The Vista November 17, 1988

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1-1 8 E November 17, 198

Vol. 87, No. 21


Thursday Edition

Certral State University, Edmond, Oklahoma

Chancellor to talk at fall conference By Tim Earley

Student Writer

Strong winds blasted across campus Tuesday, and Campus Police theorize small rocks were blown off the roof of the Communications Building, shattering the rear window of a car owned by Valerie Knotts, assistant professor of home economics. (Photo by Daniel Smith)

Letter drafted to regents

Senate okays proposals By Tim Earley

Student Writer The Central State University Faculty Senate approved three old proposals, received five new proposals for review and approved a motion to draft a letter to the state regents concerning the recent tuition increase during the Nov. 10 meeting, • Sen. Darrell Gilliland, administration representative, opened discussion with a formal motion requesting Faculty Senate President Fred Grosz to draft a letter to the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education expressing concern over the untimely increase in tuition and disproportionate allocation of funds at CSU this summer. The motion was unanimously

approved. , Gilliland made the same request in a letter to Grosz that was handed out during the Oct. 13 senate meeting, however time factors prevented the senate from considering the motion at that meeting. A final draft of the letter will be •presented for approval at the next senate meeting. • Proposal 87-24, "Tenured Status of Librarians", was unanimously approved by the senate. The proposal requests that tenure hearings be reinstituted for librarians who meet the requirements as stated in the CSU Faculty Handbook. The original version of this proposal was returned to the Person-

Schedules limited A limited number of class their friends, Gilliland said. schedules is available for a two"Central State's student enrollweek period during spring enroll- ment is made up of many nonment, said Darrell E. Gilliland, traditional students who do not director of admissions and come in contact with other records and registrar. students to borrow or share a class While 15,000 class schedules schedule. Charging for a class were printed initially, almost all schedule would create a big inof those were taken, Gilliland convenience," he said. said. The shortage of class schedules will be eased after about A number of spring class Dec. 1, when another 20,000 schedules have been retained and revised schedules will be printed. will be available in the Enrollment Other universities with larger Center. enrollment print fewer class Those students planning to schedules and charge for them. enroll later in the semester, "The difference is that OU Gilliland said, should wail until charges for them, and students the revised schedules have been keep them and share them with made available.

nel Policies Committee during the Sept. 8 meeting after it was disapproved by CSU President Bill Lillard. The proposal was rewritten to state its case from a policy point of view instead of a personal point of view, according to Sen. Mary Jane Riley, chairman of the Personnel Policies Committee. The revised proposal states that CSU is the only institution under the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges that does not adhere to stated policy in regard to tenure status for librarians. Riley said that tenure status for librarians has not been granted in the last six years, even though it was never rescinded from the faculty handbook, and she added that CSU has a long-standing tradition for granting tenure to librarians. This proposal will serve to clarify the faculty handbook in regard to tenure status for librarians and bring it in step with other colleges around the country, she said. • Proposal 87-26, "Appointment Procedure for Assistant Dean" was approved by a vote of 20-10, but not before it was amended after considerable discussion. This proposal outlines a formal selection process for the Assistant Dean position which has never been addressed in the faculty handbook. The original version of this proposal was returned to commitee to be reworked at the last senate Please see Senate on page 3.

Dr. Hans Brisch, chancellor of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, will be the keynote speaker at the Fall Conference of Faculty Organizations to be held at Central State University tomorrow, said Dr. Gene Hellstern, assistant professor of history and geography and chairman of the Fall Conference Committee. The theme of the conference is "Excellence in Oklahoma Higher Education", Hellstern said. Registration for the conference begins tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. in the University Center Seminole Room. Anne Lynch, assistant professor of history and geography, will begin the conference with a speech titled "Faculty Governance as a Foundation for Quality Education" at 9:30 a.m. in the University Center Council Room, Hellstern said. Brisch will then address the conference on the topic "Quality Education in Oklahoma" at 10 a.m. in the Council Room, Hellstern said.

There will also be a question and answer session with Brisch at 11:00 a.m. following a short break, he said. Hellstern has also invited members of Brisch's staff and the state regents to attend the conference.

"This is simply an opportunity for faculty to meet and discuss mutual interests and concerns and to discuss the types of problems that are encountered at these kinds of institutions," Hellstern said. "This is an opportunity for faculty to meet with the high administration. Hopefully some members of his staff and the regents will be there as well," said Hellstern. A luncheon will begin at 11:45 a.m. in the South Ballroom which will be highlighted by an afterPlease see Conference on page 3.

Edmond artist and porcelain painter Barbara Turnbo, right, presents an 89er Commemorative Plate to Mary L. Bond, archivist of the Oklahoma Collection at Central State University, for display. The limited-edition plate, depicting historical landmarks from early Edmond, is on display in the Oklahoma Collection, CSU Library room 210E. (Photo by Chris Rush)

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