The Vista Nov. 10, 2009

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Bronchos battle Cowboys in Stillwater Chris Wescott Sports Editor

Division II basketball teams shouldn't be able to keep pace with Division I teams. At least that was the thinking before this weekend when UCO came just nine points short of potentially upsetting Oklahoma State this Saturday. The two teams met in Stillwater for a preseason exhibition game at the Gallagher-Iba Arena. The No. 17 Bronchos took it to the Cowboys early, taking an 8-4 lead in the first. Oklahoma State battled back however, but led by just five points at halftime. Chris Rhymes, who led the Bronchos in points, scored with 20. He added two turnovers on the night as well. Second on the team was Dauntae Williams who scored 18 points, had three assists and three turnovers. Eric Cazenave scored 15 points and had three turnovers. On the Oklahoma State

side of the court, Obi Muonelo scored 23 points, as did James Anderson. Anderson led the Cowboys in assists as well. The Bronchos forced 27 turnovers including ii steals on the night. UCO however only scored eight of 35 three point shots. They made just three in the second half. OSU had 22 more rebounds than the Bronchos and yet UCO kept it close. "I'm really proud of the way our guys played and how hard they played," UCO Head Coach Terry Evans said. "We take pride in playing harder than any of our opponents, including teams from the Big 12. We just weren't quite as good as Oklahoma State tonight, but we did force them into a lot of turnovers." UCO will host Okl ahoma City University at 7 p.m. this Saturday for their final preseason tune up. Photo by Kory Oswald They then play Emporia State at home on Nov. 16 UCO guard Duante Williams drives the ball down the court in the exhibition match against Oklahoma State University this past Saturday. to kick off the season.

LSU director visits UCO lenefar de Leon Stal)del

Professor John Dennis came to UCO from Louisiana State University to help direct the production of 'Three Sisters." `Three Sisters' is a play by Russian author and playwright Anton Chekhov. It is a tragic-comedy of three women living in early 1900s Russian who are looking for love in all the wrong places. "The play can be describe as dynamic, it is a jewel," Dennis said. "It's just before the Russian Revolution at a time the whole country is disappearing. Everything is changing similar to what is going on right now. I think people can relate to it." Dennis was asked by the Department of Theater to help direct the production. He has directed over twenty productions such as 'The Christmas Carol,' Guns' and

The Congress of Idiots.' He started working at LSU after eight years as the artistic director of the Resident Ensemble of the Mark Taper Forum Theatre in Los Angeles, California. He has directed over fifty professional productions throughout the country in theaters like The Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, The Magic Theatre, The Intiman Theatre, Southcoast Repertory Theatre and The Taper Too. His work has been seen at the Colorado Shakespeare Festival, he has also directed the world premier of 'Shiloh Rules' by Doris Baizley for the Alabama Shakespeare Festival. His LSU productions of 'Fools for Love,' The Balcony Scene' and 'Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolfe,' were all chosen by the national committee of the American see DENNIS, page 3

Professor reaches out to student in need Tiffany Brown Stql1 II rifer

While many seniors are purchasing blue gowns to walk across the stage in Hamilton Fieldhouse, a University of Central Oklahoma student can only hope that his efforts will be enough to earn him the few credits he needs to graduate in December. Alan Chan is still coping with a loss that has left him two weeks behind in his class work. In September, Chan left school headed for his apartment on NW 122 street and Pennsylvania Avenue. After walking up the steps to his upstairs apartment at Heritage Park, it became apparent a thief had burglarized his place of residence. "The lock was picked, so they knew what they were doing," Chan said. Most of what he had worked to buy was stolen, including his laptop and cam-

era, which he regularly used for his photography classes. Other personal items belonging to him and his wife had also been taken. "We lost so much stuff," Chan said. Despite numerous thefts in the section of the complex where Chan and his wife lived, apartment management did nothing to warn the residence about the problem, Chan said. Motorcycles stolen from the complex and a resident was burglarized twice in one month, Chan said. The complex attempted to charge Chan an early cancellation fee when Chan and his wife decided to move after the theft occurred. However, he was able to point out the section in the residence handbook that gives him the right to move if the apartment is no longer able to provide a safe environment. see CHAN, page 5

Student to rock recital Emily Harris /(//

Photo by Emily Harris

Scott Sunderman will perform a solo 40-minute recital of classical music on at 8 p.m. on Nov. 16th in recital room 101 in the Music Building.

Dap You KNOW0.07 The white part of your fingernail is called the "lunula."

The geographical center of North America is near Rugby, North Dakota.

As UCO students prepare for finals, Scott Sunderman, a senior and classical guitarist, is getting ready for a 40-minute solo guitar recital. Sunderman has been playing guitar for 11 years and was primarily self-taught before attending UCO where he had to learn proper techniques. "I had to break a lot of bad habits," Sunderman said. Sunderman started out playing rock music, but had always enjoyed classical music, and has been playing it for 3 years now. "I wanted something I could teach possibly and I've always been a fan of classical music, so I wanted to learn a lot about it," Sunderman said. "I prefer playing rock music but classical is really the most fulfilling. The only challenging part is learning classical tech-



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nique after playing rock for so long. I like learning it and knowing what I'm doing." Sunderman is not just a guitar player. He also plays bass, drums, harmonica and keyboards and he is building his own studio in his house so that he can record everything right at home. "I just got to find a singer," Sunderman said. Sunderman currently plays in the rock band "Queen of Monroe" and writes the music and lyrics for them, but does not usually compose any classical pieces. "I have composed a few pieces for guitar, violin, and cello for composition class. I don't really try to compose anything else besides for that," Sunderman said. Sunderman has been working on his recital pieces for a year and will play a variety of pieces from composers like Villa Lobos, Weiss, Dyens and Fernando Sor. "It's just you onstage, where most other see RECITAL, page 5


student-run newscast runs Monday through Thursday on Cox Digital Cable channel 125 in Edmond at 5:00 p.m. •


PAGE 2 NOVEMBER 10, 2009


COMM. BUILDING, RM. 131 100 N. UNIVERSITY DR. EDMOND, OK 73034-5209 405-974-5549 EDITOKIAL@UCO360.COM The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semi-weekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and only on Wednesdays during the summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy obtained.

