University of Central Oklahoma
TUESDAY December 6, 1994
The Student Voice Since 1903
Captain suspects dorm fire was arson
Campus radio funding killed? UCO classic radio station KCSC may lose all school funding by '96 By Iris Knight Student Writer
ABOVE: This is the mattress that is suspected to be the cause of the fire in East Hall. The mattress was brought down by fire fighters and extinguished to keep the fire from spreading though the rest of the building. y4kox.Ai
The hallway on the second floor of East Hall was burned after a fire broke out Saturday afternoon. The fire is under investigation by the UCO police department and the Edmond Fire Department. The blaze is suspected to be arson, said Capt. Bob Billen of the Edmond Fire Department. (Staff Photos by David McNeese)
A cut of all university funding to UCO classical radio station KCSCFM in the university's 1996 budget proposal may force the reconsideration of current programming and student employment. `There is no danger to KCSC. We will not let that happen," said UCO President George Nigh in a response letter to agitated KCSC listener Brent Keck, who was worried about the future and possible demise of the station. "We are simply trying to reduce its depending on UCO operation KCSC program director Kent Anderson funds. "Our regents have mandated that schedules the programming for the radio we review non-academic expendi- station. KCSC is UCO's classical music tures and reduce them so we can station. (Staff Photo by David McNeese) address our educational obligation," said Nigh. Ferguson said KCSC would reed to Brad Ferguson, station manager for discontinue paying student staff salariesKCSC, said it takes between $350,000 the, discontinue the Saturday night proand $400,000 per year to run a radio sta- gramming, the show Music Through the tion like KCSC. Last year, KCSC spent Night, the answering service and about $540,000 because they had the one- overnight programming. time expense of a new tower, he said. "This came at a bad time for us." The UCO funding pays for KCSC stu"Why would they cut something like dent salaries, postage, telephones and day- that when it's obviously a part of the camto-day operations. pus." The station does benefit from not havUCO graduate David Emigh agrees: ing to pay rent, electrical bills or for jani- "UCO needs to let its mission be decided torial services to UCO, said Ferguson. not by funding availability, but by its eduKCSC holds two fund-drives per year cational mission," he said to help bring in additional capital to pay See RADIO, Page 8 for the seven full-time employees.
Drag racing near campus injures two students, witness says Wednesday afternoon a Ford Mustang, reportedly racing another car, collided with a Chevy Camaro at the intersection of Wayne Street and Chowning Avenue, near UCO. According to witness Bill Hamilton, a
World Wrap 6 Around Campus
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UCO graduate student, the accident occurred when the Mustang struck the Camaro during a drag race with another vehicle that was not involved in the accident. UCO students Joel W. Palmer, a freshman
Four Broncho wrestlers claim championships at the Fort Hayes State Open Saturday.
from Edmond, and Dayna C. Parks, a senior from Kingfisher, were injured in the crash which totaled both cars. Both students were transported to Edmond Memorial Hospital. Parks, the driver of the Camaro, was admit-
OVERCOME New UCO Professor Patricia King knows "Education is... the key to any answer"
ted to the intensive care unit with facial lacerations, a broken collar-bone and other internal injuries. Officer Tim Dorsey of the Edmond Police Department said the incident is still under investigation.
The conclusion of "Truth, consequences & the reality of the ultimate American Nightmare."