University of Central Oklahoma
The Student Voice Since 1903
TUESDAY November 17, 1992
Governors study Republican loss FONTANA, Wis. (AP) — Republican governors gathered Sunday for some soul-searching over the GOP's presidential defeat, but their attempts to study what went wrong were clouded by what promises to be an intense fight for party control. As the first post-election national Republican gathering, the meeting attracted not Only GOP state executives but many of those involved in the ideological tug-of-war for control of the Republican National Committee. The event at Wisconsin's Lake Geneva also featured several 1996 Republican presidential prospects, such as Vice President Dan Quayle and Texas Sen. Phil Gramm.
Clinton meets with leaders LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — In their first meeting Sunday night, President-elect Bill Clinton and Democratic congressional leaders talked over their "new beginning" as they tried to forge agreement on a quick-action agenda and breaking gridlock in Washington. "We talked about a lot of subjects ... in terms of a good, new beginning next year," Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell said.
Bush reported in 'good spirits' WASHINGTON (AP) — President Bush returned to the White House on Sunday after a five-day Florida vacation that his spokesman said had lifted his spirits and readied him for a "dignified and cooperative" final two months in power. "The president's in good spirits," Marlin Fitzwater, the presidential press secretary, told reporters just before Bush and his wife, Barbara, • left Boca Grande, a village on Gasparilla Island off Florida's Gulf Coast.
strolled outdoors to enjoy the brisk fall weather last Senior Tod Kelin and Sophomore John Poulson strum week. (Photo by Mike Simons) up some music outside Murdaugh Hall. Several students
Verdict reads 'not guilty' By Roy Howe Staff Writer Not guilty on one count of first degree murder and not guilty on one count of arson was the verdict returned by a jury of nine women and three men after three and a half hours of deliberation Thursday in the trial of Jacqueline Latrice James, 17. James, 16 at the time of her arrest, was accused in the April 21 death of former University of Central Oklahoma professor of German Gerhard Kallienke. James and co-defendant Shariell Brisby, 13, both from Edmond, were arrested April 22 after first being suspects for forging two of Kallienke's personal checks. After a search of their apartments, the two were found to have evidence leading to the fire that burned down Kallienke's duplex which led to his death. After 12 days of testimony in Oklahoma County District Court, Thursday jurors listened to four hours of closing
arguments by prosecutors and were blatantly inconsistent," she Deutsch told the jurors. When the jurors first voted on added. "During his (Eisheid's) defense attorneys. Juror Toyya Count told The interview with her (James) on James fate, Count said the jury Vista that insufficient proof from the tape, I thought that he put a was divided nine to three. "There were three people who the prosecution contributed to lot of words in her mouth." Count said the prosecution felt that she was guilty from the the jury's decision. "It was the lack of evidence," simply failed to prove James' get-go," she said. "We threw the law in their (jurors who felt that Count said. "Whether direct or guilt to the jury. "The whole time I was trying James was guilty) faces. We circumstantial, it wasn't there. The prosecution was always to think 'Did they (the looked at how they were saying how inconsistent her prosecution) prove it?' And I just defining her guilt and then we (James) statements were, and couldn't see where they proved it showed them how they were some were, but I would say in beyond a reasonable doubt," she wrong as according to the law." Count also said the jury didn't only what I would call human said. "They didn't show us where the match was and they completely rule James out of any error." One of 18 witnesses to take didn't have to, that wasn't wrongdoing, but said they could the stand on behalf of the necessary. But they didn't show not convict her for arson and prosecution was Greg Eisheid a us how she (James) participated murder. "There is going to be some detective with the Edmond in it either. There was evidence, police department. Eisheid but either none of it related to doubt in everybody's mind to some degree. We all feel that conducted an audiotaped her (James) or it was irrelevant." Defense attorney Nathan perhaps there was some interview with James concerning the fire and death. Ile also Gigger cited that the witnesses knowledge (from James), but not headed an investigation which for the state presented nothing to the point where she turned up clothing, notebooks but "bunk" testimony while participated in it," she said. and charcoal lighter fluid at prosecutor Steve Deutsch "According to the rules that we Brisby and James' residence reiterated his witnesses' had to follow we couldn't testimony to the jury and convict her on suspicion." which tied them to the crime. "I hope I did the right thing," "On the stand we found explained that they were inconsistencies in a lot of the completely competent in their Count said. "I feel that I did and I can go home and get a good state's witnesses like Mr. field. Eisheid," Count said. "They "Piece the puzzle together," night's sleep now."