EDITORIALS Opinion columns, editorial cartoons, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO.

LETTERS The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, with a maximum of 150 words, and must include the author's printed name, title, major, classification and phone,number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034-5209, or deliver

in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 131. Letters can be e-mailed to



Kaylea Brooks, Tiffany Brown, Steve Vidal, Jenefar De Leon, Ryan Costello, Amy Stinnett, Tivanna Harris, Emily Davis,

Laura Hoffert, Editor-in-Chief Kory Oswald, Managing Editor Caleb McWilliams, Copy Editor Chris Wescott, Sports Editor


Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer


Stacey Sprague

Byron Koontz Allison Rathgeber Amanda Siegfried



Laura Hoffert Stephen Hughes

Mr. Teddy Burch


To become The Vista's editorial comic, contact Teddy Burch @ 974-5123.

Tresa Berlemann

CAMPUS Z70 ES What did you think of the abortion images that were displayed on campus? Chandani Ragha

Miranda Krug

Taylor Upson

Freshman Biology

Freshman Mass Communication

Junior Elementary Education

"I didn't think that a college campus could do something like that. I liked it a lot. The fact that they had ... that big presentation it really brought a whole lot of sides to the argument that you wouldn't really think about.

"I'm pro-life so I thought it was a good ... cause, I just thought it was a little too graphic."

"I think all life is important. I am pro-choice simply because I know there's situations where a woman should be able to choose but the images were brutal. I mean it was heartbreaking."

Ethan Sharp

James Maina

Chasity Ross

Freshman Kinesiology

Sophomore Engineering

Junior Business/Pre-dental Hygiene "I actually thought it was really good. I think it's always really good for people to see the consequences of their actions. I just hope that a girl that maybe has already had an abortion wouldn't see that and that would drive her in a more negative direction. I'm prochoice too but I really think that was good."

"It was really graphic. I thought it was a good message though because ... I kind of agree with it. It had a lot of detail."

"They came here seeking opinions from different people on their stands on ... abortion ... and they used imagery to convince people. All it did was trigger some controversy on campus. I don't think they brought it to the right environment. They were too graphic."


Graphic images good for starting debate Clint Cheatham coniribwor

Students surround the twenty-foot tall display in the center of campus. Passerbies rushing to class can't help but pause to acknowledge the graphic nature of the photographs that trail along the thick black boards. Eyes quickly glance in the direction of the setup. The play button on pink, black and gray iPods was held until power was shut down. The urgent text message jingle on the Blackberry was ignored. Abortion was the subject for debate, and last week UCO students, faculty and volunteers characterized a model of a democracy as it was originally intended. Th.ey exemplified the importance of the First Amendment rights that every American possesses.

The campus was a public forum for people to exchange their ideals, beliefs, facts and principles to argue a point of view.

.A few students in groups of twos, threes, maybe sixes were talking life, death, God and logic with each other amid images of death that were not for the faint of heart. Instead of attacking the person's character, they tackled the issue at hand with a logical process of thought. The strong south wind carried echoing statements such as, "God put this moral issue here for a reason," and "you can't define who God is as much as I can define who you are." These conversations are crucial even if it takes something explicit and controversial to cause students to demonstrate, protest and debate over it. This is something that can be learned from students

gathered in discussion that cannot be taught within the four walls of a university classroom. Hearing stories and seeing images of the 'fios and '705 is the only connection that a majority of students have to what true student demonstrating and protesting for a cause is. People during that time were questioning what was being handed down to them and _ fighting against it. When 3,000 people at Kent State stood in demonstration against the Vietnam War, they weren't concerned with who is ahead on "Dancing with the Stars" last night or who wrote them on Facebook. But if it's just bunch of students getting together, what impact, if any, will that have? The students are the future of the continuation of this democracy and if they fail to provide water to the ever-devel-

oping seeds planted by our American forefathers then it will not progress as intended. Journalism professors harp on these principles to students year after year. Principles founded by enlightment thinkers and the belief that truth and falsehood can grapple in an open marketplace of ideas is what keeps our freedoms alive. Bringing up debate over any issue forces all sides of the equation at debate to think critically and arguer factual points that possibly could lead to a future compromise. Universities nationwide should join UCO students by keeping these principles alive and embracing debate without allowing the fear of creating controversy to silence their efforts.


PAGE 3 NOVEMBER 10, 2009

Comic creator comes to campus lenefar de Leon

UCO will welcome comic book author and illustrator Art Baltazar on Thursday at 7 p.m. at the Communication Building Room 120. Baltazar is best known for his creations Patrick the Wolf Boy and Eisner-Winning Tiny Titans. He will discuss his work and answer questions from the audience. "I know they will be entertained," James Dolph of the English Department said. "As Art is a really funny and interesting guy. I hope they will be inspire if they are already writing comics, and if they're not they'll become curious enough to look more deeply into writing comics." Baltazar started his art studio in 1994 with his self-published comic book, "The Cray-Baby Adventure," according to Baltazar's Web site. Baltazar also created other comics such as "Gyro-Man," "Captain Camel & the Space Chicken," "Jimmy Dydo," "Lunar Lizar" and "Meteor Mite." Baltazar has also worked with Warner Bros. and has a monthly comic book in Disney's Adventure Magazine known as "Gorilla, Gorilla." The English Department's Creative Studies Writers' Institute co-sponsors with New World Comics for the event. "One of the best parts of this event is that we have a cosponsor from the community (Buck Berlin of New World Comics)." Dolph said. "This helps the university's visibility and connects us with the world outside. I expect quite a few of Buck's customers who are non-UCO fans to show up for this event."



