6

By Roy Howe Staff Writer

Carrie Hare makes a dig in last Golden Eagles of Oral Roberts Tuesday's final home match of the University 3-2. See related story on season. The Bronchos lost to the page 10. (Photo by Mike Simons)

The benefits-to fatuity by acquiring tenure status at the. at the University of Central Oklahoma are Uncertain. This was the opiniOn reached last week at the American AsSociation of University Professors' panel discussion of faculty rights and responsibilities. "Basically, as it has been explained to me, at law in the state of Oklahoma for higher. education faculty, the concept of tenure as we normally think of it doesn't really exist,— said Bart Binning, UCO instructor of decision sciences.


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Teacher feature Editorial 2 Letters to the Editor .2 Around Campus ....11

Comics 11

UCO jjournalism ournalism professor Sherri Massey discusses future effects of computers on newspapers.

Wrestling Three-time AllAmerican and 1992 national champion Randy Zellner returns to help the Bronchos this season.


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