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Photo student dies after collapsing in Lib. Arts Building by Courtney Bryce Vista Staff Writer
A UCO photographic arts sophomore died after collapsing Dec. 5 by the north stairwell in the Liberal Arts Building. Caroline Still, 19, was born and raised in Tulsa and graduated from Bishop Kelley High by Vista photographer Brett Deering School in 2004. "It's so vivid in my mind," Christmas lights and Thatcher Hall reflect off a calm Broncho Lake Dec. 4. The fall semester ends Dec. 16 and the university offices said Dr. Gary Steward, interim close Dec. 21. The university reopens Jan. 3 and spring classes begin Jan. 9. See Pg. 3 for the fall final exam schedule. associate dean of Liberal Arts. "It was about 12:55, right in the middle of class change." Steward said someone came into the dean's office saying there was an emergency outside. "It was the stairs right outside by the dean's office and the dean and I were there in 10 or 15 seconds," Steward said. Steward said he didn't see Still fall but witnesses told him shortly after the attack to find same man who raped her. by Nathan Winfrey she was just about to walk up the victim walking out of the Vista Staff Writer the staircase. The suspect was described common area of the apartment as wearing a blue and white "They said she hadn't even complex with a white T-shirt striped shirt and gloves (posstepped on the first stair, and Edmond police said a UCO tied around her neck, her wrists sibly leather). He also stole a one witness said she 'fell just student was raped Dec. 3 in bound behind her back and scis- cell phone. like a tree,"' Steward said. her apartment at 900 E. Wayne, sors in her hand. She collapsed Crimestoppers is offering a "They said she just fell straight west of campus. in the parking lot and the neigh- $2000 dollar reward to anyone backwards." The victim, whose name has bor called the police. with information leading to the Steward said it first seemed not been released, said in the An EMSA official said they arrest and conviction of the susthat she was in a seizure state. police report she woke up at transported the victim to the pect. Those with information "We've had students who about 6 a.m. to the sound of a Edmond Medical Center emerare asked to call Crimestoppers have had seizures in the past, loud noise that she thought was gency room at about 8 a.m, at 359-4466. by Trisha Evans coming from outside. Sne was where she was treated. Vista Senior Staff Writer reawakened to find a black male The victim said a black male on top of her, who tied, gagged has been occasionally knocking UCO administration and the and raped her. on her door this semester, but Nathan Winfrey can be reached at Faculty Senate are assembling a A neighbor arrived home she said she's not sure if it is the . task force to discuss a possible from breakfast at Denny's new pay structure for determining salaries for new faculty in coming years. Under the current faculty salary schedule, faculty members by Courtney Bryce are paid equally according to Vista Staff Writer their experience and credentials, regardless of what subject they Music theatre students will teach. jazz things up in "Cool Yule, "I think it's appropriate that Volume II" at 8 p.m. Dec. 8-10 we examine it and how it stands and Dec. 15-17 at the UCO Jain up against the market-place," Lab. with the agreement and will representative for Oklahoma. by Brett Deering said UCO President W. Roger Billie Thrash, interim music allow students to purchase for "The student licensing media Webb. Vista Staff Writer theatre director, said this show is a Windows or Macintosh corn- is standard product," Dent said. "President Webb mentioned based on the holiday show they puter platform one Adobe pack- "Students can upgrade the the need to look at the facUCO announced a pro- age per year. product through standard retail ulty pay issue at the leadership did last year, "Cool Yule," but gram between the university added "It's a slightly different "We're doing this as a ser- channels after graduation, or and computer software maker vice to students because we've can purchase a new set of the retreat we had this fall," said Dr. Adobe Systems Inc. that will had so many students who have same software on a yearly basis Patricia Lagrow, associate vice Please see YULE, page 4 allow students to purchase cer- said 'gee, I'd really like to have while still enrolled at UCO. In president of Academic Affairs. Lagrow said the university tain Adobe products at costs that particular product and I essence, these are perpetual has had problems hiring physics, below retail Dec. I. know they (Adobe) have a stu- licenses, they do not expire." engineering, criminal justice and "It gives a current student dent option'," said Rolfe. "When you buy it, you business instructors. the ability to purchase Adobe Though the agreement with receive one license, one CD. She said there as been discusproducts at a deep discount," Adobe limits students to one It is yours, you own it," said said Dr. Cynthia Rolfe, UCO title per computer platform per Sonya Watkins, director of spe- sion of moving toward a more vice president of Information year, the license and software cial projects for Information "market-pay" salary, but exactly what this means and how it will Technology. can be upgraded, said Torn Six packages are available Dent, Adobe education sales Please see ADOBE, page 4 by Trisha Evans Please see PAY, page 4 Vista Senior Staff Writer •
. -44
Police have no suspects in student rape case
Anyone with information asked to call Crimestoppers
Task force assembling to discuss faculty pay structure Effectiveness of current pay structure focus of discussion
Music students will present 'Cool Yule II' at Jazz Lab
University signs software contract with Adobe
Computer programs offered to students at a discount
Photo provided by The Tulsa World
and it seemed like that," Steward said. "But it really hit me when the fire fighters hooked her up to a machine, cut her shirt open and began to perform CPR, that this was really serious." EMSA spokeswoman Laura O'Leary said paramedics responded to a possible seizure on the police scanner. "Medics arrived and transported her to the Edmond Regional Hospital," O'Leary said. Charlie Johnson, UCO news bureau director said, "It was apparent through the Department of Public Services
Please see STILL, page 3
Choreography performance showcase open to all dance majors by Courtney Bryce Vista Staff Writer Dance students will perform original choreography in the UCO Fall Student Choreography Showcase at 7 p.m. Dec. 8 in Mitchell Hall. "We offer this in fall and spring to all dance majors to choreograph and to perform,"
Please see DANCE, page 3
ISC holds final fall semester meeting
INSIDE -,, ,
Profile: UCO wrestler Earl Jones, Pg. 14 Fall commencement information, Pg. 5 Review: "The Dukes of Hazzard" DVD, Pg. 11 INDEX Opinion 2 News 3 Classifieds 12 Sports 14
www.thevistaonline com
by Vista photographer Naomi Takebuchi
Dr. Pamela Green, music professor, conducts the chorus and the audience at the beginning of the "Christmas with the UCO Choral Division" Dec. 6 at Mitchell Hall.
The International Student Council held its final meeting of the semester Dec. 5 in the Robert S. Kerr Room of the Nigh University Center. The council voted to change a policy that would revert all allocated money back to the ISC if not used by the country organization during the semester. The former policy allowed active country organizations to roll over their budgets to the spring semester and absorbed all organization budgets at the end of each calendar year in May, said Jalal Daneshfar, 1SC adviser. ISC receives $12,500 every semester and allocates most of it to its 17-member country organizations, keeping about $2,000 for ISC expenses. The council usually spends around $5,000, said `Lanre Daniels, ISC president. Daniels said the new policy will enable ISC to start a new semester without having a defi-
cit to worry about. Daneshfar said that budget appropriations for the spring semester will be announced Dec. 16. Tre Ronne, general studies senior, asked the council for support in an anti-sweatshop campaign that would encourage UCO administration to ensure that all the products sold in the bookstore, including apparel bearing the UCO logo, are not made in sweatshops. He spoke about the Worker's Right Consortium, which was created by university administrations and labor rights experts, and now has more than 100 affiliated universities. WRC ensures workers are paid adequately, compensated for overtime and not harassed, abused or discriminated against in the workplace, Ronne said. Daniels gave his farewell speech and handed the gavel to Josephine Mangoli, ISC president elect.
Trisha Evans can be reached at .