Art lialtazar is a comic book author and illustrator, host known for his creations Patrick the Wolf Boy and the Eisner Award-Winning Tiny Mans Art will discuss his work and Mite questions from the audience

Thursday, November 12th ail 7 PM Communications Building ROOM I 20 University. of Central Oklahoma

Dolph says he hopes his students will be inspired by his work and learn that there are other ways to write instead of novels and screenplays. He describes comic books as art in and of themselves. He said that comic books are completely different from novels and film. "Since many students are interested in writing comics and since the process of scripting comics and graphic novels is very similar to writing a stage or screenplay," Dolph said, "we decided to have a writer, who is also happen to be an illustrator, from one of the major publishers come and discuss his process." Dolph said that although Baltazar's comics are geared towards a younger audience, parents and older comic book collectors enjoy them as much. Comic books are introduced at an early age, and help develop reading skills for children, he said. "The work promotes early reading and that important togetherness that parents and children benefit from reading together," Dolph said. Dolph said he is personally a fan of Baltazar's work as well. "I love his whimsical take on the DC comic heroes in "Tiny Titans," Dolph said. "I'm a huge fan of his re-envisioned version of Shazam." Baltazar will also have a special appearance at 11 a.m. Saturday at New World Comics, 6219 N Meridian Ave. "Art's got a great personality and everyone will find him to be a lot of fun," Dolph said. "I think just his presence will truly delight people who attend, as well as the creative writing classes he visits."

Special Appearance • Saturday, Nov. 14th come

oat in New 1World Comic.. 6219 N. Meridian Nye. beginning Ili 1 1 AN1 to meet


Vista Writer lenefar de Leon can be reached at

Continued from page 1

Although he did not have to pay the fee, he had to pay storage fees and additional expenses for moving. Chan and his wife also had to endure the stress of moving in the middle of the school semester. "It's just a hassle," Chan said. Chan did not have to deal with the effects of being victimized alone. Dr. Bob Palmer, a fine arts professor, has made strides to help Chan cope with the burglary. "Alan's an awesome student," Palmer said. Palmer said he immediately attempted to raise money after he learned about the burglary from Chan. "Students usually don't have a lot of money to begin with," Palmer said. "What he had lost was very traumatizing to him." Few students donated money, which would have been used to help Chan repurchase his photo equipment. "It was kind of disappointing," Palmer said. He believes what hindered his efforts to raise money was the difference in colleges. The art department is a part of the fine arts college, Palmer said. Photography is a part of liberal arts. Chan is photographic arts major. "Some people are more willing to help when they're of your own major," Palmer said. Palmer also donated money to help Chan. He was able to provide $200. "I care for my students like many other

teachers do," Palmer said. "I just reacted as many would react." Even with the donation, Chan may have a major loss. "As of now, I have a $4,000 loss," Chan said. Police have recovered a few of Chan's personal items. Yet, officers would not tell him if an arrest was made or if they had any suspects in custody because the burglary is still under investigation. Chan expressed his appreciation for Palmer's effort to help him. Palmer was the first person that attempted to help him get through his loss. According to Chan, Palmer has been understanding and flexible with homework deadlines. For Chan, being able to graduate in December would be a monumental feat and he hopes that his losses will not make him ineligible for graduation. "I am so ready to graduate," Chan said. "I cannot wait." He has been working to make up the work he was unable to complete. Even if Chan does graduate this semester, he has to work hard to rebuild his portfolio. His entire photograph collection was on the laptop that was stolen. Chan still had advice to offer to stuPhoto by Tiffany Brown dents, to prevent similiar situations from happening to them. Alan Chan found his apartment burglarized and many of his school supplies "Choose a better place to live ... buy and other personal items stolen earlier this semester. He hopes to be able to insurance and just be prepared," he said. graduate this December, despite the setbacks this theft has caused him.

The history behind UCO's Alumni House Amy Stinnett swill /del

A quaint, yellow house has served as an office building to the University of Central Oklahoma's Alumni Relations since the summer of 2004. Located on the corner of E. Hurd Street and N University Drive directly south of Thompson's Book Store sits an old-fashioned yellow house built in 1907. The Alumni House is where Alumni Relations carries out all of its business. Cindy Gray, executive administrative assistant and accountant for Alumni Relations, works out of a sage green office filled with Central State memorabilia and access to the well-kempt backyard via the white French doors. "We like officing over here," Gray said. "It is very homey." With all original woodwork and natural light flowing easily through the windows, the house can be accurately described as "homey." There are three other offices similar to Gray's. Behind the house is a large backyard with a gazebo, where the university has held several events in the past and a community member carried out their wedding procession this past summer. "There

is a rental fee for outsiders, but the involved on campus through area is available to campus free of Central S.T.A.F. (Students Today, charge," Gray said. Alumni Forever), Gray said. Before it became the Office of Central S.T.A.F. was founded Alumni Relations, the house was a in 2004 and now has over 1,000 restaurant called the Faculty House members. It has an annual memwhere UCO faculty and staff could bership open to all UCO students schedule luncheon meetings or just who can join at any time by comstop by for a buffet-style lunch, pleting a membership application Gray said. at the Alumni House and paying Before that it was an antique the $15 annual membership fee. shop and a little further back in Central S.T.A.F. members are time it was a "boarding house for given a t-shirt and a discount female teachers," Gray said. card that can be used at local and The house's function is not pri- national businesses. There are also madly as a wallflower, however. special events planned for memThe Alumni Relations office pro- bers and even the occasional game

vides several services to current tickets. UCO students and to the Alumni Although the university employs Association. the Alumni Relations office, they Gray's colleagues at the office also work closely with the Alumni include Director AlJones, Manager Association. of Alumni Relations and Events "We have members all over the Megan Rountree, and Member place as well as international memServices Coordinator Lisa Ptak. bers," Gray said. This group of UCO employees Every UCO graduate receives serves "works in and between an informational packet about the [the university and the Alumni Alumni Association. The annual Association]." fee is $50 and the lifetime memberThe Alumni Association is open ship is $750. to all UCO graduates, former UCO "The Alumni Association operattendees and friends of the uni- ates entirely off of membership versity. "It is a way for alums to dues," Gray said. stay in contact with the university The money from these dues [and] an avenue to stay updated on funds the UCO Legacy Scholarship, new things happening on campus," special events and programs for the Gray said. students and alumni, and the publiThe Alumni Association also cation of the Old North Magazine. helps current UCO students stay One of the events they hold

Photo by Byron Koontz

The UCO Alumni house is located on the corner of E Hurd Street and N University Drive. The house has been used as the Alumni Relations' office since 2004. is the tailgating party open to all UCO students at homecoming each year. They also hold their Golden Bronchos Breakfast and an Alumni Awards Luncheon where they give away such awards as the Distinguished Former Student Award, the Kessler Spirit Award and the Family of the Year Award. The Alumni Association also grants similar awards to current UCO students such as the Student

Standouts and the Traditions Scholarships, which was funded through the sales of a book written by UCO Associate Professor of History Patricia Loughlin, Ph. D., and Bob Burke, J.D., entitled Building Traditions, Education Generations: A History of the University of Central Oklahoma. "Our main purpose is to get people connected with the university," Gray said.


