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Christian crowned queen Tivanna Harris swim
Julie Christian was crowned Miss UCO 2010 this past Saturday, Nov. 14. Christian competed in three other pageants before winning Miss UCO but said that the UCO pageant was the most enjoyable she competed in. "Working with girls from your own home university, they didn't have attitudes or anything like that it was just a really enjoyable experience," Christian said. "You really have a support system you don't have in other pageants. We just cheered each other on, no one was out to get anyone. "I received $2,300 total in scholarship money which was a big incentive obviously, I pay for my college by myself so I really rely on scholarships and that Photo by Allison Rathgeber takes care of a big portion," Christian said. Julie Christian, a junior Political Science major, was crowned on Nov. 14. This "UCO offers some of the is the first crown she has won and her platform is sex trafficking awareness. best scholarships in the
The slippery slope of credit card debt supplies, averaging $2,200 a year, 134 percent higher than in 2004. Skiff 11 niter One professor at UCO hopes recent statistics lead to future lessons and responsiA recently passed law that restricts bility among college students. credit card companies' ability to raise "Credit card companies gain at the loss interest rates is slated to take full effect in of the consumers," Dr. Mohamad Shaaf 2010, and the creditors are passing on the said. Shaff, who has been a professor of squeeze to their cardholders. College students, who own an average economics at UCO since 198o, said, "For of $3,173 in credit card debt, are among the most part, [deals with credit card companies] are not mutually beneficial." those who are most effected. Shaaf said although college students The law is called the Credit Card realize credit cards aren't free, they fail to Accountability, Responsibility and realize how much of their future income is Disclosure Act, or CARD. Currently, all the mortgaged to creditors. credit cards offered online by the nation's "When they become hostages. They're 12 largest bank card companies violate at least one part of the forthcoming law, in a box. They're in a prison." Shaaf said. "The best thing to do is to simply avoid according to a study released last week. borrowing," Shaaf said. While he said this The Pew Health Group claims most of is a difficult prospect, Shaaf said students these violations are in relation to portions use credit only as a last resort. of the law that prohibit unfair or decepWhen the CARD legislation is fully tive practices in the advertising or billing next year, it protects cardholders enacted language. Leading up to the CARD legislation's on several fronts. For rate increases stemming from late enactment, credit card companies have payments, the rate must return to its origistarted increasing interest rates to cover nal percentage after bills are paid on time potential losses from the law's regulations. for at least six months. Also, a bill cannot Cardholders with ratings of 700 or higher be considered past due if the payment was have seen an over one percent increase in 21 days prior to the postmarked at least interest rates, with some clients experiencdue date, which the law will require be ing rate hikes of over io percent. the same each month. Cardholders will College students have one of the fastest also be protected from overage fees, which growing credit card debts in the US. In a can only be given if the client agrees to study conducted by Sallie Mae, student allow the card to make 'over credit limit' credit card debts have increased nearly 5o purchases. Finally, credit card companies percent since 2004. must provide a detailed schedule showing This rate has ballooned along with the cardholders the amount of time needed cost of college tuition and fees, which to pay off date through making minimum College Board says has al so payments increased 5o percent in the past decade to an average of $6,585 annually. Also, students are relying BROW; HO more on lY 01 credit SOW CARt) al Oklahoma cards to ot 11. Pt*. pay for school
Ryan Costello
DID YOU KNOW James Bond is said to be based on Dr. John Dee, the very first British secret agent. Dee, who lived from 1527 to 1608, was an adviser to Queen Elizabeth I.
Miss America system." The deadline for applications to compete in the pageant was in September and the process began in October. There were ten girls that competed in this year's pageant. The girls had a two-hour nightly rehearsal the week leading up to the pageant. Christian is obligated to make set appearances as Miss UCO and as a representative of the university. "My primary focus will be on my platform which is sex trafficking awareness," Christian said. Christian works with Oklahomans Against Trafficking Humans, a grassroots activist program that is working to increase knowledge of what is going on in the state. "Oklahoma is seventh in the nation for sex trafficking and a lot of people don't know that. So our main focus is for people to know it's so popular because of the Interstate 35/I-4o corridor, these are trucking routes where kids are
getting wrapped in prostitution at an early age," Christian said. Christian spoke about young women who were victims at a young age and are now in their twenties and how it takes them so long to recover. "I was in an abusive relationship, so that's part of the reason I chose this platform. I can see how in a small way their story can really help others," Christian said. "We can use our pain to publicize what is going on." The Miss UCO pageant is a preliminary to the Miss Oklahoma pageant, so Christian will automatically be competing for the Miss Oklahoma title. "It's whatever God has in store for me, if this is the only crown I win I will embrace this opportunity" Christian said. Christian said her parents were in attendance at the pageant and are very proud and supportive of see JULIE , page 3
Living Statistics shows impact of violence Tiffany Brown ,s,„ff
At 11 a.m. on Nov. 18
around Broncho Lake, the reigning Miss Black University of Central Oklahoma Nikki Webber collected donations to support domestic violence victims. Webber hosted a living statistic event for the platform she began while competing in the Miss Black UCO pageant. "My platform is entitled F.A.I.T.H. (Facing Abuse with Inspirational Teaching and Healing) and with this platform I am bringing awareness to the overall occurrence of dating and domestic vioPhoto by Allison Rathgeber lence," Webber said in an JaLeesa Beavers, DeLisa Payne and Lichelle e-mail. "I chose this platform Black raise money for domestic violence awarebecause it is very near and ness Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2009. dear to my heart. In 2007 Webber continued to alone, the United States has always been around explain why she has become but hardly ever addressed (spent) $6.7 billion in cases an advocate for victims of until recent incidents in the directly related to domestic domestic violence. media such as the Chris violence," Webber said. "Domestic/dating vio- Brown and Rihanna situ- see STATISTICS , page 3 lence is something that ation."
