The Vista December 3, 1987

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THE December 3, 1987

Vol. 86, No. 24


Thursday Edition

Central State University, Edmond, Oklahoma

Internationals plan rejuvenation of ISA By Annie John A group of international students plan to rejuvenate the International Student Association (ISA) to represent international students at Central State University. Dr. Jimmie Rogers, chairperson of the International Education Commitee, said he would like to see ISA reactivated as soon as possible. Rogers said that the organization would help arriving students become oriented to campus life. "In addition, the students need a place to meet and cook meals of their own cuisine. They can meet at the student union now, but they have to eat union food," Rogers said. Jalal Daneshfar, assistant director of East Hall, said the ISA was formed in 1982. "The Constitution for the ISA was written in April, 1982 and was approved and recognized by CSU," Daneshfar said. "The association then became inactive in 1983." Ahsanuzzaman Shahin, a Bangladesh student, feels the ISA would provide a united voice for foreign students. Shahin said because the interna-

tional office is under-staffed, international students miss out on a lot of activities and benefits. Dr. Ronald Paddack, International Student Advisor of CSU, noted the ISA could do more for international students than currently is being done. "The ISA would give the international students a vehicle through which th"y could organize and do things that would benefit the university," he said. Dr. Paddack went on to explain the international office does not have enough staff to organize frequent activities for the internationals, and the ISA could benefit students in that way. Bangladesh student Minhazul I. Choudhury said, "the ISA could help freshman students to cope with the stress they go through after coming to United States. It could also help new students get enrolled and find accomodation on and off campus." Eng Par Soo, a Malaysian student, said the ISA could help international students get their lives adjusted at CSU, take them shopping for warm clothing, assist in banking matters and help arriving students get social security cards. "The international students

have to pay an international student fee of $40 per year," Soo added, "and by forming the ISA, we hope that the money will be allocated for functions and games to promote the ISA." "Dr. Riaz Ahmad, associate professor of the biology department, has already agreed to sponsor the association," Soo said. Ahmad was one of the two sponsors of the ISA when it was formed in 1982. Everyone involved in discussing the reorganization of ISA is looking for campus support from students to determine the feasibility of bringing it back. "The students feel that if this organization does not represent at least two-thirds of the countries we have, it will not serve our total interest," commented Shahin. "The number of representatives from each country should be in proportion to the number of total international students on campus," he added. Students interested in more information about the ISA should contact Shahin, 348-3055; Shirleen, 341-2980, ext. 4269; or Nadason, 341-2980, ext. 4474; Wai Ling, 340-6977 or Poorly Moses, 341-2980, ext. 2390.

Fight erupts in Oklahoma Room A fight occurred in the Oklahoma Room of the University Center between two international students Wednesday. The incident, which occurred between Lebanese student Simon Estephan and Jordanian Husan Ahmad, apparently was sparked by a note given to Estaphan which said Ahmad "spit in his face." Ibrahim Kamal, a Lebanese student who witnessed the fight, said Ahmad had been saying bad things about Estephan for a while before the latest insult. CSU Police Chief Bobby Roberts said he was in the Oklahoma Room having coffee when the incident occured. "The victim (Estephan) walked

in to the room and approached Ahmad, and asked Ahmad if he had said that he spit in his (Estephan's) face." Roberts said that Ahmad replied that he had. "Estephan said 'then I spit in your face,' and spit to the floor. Ahmad then got up and began to hit on Estephan," Roberts said. Roberts said Estephan received numerous cuts on his face. "We are currently holding Ahmad, and will transport him to the county jail," Roberts said. "A misdemeanor assault charge will be filed on him tomorrow." Roberts said no other people were involved in the incident other than to break the two apart, and

added that no other injuries had been reported.

Photographic Services: Darrin Presley

Two coeds, Donna Mayes (left) and Amber Newby enjoyed sunshine Tuesday while they hit the books.

Cap, gown orders required Students who wish to participate in the non-official December graduation ceremonies who would like caps and gowns reserved for them by the promoters of the event should contact Kerri Moon at 771-5326 no later than Friday morning. Moon, one of several event organizers, said graduates must have the money for the caps and

Senate asks for library security By Elaine Coleman In their last regular session of the fall 1987 semester, the Student Association Senate passed a resolution that requests a more secure system of checking out books from the CSU library. The resolution asks the library to stop requiring a written last name and social security number (SSN) for checking books out. It also encourages the use of bar codes which are printed on the back of CSU students' I.D. cards. A project is underway to begin to

use that system. Until such a program is implemented, the resolution requests that only students' I.D. numbers will be printed on library books. Under the current system, a student's name and SSN can be obtained from a library book and then used to acquire private information off the current Student Information System (SIS). According to the resolution, the current system misuses the names and SSNs, because other students may look at the cards in the book

Senators manned desks for 'college booth' Student senators manned desks around the campus today for "College Booth." College Booth was mandated by Resolution 86-218. The program makes student senators available to the student population they represent for questions and input. Terry LaFrance, director of the

project, said it was supposed to have begun in September, but because of inadequate time to prepare, it was not started until December. Resolution 86-218 had mandated the project be carried out during the fall semester, but LaFrance said he would request an extension for the project through spring because it was so

gowns at the time the order is placed. "Students who will get caps and gowns on their own can register with me as late as Dec. 11, however," Moon said. Moon said that approximately 50 graduates have registered to take part in the unofficial ceremony. The ceremony will be held at 7 p.m., Dec. 17, at the Oak Tree Country Club.

late getting started. "After the project is completed, I will look at the input we have received from students. If there was an adequate amount, it will probably become permanent." LaFrance said he would experiment with times and locations of the booths each month to deter-

mine if changes in amount of student participation occur. The resolution requires each senator to serve one hour at least every other month at a "College Booth." LaFrance said he hopes the project will make senators more visible and accessible to the student population.

after it is reshelved. The resolution said that is a violation of The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, U.S.C. 552a, by allowing access of students' records to individuals other than appropriate school officials without consent of the student. "Everyone we talked to knows we have a problem on this university with social security numbers and last names being tied together and with this combination being able to access private information," said Sen. Jeff Blansett, coauthor of the resolution. "By eliminating this combination, we eliminate both the SIS System problem and the problem at the library," he said. The resolution also points out that the CSU library recognizes the problem and has purchased a bar code software package to help solve it. However, current budget restaints prevent its implementation at this time. The resolution passed 21-1 with two abstentions and will now go to Senate President Jeff Shilling for his signature.

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