The Vista Nov. 17, 2009

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Senator stops for healthcare explanation

Students get `the talk' Amy Stinnett

Tiffany Brown 5„,,i

State Sen. Andrew Rice was "elected" to speak at the University of Central Oklahoma's second Lunch with a Policy Maker event on Nov. 9 at the Nigh University Center. Rice discussed the health care legislation that is currently being debated in the U. S. Senate after passing in the U.S. House. "I've been following this for the last year and I just have Some ideas that I think are important from a policy standpoint," Rice said as he began to discuss why he chose to speak about health care. Health care has been a topic in which there is a lot of bipartisan agreement in Oklahoma, Rice said. He explained what government officials and those who agree with the legislation are attempting to make a law. "What's being attempted in Congress is insurance reform as opposed to health care [reform]," Rice said. "Many American are relatively happy with the health care that they receive if they are able to receive it ... health care itself is high quality." What many people are not happy about is the cost, Rice said. Medical expenses are the number one cause of bankruptcies in the U.S., Rice said. While many Americans

Photo by Kory Oswald

Taylor England holds the large comparator tube to test chlorine level of the pool. On Monday the chlorine registered at 0.6 parts per million, just before an employee added more of the disinfectant.

Waters worry swimming students lenefar de Leon rilcr

Fred Fieth, assistant director of Sports and Recreation at UCO, and the Oklahoma County Health Department said the UCO Hamilton indoor pool is at the recommended chlorine levels despite contrary remarks from UCO students. Some students placed concern that the chlorine level was at o parts per million at times when they were swimming. The Oklahoma County Department of Health paid a visit to the UCO Hamilton pool house on Nov. 12 after receiving complaints that it was at o ppm. But Fieth said that students should not be worried, and in fact chlorine was recently added to the pool on Nov. 13. "I don't think it's a huge problem," said Suzie Campbell, Public Bathing Place coordinator for the Oklahoma County Health department. "There was some issues to address, but it is safe to swim in." The Center for Disease Control reports that swimming pools should contain chlorine levels between i.o to 3.o parts per million to help protect swimmers from germs and bacteria around and in the pool. According to the see RICE, page 6 CDC, if pools are not between those levels it can cause


irritation of skin or eyes. Some students were concerned due to the fact that some were facing some skin irritation. Kinesiology graduate Amy Brooks said recently she faced some skin irritation that may have been caused by the pool. "I had to go to the dermatologist recently because my skin has been itchy and irritated," Brooks said. "I feel embarrassed to show my skin. I haven't changed my soap, lotion or detergent so I know that it has to do with the pool." She_andother fellow classmates suspected that the pool might have not had chlorine in it, because the pool looked unsanitary. Brooks, an avid swimmer and lifeguard, said that the water inside the pool looks cloudy and gave off an odor. Brooks and fellow classmate accounting major Tim Kirby have voiced their concern to faculty and the health department in the past weeks to take a closure inspection of the swimming pool after a Hamilton pool lifeguard on duty tested the water and revealed the results to Brooks and Kirby that it was at o ppm. "It was our breaking point," Kirby said. "It's very upsetting that no one was taking this serious when it is a health issue."

see POOL, page 6

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A student enrolls on a computer Monday on the first floor of the Nigh University Center.

The University of Central Oklahoma recently introduced a new waitlist system that allows students to sign up for classes that are filled. "We've just implemented it in the last two weeks," said Jerry Legere, assistant vice president of Enrollment Management. "We've not had that capability in the past." The program is already being implemented for some courses. The biology department is one that has decided to use the waitlist system, Legere said. The College of Business has also decided to make the system available for its students. The waitlist program may not be implemented for all courses or all colleges on campus. "Every department has been given the opportunity to participate," Legere said. "It really is going to vary from department to department." "They can choose to [use] it on all of their courses, some to their courses or none of their course," he said. Each academic department will

DI DD You MOW...? In the winter of 1891-92 James Naismith, an instructor at the YMCA Training School, invented the sport of basketball, to provide indoor exercise for his students between the end of the football season and the start of the baseball season.

see SEX, page 3

wai tl ist springs into action •

Tiffany Brown

Photo by Allison Rathgeber


The Mercy Clinic at the University of Central Oklahoma presents "SEXposure" to the students regularly to help them make responsible decisions. The goal of this presentation is to educate UCO's students about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). "It's more than just wearing condoms," Tim Woods, a professional speaker for health education at the • Wellness Center said. Woods has been working at UCO for almost 2 years promoting sexual health through "SEXposure." In this presentation he enthusiastically provides the facts to college students using candid language, a few illustrations (one of which is himself, arms up and out, fists representing the ovaries, arms representing the fallopian tubes and his abdomen representing the uterus), and an open discussion with the students. Woods was a professional speaker on sex education for nearly seven year8 prior to his job at UCO, working for communities throughout Oklahoma and also international settings, such as a military base in Japan. He began his career as a health advocate and educator when he heard some very startling • and little-known facts. "If I didn't know this and my head's screwed on, I know a 15-year-old is not going to know this," Woods

also decide how many students can be waitlisted. If a class is dropped, students on the wait list Will be given the opportunity to fill the dropped seat on a first come, first served basis Students don't have to constantly check the enrollment list to see if a student has dropped a class, Legere said. However, student will need to check their email regularly. Students highest on the waitlist will be emailed when a seat opens, but they will have a limited amount of time to enroll. "There is an expiration date and an email will be sent to the next student on the list," Legere said. Students will have 24 hours to enroll. Each department can decide if they will extend or limit that time. It can be shortened to . 12 hours or extended to at least 48 hours for sonic courses. If a department does not choose a time frame, the time will automatically default to a 24-hour period. Once a student is passed on a waitlist, the process cannot be reversed. "We have no way of accounting for that," Legere said. "They need to be



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constantly checking their account." If a student is passed or dropped from the waitlist, one of the few options they will have is to re-place their name on the list again. No exceptions will be made for students who miss their opportunity to enroll. According to Legere, to prevent this from happening students should check their e-mail at least twice daily. Although the system has its ben= efits, there are some drawbacks. Students must meet the course prerequisites or they cannot be placed on a waitlist if it is available, Legere said. Also, if students have holds placed on their accounts while they are waitlisted, they cannot enroll, Legere said. The amount owed on an account cannot exceed $50, he said. Also, students should make sure the time of the class waitlisted does not interfere with any other classes they are enrolled in. For complete information about the new waitlist system, the policy and instructions on how to used the system can be found on UCONNECT near the top of the page before available classes are listed.