Women's Studies hopes for 'major' changes lenefar de Leon s,,,n
Il riter
The Department of Women's Studies hopes one day UCO will convert women's studies into a bachelor's degree at UCO. Currently at UCO, students can only get a minor in Women's Studies. Dr. Sandra Mayfield, director of Women's Studies at UCO hopes one day UCO will offer it as a major. "Many don't understand what Women's Studies is," Mayfield said. "Some believe it is not valuable compared to other courses or a priority. But I hope one
High: 65 ° High: 59 ° Low: 40 ° Low: 42 ° PARTLY CLOUDY RAINY
day it will change." Mayfield said that the Department of Women's Studies encourages students to be involved in all areas of academic discipline, and tries to encourage a different huinan attitude towards women in society. "I think a misconception of Women's Studies is that we are all manhater feminists," Mayfield said. "But that is not the case. Feminism is affirming women's rights in the workforce, education and equality for all." The Department of Women's Studies was established at UCO in 1999,
along with the Association of Women's Studies. The Women Studies Minor is an 18-hour program. Two courses are required to begin the minor process: "Introduction to Women's Studies," taught every spring semester, and "Women and Values," taught every other spring semester. "Introduction to Women's Studies" prepares students for other Women's Studies courses and "Women and Values" evaluates the issues relevant to women's issues according to the Women's Studies home page report. .
see WOMEN , page 4
TUNE INTO NEWSCENTRAL UCO's student-run newscast runs Monday through Thursday on Cox Digital Cable channel 125 in Edmond at 5:00 p.m.
NOVEMBER 19, 2009
COMM. BUILDING, RM. 131 100 N. UNIVERSITY DR. EDMOND, OK 73034-5209 405-974-5549 EDITORIAL@UCO360.COM The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semi-weekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and only on Wednesdays during the summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy obtained.
EDITORIALS Opinion columns, editorial cartoons, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO.
LETTERS The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, with a maximum of 150 words, and must include the author's printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034-5209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 131. Letters , mailcom. can be e-mailed to vistaucoCig
MANAGEMENT Laura Hoffert, Editor-in-Chief Kory Oswald, Managing Editor Caleb McWilliams, Copy Editor Chris Wescott, Sports Editor
Kaylea Brooks, Tiffany Brown, Steve Vidal, Jenefar De Leon, Ryan Costello,
Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Amy Stinnett, Staff Writer Tivanna Harris, Staff Writer Emily Davis, Staff Writer
Byron Koontz Allison Rathgeber Amanda Siegfried
Stacey Sprague
CIRCULATION Stephen Hughes
Mr. Teddy Burch
To become The Vista's editorial comic, contact Teddy Burch @ 974-5123.
Tresa Berlemann
PUS UOTES If you couuld study abroad anywhere, where would you go and why? Matt Ferguson
Katie Shepard
Jesse Brown
Senior Business
Sophomore Organization Communications
Senior Accounting
"I would go to Australia because the coral reefs are the best in the world."
"I would go to Australia because the weather is better."
"I would study in Rome to find a hot guy to sweep me off my feet."
Amy Chansombat
Jason Robison
Josh Hutton
Senior Accounting
Sophomore Biology
Freshman Broadcasting
"In Europe, there's a lot of cool places to see and go to."
"I would study in Rome for the historical architecture."
"I would study in Belarus because I like saying Belarus."
Raising tuition rates by one-third the only option Tapping Oklahoma's 'Rainy Day' fund not answer for state's economic woes Editorial Board The Viva This week, California state representatives will be meeting with the state education board. The topic? Raising public universities and colleges tuition by 33 percent. Let that sink in for just a moment. Thirty-three percent! As all of us plan, enroll and more or less commit the next five months of life to our higher education, just for fun add one-third. It's really not hard to see the logic behind the plan. If Oklahoma state revenues are down and universities are told to plan for drastic budget cuts, then California state universities are on life support and the taxpayer is about to pull the plug. Where are universities to turn? There really is nowhere else to turn except to the students. Countless numbers of representatives, lawmakers and anyone with an opinion
nary since colleges and universities have no safety net. So, how does this affect UCO? Well, just like fashions, foods and recessions, what begins on the west coast sooner or later makes its way inland and finds a resting place in the plains. If we can't see the storm clouds building just over the horizon, we are not looking very hard. It's no secret Oklahoma's higher education schools are being asked to return 5 "Smart planning now could percent of monthly budgets beginning with avoid massive cuts in the the next turn of the calendar. Did anyone coming years. We don't need just hear the rumble of thunder? All of us have read, heard or chosen to ignore the to tap the 'Rainy Day' fund." current status of Oklahoma's economic woes. Fortunately our state leaders have Patience please, still trying to pres- planned for the shortfalls we are currently ent the logic of raising tuition. California encountering. However, smart planning has no "Rainy Day" fund. It's raining in now could avoid massive cuts in the cornThe Golden State, in fact it's flooding. ing years. We don't need to tap the "Rainy Increasing tuition is not just an option, it Day" fund. Right now is the time to raise better be enacted quickly to avoid the clos- tuition rates by one-third in Oklahoma, ing of some schools, which is not imagi- and keep university budgets on track. has suggested we tap the "Rainy Day" fund to make up for the budget shortfall. This of course tackles a huge portion of Oklahoma state university budget cuts, and this option is still on the table. However our state budget shortfall is just over $60o million. What is California's budget shortfall? A projected 40 billion, and that is just for next year.
Failure to act now is going to mean acting in a more dramatic fashion later. The state of Oklahoma is going to continue to help fund the state's third largest university, whether by raising taxes or otherwise. UCO's budget planners are going to continue to make do with available funding and students are still going to choose UCO as the place for their education. As we find ourselves in the middle of one of the worst economic downturns in several generations, it is vitally important we remember now is not the time to retract into a shell, and curl in the fetal position waiting for the storm to blow over. If we don't act boldly, and we fail to face these economic woes head-on, we are going to find ourselves in the same flood waters California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and the rest of his counterparts are currently treading in, trying to find safety. As one-third begins to settle in, let us all remember we can pay a little more now, or a whole lot later.
