The Vista Nov. 13, 1997

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University of Central Oklahoma


THURSDAY November 13, 1997


The Student Voice Since 1903

Power outage delays enrolling students

Jacob resigns as Academic VP By Mark A. Schneberger Staff Writer


By Mark A. Schneberger Staff Writer


ozens of UCO seniors were angered and inconvenienced when they were prevented from registering for classes Tuesday by a power outage in the admissions department of the University Center. Facilities Management Director Lennis Pederson said the cause of the outage, -which left the admissions department without power for roughly 45 minutes, has not yet been determined. The loss of power startled many seniors who were thrust into darkness as they waited in line to register. Seniors who chose to leave before power returned were encouraged to try registering Wednesday. "We told them that if they wanted to come back (Wednesday) they could come at any time," said Bowman. "That was the least we could do." "Why of all days did this have to happen," said Becky Fitzgerald, who said she had driven for almost two hours to the university.

Students stand in line outside the Enrollment Services Office Tuesday (Staff photo by Bryan Terry)

"I live in Tecumseh, and I can't come back tomorrow." The outage was not limited to the admissions department, however. The Prospective Student Services Department, the Food Court Express and the U.S. Postal Service outlet were affected for roughly two hours, beginning at 12:30 p.m. Prospective Student Services employees worked by flashlight. "We had people in here on a campus tour and we had to

explain to them that things like this don't usually happen at UCO," said Stacey Childers, student worker. The Food Court Express was forced to completely shut down for two hours. And workers in the Union Station Express convenience store found themselves ringing up sales using a pencil and calculator. "It was very hard to do," said Wan-Wei Ng, cashier. "I hope we do not have to do this again."

Jacob would not comment if he was encouraged to resign from office by President Roger Webb over the flap. Rather, he said he made the decision after careful consideration. Webb did not return repeated phone calls by the Vista asking him to comment on Jacob's resignation. Dr. Michael Shirley, executive assistant to the president, however, said he did not feel Jacob was pressured out of office. He said the vice president called the meeting himself to announce his resignation. In it, Jacob asked Jacob to be reassigned as the Graduate College dean, Shirley said. Jacob said he will not be leaving the university. He will become dean of UCO's Graduate College, a position currently held by Dr. Fred Grosz. Grosz will return to his previous position as chemistry department chair. Grosz said he had no negative feelings about the shift. He said he was appointed two years ago to the position of graduate dean, but only initially intended to serve a one-year term.

nly days after being charged with improprieties by Faculty Senate President Roberta Sloan, Academic Affairs Vice President Clyde Jacob officially announced his resignation, this week. "I felt it was time for a change," Jacob said from his office at the Lillard Administration Building. "I've served in this position for the past 12 years, and I felt it is time for ... new Clyde leadership." Jacob was appointed by former President Bill Lillard in 1986. His last day in office will be June 30, 1998. Sloan, last week charged that Jacob attempted to merge the creative studies department into the English department, without notifying program deans or faculty. She said his actions left many in both programs wondering if the creative studies department would return in the 1998-99 year. "I don't know that his collapsing (creative studies) into Staff writers Steven Wedel the English Department is meaning that he means to get rid and Ryan Dannar contributed to of the (program); but it sure is an this story. indication."

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