TUNE INTO NEWSCENTRAL student - run newscast runs Monday. through Thursday on Cox Digital Cable channel 125 in Edmond at 5:00 p.m. UCO's




PAGE 2 NOVEMBER 17, 2009



405-974-5549 EDITORIAL@UCO360.COM

The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semi-weekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and only on Wednesdays during the summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy obtained.

EDITORIALS Opinion columns, editorial cartoons, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO.

LETTERS The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, with a maximum of 150 words, and must include the author's printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034-5209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 131. Letters can be e-mailed to vistauco@gmaiLcom.


MANAGEMENT Laura Hoffert, Editor-in-Chief Kory Oswald, Managing Editor Caleb McWilliams, Copy Editor Chris Wescott, Sports Editor

Kaylea Brooks, Tiffany Brown, Steve Vidal, Jenefar De Leon, Ryan Costello, Amy Stinnett, Tivanna Harris, Emily Davis,


Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer


Stacey Sprague

Byron Koontz Allison Rathgeber Amanda Siegfried



Laura Hoffert Stephen Hughes

Mr. Teddy Burch


To become The Vista's editorial comic, contact Teddy Burch @ 974-5123.

Tresa Berlemann


U0_ ES

Would you use your cell phone even if there was proof that it caused brain tumors? Tiana Davis Freshman Fashion

Jovan Pride Freshman Nursing

"Yeah probably. I would use it less but of course I would have to use my cell phone."

Chase Iraggi Sophomore History Education "Actually I think they do, so I don't like to use mine that much."

Juan Perry Junior International business and accounting

"I would use it to text. I wouldn't really use it to talk on it as much, but I'm always going to text."


"No, because I don't want no brain tumor. Be out or be talked about."

Marsha Shuffield Sophomore Advertising

Maria Kiev Junior Dance Education "I would use it less. I wouldn't use Bluetooth."

"Yes because, what if I was in danger and I needed to call someone?"

Second guessing Courts limit access to public records Hassan evaluation Editorial Board The Alm World

Last month, the Oklahoma Supreme Court ordered that it would not allow bulk distribution of court records. Although everyone still has access to paper court records in courthouses, or electronically through two free online search engines, the court said it wouldn't approve requests for mass copying of digital district and appellate court records. What's the difference? Imagine a company wanted to check on the criminal records of hundreds, of employees who interacted with the public. Under the order, the company could go to every courthouse in the state and look up every name. Or it could type in each individual employee's name in the state's databases and look at the results, a far simpler task, but still time-consuming. More likely, the company would hire a backgroundchecking firm to do the work. But if bulk distribution were allowed, the background-checkers would be able to match the company's database of employees against a database of criminal records without retyping each name. The results would be quicker, cheaper and just as accurate. That's just one of the legitimate commercial possibilities of bulk transferred court records. Access to public records — including court records — is a right, as is boldly recognized by the state's Open

Records Act, which says, "it is the public policy of the state of Oklahoma that the people are vested with the inherent right to know and be fully informed about their government." The law doesn't say that Oklahomans can't use those public records to make money. Indeed, the Tulsa World does so routinely by selling newspapers that include stories based on public records. We can see no legitimate reason to block other companies seeking to use public records for commercial purposes, even if they want to gather the records in bulk and electronically. In 2008, the Supreme Court announced plans to order many court records taken off the Internet and told courthouse officials to obscure information such as dates of birth and home addresses from filings. But after complaints about that plan, the court reversed course. In the instance of bulk electronic records, the court should again retHnk its policy. It's reasonable to expect anyone who makes a bulk request of information to pay all the state's legitimate costs in providing that information and it's reasonable for the court to make rules to prevent the requests from disrupting the essential functions of courthouses. But to simply refuse to do business with companies that want to make a living while exercising a state-guaranteed right is wrong.

Editorial Board uuskopre Phoeni.r

Second-guessing has Started, naturally, over evaluations of Nidal Hassan, the military psychiatrist who allegedly killed 13 soldiers and wounded 29 others at Fort Hood, Texas. The Senate has scheduled an investigation after reports came out that Army Maj. Hassan apparently had prior contact with a radical Islamic imam and a military investigation dismissed the contact as benign. First, our sympathies go out to the families of those killed and wounded. The shooting, like all acts of violence, is an appalling tragedy, and everyone will wonder what could have been done to prevent the shooting from happening.

We all understand that acts of violence will occur, but we also don't want to live with this happening time and time again. So we need to be more proactive in reaching out to people with thoughts of violence and curbing those thoughts before they provoke overt acts. And if Hassan was an inept psychiatrist and poor worker, he should not have been in the position he was in. That's why the investigations into Hassan are important. And if turns out that Hassan's alleged act was motivated by warped religious zeal, that should have been caught, too. But as always, we need to be careful that we don't allow ourselves to become casualties of prejudice either.


PAGE 3 NOVEMBER 17, 2009

Steve Tate, Broncho record-breaker (1957-2009) Tiffany Brown Slaffll'riter

A gray casket sat in the spotlight of Luther High School's new auditorium. On it was adorned with red, yellow, orange and a few other colored flowers. Inside, surrounded by fine white linens, lay University of Central Oklahoma's football player Stephen "Steve" Tate. On Saturday. Nov. 14, Tate was laid to rest at Rogan Cemetery. At Hamilton Field house the legacy left by Tate hung in the Hall of Fame. He had set records others had wished to achieved and those who followed have not yet reached. Long before Tate arrived at UCO, Tate's football career began at Luther High School in 1973. As a tailback, Tate rushed 7,656 yards in the two years he played. Under the direction of then Head Coach Gary Howard, Tate began his college football career in 197 when UCO was known as Central State University. During his freshman year he ran 1,245 yards with 252 carries. Tate continued to thrive his sophomore and junior year, adding at least 1,952 rushed yards to his record. The plaque that hung on the wall became testament, even evidence, of the how he loved the game of football. Embossed in gold letters on a glossy black surface were the many accolades Tate received during his college career. Tate has been the only football player in UCO's history to earn All-America honors three times, receiving second team NAIA accolades in 1977, '78 and '79, the plaque stated. He was also a four time All-District nine pick. Photo Provided Tate crossed the 100-yard mark in a school-record 23 games during his career, with the Bronchos going 18-5 in Steve Tate, pictured in the late 70s, earned All-Amerthose contests, the plaque noted. ican honors in 1977,1978, 1979. The only football He and fellow team members lead the Bronchos to an player in UCO history to do so.