PAGE 3 NOVEMBER 19, 2009
Campus Chapel quietly kept undercover continuation of the chapel's legacy since its opening in 1949. The Music Department occasionally uses the chapel to perform recitals that are required in the students' curriculum. The building can accommodate up to loo people, Stewart said. At the time it was built the largest contributors to the effort were the students and faculty members. The money used to build the chapel was obtained through fundraisers and dedications by families and friends to their loved ones. The college art students designed and produced each of the stained-glass windows, which were completed before the chapel was built. The five windows on the north side of the chapel depict the four phases of a full life cycle: infancy, childhood, marriage, maturity and immortality, which are symbolic of contemporary popular hymns. The five windows on the south side of the chapel represent the five characteristics of a man that were most desirable in the 1940s- labor, service, civic interests, church activity and intellectual accomplishment, each representative of a cherished song at the time. The chapel took nearly eight years to come to fruition. World War II made for slim resources like money, labor, and materials such as lead and glass. The students and faculty were able to open it for use among students and campus visitors in April of 1949.
Amy Stinnett Staff H par/
There is a place on campus students go to practice piano, hold meetings or bible studies or to ,pray and meditate Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Y Chapel of Song is located on the southwest side of campus just next to the Music building. The idea to'Create a place for religious groups to meet on campus originated in April 1941 with the Young Women's Christian AsSOciation. They started the project with a $1,500 dedication and the concept of centering the chapel's design around the songs they sang at the tithe, ;hence the name Y Chapel of Song. Anyone On campus has access to the chapel for gty reason, whether it be studying, playin;tie piano and singing, or just getting a lhtle,qUiet time. The di,ior? is (always unlocked during open hour§.. ' Tucker 'Malone, a junior Industrial Safety major,- was using the chapel to get some shuteke Tuesday afternoon. "I come iii here and nap, pray, have quiet times," Malone said. Malone looked comfortable laying on one of the pew cushions on the floor next to his long board and book bag. "It's open ,t0 everybody and we want students to enjoy it," Sandi Stewart, the executive Offipe assistant II for student affairs, saia. The bu . 'ng has also been reserved for fraternity and sorority meetings, weddings, Mass' for the Student Catholic Association andlunerals, Stewart said. Former students and professors who felt very closely tied to UCO are most likely to use the chapel for ceremonies such as weddings and funerals, which is a
Photo by Byron Koontz
The Y Chapel of Song opened in 1949. Students are allowed to visit the chapel Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. The building is still used for occasional music recitals and weddings.
JULIE her. Her mom was involved and helped her to prepare for the evening by helping her stitch her dress and practice for the talent portion of the contest. For the pageant Christian played Hungarian Rhapsody #2 on the piano. "We practiced quite a bit, that's why UCO is great, we were out there so many times that we were performing as ourselves and not as a robot trying to remember steps," Christian said. "Miss Oklahoma will be great but my primary focus will be on the months to come as Miss UCO and not the week I will be competing for Miss Oklahoma." UCO will hold a human trafficking awareness day from io a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, November 21 in the Troy Smith lecture Hall in the business building. The day will include a film as well as a speaker to help increase awareness and
Vista Writer Amy Stinnett can be reached at astinnett@uco360.com.
Continued from page 1 Christian plans to be a part of the program. Christian recommends the pageant to all well-rounded young women here at UCO. Heidi Heineman, a sophomore from Tulsa, won first runner-up and received a $1,200 tuition waiver and a $250 cash Scholarship. Amanda Barfield was named second runner-up and Natasha Irons was the third runner-up. Barfield and Irons are both from Broken Arrow and received $1,200 tuition waivers and cash scholarships.
Vista Writer Tivanna Harris can be reached at tharris@uco360.corn.
Photo by Byron Koontz
Julie Christian, Miss UCO 2010, received a $2,300 scholarship at the cornpetition held on Nov. 14, 2009 in Constitution Hall. Christian will compete in the Miss OklahoMa pageant June 8-12th at Oral Roberts University.
STATS # Ioudveil
Inspired Mountain Apparel
"Despite this night gone bad made public, I was once a part of the gruesome statistic stating 'one in four women will experience some form of domestic violence in their lifetime, — Webber said. "After receiving the help and education I needed, I felt as though it was my duty to help others that had ever been through or are going through what I have so frightfully experienced. "Domestic violence causes far more pain than the visible marks of bruises and scars and affects more than those directly involved," she said. "This is something that should not be overlooked no matter the current issues within our nation," Webber said. This year's Miss Black UCO contestants also participated. "As a part of my community service, the new contestants for the Miss Black UCO 2010 pageant
Continued from page 1 will be helping me to do a living statistic program." Webber said. The living statistic program showed visuals of the negative impact of domestic violence. "Some girls [had] shirts with various quotes related to domestic violence on them and they ... also [had] painted black eyes or even tape across their mouth," Webber said. The students stood as a symbol of the many domestic violence victims. "I believe that no one can truly understand nor can they empathize with a victim until they too have experienced it first hand," Webber said. "Being a victim in a situation such as this, one is afraid and does not know exactly what to do or who to inform when things first occur. "By placing events and opportunities such as this on our campuses, it will allow the current and future victims a chance to
note that there is someone here to help them through it and they are not alone," she said. "I would like to encourage all who can donate to do so with an open mind and an open heart," Webber said. "Domestic/dating violence not only affects women, but men and small children as well. Please keep in mind that the person sitting right next to you in class or even a staff/ faculty member could be a victim as well." "Show them your support. Speak up and help us make our campus aware of such an inhumane issue," she said. All items collected were donated to YWCA.
Vista Writer Tiffany Brown can be reached at tbrown @uco360. corn.
PAGE 4 NOVEMBER 19, 2009
Photo by AP
A Kashmiri woman looks out from her window, during a clash between police and protesters following the arrest of prominent Kashmiri leader Syed Ali Shah Geelan.
David Flesher, a technical theater sophomore, recieves his blood type from a Micronics research test. All participants received a $5 Starbucks card.
