The Vista Dec. 4, 1997

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University of Central Oklahoma

THURSDAY December 4, 1997

The Student Voice Since 1903

UCO freshman commits suicide in dorm room By Lisa Tatum

talking on the telephone about 1 a.m. Tuesday. Two other residents said they heard a crash from the direction of Pool's room n 18-year-old UCO student was found dead sometime between 1:30 and 2 a.m. in her West Hall Residents who saw Pool dormitory room Tuesday Monday said she did not morning, the victim of an appear to be troubled. Hether Little, a freshman from apparent suicide. Moore, said she and a friend Mitzi Ann Pool, a freshman from Enid, Okla. saw Pool around noon who was majoring in Monday and asked her how accounting, died as a result she was and how her Thanksgiving break was. of suicide by hanging, said "She said, 'great, just Kevin Rowland, chief investigator for the fine,"' said Little. "She was Oklahoma Medical cheerful." Examiner's Office. He said Some residents who live Po 0/ no autopsy was performed. in nearby rooms said while Pool wasn't close friends with Captain Christopher Wooldridge of the UCO Department of them, she seemed to be happy. Little said Pool was "always real Public Safety (DPS) said no suicide note was found in the room but "all signs point friendly to talk to" but added that no one to that." seemed to know her very well because Wooldridge said DPS was called to the "she and her roommate kept to dormitory at 9:49 a.m. Tuesday after themselves." Pool graduated in 1997 from Cimarron Pool's roommate discovered the body. He said Pool was found on the floor of room High School in Enid where she was B-41 with a bed sheet around her neck. active in French club, science and math Another dorm resident, Debbie Alford, clubs and the Future Business Leaders of a sophomore from Ardmore, said she was America.. Students who live in West Hall's B-hall in the hall when Pool's roommate called said they were shocked by Pool's suicide. her into the room for help. "She seemed happy yesterday," said Alford said at first she thought Pool had been knocked unconscious because a Little. "Maybe she was depressed," said door from a built-in, overhead cabinet Christen Clark. "Or there could be was lying beside her. Unconfirmed reports indicate Pool was something none of us will ever know." Editor In Chief


Christmas spectacle... The Uninversity Center and Broncho Lake were decorated with thousands of lights as part of Monday night's Winter Glow ceremonies. Following the lighting of Old North, children could get their pictures taken with Santa and Mrs. Claus in front of the University Center. (Staff photo by Bryan Terry)

About 50 women attended a counseling session from 5-8 p.m. Tuesday in West Hall, said Peggy Foster, director of student support services. Along with counseling for students, the session provided instructions to residence hall staff on dealing with grief-stricken students. The UCO Counseling Center will also

offer individual grief counseling for students, said Foster. Students can call 341-2980, Ext. 2214 to schedule an appointment. Funeral services for Pool will be held 10 a.m. Saturday at the Ladusau-Evans Funeral Home, 2800 N. Van Buren, Enid, Okla. Burial will be in Kingfisher Cemetery.

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