overall record of 26-18-1 and an NAIA national runnerup finish in 1979. With a 5-foot-ii-inch, 180-pound build, Tate started all four years at UCO from 197-1980. Tate finished as UCO's all-time leading rusher with 4,360 yards, averaging 5.4 yards a carry over 803 careers rushing attempts and scoring 25 touchdowns. He was also UCO's career all-purpose leader with 4,560 yards and ranks fourth, sixth and seventh on the school's single season rushing charts, the obituary said. Tate was close to be drafted in the NFL, but had to retire from playing football due to injuires on both of his knees. In spite of his accomplishments, Tate remained humble, Howard and others said at the funeral services. Whenever his football career accomplishments became the center of attention, Tate would change the subject. Tate was inducted into the Class of 1994 Hall of Fame. At the age of 52, Tate passed away on Nov. 7 from liver cancer. Every word spoken about Tate at his funeral was a testimony of his good character. Many speakers spoke about Tate's faith in God and his early life at Church of God Through Christ, his home church pastured by Bishop Curtis L. Harris. The love he had for his family and friends, including his three daughters and wife, became evident among the few hundred guests in attendance. Vista Writer Tiffany Brown can be reached at .

Former student finds her voice with help from prof Emily Davis

Eckelhoff and LaCombe both came to UCO from Arkansas. Echelhoff is in the skiftlf, ther graduate program at UCO after earning her A UCO graduate student found her love bachelors in vocal music from Arkansas. Eckelhoff said that proper technique is for opera singing through the help and hard to learn when singing opera music guidance of a professor. but the emotional side is more of a chalWhile attending school at the University lenge for her. of Arkansas, Kristina Eckelhoff started "It takes so much of you to do [sing taking voice lessons with professor Dr. Roxane LaCombe, after playing jazz music opera] well because your being this other character and half the time your in a forfor some time. "I just took a lesson for fun in January eign language so you have to know what of 2007...then next semester she [Dr. your singing have to detach LaCombe] took over the opera singing pro- from yourself to get into it," Eckelhoff said. gram and I wasn't in it," Eckelhoff said. In her senior recital she performed 18 "Then one person fell through so I got to take over and then I just decided I loved different pieces, which meant playing 18 different characters. She said the process of it. When Eckelhoff met LaCombe she was learning opera pieces is like "vocal schizodealing with addiction and other problems phrenia." Her favorite opera composer is Puccini. that stemmed from it. "He was just so in tune with the way he "In that point in my life I was struggling orchestrated the instruments and how it with alcoholism and I was really struggling complimented the voices," Eckelhoff said. in school and everything because of that In the future Eckelhoff wants to get her and my teacher really pulled me out of it," doctorate of musical art and then perform Eckelhoff said. "I learned a lot of discipline through for a while. She hopes to one day maybe singing and turned my life around in a even perform for the Metropolitan Opera. "I think she would be an excellent teachway," Eckelhoff said that alcohol almost took er," LaCombe said. When it comes to opera Eckelhoff said, her life and that LaCombe encouraged her "It just makes me feel good. I guess I'm to try opera. amazed that I'm able to do it." "That [encouragement from LaCombe] The UCO opera students will perform and singing changed everything for me," at 7:30 on Nov. 17th, 18th and 19th at the Eckelhoff said. UCO Jazz Lab.

Photo by Emily Davis

Kristina Eckelhoff took a vocal lesson with Dr. Roxane LaCombe in Jan. of 2007. The following semester LaCombe was in charge of the opera program and eventually helped Eckelhoff with her alcohol addiction.


Continued from page 1

said. Woods often does presentations for fraternities and sororities, dormitories and classes such as Healthy Life Skills. However, he is available to any group if they call and set up the event. Today there are 70 million Americans living with STDs and 19 million more will find out that they have an STD this year. Of the 70 million Americans infected, half are under the age of 25. One in two sexually active people will contract an STD.


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STDs and STIs often lie dormant and devoid of any symptoms. It is difficult to know who has them and individuals may never know if they themselves have an STD or SU "If you're sexually active you must get checked out once a year," Woods said. "If you have multiple partners, more often than that." This advice is not just for the girls. "Girls' plumbing is a lot more complex than the fellas," Woods said. "Guys don't get checked out." But they should. Diseases like Chlamydia go undetected for long periods of time because they are what doctors refer to as asymptomatic. "85-percent of the time, there are no obvious symptoms of an STI. It's dormant but you can pass it on," Woods said. These silent diseases often cause serious damage if left untreated. Chlamydia, if spread to a female and ignored, can cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which can result in infertili ty . "Pregnancy's not the worst thing that can happen to you. It lasts nine months and you'll probably live through it," Woods said. The human papillomavirus (HPV) is another threat to the health of college students. There is no test for HPV in males and it cap cause serious complications in females. "HPV is a real problem on campus. On some campuses upwards of 60-percent of the females population has HPV," Woods said. "HPV can cause infertility and is the cause of 95-percent of cervical cancer cases." Woods also uses some great analogies to emphasize the gravity of contracting genital herpes. Herpes affects 45 million Americans and 1 million more will be told by their doctors they have it this year. One out of five Americans age 12 and up has herpes.

