University of Central Oklahoma
THURSDAY November 21, 1996
The Student Voice Since 1903
SGA passes plan to alter student academic calendar By Jessica Halliburton Staff Writer
should be focusing on studies," Thompson said. "This resolution tries to push he Student Government back the semester one week so Association (SGA) we won't run into these passed a resolution problems," she said. Monday that would change Thompson said the resolution UCO's academic calendar. would cause classes to be let out Currently the calendar allows one week later for summer no time for end-of-year parties or break, possibly putting UCO out activities because students are of sync with the rest of the not allowed to assemble during state's summer breaks. quiet week before finals. Sen. Bobby Smith was The resolution would allow a concerned about the short time frame for activities such as amount of time between the the President's Club Christmas spring and summer semesters. party for underprivileged "I feel like it (the resolution) children and Hanging of the is going to be a problem for Green, which are both traditional graduates competing for jobs activities held at UCO. when they graduate later than But some senators opposed other state universities," Smith the resolution, saying that these said. benefits are not significant But Thompson said the enough to change the whole resolution could be altered at the academic calendar. president's or Regent's level to "I feel like it's just going to accommodate those concerns. serve an extremely small part of The current calendar dates for the student population, not the fall begin Aug. 18, 1997 and end entire student population," said Dec. 12, 1997. The spring Sen. Blake Dodds. semester begins Jan. 12, 1998 Susan Thompson, director of and ends May 15, 1998. student activities, said the The resolution would call for current calendar will force the fall semester to start on Aug. students to hold these parties and 25, 1997 and end Dec. 19, 1997. activities illegally during quiet The Spring semester would week before finals or the week begin Jan. 19, 1998 and end May before Thanksgiving. 22, 1998. "This isn't good because quiet Thompson said that normally week is a time when students
VSee SGA, Page 3
Threads in the tapestry... UCO student Valerie Pulley, a junior, works on a project for Dr. JoAnn Adams weaving class on Tuesday. The class has been working on the projects for three weeks. (Staff photo by Gayleen Langthorn)
Enrollment causes budget shortfall Lower than expected enrollment will force UCO to "pull $1.5 million out of the budget over the year," President George Nigh said. The university is using voluntary cuts to deal with the lack of money, $780,00 in the operating budget. "At other universities they've eliminated programs...(when they had a shortfall)," Nigh said. But he emphasized that wouldn't happen at UCO. "No current faculty or staff are in jeopardy," he said. But he said vacant positions might not be filled. "We analyze enrollment to see if that position is in the right place," Nigh said. He explained that if the position is in a department with
declining enrollment, it might be left vacant. He said he has asked for voluntary cuts. "You look around your area and tell us what you can do," Nigh said he's told employees. He cited an example in Student Services where they decided not to buy a vehicle already approved. "If there aren't voluntary cuts, then I'll have to step in and make mandatory cuts," Nigh said. The budget must be balanced when the fiscal year ends June 30, he said. The budget is being examined on a weekly basis. He said as long as "we're moving and making progress, then we won't have to make mandatory cuts." The 3 percent pay raise is still secure, he said. RS)
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FEATURE Dr. Margaret Flansburg tells all about her new talent of weaving.
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