The Vista November 19, 1996

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University of Central Oklahoma

TUESDAY November 19, 1996

The Student Voice Since 1903

Friendships form through foreign exchange By Telannia Hytche Staff Writer


uring a week-long visit to Oklahoma, five Chinese delegates, the Edmond mayor, director of Oklahoma commerce, UCO professors and students, discussed "Northeast China and Oklahoma Economic Cooperations" Wednesday afternoon in the Liberal Arts Building reception room. "The more exchange, the more understanding from each other," said Haisheng Liu, vice mayor of Daqing Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries. Daqing is China's oil capital. The delegates discussed the possiblities of exchange between Oklahoma and Northeast China. The delegates met with Bob Rudkin, mayor of Edmond, and Ronald L. Wilson, director of Oklahoma Chambers of Commerce, to exchange ideas for the development of economic trade, specifically petroleum. The other four delegates included Shouzheng Yang, chairman of Northeast Asian Association and former Chinese ambassador to the Soviet Union; Qing Wan, deputy director of Northeast Asian Association; Guifu Qiu, vice president of Daquing Petrochemical Complex; and Zhizhong Yu, division director of Daqing Foreign Affairs Office. Yang extended an invitation to Wilson and Rudkin to attend their first conference next year. Yang suggested China and Oklahoma exhange 100 high school graduates each year for college studies. Fifty Chinese students will come to

‘,0241111 From left - Bob Rudkin, mayor of Edmond, Shouzheng Yang, chairman of the Northeast Asian Association and former ambassador to the Soviet Union, and Shiying Liang, president of the Chinese (PROC) Student Association, discuss issues related to trade, technology and economy. The delegation toured UCO Monday and attended a conference with students and faculty Wednesday. (Staff photo by Judy Simpson) UCO the first year followed by an increase the following years. Since UCO is funded by the state, a discussion with the state and higher regents will have to take place to assess the possibilites, said Dr. Byung Jung, assistant professor of history and geography. As a part of the week of events, the delegates were greeted by UCO President George Nigh followed by a campus tour on Monday.

Yang lectured on China-U.S. relations in the Post-Cold War World to over 200 UCO students, professors and faculty Wednesday morning in the Pegasus Theatre.. The major tasks of the China Association for the Promotion of International Texhnological and Economic Coperation are: 'Conduct research in developing economic and technological industries; 'Provide information on the economy,

technology and trade; 'Introduce business partners, projects and counseling services; 'Organize business transactions and investments; 'Exchange delegates with other countries to form a network of relations; •Set up a fund to promote economic and technological cooperation in Northeast China and Northeast Asia.

INSIDE TODAY INDEX Editorial 2 Letters 2,4 Sports 8,9,10 Around Campus ... 14 Word Game 14 Classifieds 15

OPERA Clint Williams competes in a regional opera competition in Tulsa.

GUIDE Two UCO students draw a road map for students seeking little-known scholarships.

INDEPENDENT Third-party candidates may not win, but they affect the issues. One gives Natural Law Party views


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