"That's 87 [individuals] in the House of Representatives and 8 Yankees," Woods said. Woods gives students some guidelines to follow to avoid becoming a statistic. Specifically he gives the ABCs. A is for abstain, B for be faithful to your partner, and C is for consistent and correct condom use, which means every time, all the time. Woods also points out that the consequences of irresponsible sex are not just physical but also intellectual, social, spiritual and even financial. "[Diseases like] herpes can be emotionally devastating. You have it the rest of your life and it's excruciatingly painful," Woods said. Woods does not always fly solo when making this presentation. He gets assistance from Renee Francis, R.N. and manager of the Mercy Clinic in the Wellness Center. In "SEXposure," Francis compares selecting a sexual partner to shopping for a used car or choosing next semester's classes. "When you go to buy a used car, you ask questions. You don't just go in and buy it off the lot," Francis said. • "[Similarly], you spend quite a bit of time choosing classes, more than something with much graver consequences. As important as a sexual partner is, you want to know their history," Francis said. The program was recently awarded a $1,000 grant by the Southwest College Health Association along with the "Peer Education Campus Cook." This is just one service provided to the students through the Mercy Clinic. They also provide STD testing and routine medical care. To schedule a "SEXposure" presentation for your group or event, call Tim Woods at (405)-974-2320 or email him at . To contact the Mercy Clinic, call (405)-974-3115 or gi to


PAGE 4 NOVEMBER 17, 2009

‘Smokeout' to snuff out tobacco use Amy Stinnett ste lVriter

The Oklahoma City Health Department and the University of Central Oklahoma are joining forces to help students quit smoking before the new campus tobacco ban is enforced on July 1, 2010. UCO's Healthy Campus Initiative, the Kinesiology and Health Studies Department, Peer Educators, Central Station and the Oklahoma County Tobacco Use Prevention Coalition will host the "34th Annual Great American Smokeout" from 8:00 p.m. to 9:3o p.m on Tuesday, Nov. 17th, in the Pegasus Theater in the Liberal Arts building. "It just happened to be an ideal partnership," Michelle Terronez, the coordinator of the Tobacco Use Prevention Coalition, said. Terronez provides technical assistance to the Coalition by gathering information and going between the organizations involved in this statewide initiative. "The Coalition is a group of community leaders and passionate individuals in Oklahoma County that are interested in tobacco prevention," Terronez said. Terronez is just one of those passionate individuals. When her grandfather, a lifelong smoker, died of a heart attack she developed strong feelings toward tobacco. Those feelings are now channeled into educating college students of the marketing efforts of big tobacco companies and also providing smokers with the resources they need to quit. These resources will be available to UCO students at the Great American Smokeout. There will be booths outside the theater with resources like "quit kits" and tip cards filled with information about tobacco and effective methods to quit. There will also be a booth about the efforts of the Edmond community in building smoke-free parks. There may be a booth run by the Kinesiology and Health Studies students who will also be leading the question and discussion portion of the event. One booth hosted by the Coalition will focus on the marketing practices of the tobacco industry, which are often aimed specifically at college students. "They [the tobacco companies] do a lot of event sponsorship," Terronez said. "They spend a lot of their money targeting college students." By "a lot of money," Terronez means $13.1 billion annually in 2005, which amounts to $41 million a day.

Photo by Allison Rathgeber

A UCO student takes a cigarette break in between classes.

This money is used to provide college students with free cigarettes, coupons, t-shirts and placing advertisements in popular magazines. They also sponsor concerts and events such as Diversifest, better known as D-fest, in Tulsa. "They were scrutinized for targeting children," Terronez said. "Joe Camel was designed to target kids. Research showed that adult rates didn't go up, but the kids' rates did." As a result the use of Joe Camel and other marketing tools directed at children were banned. The next target group was the college students, those the children look up to, Terronez said. In one such event at the University of Missouri, a tobac-

co company, U.S. Tobacco, gave away free samples of their product then offered prizes to the fraternity who had collected the most dip can lids by the close of the semester. Another method used by tobacco companies is to scan driver's licenses at sponsored bar and club events. By scanning the IDs the companies gain access to that person's contact information. "They scan your ID and use your information for direct marketing," Terronez said. They take it a step further by issuing coupons to event attendees. "Even if you give your coupon to a friend, it looks like you're buying so they [the tobacco companies] will market to you even more," Terronez said. Obviously the use of immense funds by the tobacco industry is a hindrance to the efforts of the Coalition. "They spend this much," Terronez said, raising one hand high above her head, "and we spend this much," she added, this time with her hand much lower. "We just don't have as much money." Another limiting factor to the tobacco prevention initiative is the law of super-preemption. "No local municipality can pass an ordinance that is stronger than the state law," Terronez said. "This limits local municipalities from doing what's best for their communities. They want to do more, but they can't." This is another one of the Coalition's endeavors, turning over the preemption law that the tobacco industry celebrated the passing of just over a decade ago. To do this they team up with organizations like the American Lung Association, the American Cancer Society, the American Heart Association and the Oklahoma Alliance on Health or Tobacco. This union attempts to initiate state suport by hosting events like the Great American Smokeout, encouraging voters to write to their legislators and helping to build up programs like S.W.A.T., Students Working Against Tobacco. At the Great American Smokeout, they will show the film "Scene Smoking," which discusses the use of cinema by the tobacco companies to target the youth of America. The main objective of this event is to make students aware of the recent ban of tobacco use on campus and to help them prepare for the day they will not be able to light up between classes.

Sophomore designs, prints own clothing line Kaylea Brooks The average sophomore's schedule is loaded with classes and, most likely, a job with some socializing in between. But UCO student Chris Cao is not the average sophomore. The 20-year-old is not only loaded with graphic design classes—his major—but he also owns, designs, produces, and promotes his own T-shirt line, Blooprint Clothing. "I make shirb,vear," he said. "I was inspired by the urban culture and graffiti." He established his own clothing company two years ago and the company has grown a lot since. The clothing he makes is unique because each design is printed and produced in a limited number. "I make [the shirt] once yin a small quantity, so the shirts are collectible," Cao said. "Everyone wants what others have and what they can't get." Cao began with a partner, but certain circumstances caused him to undertake the task of running the company by himself. Blooprint Clothing is exclusively a one-man job, according to Cao. He does almost everything, including designing the company's Web site. "I sketch, design and print my clothes. It's 100 per-

