The Vista November 12, 1996

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University of Central Oklahoma

TUESDAY November 12, 1996

The Student Voice Since 1903

`Please raise your right foot and repeat after me...' Recipients of the Irene Ryan Award nominations, including six UCO students, raise their right feet in a pledge Wednesday evening at Mitchell Hall. An awards ceremony was held to honor the participants of the American College Theater Festival. Angels in America, Part One, received the Directors Choice Award, and Angels in America, Part Two and The Rainwater Albatross received the Critics Choice Award. (Staff photo by Gayleen Langthorn) See RELATED STORY on Page 5.

Student arrested for attacking roommate By Gayleen Langthorn Managing Editor

Yahya Suriah, a 29-year-old student from Jakarta, Indonesia is being held on a $20,000 bond, said Sgt. Rick Morales of UCO student was arrested and the UCO Department of Public Safety charged for assault and battery (DPS). He allegedly attacked his East Hall with intent to kill Wednesday roommate, a student from China, with a morning.


hammer and a serrated knife, said Linda Jones, director of communications for UCO. The attack occurred at approximately 6:45 a.m. The victim was asleep in his bed at the onset of the attack, Morales said. The attacker used a kitchen steak

knife which broke because of the blankets covering the victim. "All wounds were from the hammer," Morales said. The hammer eventually broke and the victim was able to escape. He called the

V See ASSAULT, Page 3

INSIDE TODAY INDEX Editorial 2 Letters 2 Sports 8,9,10 Around Campus ... 14 Word Game 14 Classifieds 15

FACULTY SENATE Dr. Cornelius Wooten proposes changes for UCO at a faculty senate meeting .


THEATER UCO productions `clean up' at the American College Theater Festival Wednesday.



Dr. Charles Neimeyer describes his career change from a Marine to history professor.


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