The Vista Nov. 16, 2004

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The Student Voice Since 1903 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2004


Festival unifies world cultures

Miss Black & Gold Scholarship Pageant

to answer questions about their home country of Iran. "We have an old heritage, almost 3,000 years old," The International Festival was held Nov. 12 and brought Mokhtari said. Nazari said, "We want to together UCO international students from across the inform and educate people world. Students took part in about the culture and customs dancing and sampled food, of Iran." Bishnu while learning Khetan was a cultural history. Each country "It took a lot of student who represented in people to put this was involved in the festival, but the festival had a on, and everyone also was there to table that dislearn about played their did a great job." other cultures. country and the "My favorite art of their home— HANS DOOKHONEY thing about this land. festival chairman event is the peoHaedong Lee, ple. (There president of the were) so many people. Most Korean Student Association, people haven't been out of helped with the table of culturOklahoma that are here," al work from his country. "The food was a success," Khetan said. Hans Dookhoney acts as he said. "Everyone likes our displays of the tea cups and chairman of the event. "It took a lot of people to such." put this on and everyone did a Vesi Ivanova, who also great job," Dookhoney said. took part in the event, is a stuDr. Ronald Paddock has dent from Bulgaria and a member of the Bulgarian been Director of the International Association for Student Association. "I love Bulgaria. I love the 29 years. "In the 29 years I find that nature (the) most. We have all our international students, kinds," Ivanova said. "I love year after year after year, get the sea and the art. As soon as I go back I will make a huge brighter, smarter, and better looking and more cooperative. journey around Bulgaria." Jonathan Nazari and And the internationals on our Kamran Mokhtari were there campus are the best we, (have) ever had," Paddock said. by Christie Mullens Student Writer

Cindy Daniela Rodriguez Samudro, freshman from Costa Rica, participates Nov. 12 at the International Festival.

Photo by Justin Avera

Claudia King, the winner of the Miss Black & Gold Scholarship Pageant, dances in the talent portion of the cornpetition Nov. 13 at Constitution Hall. For additional photos from the pageant, see page 5.

Photo Services


Progressives unite to talk about election ■ Members from various campus organizations met to discuss the outcome of the presidential election and what can be done in the future. was to come up with some sort of response to what it looks like is going to be the accepted It was standing-room-only outcome of the election," at the summit held by the Lalor said, "to say nothing of newly formed Progressive the newly elected embarrassCoalition on Nov. 10 in the ment to Oklahoma." During the meeting, the Liberal Arts building. group named themselves the It was held to establish a UCO Progressive Coalition communication network and drafted a statement between various organizations on campus, and to discuss a expressing the groups' concerns. way to respond No memto the results of "We have never had bers of the the recent elec College tions. people loosely "We have Republicans defined as progreswere present never had peoat the meetsives gather on cample loosely ing. defined as pro- pus before. It took gressives gath "The idea behind these er on campus an election to do it." before," said liberals labeling themBRENDAN J. LALOR Brendan J. selves as proassociate professor of Photo by Justin Avera Lalor, associ gressives was humanities and philosophy ate professor the same rea- Students and faculty members gather Nov. 10 for UCO's first Progressive Coalition, an organizaof humanities son they, at tion formed after the presidential election Nov. 2. The group is made of members of other various and ph i losophy. "It took an election to do one point, labeled themselves student organizations on campus. centurists. Because they are in it. Present at the summit were fact liberals, which is unap- politics, which is a shame at sex couples, an erosion of civil facts make no difference when liberties, favors for media those facts, even if delivered members of UCO Democratic pealing to Oklahomans and, best." giants that undermine democ- by the EPA, CDC, etc., conobviously as this past election Lalor said many of the Socialists, Gay Alliance for Tolerance and Equity, has shown, Americans," said issues that the Progressive racy, hard times for the United flict with its ideology." Several members of the Philosophy Club, English Kyle Houts, president of the Coalition is concerned about Nations, good times for coalition said they want to weapons manufacturers, more are: "an illegal war that will College Republicans. "It realSociety and Association for hold debates with the College and permanent tax cuts for the bring about the deaths of many ly details the way this party is Women's Studies, and certain rich, and an ideologically-driaimed. They're having to remore U.S. troops and Iraqi faculty and staff members. see SUMMIT, page 3 "The goal of this summit title themselves for the sake of civilians, an attack on same- ven administration to which by Sarah Skinner Staff Writer

■ The Student Preception of Instructional Effectivness survey will be online Nov. 15 through Dec. 10 at: st, or through UCONNECT. ■ One hundred volunteers are needed for the President's Club Christmas Party. Interested students should visit the Volunteer Center on the fourth floor of the Nigh University Center. ■ To participate in UCO WinterGlow, visit the Web site at: www.ucok.edukampuslife/ winterglow. ■ The Sociology Club will continue to collect donations for its Thanksgiving food drive until the week of Thanksgiving break. For information, contact Kori Hirrill at .

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