The Vista November 14, 1995

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University of Central Oklahoma

THEVIsTA. The Student Voice Since 1903

TUESDAY November 14, 1995

`Twenty to make' evokes student rally minimum requirement effects on the spring schedule, loss of student confidence, and the deletion of The new minimum enrollment specialized classes. S en. requirement to keep a class on the Stephen semester schedule provoked a student Black, assistant professor of finance, said rally Nov. 9 outside UCO's monthly he believed asking administration for a senate faculty meeting. compromise was the effective method and Student and faculty concerns varied language to be used in the faculty senate's from deletement of upper-level or final proposal to administration. specialized courses to graduation Law said the average class size across problems to an underlying lack of the university was 23 students per class. confidence in UCO's budget. "It is grossly inappropriate to focus in However, UCO's President Nigh said on individual classes as needing 20 "the rumor students mill is when the devastating I don't buy in to the idea that this is all entire forest and that there just business as usual and I am is not in is no hard and need of fast rule to interested in finding out statistics about having its limit UCO's current budget problems. trees classroom —Bob Taliaferro chopped size to 20 Liberal arts graduate student down," he students." said. The academic affairs office recently "The result is an impoverished advised deans to aim for classroom sizes intellectual landscape." with a minimum of 20 students instead of Bob Taliaferro, a liberal arts graduate the previous requirement of 10 students. student who attended the meeting, said he The number of students necessary to intended to write President Nigh, keep graduate level courses on the Chancellor Hans Brisch and a state schedule was 15 students. representative in Washington, D.C. "The number 10 was an unrealistic Taliaferro said he saw a gradual shift number," said Dr. Albert Lynd, assistant away from expanded degree programs. vice president of Academic Affairs. "I don't buy in to the idea that this is "Some scheduling patterns show all just business as usual and I am consistently low numbers in classrooms interested in finding out statistics about which we need to look at." UCO's current budget problems," said Taliaferro. A few students entered the meeting after an early motion was made to Taliaferro said he believed students suspend senate rules as Faculty Senate would be forced to take classes they were President Stephen Law led the discussion not interested in and believed different on a resolution that urged caution in standards should be applied to different regard to class sizes. levels of courses. The senate discussion included Y See Rally, Page 4

By Susan Reger Staff Writer


English graduate student Scott Bauman leads a student protest in solidarity against the potential to lose smaller classes due to enrollment guidelines. (Staff photo by Bill Wilkinson)




Campus Quotes .... 2 Around Campus ... 11 Sports 8,9 Comics 11 Classifieds 12


The Vista's John Clanton reviews Black Grapes' latest CD.



Nicki Cormier speaks her mind on the role changes and priorities of women in the 90s.

HEALTH CHECK Free health h ealth screening offered for UCO staff and faculty.

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