University of Central Oklahoma
THURSDAY November 20, 1997
The Student Voice Since 1903
Financial aid processing delayed for some students By Mark A. Schneberger Staff Writer
Corner pocket... UCO freshman Jerry Gardner attempts to win a game of nine-ball Tuesday in the game room of East Hall. The game room provides dorm residents with a place to play games including ping pong, cards and dominoes. (Staff photo by Bryan Terry)
f you applied for federal financial aid last semester but have yet to receive a dime, you're not alone. As of this week, 416 enrolled university students were still waiting for aid checks. That's only a relative handful, however, when compared to the 9,062 prospective students who filled out forms requesting assistance for the 1997-98 year, according to figures offered by the financial aid office. "We'd like to have the number at zero, but we can't do that without (the students') help," said Fugett. "So we're corresponding with them weekly to help determine what they need and how we can get it." Fugett said many of the 416 students would likely have received aid by now, but their applications were incomplete or contained wrong information. When students provide updated information—such as correct address or social security number—the aid requests will be sent for final processing, she said. "A lot of the problems are minor, but it's all important when you're dealing with
(loans)," said Fugett. "Nothing can change before we get the right information." Not all aid requests are stalled, however. Department employees are completing a final review of 61 applications this week and hope to process another 60 or more next week. "We are now working on a week-toweek basis, so we should see the number of students without aid go down" significantly before the holidays, said Fugett. But some students who have not received aid before Thanksgiving may have to wait until January because of the traditional slow-down in mail delivery. "Because we do most of our correspondence by mail, we'll get delays as we get closer to the holidays," said Fugett. She said students are encouraged to call the financial aid department as December nears to check their aid status. Students can also check their aid status by using on-campus computers located in the halls of many buildings, including th Liberal Arts Building. The financial aid department can be reached by dialing Ext. 3336 from a campus phone or by calling 341-2980, Ext. 3336.
UCO hosts live radio broadcast in University Center
CO is getting "kissed" today as KYIS (KISS) radio, FM 98.9, broadcasts live from the north end of the University Center. The broadcast is slated to begin at noon and run until 3 p.m., said Stephen St. John, KYIS radio personality. Roy Howe, of UCO's communications
office, said the station chose UCO as part of their "Fifteen Places in Fifteen Days" promotion after a UCO student spoke to St. John on the air. Howe said KYIS will be giving away compact discs during the broadcast and that UCO will give away T-shirts. "They'll (KYIS) be having
UCO/music trivia contests while on the air," Howe said. "I've provided them with some information about the campus. It should be a lot of fun." Several UCO department heads will be speaking to St. John throughout today's broadcast, said Howe. "I have about two people an hour lined
up," Howe said. "They'll just drop by and talk for a while about their department." KYIS has also conducted live broadcasts from a University of Oklahoma football game, local restaurants, an Oklahoma City Blazers hockey game and Oklahoma City Community College.
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