cent me—IM a one-man team," he said. He began the business because he simply liked clothes, particular_l clothing of the hip-hop and urban scenes in the city. He said that he watches the scene to see "what's going on," attributing his iconic design to his artist nature. "I just doodle—I'm a designer by nature," Can said. "I'm diverse—the clothing is for boys and girls. I can take the graphic, and. put it in pink, and it will appeal to girls. It's not high fashion—ifs just a T-shirt." Cao may eventually expand and begin doing different things like jackets. The process for producing jackets or other clothing is much more extensive, he said, so it may be a Nvhile before he starts producing other items. Cao put on a Fall Ball with upcoming hip-hop talent to help promote his latest clothing line a fewweeks ago. Among the attractions, the Red Bull girls were present alongwith about 200 to 350 people, Cao said. Blooprint works in conjunction with Group Fruit Fly, and J.B. Williarns, No. i-rated rap artist of Oklahoma according to Mc Boogie. Williams Was the artist that performed at the event. Cao said he prides himself in having an ear for good musicians and he said that he wouldn't be surprised if Williams makes it big in the next two or three years. He also is glad to call Williams a friend.

"It started out just as a business relationship and now it's a great friendship," he said. Can loves going to different cities to catch up on the latest urban/hip-hop clothing trends so he can produce clothing that he said is not really offered in Oklahoma, other than at Blue Seven, a clothing boutique in Oklahoma City. He said that some of his stuff might be in Blue Seven next year but he's reluctant to let go of his founding principle of a limited and unique product. They want me to mass [produce]. I could make a special order for them but I feel like I'm selling out," he said, Cao is also under preSsure with running his business and going to school at the same tithe. He rarely has time to himself. "It's hard to balance owning your own business, college, work and your career," he said. Despite the stress, Cao is proud of his clothing and is glad when he sees students on campus wearing it. "I walk through campus seeing random people ∎yearing my shirts," he said. "It blows my mind." Cao's motto is to be creative) have fun and be himself. Vista Writer Kaylea Brooks can be reached at kbrooks@uco360.corn.


Obama's visit to Asia important to region for many reasons Dr. Sridhar Krishnaswaml Editorial Correspondent

Nations in Asia had everything to look forward to as this week the President of the United States, Barack Obama traveled to Singapore as a part of the Economic Leaders meeting under the aegis of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation. The APEC meeting itself came at a critical time as several have been deeply bitten by the economic recession and with some small signs that a few of them may be limping back to normality. But an Asian visit of any American president is important for the nations of Asia and for many reasons. And heading the list is that many in this part of the world recognize that the United States is a major player in the region and are most certainly looking to Washington's continued engagement here. Never mind the fact that it is politically popular in some countries to go around dishing out the notion that Asia can be without the United States. It simply cannot be that way if only one factors in the kind of complex relationship Washington has worked out with individual nations and as a part of a regional arrangement, politically, economically and strategically. Advisers and policy handlers in the various agencies of the government notably the White House, the State Department, the Pentagon and the Treasury, would have carefully crafted the bilateral visits of President Obama. Both in Japan and China President Obama has had a very heavy agenda as also in the usual tight rope walking that many American leaders have had to do when it comes to dealing with the leadership in Beijing. But what has caught the attention of many in this part of the world is what the president had to say about freedom. "We do not seek to impose any system of government on any other nation," Obama is said to have remarked at a town hall meeting with Chinese university students going on to make the point that issues like freedom

of expression and political participation "should be available to all people, including ethnic and religious minorities, whether they are in the United States, China or any nation." President Obama's observation does not need further elaboration. Most heartening to many human rights advocates will be what Obama had to say face to face in Singapore with the top junta leader from Burma (also known as Myanmar) where a top dissident Aung San Suu Kyi has spent nearly 15 of the last 20 years in confinement and obviously for her political beliefs. In an unusual meeting with the top military leader from Yangon President Obama clearly made the point that the continued detention of Ms Suu Kyi and other dissidents was simply untenable. The Obama administration and others down the line will continue to face challenges of human rights and freedom of expression from countries that are politically, economically and strategically important to the United States. At the same time free nations and peoples from across the world expect the United States to lend more than just its weight to address these problems. Managing the emerging the challenges is as important as in coming to terms with them. (A former Senior Researcher, Stqff Writer, Editorial Writer and Special Correspondent for The Hindu in Singapore and Washington, Dr. Sridhar Krishnaswami is currently the Head of The School of Media Studies and Professor and Head of the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication at the SRM University near Chennai, India. He can be contacted at )


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PAGE 5 NOVEMBER 17, 2009

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PAGE 6 NOVEMBER 17, 2009


Continued from page 1

are claiming that the passage of the health care reform will lead the U.S. down a path to becoming a socialist country, Rice discussed what the legislation is and what it is meant to do. The public option is not going to create a governmentrun program, he said. "It's a new way of paying for hcaith insurance." The only medical care controlled by the government is veteran's health care, Rice said. He discussed why the public pp has been criticized and scrutinized by some government officials and some citizens in the public. "Part of problem is the public option has not been accurately portrayed," Rice said. "People have to break down preconceived ideas of government being involved." According to Rice, the government has an important role in the health care system. "People who are buying insurance are not being covered," Rice said. He explained how he and his wife had to take their child to the hospital due to an illness. Even though they had insurance, they received a bill from the hospital. After discussing the issue with their insurance company the issue was resolved. Medical expenses that are not paid for by individuals are written off. The expenses are then covered by taxpayers. "One of the things that is lost in this rhetoric and the fighting is how much of health care is already paid for by taxpayers," Rice said. "55 to 6o percent of health care dollars are paid for by taxpayers." According to Rice, with the current health care system and the way medical bills are being covered, taxpayers are paying the cost. "The way the system works it's very, very wasteful and fiscally irresponsible," Rice said.