Children play near a fire in Kabul, Afghanistan, Sunday, Nov. 15, 2009.
Photo by Allison Rathgeber
Sigma Nu's Ethan Patton, Travis Ballard, Alex Hartgrove, Ricky Tippett and Anthony Wilson sit by Broncho Lake to raise money for cancer research. Students who donated a dollar were pushed on a sofa to anywhere on campus. The Campout for Cancer will end today with all proceeds going to St. Judes.
Student organization on the road to reinvention Ryan Costello 11 ,,,„
The UCO Students in Free Enterprise team resumed activity this summer with a canned food drive at the Hope Center in Edmond and has continued to revive the club that has been dormant at the university for nearly a decade. SIFE is an international non-profit organization that works with leaders in business and higher education to mobilize university students to make a difference in their communities while developing the skills to become socially responsible business leaders, according to the group's Web site. The multi-chapter program operates in over 4o countries, with 42,000 students competing on 1,500 teams worldwide and aims to provide campuses with a competitive forum to help students establish responsible business practices and relationships. NaRita Anderson, the UCO SIFE team's faculty sponsor and a professor of economics on campus, hopes that the club can reach the same heights as the group that represented the university in years past. "We had a very successful program but when the faculty overseeing it retired, the program retired with it," Anderson said. The successful program Anderson mentioned had
Then there are several classes to choose from that evaluate women of all fields. There are classes that discuss women in film, women in science/technology, women in literature and many more. The Association of Women has been highly involved in women's health issues such as breast cancer awareness. They have also been involved in bringing awareness against domestic violence and have hosted, for four years, the Vagina Monologues. Recently they were involved in bringing awareness about abortion rights. The department set up a booth with information about the right to choose, along with the anti-abortion organization, Justice for All, she said. "I believe the right to choose," Mayfield said. "Once government and state gets involve, then it begins to deprive women's rights. We wanted to promote choice." Mayfield recommends female and male students to take a course in Women's Studies to help open their eyes to the impact that women have made in society, and help end the negative stereotype of women. "Education is the key," Mayfield said. "It will provide opportunities of all kinds to women and men. It will broaden their education experience, men will
earned several national awards for their efforts before the team ceased activity. UCO's SIFE club was successful during its first tenure with a third runner up finish in the "Sensational 16 League of the SIFE USA National Championship" in 2000. The team also earned an award in the "Kraft Foods, Inc. Success 2000 Special Competition," two top three finishes in the "AT&T Best Use of the Internet Special Competition," and a third place finish in the 1998 "Best Use of Mass Media Special Competition." The decorated teams in years past had minimal experience as well, winning awards as quickly as two years after their institution in 1996. The Broncho SIFE group has several contests to set its sights on. In addition to SIFE's official regional, national and World Cup competitions, student groups will assemble projects to be judged by overseers at third party competitions that are sponsored by companies and universities. Anderson said that the team is trying to reinvent itself, participating in several events and even offering a four credit hour class. According to the club's student president, Josh Bugg, the summer's activities were a step in the right direction. "The food drive was a major success and a great ground breaking project for our team," Bugg said.
"We have a very energetic team, and I expect great things." SIFE's worldwide contributions have totaled nearly $22 million since the organization's inception in 1975
Vista Writer Ryan Costello can be reached at rcostello@uco360. corn.
Continued from page 1 learn that women are not the enemies and that there are male feminists." Mayfield said she would have liked to have courses in Women's Studies when she was in college but it wasn't offered during that time. Mayfield said that she maybe would have gone in a different path of career if she were encouraged to go into a career such as engineering or medicine. "When I was in college, women were not encouraged to go into medicine, philosophy or math," Mayfield said. "Most women went into education or nursing, but women stayed cleared from those careers." Mayfield said that is the reason why she encourages her students to follow whatever path they want. "I always tell my students the sky is the limit," Mayfield said. "I tell them they can do anything." The Women's Studies department will also are preparing to host the first Women's and Gender Conference at UCO on Feb. 27. The department is inviting undergraduates, graduate students and faculty to submit a 15-minute presentation on topics relating to women's studies, human gender and sexuality by Dec. 1.
Presentations can be visual presentations such as PowerPoint, creative art and abstract, critical essay and/ or philosophical essay. "We want to have this conference to relate to the issues that face women today," Mayfield said. "I hope it will bring visibility." Mayfield said that she hopes this conference will open the door to women studies. Mayfield said she hopes the conference will bring awareness to the department and arouse discussion regarding women's issues. She hopes this conference is the first step to many more at UCO. She said that the department has been working with other faculty members in the various departments at UCO to somehow utilize women's studies in their classes. For more information e-mail ucoaws@gmail.com . Registration deadline is Jan. 26. Whose abstracts that are accepted will receive with their paid registration a ticket to the conference luncheon and event. Acceptance Notification will be on or before Jan. 12. For more information regarding the Women's Studies minor, Dr. Mayfield may be reached at (405) 974-5606 or at smayfield@uco.edu.
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NOVEMBER 19, 2009
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Black 44. Shipping hazard 45. A pint, maybe 47. Lake Turkana locale 48. Be of use 51. Locale 52. Twelfth month of the civil year 53. Not kosher 55. Cabernet, e.g.