PAGE 4 NOVEMBER 10, 2009




by Emily Davis, Staff Writer

Vice president of Iranian Club

.....,How would you describe to UCO students what is going on in Iran? (11..



It's always this kind of tug and pull between the normal people and the very high-ups in the government. You can even say that amongst some the people in the government that are in the lower level. They want to take it into a different direction. So you have the normal citizenry that really want things to be more liberal, kind of the way that it was prior to the revolution, and then you have the ones that are using their positions of being in charge to kind of control things.

,Do US-Iranians and Iranians in general feel that the recent election in Iran was engineered?


Yes they do, there's a lot of opaqueness to what was going on over there in the election. Not only do the ones over there for the most part believe it was rigged, but the ones here definitely do. I can't say that about the entire body ... there are some people who are able to see the good things the Islamic Republic have done there, and there have been good things that have been done but they are often punctuated by really bad things.

..,How do Iranians feel about their form of govern.._Do you think the challenger Mir-Hossein Mousavi Khameneh really represented a progressive alterna- Q.... ment? Q.... tive for Iran?


I believe that he represented at least a more progressive turn for Iran. It's hard to say a conclusive turn, because all candidates have to be approved by the supreme leader. They had to past this kind of test, but there was a lot of good things that Mousavi promoted, campaigning with is wife, which was not very common. Looking to give women more rights, not so much in the society, but in the government, because there are woman senators.


From the beginning, after the revolution, a lot of people felt jaded because what they really wanted was to go from monarchy to full fledged republic, and what they found themselves in was something more like a caliphate. Almost like they were in the same shoes they were already in. The problem with the whole situation is that there is a lot of things that pile onto it, so looking just at the current events, it doesn't put it into prospective, there's a lot of things that happened 3o, 4o, 5o years ago that changed a lot of things. The way people look at it.

,The west views Iranian people as somewhat oppressed ._How do the majority of Iranians feel about the by their government, is this valid, or a common mis0%... President (Ahmadinejad)? Q.... conception?

A Q....


Most that I've talked to here and the majority I believe in Iran, and especially in the urban areas, see him as someone who has rolled back the clock on Iran, the U.S. and other countries. The comments he's made...some have been blown out of proportion, but the type of stand he takes and some of the things that he's said have kind of alienated Iran and some don't like that. _Do you think that a nuclear Iran would be a threat to the U.S.?

That's kind of tough. Initially I really felt that what they were trying to do is have a civil nuclear power plant, which is a good thing considering the other options that they had. Honestly I don't think it poses that big of a risk, because it's mostly a tool to get people to leave them alone.

Do you think Mir-Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karoubi were in the right in urging their supporters to take Q..._ to the streets and stage protest against President Ahmadinejad?


Yeah, I think they were right to say that. There's nothing wrong with peaceful protests and they really did try to make the point to do more of a Gandhi type of protests in the streets.


It's valid, some of the stuff seems trivial. They really are being oppressed. I have cousins I try to keep in contact with through Facebook and often the only time they can get a message through is if they find new software to trick the people that are watching all the activity online.


A Q....


Wednesday protestors in Iran chanted, "Death to America." Being Iranian, and in the U.S., how do these protests sit with you?

I think they're silly. The hard-line government officials instigate a lot of it, and it's a very insignificant portion of the Iranian population that is doing those things. The ones that make the most noise, make people think everyone is like that.

„Do you think the U.S. is trying to build a positive relationship with Iran?

Yeah I think so, if anything trying to diffuse and intense situation. I think that there is sincerity behind it, but even if it was less sincere than I believe I think they are still trying to make an honest effort to cool things down and have a relationships with more diplomacy.

Research shows cancer may just disappear

`Spontaneous remission' may be worth further study Ryan Costello Staff If me,

In lieu of the countless measures being developed to combat the nation's second leading cause of death, a new cancer treatment is starting to garner attention: Wait and see. With 2009's national death toll from cancer estimated to be over 560,000 or 1,540 per day, recent studies into various forms of cancer have shown a number of occurrences of a medical phenomenon called "Spontaneous Remission." Known more commonly as "disappearing cancer," evidence has been documented that in some cases of testicular, cervical, prostate, and rare circumstances in kidney and breast cancer, that tumors can cease growth, shrink, or even disappear completely. In early phases of breast and prostate cancer, research has shown that the young cancers could potentially stop expanding and therefore never develop into a life-threatening tumor. The only truly "disappearing cancer" is testicular cancer, which even though rare, has been seen in screenings to have decreased in size by 95 percent, or

even completely disappear, prior to treatment. Precursor cells to cervical cancer are actually likely to reverse course before fully developing. Using Pap tests, one study, as cited in an article by New York Times writer Gina Kolata, found that 6o percent of precancerous cervical cells revert within a year, while up to 90 percent halt development within three years. Many medical experts maintain guarded optimism as to whether this new information could change the way cancer is approached and ultimately treated. Dr. Martin Gleave, a professor of urology at the University of British Columbia, believes that the studies' findings could lead to a curbing of over diagnosis, perhaps giving some patients the opportunity to avoid the pain and discomfort from such traditional cancer treatments as chemotherapy and invasive surgical procedures. "Our net has become so fine that we are pulling in small fish as well as big fish," Gleave said in an interview with the New York Times. "We have to identify which small fish we can let go." Some medical officials are not convinced the studies are valid. Dr. Alexandra Ikeguchi, a practicing oncologist in Edmond for 13 years, worries that the spontaneous remis-

sion theory has gone as far as it can go. While she admits that some cancers can be combated by "treatments geared towards [immune system stimulation]," instead of chemotherapy, Ikeguchi said severe cancers cannot be simply watched. "[Most] cancer just does not go away on its own," Ikeguchi said. Dr. Robert A. Smith, director of breast cancer screening at the American Cancer Society said of the studies, "Their simplification of a complicated issue is both overreaching and alarming," in a prepared statement. Smith argues that standard treatments and screenings remain the best way to combat cancer. Statistics for recent years say the average survival rate for cancer is 66 percent. In an editorial, Dr. Robert Kaplan, chair of the department health services at the University of California, Los Angeles School of Public Health, said that, "the findings should not be dismissed." Kaplan, a self-described skeptic, also wrote that the idea of spontaneously regressing cancer is worth further study. Vista Writer Ryan Costello can be reached at rcostello@uco360. corn.