The other issue that really gets a lot of heated rhetoric is the ideal of a free market, Rice said. Many insurance companies believe the public option program will cause competition, which could possibly reduce profits. "I happen to believe that some regulations on private insurers are important," Rice said. "Regulations are an important part of our economy." If regulations in the financial market had been enforced many consumers could have been protected from the economy's recession, Rice said. Insurance company's profits have also been at the center of debate, he said. It is important to find ways to make sure consumers and taxpayers are protected, he said. Finding a balance between protecting consumers and allowing companies to profit is the key, he said. The nation's debt is close to $11 trillion. The amount of money the public option would cost if it were signed into law is also causing concern among citizens and politicians. It will cost the country upfront, but the long term benefits of passing the public option legislation will be greater, Rice said. Rice and other politicians are looking to the future to make for the public option to be effective. "The plan that just passed the house will save a lot of money in ten years," Rice said. Oklahoma already has an insurance program in place that is similar to the public option. "A great, great example of bipartisan agreement and public-private partnership is a program called Insure Oklahoma," Rice said. "I think public option can play that role." Insure Oklahoma is a program that helps employers cover the cost premium subsidies, so that employees can purchase inexpensive health insurance, Rice said. The government pays part of cost, employers pay part

and employees pay part, Rice said. Rice said he hopes Congress will adopt a policy similar to the Insure Oklahoma program. The health care debate individuals react to the health care debate differently. "Some people are emotional about health care," Rice said. Often they do not want the government to get involved. "The government is going to have a role and already has a role in health care," Rice said. It is important for citizens to not react based solely on what they have heard, Rice said. "Try to be sensible about compromise between political ideologies," he said. The public option may fail in the Senate if the majority cannot compromise and come to an agreement. Rice commented on the possibility of it not passing. "If it doesn't pass, it doesn't pass," Rice said "That's the democratic process." Currently, college students have the opportunity to express their thoughts and opinions about the health care bill. "Young people are going to have to get involved," Rice said. Students learn so much in college, and have to make decisions and college is a great time to learn about issues, he said. He explained why it is important for college students to write to their senators, and do give their input on issues so they are politically involved. The decisions the government is making today are going to affect young people 10 to 15 years from now, he said. The second Lunch with a Policy maker event held on Nov. 9 with Rice was the last event to be hosted in the fall semester. The event will continue and featur6 other guest politicians in the spring 2010 semester.


Continued from page 1

Both Brooks and Kirby are concerned about the possible bacteria that can be spreading in the pool when it is not between 1.0 to 3.0 ppm at all times. "We are swimming basically in dirty water," Brooks said. "We take an aerobic swimming class twice a week, and I know that the high schools and middle schools in Edmond use it, and our swimming team use it. So we are all swimming in the same water without chlorine disinfecting the bacteria from the past group that used it." Brooks said she nannies a student of the Edmond public school district who also uses the Hamilton pool who refuses to swim in the pool, because it was too disgusting to swim in. "We all want to swim and have fun," Brooks said. "But the pool is nasty, and I refuse to participate in class out principle and I don't want to be persecuted or fail the class. But the water looks unsanitary." Fieth said that the Hamilton pool is a salt-water Photo by Kory Oswald pool, so it using a salt-generator to distribute chlo- Taylor England measures the pH balance of the swimming rine, which according to the Oklahoma County pool, which registered at 7.8 on Monday.

Health Depar Invent caused the problems for it being at 0 ppm at times. The Oklahoma County Health Department said that after their inspection, they recommend the university take in the consideration of using other methods instead of the salt generator. The Oklahoma County Health Department said that the salt generator isn't spreading the chlorine fast enough for the pool its size. Campbell said that was the reason why the pool may look unsanitary to swim, when it actually is safe to swim in. Feith said that the Oklahoma County Health Department routinely makes its inspection once a month. In those cases the pool is shut down for inspection, but hasn't faced any major problems that caused fines or permanantly closing down the swimming pool. Feith said that their department regularly cleaned the salt-water generator and made sure that everything is under health code. The Oklahoma County Health Department said that they would follow-up with the previous inspection to make sure that changes have been made.


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PAGE 7 NOVEMBER 17, 2009

Wrestling places seventh in Missouri Central Oklahoma heads to Oklahoma City tonight for duel with the Stars Steve Vidal spnys II

The UCO wrestling team went back on the road Saturday. This time they traveled to Warrensburg, Mo., for the Central Missouri Open. UCO put together another strong effort in placing seven wrestlers. The tournament field hosted lots of strong competition including numerous Division I teams. The top ranked Division II heavyweight, UCO's Dustin Finn, demonstrated why he was ranked so high when he knocked off the top ranked heavyweight in Division I Missouri's Mark Ellis in the semifinals. Finn beat Ellis in a 4-2 decision that sent him to the finals. Ellis is also the defending Division I national champion from last season at heavyweight. Finn then turned his attention to Jared Rosholt from Oklahoma State who was ranked third in Division I. Finn battled but Rosholt pulled out the decision 5-2 to take the tournament title. Finn settled for second. The Bronchos also got a runner-up finish from redshirt freshman Seth Johnson at 125. Johnson pinned two opponents on his way to the finals against another OSU opponent Ladd Rupp. Rupp knocked off Johnson in a 22-5 decision with a technical fall. Another UCO wrestler, Casy Rowell at 125, took third by defeating Tyler Dorrel, also of OSU, 9-5 in the consolation finals. It was almost an all UCO final at 125 because Rowell nearly defeated the eventual champion at 125 Rupp in

Photo Services

UCO freshman Eden Bernstein takes on an Oklahoma Sooner in a match last week. The Bronchos are 0-1 on the season with two seven-placer matches on the year. UCO takes on Oklahoma City University in a duel tonight at OCU. The match starts at 7 p.m. Following tonight's match, UCO will travel to Omaha, Neb. for the Nebraska-Omaha Open on Saturday. The Open starts at 9 a.m.

the semifinals falling to him in a 3-2 decision. Rowell nearly scored a takedown at the buzzer that would have beaten Rupp but came up just short. The rest of the placers for UCO were Jarrett Edison at 197, who took fourth after a 13-2 major decision loss to Brett Haynes of Missouri in the consolation finals. Ed Jackson and Derrick Adkins both won their fifth place matches. Jackson at 157, took an 8-4 decision over OSU's Alex Munoz and Derrick Adkins got a victory over Danny Grater from Fort Hays State by default. The only other placer from UCO was redshirt freshmen Trison Graham

who took sixth at 133. Graham dropped his fifth place match 17-10 by technical fall to Taylor Crane of Missouri. Graham continued a strong start to his season at the tournament. The tournament in Missouri came on the heels of a big home match for UCO last Wednesday against in-state Division I powerhouse Oklahoma at Hamilton Field House. The teams have a long history of battling each other in duals each season so they are very familiar with each other. UCO came into the dual ranked sixth in Division II and OU was ranked 18th in Division I. UCO got up quickly 7-0 when Rowell at 125 and