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tached 35. Attempt 38. Congers 39. Chain of hills 43. " we having fun yet?" 44. Uncle 45. Soak up 46. Distinguishing symbol 48. grecque (cooked in olive oil, lemon juice, wine, and herbs and served cold) 49. "Seinfeld" uncle 50. Less cordial 51. Being one more than sixteen 54. Place of bliss 56.0. Henry device 57. Evasive 58. Handbag 59. Brother of Poseidon 60. Astronaut's insignia 61. Farmer's place, in song 62. Lizard, old-style
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PAGE 6 NOVEMBER 19, 2009
Behind the music: tiCO's student radio station 90.1 Emily Davis Stall Writer
When KCSC 90.1 FM began in 1966, it was a student run radio station. Now, 43 years later, it is still running strong by professionals. Bradford Ferguson is the station manager and was invited to work at 90.1 in 1983 by Mike Dunn who was the manager at the time. "They needed somebody that knew a little more about the music," Ferguson said. What was once a student-run program has evolved into a professional radio station. "It started as a very small station... I don't think you could get it south of 122nd street," Ferguson said. The station now has a 6o-mile radius of coverage, web casts, and KBCW 91.9 in McAlester that has coverage within a 3o-mile radius. Teresa Brekke, an announcer for KCSC, said the station has listeners in Finland, Europe and even Iraq. "During one of our phone drives I took a call from a listener, a young man, who was in the military stationed in Iraq...which just amazed me," Brekke said. While Brekke was traveling in France she was able to tune into the station and was taken back when she heard her colleague's voice. It was strange for her to be in France and listening to colleague on the radio who was back in Edmond, even though Brekke knew how it worked. KCSC operates on contributions and is able to broadcast commercial free because of listener donations, fundraising and grants. "We have fundraisers twice a year. We just finished one and we raised about 95-percent of our goal, which was $8o,o0o," Ferguson said. Photo by Byron Koontz "We raised it in a week. We just asked the people that Tory Troutman, announcer for KCSC 90.1 FM, listen if they wanted to donate to us." Many of the grants are local and their big grants each sits in the radio station's studio on Wednesday, 13 minutes before going on the air. year are from the Corporation from Public Broadcasting.
"We do have underwriting...there are businesses that sponsor us but they can't do any kind of call-to-action... they're limited to who they are, what they provide, how you can contact them," Ferguson said. Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. there are announcers in the studio in the Mass Communication building on campus. Ferguson does the 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. shift and then Brekke takes over from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. After 7 p.m. the station goes to WEPZ in North Carolina for overnight. "We vary a little bit on the weekend. We do some folk and Celtic on Saturday night. We do opera on Saturday afternoon ... we do BBC news and we have some little feature programs...but the rest of the time it's classical," Ferguson said. A show called "Exploring Music" airs Mondays thru Fridays at 11 a.m. Before the station was able to automate, someone had to come in on the holidays and announce. Brekke said, "That (automation) is fairly recent. In the past years there was always someone up here." The station brings a lot of diversity to UCO and the community. "I think it really contributes to the cultural landscape of Oklahoma City to have a classical radio station. I think it elevates the whole level of culture to have this and were able to showcase other arts groups," Brekke said. There has been a lot of change in the stations over the years it has been running. "My greatest hope is we continue to thrive and garner listenership and keep our funding where it needs to be. We are [an] ... almost extinct species of radio station...it's pretty rare," Brekke said. Vista Writer Emily Davis can be reached at edavis@uco360.com .
Archive collections sustain campus history Ryan Costello
When visitors first enter the archive's walls, in room 215 on the library's second floor, they are greeted by Diane Sutliff/met Rice, who usually minds the front desk. Rice has called the archives home for nine years, acting In January of 1981, a group of UCO professors and as a liaison to the entire collection that she holds among officials traveled to Washington D.C. to see records of the the best on a university campus. "Several books [and artiOklahoma Land Run in 1889. cles] have been written using these records," Rice said. That 1981 excursion uncovered a find that would be the As Rice led the archive tour, thumbing through books beginning of a now nearly three decades' institution on and papers old and older, she waxed on the accomplishcampus, thanks in no small part to the inspired work of ments of the UCO library and campus as a whole. Rice its dedicated staff. The Department of Archives and Special Collections said that UCO, the oldest university in the state, had sevin the Max Chambers Library at UCO, whose first exhibit eral exhibits exclusive to the campus. Rice said that perhaps the archives' most impressive was microfilm of transcriptions documenting disputes collection is the over two thousand photographs docubetween `89ers and Sooners from the Oklahoma Land menting the state's history. Run, has since grown into one of the most thorough colAnnette Ryan has played a part in maintaining and lections of Oklahoma history the state has to offer. overseeing the photographs since the early days of the Within the archives' troves of treasure are several hisdepartment. Ryan, who graduated from UCO in 1964, torical highlights. In addition to the Land Run microfilm, remembers when she first came back to the university the department has enshrined the legal documents that after five years of government work. When her husband, officially made UCO a university, several papers, both retired Vice President of Student Services Dudley Ryan, business and personal, from the great Oklahoma rancher and oilman, Jack Drummond, and over four hundred came to work at the university, "We just kind of camped original World War II era war bond posters, including out and homesteaded here," Ryan said. Since starting her position at the archives, Ryan said four by the beloved American artist, Norman Rockwell. she has completely embraced her work. "I have loved "The collections we work with are interesting. They're [working with the archives] more than anything else I stories," said Nicole Willard, director of Archives and have ever done," Ryan said. Special Collections, who also noted that the maintenance "The details are just wonderful. They truly are." and upkeep of so many delicate collections takes a certain Leeth Lewis, the photo specialist at the archives, holds variety of devotion. Ryan and Rice in high regard for their work in the depart"I hate to say, it, but you have to be a bit obsessive comment. "(Ryan and Rice) are great. They have a ton of pulsive," Willard said. knowledge and experience," Leeth said. "If there's anyWillard attributes the staffs attention to detail to the thing you want to know about, go to them." archives' widespread success. "Lots of students and lots of Equlla Brothers, who coordinates the archive staff and patrons [use the archives]. We've had calls from alumni across the nation," Willard said, mentioning one case donations, called Rice "the backbone" of the archives. where the archives received a request from Australia for Brothers attributed the staffs enthusiasm as a whole to the department's success. the use of their photos. "We love what we do. We really do," Brothers said.
Photo by Allison Rathgeber
The UCO archives collection in the Chambers Library includes microfilm, documents, papers and photographs. "The collections we work with are interesting. They're stories," said Nicole Willard, director of Archives and Special Collections.