PAGE 5 NOVEMBER 10, 2009


Continued from page 1

College Theatre Festical to be performed at The Kennedy Center. Dennis also received directing honors, the LSU Foundation of Distinguished Teaching Award in 1991 and The Tiger Athletic Foundation Teaching Award in 2003. Although he has worked as a director for several years, Dennis continues to have a passion for the stage and teaching students. "I love theater, because you are at the moment." Dennis said.

"It's a live stage so whatever happens right then and there is living the moment. That is what theater is." Dennis said that the UCO students in the theater department are talented and have the spirit to work hard and face the challenges. The casts of the production consist of 16 members and currently they have been rehearsing rigorous hours at Central Plaza. "We have a good cast," Dennis said. "We have a really interesting story. Chekhov is universal. He is a brilliant playwright." Dennis said,that the play is relatable to what students

are going through right now. "It is a beautiful play," Dennis said. "The play has people crying, laughing, dealing with relationships, yelling and love. What people went through in 1900s Russian, people are going through it right now. In the mist of what is going on and what we are going through, life is beyond recession." The play opens Nov. 19th and runs through the 22nd. It starts at 7:30 p.m. Nov 19th to the 21st and 2 p.m. on Nov. 22 at the Mitchell Hall Theater.

Veterans alliance rallies supporters to serve military Tiffany Brown ,Ykifj1


The University of Central Oklahoma is rallying its "troops" in an effort to support the university's military service members, including veterans. UCO organized and held its first Veteran Support Alliance meeting on Nov. 2. It brought together students, faculty and staff who support the needs of veterans. The Veteran Support Alliance was formed through an initiative started by the Division of Student Affairs, said Beth Adele, director of Career Services. The UCO community embraced service members and veterans who attended the meeting. From Korea to Iraq, veterans, active duty military and families who support the entire military community on campus voiced their experiences and connections to the military. Many voiced their concerns about the needs of on-campus military personnel that were not being addressed. Being a veteran and a nontraditional student can be additional challenge, said Darrell Goudge, a marketing professor and one of several veterans in attendance. "We can provide a valuable service by addressing the needs of veterans," Goudge said Many in attendance agreed when it was stated that the transition from a structured military environment to a civilian atmosphere can be difficult. "There is a great need for veteran support for veteran students," said Kimberly Fields, assistant director of Disability Support Services. 'They don't really like to ask for help," even when they are in need, she said. Three groups were given the opportunity to brainstorm on ideas they would like to see enacted on campus. Two ideas, which emerged from all groups, included a veteran student organization and a veteran lounge. Central students, faculty and staff discussed the importance of creating an environment where veterans and active duty service members could have someone present they could either relate to or talk to. Many veterans are not aware of he resources available. Part of the what the Veteran Support Alliance is hoping to do is reach out to the veteran community and help to deal with challenges they may have to cope with as a result of being in the military, and making resources on campus readily available to help them overcome those challenges. "The campus can come together and provide for these veterans," Adele said. Photo provided by Kristie Brown "We can uphold UCO's mission of helping students learn." The mission of the Veteran Support Alliance is to, "provide an environment that At the Veterans Support Alliance meeting Nov. 2 in Evans Hall, (left to right) helps student veterans and service members achieve their academic and personal Darrell Goudge, Stephanie Beauchamp, Teddy Jones, James Porterfield, Timothy Tillman and Adam Rogers discussed ways to support veterans. goals," the agenda stated. Adele provided an example of a university that is doing just that. Ball State University has recently been named "one of only 60 'military friendly uni"They've got the right people running it, and I can't wait to be a part of it," he said. versities' by Military Advanced Education Magazine in 2009," Adele pointed out from Willis is working to make UCO's ROTC program more visible on campus. the agenda. "It's a fairly small organization," he said. It does not hurt that Ball State University has well known alumni, like David "We're in the process of getting more involved on campus." Letterman. Typically, ROTC members have additional responsibilities. While working to comEven so, Ball State may in the same position as UCO, who has to as Adele put it "do plete schoolwork they also work to fulfill their obligations to the military. a lot with very little." ROTC color guard members have been engaged in school events by participating at "We don't have to conquer the world this year, but I do want to take strides," Adele football games, he said. said. In addition, service members such as Jesse James Collins are participating in the She hopes that UCO will eventually receive recognition for their support of the miliUniversity of Central Oklahoma Student Association (UCOSA). tary community. UCOSA is the university's student government body. Collins, UCOSA's director of Adele said she would love for this to be a goal for the UCO community. Veterans' Affairs, was also present. Other ideas discussed as a possibility included early enrollment and developing an With the number of ROTC members active on campus, Willis said he hopes UCO's outreach for returning veterans, and giving veterans the opportunity to speak on camROTC program will continue to grow. pus since they are trained to be leaders. At the next meeting, UCO students, faCulty and staff will continue to explore the idea "Just having resources available if you need" would be a great idea, Gouge said. of starting a veterans organization and creating a veteran's lounge on campus. Capt. Raimond Willis, U.S. Army Battalion executive officer of UCO's Reserve Officer For those who would like to begin or continue to show support to veterans or active Training Corps (ROTC), who was also present, took a moment to comment about UCO's duty military personnel at the university, the next meeting will be held 2 p.m. on Nov. Veteran Support Alliance program. 16 at Evans hall. "I love it," Willis said. "I think it can be very beneficial and it will be."