Graham at 133 both won their matches. Then OU showed they have another strong team this season by running off seven straight victories before Finn got a victory at heavyweight for UCO to break the streak and close out the dual. OU headed back to Norman with a 27-10 victory in the duel. "I really thought our guys gave good effort and it was great effort from the three guys that won," UCO Head Coach David James said. Jame. was especially proud of Rowell who he says dominated and controlled his match. He called the efforts both by Rowell and Graham "gutty". In the victories for the

Bronchos Rowell defeated Justin Forrest 8-o in a major decision at 125. Rowell had three takedowns in the match. At 133 Graham got two takedowns in the second period to go up 5-1. He got another takedown in the third to put away the match against Alex Ekstrom by a final of 8-5. The win for Finn at heavyweight against Alex Fernandez could be considered revenge. Fernandez beat Finn only three days earlier at the OCU Open in the semifinals 8-4. This time Finn came out on top 7-5 in overtime. Finn had a 3-1 lead after two periods. Then he went up 5-2 in the third after a

takedown. Fernandez rallied with an escape with only 12 seconds left and then a takedown with only one second left to send it into overtime. Finn showed what why he was ranked so highly this season taking down Fernandez 36 seconds into overtime to clinch the victory. Overtime periods are one minute and they are sudden-victory. Following the Graham match, OU fought back to take the momentum with wins from Zack Bailey at 141 and Kyle Terry at 149 over UCO wrestlers. Bailey beat Scott Berens 18-4 in a major decision and Terry defeated Austin Standage 14-3 also in a major decision. From there OU won five more matches in a row to roll to a commanding 27-7 lead. At the early stages of a long season James says the wrestlers in the starting lineup right now have to work to earn their keep. He says he has been really inspired by some of the things he has seen so far out of the team, but admits they have a long way to go. "I've been very pleased," James said. "I can't say enough about our wrestlers. They've been working hard." ' The team is back in action tonight returning to Oklahoma City University, this time for a duel with the Stars at 7 p.m. They take a much longer rc trip this weekend traveling to Omaha, Neb., for the Nebraska-Omaha Open on Saturday starting at 9 a.m. Vista Sports Writer Steve Vidal can be reached at svidal@uco360.corn.

UCO closes exhibition play with a win Chris Wesco11

.S'porls Adi/or

The Bronchos dominated their NAIA opponent, Oklahoma City University, for much of their final

exhibition tune-up last first and only victory of the Thursday night. However, preseason. as the 82-77 score indi- UCO led by 20 at halfcates, Oklahoma City made time, and was up by 24 a late comeback push, points early in the second but fell just short. Central half. Then the surging Oklahoma held on for their Bronchos hit a speed bump

Photo by Amanda Siegfried

Shane Carroll tries to move past an OCU defender last Thursday in the 82-77 win over the visiting Stars. Carroll was a big part of UCO's exhibition victory.

on their road to victory. That speed bump's name is Chris Brown. The OCU Star took it upon himself to attempt the comeback. Brown scored 3o points, forced four turnovers, including two steals. UCO however, rode their early success and big lead to victory. "It's a gond way to close out the exhibition," UCO guard Tyler Phillips said. "We went 0-2 against the Division I teams. It's a good way to come out in front of our own fans and get a home win. OCU's a good team. They've got two national championships in the last four years, so it is a huge confidence boost before we start the season." Leading the Bronchos in scoring was Chris Rhymes. Rhymes had 21 total points on the night. He added two assists, two turnovers, one block and two steals. Sophomore guard Shane Carroll came in second on the team in points with 15. Carroll also added two assists, four turnovers, including a block and a steal. Where Carroll really made his contributions count was from the free throw line.

On a night where UCO was percent completion rate in not shooting very well from free throws on the game. the line; Carroll sunk six of UCO scored 53 points in seven, most of them late in the first half, but just 29 in the game. the second. Oklahoma City The Bronchos as a team scored only 33 points in the were 31 of 66 in field goals. first half, but did well in the They shot 57.5 percent in second, scoring 44 points. the first half, but just 30.8 UCO played their first percent in the second. The game of the regular season Bronchos did much better last night against Emporia from beyond the arch than State. Coverage of that the visiting Stars. UCO con- game will be in Thursday's netted on 55.6 percent of issue of the Vista. their three point attempts. OCU just shot 33.3 percent Vista Sports Editor Chris from beyond the arch. Wescott can be reached at UCO rode Carroll's suc- cwescott@uco360.corn. cess from the line to a 70



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Photo by Amanda Siegfried

Daunte Williams [left] and Chris Rhymes [right] go skying towards the basket, looking for a rebound in last Thursday's win over OCU. Rhymes led the team in points with 21 on the night.



PAGE 8 NOVEMBER 17, 2009

Higgins comes through for Bronchos No. 10 UCO splits with No. 5 ISU over the weekend with a shootout win Chris Wescott

sive pressure but UCO goaltender Justin Sgro was Sports Editor up to the challenge. There were some scary rebounds Friday night was a great off Sgro's initial deflections hockey game, but ended in but the Bronchos did just a 4-3 loss to No. 5 Iowa enough to kick the puck out State. However, No. 10 of their defense zone time Central Oklahoma was not denied at least one upset and time again. The Bronchos' aspiravictory in this series. If Friday night's game tions of an upset took a can be classified as a great blow late in the overtime game of hockey, the thrill- period. With 54.5 seconds er on Saturday night can left in overtime, UCO took only be described as an epic a penalty, giving Iowa battle between two of the State a one-man advantage top teams in the nation. with just under a minute UCO won the game i-o in a remaining. Iowa State came crashing to the net severshootout. UCO moved to 12-6 on al times, but Sgro turned the year with the split, while them away again and again. The defense came up big Iowa State moved to 12-5. The Friday night game and cleared the puck out of went back and forth all their zone with just seconds night, with both teams flex- remaining and the game ing their offensive muscles. headed to a shootout. Iowa State was the first UCO scored first and took their one point lead into the to score, and they made second period. Iowa State good on the attempt. UCO answered with two goals had a must-score situation of their own making the and senior forward Tony game 2-1 early in the sec- Panizzo was up to the task. ond period on route to their Panizzo drilled the tying score and put UCO in posi4-3 victory. Saturday night was a tion to win. On Iowa State's second nail biter for both teams. It was a game in which the shot, Sgro stepped up big goaltenders were the heroes time with the save giving for almost the entire night. the Bronchos the opportuDespite extensive pres- nity to take the lead and sure on both nets, the team end the game. It was 5-foot-lo-inch stayed tied at 0-0 through 150-pound sophomore forall three periods of regulation, sending the game to ward Patrick Higgins who answered the call. Higgins overtime. In overtime, Iowa State approached the Iowa State created much of the offen- goaltender, Erik Hudson,