The archives, which Rice credits to, "(providing) everyone access to the history of the university," is always expanding. Ryan says that donations to the collections, primarily made by UCO alumni, are providing new exhibits. "The collection continues to grow," Ryan said. "It's a fabulous history of the university, and of Oklahoma."
Students challengened to Brighten the Night Kaylea Brooks Staff
Brighten the Night will light up the streets once again this year with commuters' lights and decorations for the holiday season. This will be the second year for the annual event and registration forms are due Monday, Nov. 3o, and the entries will be judged Tuesday, Dec. 1. Brighten the Night is a way to include off-campus students and involve them in more student activities. "It's an attempt to get students more engaged," said UCOMMUTE coordinator Nathan Box. "We're taking off campus to where they live." The categories for entries are as follows: Clark Griswold award (most lights), Broncho Light Show (most spirited), best house, best apartment, and best Greek house. Last year's Griswold winner went to the Sigma Nu house, and according to member Matt Bowen, Sigma Nu is ready to take the award again this year. "We always go in with the idea of blowing some breakers or a transformer," Bowen said. "Basically, it's who can Griswold their house the most without being electrocuted." He said the house was decked with thousands of dollars in lights that the Greek house had accumulated over the years, with some donations, like the blowups in front of the house. The Santa on the Sigma Nu sleigh is also a traditional part of the fraternities set up. Bowen said that there's no specific theme. "We just throw lights up. We're not very theme-oriented," he said. The thousands of lights that were strung on the Sigma
Nu lot also incurred quite an electric bill. "It was something like $700 dollars from just that month with the lights," Bowen said. Bowen expects Sigma Nu to win the legendary award once again, and he said that sometime in the future, the fraternity may add synchronized music to their light show. "We have a title to defend," he said. "I mean, I want to see it from space. I want planes to crash because it's so
bright." Sigma Nu will be entering once again, and other entries are welcome as well. All commuters can compete in their respective category, or in the Griswold or spirit category if they turn in forms to Room 115 in the Nigh University Center by 5 p.m. on Nov. 3o. Vista Writer Kaylea Brooks can be reached at kbrooks@uco360.com .
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DR. LARRY HEFNER by Jenefar De Leon, Staff Writer
Q._Where did your children gradu-
Where are you originally from? ._
ate from?
I was born originally grew up in Tipton, Okla., a very small town. But my family moved so I basically grew up in Lawton, OK. Great place to grow up.
, , A ( A
I graduated from OU with a B.F.A. in advertising design. I also graduated with M.F.A. at OU, which is equivalent to a Ph.D. in the design program.
wasn't surprised, but I was surprised that my , son went with a degree in English.
What do you like best about being a grandparent? t_
How did you know design was ._ your passion?
You know at a yearly age, I didn't know that I exactly wanted to be in design but I knew that I wanted to be in the arts. I was the guy that made the posters for the football game or the banners for event on campus. A lot of people are that way; they discover their talents either in the arts, dancing, singing, writing and so on.
Everything. Who knew they are so much fun?
....,What are your favorite movies? Cl...
._What do like about teaching? Q.... Teaching is a mysterious profession. You either like it or hate it. I like being with the students, and have some sort of impact in their future.
What do you not like about teaching?
A Q....
They both gradu' ated from UCO; my son with an English degree and my daughter with an art degree.
How did you feel that your daughter follow your footsteps?
Where did you graduate?
My wife and I are movie fans. We still have date night on Fridays. Recently we saw 2012 and it was what we expected. I am amazed at the special effects.
What do you want your students to know about you?
That I care. I am here now and after they graduate. I like to stay in touch with students. Ninety percent of teachers here can say that we like giving back, using what we love and our passion to our students so they can succeed.
The administration part is difficult at times and worrying about budgets. But it is part of the package.
._What is your family like?
.._What advice do you give to your Q.... students?
I have been married for 4o years with the same lovely lady. I have two children. My son . lives in New York and works as a financial manager, and has a family of his own. And I have a daughter who teaches art in Hefner middle school and has her own family as well. My son has one•little girl with one on the way, a baby boy. And my daughter has a little girl too.
To know early on what your passion is. Don't do something because of someone else. You need to ask yourself, "Is this your passion and can you carry it as a career?"
What was your favorite subject in class?
Anything in the art design •
._What was your least favorite? Q....
I loved school. I didn't have a least favorite but I had trouble with foreign language.
.._What do . you tell about your students about life after graduQ.... ation?
We pride ourselves to give them_ a real world based curriculum. I think one thing we like to tell them is the amount of time to finish a project is not the same as the amount of time they have in school.
It's survival of the speakers
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PAGE 8'r NOVEMBER 19 2009
Bronchos play three home games this weekend Chris Wescott .Sports Editor
Last season UCO played the Missouri State Ice Bears at the end of January and swept them by a combined score of 14 -5• UCO has another opportunity at a weekend sweep when the Ice Bears travel to Edmond for games on Friday and Saturday night. The Bronchos then play Mercyhurst on Sunday afternoon to round out the weekend. UCO is off to a solid start this season, as they sit at the No. 10 ranking and are 12-6 following their series split against Iowa State last season. Leading UCO in points so far this year is Matt Cohn. Although he is not the leader in goals scored, Cohn has a teamhigh 16 assists and seven goals. Jonathan Cannizzo is second on the team in points with 21. Cannizzo has scored a team-high 12 goals this season, with nine assists. Third on the team is Jacob Roadhouse, who has scored eight goals, and has recorded 11 assists so far. Shawn Steggles is next on the team in goals scored
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Photo by Byron Koontz
UCO hockey fans line the glass in a home game earlier this season. No. 10 UCO is 12-6 with a good chance at sweeping their three games this weekend against unranked opponents. All three games will be played at Arctic Edge Arena in Edmond. Saturday night is Greek night. Any UCO student attending the game wearing their fraternity or sorority letters gains free admission. The next set of American Collegiate Hockey Association rankings gets released tomorrow morning.
