The Vista December 5, 1996

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University of Central Oklahoma

THURSDAY December 5, 1996

The Student Voice Since 1903

The Wright Stuff... Sequoyah Middle School student Lee Walker, 12, looks at his hand-made replica of the Wright Brothers airplane. Walker was one of many students displaying a project in this years Social Science Fair. See RELATED STORY on page 15.(Staff photo by John Clanton)

Faculty Senate forms assesment committee By Joanna Owen-Clouston Staff Writer


CO's faculty senate has assembled- a university assessment committee to look into the general education class sequencing. There is no policy telling students what to take and many professors have seniors in their freshman courses. A proposal has been sent to President George Nigh calling for a guideline on the sequencing of basic education courses, said Dr. Jere Roberson, a member of the University Assessment Committee.

INDEX Editorial 2 Letters 2,3,4 Sports 10,11,12 Around Campus ... 18 Around Town 18 Classifieds 19

"Those students might have been able to raise their grade point average (GPA) in their major course work if they had taken basic courses first," Roberson said. He said professors want students to take their basics first to better prepare them for their upper division classes. The general education courses are designed to impart knowledge and skills to the student which benefit them throughout their academic careers, Roberson said. The proposal states that upon completion of 45 hours, students will be expected to have completed six hours of English, three hours of history, three hours of political science, eight hours of

SPORTS The UCO football team falls in the NCAA Division II playoffs last Saturday.


science and three hours of math. Remedial courses must be taken before any general education courses and are excluded from the calculations of hours completed in the proposal, Roberson said. If students do not complete the general education courses they will not be able to enroll by phone and will be expected to see an academic advisor before enrolling. Upon completion of 60 hours, students must have completed six hours of humanities, three hours of communications, two hours of personal well-being and three hours of general education elective. And beginning in the fall, three hours of business literacy, a new general education class through the

SANTAS 4 2,000 Santas are on display at the Donna Nigh Gallery.

business department, will be a requirement. Transfer students will have one semester's grace before the policy is enforced. Roberson said even while taking the general education courses there are still approximately 20 hours the student can use to take what they want. "The proposal is designed to help the student. General education courses teach a student to study and think objectively," he said. The proposal, if accepted, will probably affect the incoming first-year freshmen only, Roberson said. The committee hopes the policy will go into effect Fall 1997. Ain


The ghosts of turkeys past come home to roost.


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