Photo by Byron Koontz

Patrick Higgins [above]scored the game-winning goal against No. 5 Iowa State on Saturday night. It was a game that many of the UCO players were calling a must-win for the Bronchos after splitting a series with No. 13 Oakland the weekend before. The Bronchos moved to 12-6 on the season with their win on Saturday night and the loss the night before. UCO plays three games this weekend in Edmond.

and sunk the goal. But any nail biter would be nothing without a redemption chance by the other team. Iowa State had one more go at Sgro before the final buzzer sounded. The puck never reached the net and the cheers from the UCO bench overshadowed the moans from the home crowd in Ames.

This was a big-time victory for a Broncho team that suffered a setback the week before against No. 13 Oakland University. UCO split that two game series with the Grizzlies, and needed at least one victory against Iowa State this weekend to give them a chance at keeping their top 10 ranking.

The Bronchos will now return home to face Missouri State this weekend in a two-game series. The Bronchos play Missouri State Friday and Saturday night. UCO will also have a Sunday game against Mercyhurst. Both teams are unranked, however Mercyhurst received votes in the last rankings,

released on November 6. The next rankings will be released this Friday, Nov. 20th. UCO will play their three games this weekend at Arctic Edge Arena in Edmond. Their Friday and Saturday night matches start at 7:30 p.m. and their Sunday contest begins at 2:30 p.m.

Soccer falls in first round of national tournament Steve Vidal Sports I1 rife r

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The UCO Soccer team left it all out on the field Friday night in the first round of the Division II Soccer tournament. However, the St. Edward's Hilltoppers had just a little bit more, knocking the Bronchos out of the tournament with a 5-4 win on penalty kicks. "They were a very good team," UCO Head Coach Mike Cook said. "We played well enough on offense but we missed a few chances." UCO is no stranger to shootouts in the postseason. They won the conference tournament title on Nov. 8 against West Texas A&M in a shootout and were eliminated from the NCAA tournament in 2006 by St. Edward's. Regis also eliminated them from the 2005 NCAA Tournament in a shootout. The two teams played even for the most part in the first half. SEU had a 5-2 advantage in shots. UCO goalkeeper Megan Riley made three first-half saves while her counterpart Claire Tilton from SEU only had to make one. The Hilltoppers turned up the pressure in the second half forcing Riley and the defense that has been strong all year to answer the challenge. SEU posted 12 shots to only one for UCO in the second half. The one UCO shot came from Katelyn Cropp about three minutes before the end of regulation and was easily saved. Riley and the defense were up to the task. Riley made four saves in the second half including turning away a couple of Hilltopper shots from point blank range. She posted a careerhigh eight saves in one of the biggest games she has played in her career

at UCO. "Megan Riley was a big key. She played very good," Cook said. Cook also gives credit to the team's effort on defense. He says the defense has really played well since the team changed their defensive system early in the season. After a first half dominated by SEU including a 9-0 advantage in corner kick opportunities, the UCO offense finally came alive in the first ten-minute overtime period. They put up three shots, two of them on goal while holding the Hilltoppers without a shot. No one scored in the period sending it to another tenminute overtime. St. Edward's captured some of the momentum back in the second overtime with a 4-1 advantage in shots on goal. Each goalkeeper had to make one save with Riley having to leap up into the air to make her save and stop the Hilltopper shot. SEU outshot the Bronchos 21-7 for the match including 8-5 in shots on goal. Scoreless after both overtimes, the match went to a penalty kick shootout. In the shootout each team gets five shots. Whoever makes the most shots wins and if it is tied after five shots extra kicks are given to each team. "We felt good," Cook said. "We let the people shoot who wanted to. It just didn't work out for us this time." The team also had to go without one of their better shooters in senior Tiffanie Meek. Meek couldn't play because of an injury. UCO missed their first penalty kick and SEU converted their attempt to give them the early lead. UCO then scored four times in a row on kicks from Kelsey Springstead, Shayna

Kindsvater, Summer White and Nathalie Bernigaud. The Hilltoppers were stopped by Riley on their fourth shot but managed to tie it at four on their fifth shot. Tied at four after five shots the shootout went to extra shots. Tilton made a save on UCO's Beth Helm. Then Kim Abbott made good on her try for SEU giving them the 5-4 win on penalty kicks and sending them to the second round of the tournament. Cook gives St. Edward's credit and said they were the same team UCO faced early in the season. He also says they play hard and have some good players. UCO wrapped up their season at 14-6-3 and sent out seniors Alli Miller, Tiffanie Meek, Meghan Saliba, and also sent out Whitney Craft with a conference tournament title and a trip to the NCAA Tournament. Miller, a fullback, earned numerous awards in her career including back-to-back Lone Star Conference Defensive Player of the year the last two seasons. She also became only the second player in school history to be named first-team all Lone Star Conference in all four years that she played. "We knew we had some potential," Cook said. "We never quit, we never got down and everyone stepped up. Overall that was a pretty good year for us." Along with the team effort, Cook is also very proud that his team was one of only 48 teams chosen for the national tournament. With a solid foundation in place, the UCO soccer team plans to make plenty more trips to the national tournament in the seasons to come.

Dennis Chaumont, CLU Agent 325 N Bryant Edmond, OK 73034 (405)341-4581

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