with seven. UCO has seven players on the roster with over 10 points. They have a whopping 22 players on their roster who have at least one point on ,the year. Justin Sgro has been playing lights out, with no game as evident as this past
Saturday's iL0- Shootout win over No. 5 1ST:J. Sgro has posted a 90 percent save rate this season with 4o goals against in 14 games played. He has a 2.95 goalsagainst average. Eric Murbach may see some time in net this week,
end, as he did with the last three game weekend two weeks ago. Murbach is 2-o in games started, and has a 1.50 goals-against average and a 94 percent save rate. Take a look at the Missouri State stat sheet and there is one player
that truly stands out. David Schroeder has scored 13 times this season and has added six assists to that total. Andy Draper has nine goals as well, while Andy Whitener has scored eight. MSU's leading goaltender is Michael Poepping has
a 4.05 goals-against average. He has an 89 percent save rate as well. .Douglas Guempel is second on the team in goaltending with a 4.21 goals against average and an 87 percent save rate. Missouri State is 9-9 on the season and unranked. • UCO will playMercyhurst on Sunday. Mercyhurst is 5-12 on the season and unranked. Shane Vorndran is the leading scorer with 23 points, including a teamhigh 13 goals. Davis Gaines has seven goals on the season and Doug Stanton and Josh Mandic both have six goals each. . Alexander LarrsonWahlman leads Mercyhurst College in net with a 4.93 goals against • average and an 87 percent save rate. UCO will play Missouri State Friday and Saturday'. night at 7:30 both nights. They play Mercyhurst on Sunday at • 2:30 ' All three games will be played at Arctic Edge Arena in Edmond. This Saturday night will be "Greek Night" for UCO students. If you attend the game wearing your fraternity or sorority letters you get in free.
UCO drops season opener against Pitt State, heads to Weatherford Steve Vidal Sportsit'riter
The UCO women's basketball team will head west to Weatherford tomorrow to play in the Southwestern Oklahoma Classic. The team comes off of a tough 70-69 loss on Sunday at Pittsburg State. The Bronchos will take on Oklahoma Baptist at 11:30 a.m. tomorrow and Oklahoma City University at 12 p.m. Saturday in the Rankin Williams Fieldhouse on the campus of Southwestern Oklahoma State University. In the game at Pittsburg State the Bronchos looked to be in good position to come out with a win in the season opener. They came in ranked 12q' in Division II and overcame as much as an eight-point deficit in the first half using a 15-5 run to take a six-point lead with 14:20 to play in the game. After pulling ahead by seven, PSU scored nine straight points to grab the lead by two at 54-52 with 7:20 left to play. The score remained close the rest of the way. After a Kasey Tweed layup with a little over one minute remaining in the game, the Bronchos went up 66-64. The Gorillas came right back with the answer, a three-pointer from Drew Roberts. It was the second consecutive basket from three-point range for Roberts and it put them up 67-66. UCO needed their own answer and they got it from sophomore Courtney Allen. Allen scored 10 points on the night, none bigger than the three she hit with 41 seconds left to put the Bronchos back up 69-67. Getting a road victory in a tough place to play to open the season looked to be in the grasp of the Bronchos. After PSU called two timeouts and UCO called one of its own, the action continued. DePrice Taylor for the Gorillas made a big play. Taylor scored her only points of the game on a layup that she was also fouled on with only nine seconds left to play. After Taylor made the free throw to give PSU a
70-69 lead UCO had one more chance. Christina Yarbrough put up a threepointer at the buzzer but it was no good. Ashley Beckley led the Bronchos with a career-high 21 points on 10-15 shooting from the field. Cristina Yarbrough had a solid night with 14 points, three assists and three rebounds. Allen was the only other Broncho in double figures with her 10 points. Maya Onikute was the star for the Gorillas pouring in 20 points on 7-13 shooting from the field. She also had 10 rebounds and four assists. Roberts shot 5-9 from three-point range scoring 19 points and adding five assists. UCO now turns their attention to the games this weekend against OBU and OCU. Both of the teams the Bronchos will face have enjoyed much success in NAIA. UCO is very familiar with the Oklahoma City Stars having just seen them in an exhibition game last week in Oklahoma City with the stars coming out On top 98-74. The host of the Southwestern Oklahoma State Classic will be UCO's conference rival the Southwestern Oklahoma State Bulldogs. The Bulldogs will be the other team in the four-team field along with UCO, OBU and OKC. The Classic will also have four men's college teams and have a slate of high school basketball
Phole Services
Christina Yarbrough (right) takes the ball inside the three-point line against SWOSU on Feb. 28, 2009. UCO won the game 65-46. The Bronchos opened up this season with a 70-69 road loss to Pittsburg State in Pittsburg, Kan., last Sunday. UCO continues their long stretch of away games with contests against Oklahoma Baptist and Oklahoma City University this weekend in Weatherford.
action. The classic is not played like a postseason tournament where winners advance to play each other. The matchups are set, win or lose, guaranteeing that UCO and SWOSU will not play each other this weekend. The two will face each other twice later on in the regular season after Lone Star Conference play begins.
Vista Sports Writer Steve Vidal can be reached at svidal@uco360.corn.
