University of Central Oklahoma
THURSDAY November 18, 1993
The Student Voice Since 1903
WORLD WRAP Marine creneral says TN/remarks misconstrued WASIUNGTON (AP) Blacks do as well as or better than whites in some military skill exams but lag in others, according to statistics released by the Marine Corps. The Associated Press requested the information after Gen. Carl Mundy, commandant of the Marine Corps, said in a television interview that minority officers did not shoot, swim Or use compasses as well as white officers. Mundy has since apologized for the comments broadcast tin CBS-TV's "60 Minutes." In a speech last week, the four-star general promised to increase the number of minorities in the corps, saying his remarks . ,vere misconstrued. About 18 percent of the corps' 159,000 enlisted men and women are black; about 5.4 percent of its 18,000 officers are black.
Followers of Maharishi to open Heaven on Earth TULSA, Okla. (AP) — Foliowers of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi have purchased the Camelot Parkside Motel for $1.15 million and plan to rename it Heaven on Earth Plaza Hotel. The 330-room establishment will reopen next year offering Eastern Indian philosophy, healthy food and coffee or juice bars in place of lounges, said Thomas Headley, president of World Plan Executive Council. The nonprofit group, inspired by the founder of transcendental meditation, operates a for-profit subsidiary called Ileaven on Earth, which functions as its hotel management company. "We have hotels that are very health-oriented, ecology-oriented and nature-supporting," Headley said. The group bought the building Monday from Landex Riverview Ltd. The organization has bought hotels in Dallas, Houston, Denver, Cleveland and Baton Rouge, La., in the last three months, Headley said.
Taking the title UCO tailback Tyrone Jones #45 runs against Eastern receiving his second straight Lone Star Conference New Mexico Saturday. Jones rushed for 141 yards rushing title. (Photo by Mike Simons)
UCO student faces 4 counts of manslaughter killing the driver and three passengers. "It appears that physical evidence shows the driver of the Cavalier did float the stop sign," said Hughes. A University of Central Oklahoma stu- Hughes said Testerman left the scene of dent will face four counts of manslaughter the accident and returned home over five and four counts of leaving the scene of an hours later upon which his mother and accident with injury resulting from a car girlfriend called an ambulance. wreck that caused the deaths of four Viet- Testerman was not arrested for the accinamese men, said Oklahoma City Police dent since he had to be hospitalized due to a broken sternum. Sergeant Kim Hughes. Timon thy Testerman, 21, ofJones, Okla. "Each count of manslaughter could mean met 'Tuesday with the Oklahoma County two to four years in prison, and each count District Attorney to determine charges of of leaving the accident scene could lead to last Thursday's early morning accident. two years in prison," said Hughes. The accident occurred when the Chevy Hughes said there was evidence sugpickup Testerman was driving passed gesting Testerman had been drinking. through an intersection at 63rd and Hiwassee Testerman would not comment on the Road without stopping and hit a Cavalier, accident. By Joyce Kirtiey Staff Writer
INSIDE Cover Model Editorial 2 Letter to the Editor 2 Around Campus ....11
Comics 11
UCO student Mark Wells wins Mr. Romance Cover Model for Oklahoma. He advances to the national competition in Nashville.
Traffic appeals start today By Roy Howe Staff Writer The university's first Traffic Appeals Board hearings to deal with citations issued by Parking Services begin today with 66 people on the docket to plead their case. Parking Services, located in the University Center, now assumes the responsibility for issuing parking citations. This includes 10 student Parking Services Officers that patrol the campus five days a week, 14 hours per day.
TODA Football
E I ton Rhoades and his Broncho teammates ended the season with a bang.