Continued from page 1

instruments have accompaniments," Sunderman said. Sundermans goal is to one day teach guitar at a college if his band doesn't take off. "That's what I would really like to do," Sunderman said. "Of course teaching and everything is a backup but ... if the album takes off then we will get a manager and maybe a lawyer and somebody to promote us and get on the road. Luckily I'll have my degree by then." Sunderman said his influence for writing music comes from the bands Dr. Dog, The Killers and Queens of the Stone Age and sees himself teaching guitar.

"I think I'll always play in a rock band. By then it will probably be old man music," Sunderman said. Sunderman's recital is at 8 p.m. on November 16th in recital room 101 in the Music Building. Vista Writer Emily Harris can be reached at eharris@uco360. corn.



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AP Photo by Alex Brandon Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, hold a copy of the health care bill on the West Front of the Capitol in Washington, Thursday, Nov. 5, 2009, during a Republican health care news conference

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PAGE 7 NOVEMBER 10, 2009

Bittersweet weekend for No. 10 UCO hockey The Bronchos split with No. 13 Oakland and rout North Dakota State Chris Wescott Spoils Editor

UCO is now 11-5 following their three games played this past weekend. The No. io Bronchos faced a tough challenge against No. 13 Oakland on Friday and Saturday night, splitting the series one game a piece. The Bronchos won 3-2 on Friday, but lost 4-2 on Saturday. Then UCO bounced back in a big way against North Dakota State on Sunday winning io-i. Scoring on Friday night for the Bronchos was team captain AJ Alfrey, assisted by Tony Pannizzo, Shawn Steggles, assisted by Kevin Fukala and Kevin Bergquist, and Erik Jansen, assisted Photo by Allison Rathgeber by Tony Pannizzo. Jonathan Cannizzo drives the puck down the ice in Saturday night's loss to Oakland University. UCO The Bronchos couldn't hold off a late Oakland moved to 11-5 on the season with their two wins and one loss this weekend. The Bronchos are currently surge and were defeated ranked No. 10 in the nation. 4-2 on Saturday night. UCO got goals from Mike knowing that losing three "Before, in the season, we "We've just got to work Bisons. UCO got two goals Haszto, assisted by Patrick of their last five is disap- were on our nine-game win harder, and we took that as from both freshman Kevin Higgins, and Greg Masters, pointing. streak and the wins came a wake up call." Bergquist and junior capassisted by Matt Cohn. "We've got to take this pretty easy, but we were UCO bounced back tain Matt Cohn. As the No. io team in series as a wakeup call," working hard. We kind of against North Dakota State Also scoring for the the nation, the Bronchos team captain AJ Alfrey said felt that we were just going on Sunday however scoring Bronchos on Sunday were are taking the loss to heart, after the Oakland series. to keep going." 10 goals in the rout of the Mike Glowa, Alex Jackson,

Edmond native Luke Ward, Jonathan Cannizzo, Patrick Higgins and Tony Pannizzo. Sophomore goaltender Eric Murbach faced 37 shots, allowing just one goal. "We knew we had a little edge on this team, but still had to come out and play hard," freshman Kevin Bergquist said after the win. "We need to move on from here, but it's a step in the right direction." "We've made it now the biggest game of the semester," Alfrey said, "because we dropped three out of four, one against Oakland and two against Lindenwood. Now we go into a game against a good team. They are ranked fifth in the nation. We need a win, hopefully two, but at least a split." "We always play Iowa State well and they always play us well," junior Casey Smith said. "Hopefully we can come out and get a couple wins up there." UCO plays at Iowa State in a two-game series this Friday and Saturday.

Central volleyball gaining momentum Steve Vidal Spoils II rile,.

Momentum can be a strange thing to figure out during the course of a season. Fortunately for the UCO Volleyball team it is now on their side. UCO defeated the Midwestern State Mustangs in four sets 25-15, 25-17, 19-25 and 25-14 in their regular-season finale at Hamilton Field House Saturday night. The win was the fifth in a row and clinched the fifth seed in the Lone Star Conference Tournament later this week for the Bronchos. The winning streak also allowed UCO to finish the regular season with a winning record in the conference at 7-6 and overall at 16-15. "We're doing some things right, we made a switch six matches ago maybe and stuck with it and we had some big production tonight," Head Coach Jeff Boyland said. "Some folks we haven't seen had big production so that was good." UCO came out with their game faces on jumping out to a 12-3 lead in the first set after a Kristen Wilson kill. They played smart defensively, led by Ginger Gowen, and executed crisply on offense. The Bronchos finished off the set by forcing MSU into two attack errors. In the second set the Bronchos took control early and used a service ace from Gowen to get a 16-8 lead. UCO continued to play opportunistically, forcing the Mustangs into several more errors winning the set on a Carly LeMay kill assisted by

Meaghan Wedberg. UCO led in the third set early 5-3 but then MSU wrestled away the momentum in a back-and-forth set MSU had to have. A Wilson kill for UCO made it 21-19, the Mustangs scored the final four points of the set to win it. The Bronchos came out in the fourth set determined to close out the match and not go to a fifth set where they have struggled all season. The team did just that never trailing in the set getting back-to-back kills from Wilson to make it 18-9. Carly LeMay closed out the set and the match on a kill assisted by Faith Harmon. "I would definitely give them (Midwestern State) credit because I think they did some things they needed to do," Boyland said. "They made, some adjustments, they moved their lineup around every set that we played them actually." The other big story of the night was senior Meaghan Wedberg. Wedberg • played her final home game as a Broncho and is the only senior on the team. She started all four years and played in every match during that time. "I think we all just really wanted to win, we needed to win to get a good seed in the conference tournament next week," Wedberg said. "It might have taken a while during the season to get things together, but I like that we are winning these last couple of games to send us to the playoffs." Wedberg came up huge in her last home match recording 45 assists, 12 digs, five kills, three service aces and also one block.