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PAGE 9 NOVEMBER 19, 2009
Volleyball season comes to a close
UCO loses to Texas A&M-Commerce in the LSC Conference Tournament that saw them lose eight
Steve Vidal
out of nine matches that went to the deciding fifth set. The team also lost one of their best players junior middle blocker Jessica
Sports tinter
The UCO volleyball team kept fighting for the entire match but saw their season come to an end last Thursday. Texas A&MCommerce downed the Bronchos in five sets in the first round of the Lone Star Conference Tournament. The Bronchos dropped another tough five set match 14-25, 25-21, 14-25, 26-24 and 12-15. UCO came to the tournament in Canyon, Texas, on a five-match winning streak playing some of their best volleyball of the season and knowing if they could get hot and win the tournament that an automatic bid to the NCAA Division II Tournament was waiting for them. They managed to move up to a solid fifth seed from being on the bubble to even make the tournament that includes the top eight teams in the conference only a few weeks earlier. They also drew what they felt was a favorable matchup against fourth-seeded A&M-Commerce having narrowly lost to them in five sets on the Lions home floor on Oct. 22. The match was filled with big swings of momentum from set to set. A&MCommerce came out hot taking the first set by a wide margin. UCO responded using six kills from Zuela Adorn to take the second set. The third set was all Lions again by the same score as the first set. The Bronchos once again showed they had no quit in them by coming back to
Legako to an injury early in the season and one of their best up-and- coming players sophomore outside hitter Alex Richardson to injury later in the season. At the conference's posfseason awards banquet in Canyon before the tournament on Nov. ii, two Bronchos were recognized. Adorn was named Lone Star Conference Newcomer of the Year. The junior outside hitter from Euless, Texas, returned to college volleyball this season for the first time since 2005 when she played at the University of Houston. Wilson was named first team All Lone Star Conference. It was the second season in a row Wilson, a junior outside hitter from Moore, made the first team. UCO players also took home some conference player-of-the-week awards Photo Services throughout the season. UCO junior Kristen Wilson spikes the ball in the Bronchos' 3-1 win over Midwestern State University on Now the team turns their Nov. 7, 2009. UCO finished the season 16-16 overall, 7-6 in conference and 7-7 at home. The team lost attention to getting healthy in the off-season. With to Texas A&M-Commerce in the Lone Star Conference Tournament last week in Texas. almost the entire team back in 2010, UCO volleyball The Bronchos seemed to that's as close as UCO got. Bronchos and did her part will look to improve and take the fourth set. UCO used a kill from grab the momentum early A&M-Commerce scored in attempting to keep the be right back in the thick Kristen Wilson to spark a going up 2-0. The Lions the next point and took the season alive with 45 assists, of the conference race and crucial 4-0 run to break a then wrestled control of the set and match to advance 12 digs and seven kills. once again compete to play Naomi Mays led the in the post-season when 17-17 tie in the fourth set. set back their way eventu- to the next round of the A&M-Commerce rallied to ally reaching match point tournament and end the Lions with 24 kills and next season rolls around. seven digs. In the end UCO tie it at 24 but UCO got the for them at 14-9. With Broncho season. Adorn led the Bronchos could not overcome only final two points on an Adom the season on the brink Kill and a combined Adorn UCO looked like they may with 21 kills and Wilson hitting 0.124 for the entire Vista Sports Writer Steve and Courtney Whitlow have one more final run in added ii kills and 14 digs. match compared to 0.212 Vidal can be reached at Whitlow chipped in with for A&M-Commerce. block to take the set and them. svidal@uco360.com . UCO ended the season Morgan Roy got two kills nine kills and three blocks. force a fifth and final set to decide the match. By rule and Whitlow added anoth- The team's only senior with a 16-16 mark and did fifth and final deciding sets er and suddenly the Lion Meaghan Wedberg played have some bright spots lead was down to 14-12 but her final match for the along the way in a season play to 15 instead of 25.
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PAGE 10 NOVEMBER 19, 2009
Bronchos defeat ESU in double overtime
Photo by Allison Rathgeber
The Broncho defense attempts to cause a turnover in front of the home bench in their 116-114 win over Emporia State on Monday night. With the win, UCO opened the season 1-0 and now heads to St. Joseph, Mo. to participate in the Hillyard Classic. They will play two games over the weekend in the Classic.
Chris Wescott Sports Editor
If you didn't attend the season opener for UCO men's basketball, then you missed one of the most exciting games played at Hamilton Field House in a long time. The Bronchos' game against Emporia State Monday night ended in a double overtime 116-114 decision, with UCO pulling out the thrilling win. ESUshot 59 percent from field goal range, and 78.3 percent from behind the three-point line. Looking at the stat sheets, you would think a team that shoots 83.3 percent from the threepoint range and 75 percent from the line would be the team who comes out victorious. Although Emporia State did just that, UCO took over the game late and never looked back. The Bronchos shot just 53.6 percent from field goal range all night, and in the first half were held to just 33.3 percent from beyond the arc. In the second half UCO shot 6o percent from three-point range, and then 100 percent in overtime, and that is what helped them pull away in the end. UCO scored first on a Carl Curry layup with 19:31 left on the clock. They kept the lead, and pushed it all the way until 16:29 was left in the first half, and UCO led 9-6. Then Emporia State took over and did not relinquish the lead until late in the game. Emporia State had seven first half fast breaks. The Bronchos tied the game at 58 with 12:35 remaining in the second half, but ESU took the lead right back. UCO took only their second lead of the game with 10:03 left in regulation, but once again, ESU took it back. The game went back and forth and regulation finally ended tied 92-92. Once again UCO and ESU exchanged leads in the first overtime period. However, UCO seemed to have taken the lead for
good when with just 15 seconds left on the clock, Tyler Phillips sunk two free throws to put them up by three. Then, in cinematic fashion, ESU inbounded the ball with just seconds remaining. Tim Niles tossed the ball to Taylor Euler who made a miraculous three-point shot under pressure and sent the game to double overtime. The game stayed tight yet again, but this time a late push and two more Tyler Phillips free throws put the game away for good. UCO
won 116-114. Sophomore guard Shane Carroll was the difference. He scored a team-high 33 points and added three assists and a steal with four rebounds. He was loo percent from the free throw line, and a fantastic eight of nine from threepoint range, making cmcial three-point plays late to keep UCO in contention for the win. Tyler Phillips was second on the team in points with 21, while Chris Rhymes had 19 in just 27 minutes played.
Brent Friday added 15 to the scoreboard as well. On the Emporia State side of the court, the Bronchos had no answers for Tim Niles. Niles scored 45 points, and added five
rebounds, a block, two steals and two assists in 43 minutes. Niles was 13 of 15 from the free throw line and eight of eight from long distance. UCO returns to the court
this weekend to participate in the Hillyard Classic located in St. Joseph, Mo. They will play Rockhurst University and Missouri Western State University during the Classic.
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