“Role of Free Press” on 15 Volume 113, Issue 26
VISTA “The Student Voice Since 1903”
Follow the Vista: UCentralMedia.com vistanews1903 @TheVista1903 thevista1903 The Vista Monday, Nov. 21, 2016
International Students Risk Education llegally Working Off-Campus without Work Visas Vy Luong
@vyl69 Contributing Writer
The anonymous source in this article is given the alias ‘Riley’ as a means to protect their identity and their interest. A University of Central Oklahoma (UCO) international student has to pay about three times more than an in-state student. Some international students can’t afford that cost and try to find a job off-campus, even though they know it is illegal. “If they get caught [working illegally], they will lose their student status. They must be asked to leave the country and banned from re-entering,” said Jennifer McCullough, an international adviser of UCO Office of Global Affairs (OGA). According to U.S. immigration law, international students are only allowed to work on-campus with the maximum of 20 hours per week. There are several jobs available on the job.uco.edu site, as well as other UCO campus services. Working off-campus requires authorization from immigration to be considered legal. International students can apply for the Curricular Practical Training when they enroll in an internship course. Another option is the Optional Practical Training, which allows international students to stay and work in the U.S up to one year after graduation. The process of applying for work authorization can be long and detailed. According to Global Affairs’
Some international students, who cannot afford to pay tuition and cost of living in the United States, risk their student visas by illegally working off-campus in businesses such as restaurants. International students are not allowed to have student and work visas simultaneously, and could have their current visas revoked if they are caught working elsewhere. Photo Illustration by Cara Johnson, The Vista.
website, students are recommended to apply for the Optional Practical Training at least 60 days before graduation. A UCO international student, Riley, worked as a waitress for about two months before quitting and finding a job on-campus. As a waitress, Riley was paid cash every two weeks and didn’t have to pay any taxes. “I was told to stay at home whenever someone [from United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)] came and supervised for the business,” Riley said. Riley had tried to find some jobs
on-campus before, but didn’t get any. However, it was much easier to get a job elsewhere, since Riley just needed to prepare a resume, walk into the restaurant and get hired. Working off-campus was more flexible for Riley’s schedule, however, Riley was unfairly treated at that restaurant. Riley didn’t get paid during the three-week training term, and also couldn’t get tips. “It [the way international students are treated] depends mostly on the employers. Many of us [international students] are still working off-cam-
Media Professionals Speak Up The Vista
@TheVista1903 Staff Reports
The media received criticism throughout the election season resulting in anti-media sentiments from citizens across the nation. Some claim that the media spent too much time normalizing president-elect Donald Trump and criticizing Hillary
Why News Matters
Clinton. Others claim that the media had a bias against Trump and were endorsing Clinton. The definition of news according to Merriam-Webster is “new information about something that has happened recently.” The Vista asked
those working in the journalism field around Oklahoma about their opinions on what news is, why news important, and the impact news has on society. See Media Professionals on 8,9
pus and earn a lot,” Riley said. International students often work at restaurants, coffee shops, or nail salons in the area where people from their home country live. The minimum wage rate in Oklahoma is $7.25 per hour. International students get paid a lower rate when working illegally, but they can work for more hours and may get a lot of tips if the employers allow them. According to Riley, a nail technician may get up to $3000 per month if they are lucky. It is more than the amount a student can get for a whole semester when working legally on-campus for the maximum of 20 hours per week. Employers must pay a fine or even lose their business license if they are caught hiring illegal workers; however, they spend less money paying these workers. “Beside money, finding a job off-campus [is] much easier than on-campus,” Riley said, explaining the reason why many international students still choose to work illegally. See International on 10