"It's definitely sentimental. I've had a great four years and I've loved it," Wedberg said on her time at UCO. She is also happy that it wasn't the last time she will play as a Broncho because the season will continue in the conference tournament. Wilson led UCO in the kill department with 19 to go with three blocks and two service aces. Zuela Adorn and Courtney Whitlow added nine kills apiece. A young player who came up big was Morgan Roy who had a career high with 14 assists. She also put up 12 digs, three blocks and two service aces. Miranda Byrd led the Mustangs with ii kills and 15 digs. The win against MSU Saturday night followed another big win for UCO on Thursday against the Cameron Aggies as the team continued to fight to make the tournament. UCO downed the Aggies at Hamilton Field House in three hard fought sets 26-24, 26-24 and 25-23. The Bronchos used a 6-0 run to rally from a 20-14 deficit in the first set. With Cameron up 24-23, UCO used two kills in a row from Wilson and Adorn. Then a Carly LeMay block forced Cameron into an attack error giving UCO the set. A service ace from Wedberg in the second set was part of five straight UCO points and broke a 16-16 tie. UCO never trailed the rest of the way in the set. The third set was back-and-forth with numerous ties and lead changes. UCO scored the final three points of the set to turn a 23-22 deficit into a 25-23 victory in the set and close out the match.

Wilson had 16 kills and ii digs hitting .368 in the match. UCO got solid efforts from Wedberg and Roy, both recording seven kills. Gowen anchored the defense from the back with 22 digs. Next up UCO will face Texas A&M Commerce at in the first round of the Lone Star Conference Tournament at 5 p.m. Thursday in Canyon, Texas. The Lions are the 4th seed and beat the Bronchos in a match that went five sets in Commerce, Texas, on Oct. 22. The eight-team tournament is single elimination and the winner receives an automatic berth in the NCAA Division II Tournament. "I think everybody needs to be on top of their game and do their job," Wedberg said on the team's preparation for the tournament. "One of the biggest keys I think will be to handle their crowds," Boyland said. Boyland says that if they play host West Texas A&M there will likely be 1,500 to 2,000 fans at the match in a building about half the size of Hamilton Field House called "The Box". Most of those fans will be on the side of the home team. In this type of tournament anything can happen. UCO hopes to continue their winning ways and punch their ticket to the national tournament with three straight victories in the Lone Star Conference Tournament to take the title. Vista Sports Writer Steve Vidal can be reached at .

Cross country finishes 16th at regional Steve Vidal I rile,'

The UCO cross country team overcame sickness and injury to post a 16th place finish Saturday at the NCAA Division II South Central Regional in Abilene, Texas. UCO ended up with 396 points while Missouri Southern cruised to the team title where lower scores are better with 18. Dallas Baptist was the next closest team with 84 points. Evelyn Berko was the

first Broncho to cross the teams dealt with strong finish line in 33rd place with winds throughout the a time of 23:14.61. Seven entire race. Bronchos ran in the six"They tried hard and kilometer race that includ- gave it their best," Head ed 21 teams and 143 run- Coach J.D. Martin said. ners. At stake for the top Several women on the team finishing teams was a trip have been dealing with the to the NCAA Division II flu and other injuries for a National Championships. few weeks. The battle with Missouri Southern's illness really cut down on Kimi Shank won the indi- the training time for. some vidual title with a time of on the team, making it hard 20:59.05. to prepare for such a big The course was mostly event as the NCAA regionflat with no hills. However, als. the winds in the field were Angelica Martinez was very strong and all of the the second Broncho to

finish the race in 77th at 24:25.17. Standout Alina Istrate was next in 81st at 24:32.44. Istrate was having a great season until an Achilles tendon injury sidelined her a few weeks ago and the last few meets she has been working to regain her previous form. "It's disappointing not to do better because we know we are better than that," Martin said on his team's performance and battle with injuries and sickness this season. The remainder of UCO's



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field included Cara Cox in 105th at 25:16.42, Angel Vick in 114th at 25:34.68, Hannah Pempsell in 117th at 25:43.98, and Julia Crocker in 129th at 26:32.89. The race concluded the season for UCO and was the last college race for Berko, the team's lone senior. Berko came to UCO with no cross country experience in high school and only one year of high school track. After redshirting her freshman year she worked extremely hard in the off-season. When she came back to start her red-shirt freshmen cross country season at UCO she was dramatically improved and quickly became one of the best runners on the Broncho roster. "Evelyn has been an inspiration to all of the kids," Martin said. "Without question she has developed more than any other athlete I've ever coached."

Throughout the season many of the young runners on the team picked up valuable experience. Out of the nine runners on this season's roster five of them were freshmen. "We have some really good younger runners," Martin said. He is also excited that Istrate and Crocker will return for their senior seasons next year. Heather Braley, who missed the entire season this year with an injury, will also return as a sophomore next year not losing any eligibility. With all of the returning experience and hard work in the off season, UCO will look to have things in place for a special cross country season coming up in 2010. Vista Sports Writer Steve Vidal can be reached at

co o


PAGE 8 -- NOVEMBER 10, 2009

Bronchos win President's Cup in shootout Senior day complete with 47-38 victory over Northeastern State NSU's 186 and passed for 306 yards to just 194 for NSU. Noohi not only torched the Riverhawks through the air, but rushed for 140 yards on the ground and added a rushing score. Jason Palmer netted 59 yards on the ground as well. Ryan Gallimore caught eight passes for 143 yards and four touchdowns. Daniel Morrell caught five passes for 74 yards and a touchdown. Running back Jason Palmer led the Bronchos this season in rushing with 767 net yards and six touchdowns. Brandon Noohi finished second on the team with 544 yards and seven rushing touchdowns. Ben Birmingham touched the football 106 times and gained 436 yards and three touchdowns. Quarterback Brandon Noohi led the Bronchos to a prolific pass game. The senior finished the year 259 of 431 passing for 2757 yards, 21 touchdowns to 11 interceptions. Star senior wide out Ryan Gallimore caught 59 passes in 2009 for 786 yards and 11 touchdowns. He averaged 13.2 yards per catch and 71.5 yards per game. Sophomore wide receiver Daniel Morrell caught 45 balls for 64o yards and six scores this season. Photo services On the defensive side of the ball Giorgio Durham was Seniors Ryan Gallimore and Brandon Noohi celebrate one of their four touchdowns on Saturday. an absolute ball hawk for the Bronchos. He intercepted UCO beat Northeastern State University 47-38 to secure their fourth win of the year and the Presiopposing quarterbacks eight times this season. Caleb dent's Cup. Prince had four interceptions on the year. Maurice Henry and Prentice Muse both had two. The team had a total of touchdown of the game to Keyle Beam with 7:15 left before 21 on the year. Chris Wescott Tucker Cason finished the season as the team leader halftime. That tied the game at 14-14, but NSU was not .S'ports Editor in tackles with 90. He also added seven tackles for a loss done scoring before the half. including 2.5 sacks. Star linebacker Terry Hardeman The Riverhawks scored again with 5:23 left in the secFor the UCO football team, this season has been somerecorded 85 tackles on the year, and 9.5 were for a loss what of a disappointment. UCO was tagged with the 16th ond quarter on a three yard touchdown pass from Cook to including 2.5 sacks. He also had an interception and a spot in the nation to start the season. What followed was Trey McVay. fumble recover which he took three yards for a touchUCO was not ready to take the game into halftime being the toughest schedule in NCAA Division II, and a string of down. losses that put the Bronchos at 3-7 heading into the final behind to their rivals. Noohi led an 8o-yard scoring drive, Standout defensive tackle Jermelle Cudjo finished the capping it off with a 21-yard touchdown pass to tight end game of the season. season with 58 tackles, 12.5 for a loss, 3.5 sacks and a UCO however took this game seriously and won an Bryce Davis. forced fumble. Freddie Harris led the team in sacks with With the game tied 21-21, UCO got the ball back and exciting offensive shootout against rivals Northeastern six. State University 47-38. The President's Cup victory came with 42 seconds left in the half, Brandon Noohi tossed The Bronchos finished the regular season ninth in scorhis fourth touchdown pass of the game to Daniel Morrell on an emotional senior day for UCO. ing offense in the Lone Star Conference, ninth in scoring Senior wide receiver Ryan Gallimore and senior quar- from 20 yards out. The game went into the half with the defense, fifth in total offense, eleventh in total defense, terback Brandon Noohi stole the show connecting for four Bronchos leading 28-21. third in rushing offense, tenth in rush defense, sixth in In the third, Noohi scored on a one-yard touchdown touchdowns and 143 yards through the air on the day. pass offense, eleventh in pass defense, and first in interNoohi totaled 446 yards on the game and threw a school- run with ro:513 left in the quarter. NSU answered the score ceptions. with a Jared Homer 20-yard field goal. Going into the record six touchdowns. The offensive line boasted the fourth best pass protecThe game was exciting early when the visiting fourth, UCO led 35-24. tion in the conference, allowing just 17 sacks all season. Cook tossed another NSU touchdown to Trey McVay Riverhawks took a 7-0 lead on a 10-yard La'Ron Elmer UCO had the fourth most first downs. UCO also had the touchdown run with 9:5o remaining in the first quarter. with 14:oo remaining, narrowing the UCO lead to just second best turnover margin with +8. That capped a 13-play, 8o-yard, no-huddle drive led by five. The Bronchos finished the 2009 season 4-7 overall Noohi and Gallimore then connected for two consecujunior quarterback Pat Cook who got his first start of the and 3-2 in conference. UCO was 2-2 at home and 2-5 on tive scores. The first came with 11:09 left in the game on season on Saturday. the road. The Bronchos finished the year on a two game UCO came back firing however with a long drive of a 28-yard touchdown pass. The extra point was blocked. win streak. The Bronchos finished third in the North The second came on a 32-yard touchdown pass with 6:53 their own, taking the ball 75 yards in 12 plays and scoring Division. on a nine-yard touchdown pass from Noohi to Gallimore. left in the game, but Chris Robbs' kick missed and made the game 47-30. That score came with 6:28 left in the first. The Riverhawks closed out the scoring with 44 seconds The Bronchos would take their first lead of the game Senior wide receiver Ryan Gallimore and when Noohi hit Gallimore again, this time for 35 yards for left in the game on a Trey McVay 11-yard reception on the the score. With 10:05 left in the half, UCO took the 14-7 Pat Cook pass. Cook converted the two point attempt and senior quarterback Brandon Noohi conmade the final score 47-38. lead. The Bronchos and Riverhawks tied in first downs nected for _four touchdowns and 143 yards. NSU kept things interesting scoring two unanswered touchdowns courtesy of Pat Cook. Cook tossed his first with 23 a piece. However, UCO rushed for 211 yards to

MO Soccer, Lone Star Conference Champions

Photo provided by Jeremy Enlow, Lone Star Conference

The UCO Soccer team [above] celebrates their fifth conference title under head coach Mike Cook. UCO beat West Texas A&M in overtime to win the championship. The Bronchos, 14-6-2 overall on the season, now look toward the South Central Regional and a NCAA Division II national title.

Chris Wescott /,r/Nor

The Bronchos soccer team, 14-6-2 overall on the season, clinched the Lone Star Conference Championship this Sunday in a shootout with West Texas A&M University. The game finished in a 1-1 tie and went on through two overtime periods. Katy Kashwer and Tiffanie Meek scored the first two kicks

of the shootout. WTAMU just can't say enough about tied things up, but Summer how this team has stayed White scored the go- together this year and we're ahead goal and Nathalie looking forward to keeping Bernigaud took it home for our season going." the Bronchos. It has been an up and "We pretty much knew down season for the we weren't going to get into Bronchos as they started the the national tournament year 0-3-1. The Bronchos without winning today and then went on an impresour team left everything sive eight-game win streak, on the field," Coach Mike in which they posted seven Cook said. "We got great shut outs. effort from everybody and UCO hit a rough patch pulled out a huge win. I with losses to WTAMU

and Abilene Christian and went 5-3 in their final eight games, also losing to Texas Women's University. The Bronchos got their revenge on Texas Women's and WTAMU in the Lone Star Conference tournament however, and won their fifth title under head coach Mike Cook. UCO now looks to the South Central Regional for the NCAA Division H national tournament.

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