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The Student Voice of the University of Central Oklahoma Since 1903
The Round Table UCOUNA Sports
Tuesday November 21st February 15, 2007
City law enforced on UCO students by Andrew Knittle Staff Writer
Nathan Woolard
The president of UCO’s Acacia Fraternity, a co-owner of Sumo Japanese Steakhouse and two other UCO students were arrested early Feb. 10 after Edmond police busted a date party being held at 1803 S. Broadway. According to police reports, 22-year-old Nathan Woolard, Acacia’s president, and 25-yearold Leon He, Sumo’s owner, were both taken to Edmond Jail on complaints of permitting and/ or allowing gatherings where minors were consuming alcohol. UCO students Kyle Swabb, 20, and Zachary Rockel, 19, by Vista photographer Travis Marak were arrested on complaints of public intoxication and were Callie Kays, center, and Rick Forsee, right, rehearse for "The Adding Machine" Feb. 13. The play opens today at 7:30 in Mitchell Hall also taken to Edmond Jail and runs through Sunday. for processing, reports said. Police said they were altered to the underage drinking taking place at Sumo’s after Swabb and Rockel were detained following a traffic stop near the restaurant. Swabb and Rockel, who smelled of alcohol and appeared spring 2006. Hypothetically, Another hypothetical situa- director of public affairs. intoxicated, were both in posby Hannah Jackson this could mean that 703 classes tion: even if the student activity Seventy-three percent of session of green “I’m over 21” Student Writer could have one less student and fees and student facility fees Oklahoma students took the wristbands used at clubs and the professor-student ratio would were only $100 each, the loss ACT last year and scores have other events. The two men told Where have all the students be improved. Alternately, if of 70 students would cause a been constant in some areas and see Students, page 3 gone? A decrease in enrollment an average class $14,000 loss, without taking higher in most, Hickman said. at UCO is causing some question has 25 stuinto consideration tuition Preparation for college has and concern among the colleges. dents, about losses etc. When student fees increased, so why is enrollment Enrollment is down by 2,525 28 classes are reduced by $14,000 the down? Perhaps high school credit hours – but what does that could be cut students will ultimately graduates are just attending colmean to students? Statistics and c o m p l e t e l y . suffer the most. leges elsewhere. Enrollment percentages can be manipulated The College The student rate statistics at both the to seem better or worse than of Arts, Media organizations University of Oklahoma and reality. For example, in this case and Design will receive Oklahoma State University 2,525 credit hours can be bro- has increased less funding show slight declines also. ken down into about 840 three- slightly, but or student fees “The decreased rates at OU hour classes. Therefore if an not enough to balcould increase. are simply minor fluctuations “average” student enrolls in 12 ance out lacking numbers "High School drop- that occur semester to semester,” hours a semester, these figures elsewhere. Assuming again out rates in Oklahoma have said Blake Rambo, Oklahoma show a loss of only 70 students. that an average class is three decreased over the last decade University Press secretary. The College of Liberal Arts, hours, only 33 additional stu- and college preparedness has Headcount enrollment prothe largest UCO college, has dents are enrolled in CAMDA increased," said Shelly Hickman, seen the greatest decrease of compared to last spring. Department of Education see Enrollment, page 3 and few people experience nau- 2,109 less credit hours than sea and vomiting. Sensitivity to bright light is another symptom that patients can experience. According to Littrell, many people have the hours of green power annually. by Lyndsay Gillum meningitis bacteria UCO was the only univerStaff Writer in their nose and sity in the Lonestar Conference upper respiraUCO was awarded member- to participate in EPA’s 2006 tory system, College and University Green such as in this ship to the 2006 Green Power Power Challenge. The Green particular case. Leadership Club and has joined Power Challenge recognizes the Many people the elite group of Green Power collegiate athletic conferences who have the Partners who demonstrate excel- with the highest combined green bacteria go with- lent environmental leadership. power purchases in the nation. The Green Power out developing According to EPA’s website, meningitis or giv- Leadership Club is sponsored purchasing green power is a ing the disease to anyone. by the U.S. Environmental flexible and effective strategy for “The last I heard, the staff Protection Agency and the schools pursuing ‘greening the member was in the hospital U.S. Department of Energy. campus’ initiatives or seeking but since this is not the more Partnering with EPA’s Green to reduce greenhouse gas emisdangerous type of meningitis, Power Partnership is an effec- sions associated with their operwhich is meningococcal men- tive way to demonstrate envi- ations. Their actions are helping ingitis, then we don’t follow ronmental guidance and reduce drive the development of new up any further,” Littrell said. its impact on the environment. renewable electricity generation. “Green power is electricJohnson said that Health In addition to its green Department officials stated ity generated from renewable power purchase, UCO also pneumococcal meningitis is energy resources such as solar, has onsite bio-diesel producwind, geothermal, biogas, biovery rare. tion, works with a performance An OSU student who recent- mass, and low-impact hydro contractor to increase its enerly contracted a more serious sources,” according to the gy performance and employs form of meningitis remains in U.S. Environmental Protection E N E R G Y- S TA R - l a b e l e d a Tulsa hospital. More than Agency’s website. “Green power products, EPA’s website read. 450 OSU classmates and close offers electricity users a choice Now one of the only two friends of Samantha Ellerbach to support newer technologies representatives in the state, AP Photo received oral antibiotics. That that capture renewable energy UCO was the first Green precaution was not taken here sources to create electricity.” Power representative in UCO uses green power as a viable source of electricity, consisting According to EPA’s website, on campus. Oklahoma on May 6, 2006. of solar, wind, biogas, geothermal and low-impact hydro sources. If students have con- UCO’s green power transaction “We are using 100 percerns, contact the Student is one of the largest purchases cent wind energy in order to Health Center at 974-2317. by a college or university in the decrease our country’s depen- our students and community,” UCO Executive Vice President Lyndsay Gillum can be reached at nation. UCO is also purchasing dency on non-green energy Steve Kreidler said in a press Lyndsay Gillum can be reached at 100 percent of its power from sources and set an example for release dated Jan. 24, 2007. wind, or 26,000 megawatts-
Enrollment drops again
Leon He
Pneumococcal case reported on campus
"Pneumococcal meningitis is considered contagious but does not spread easily at all from one person to another" by Lyndsay Gillum Staff Writer An UCO staff member has been diagnosed with pneumococcal meningitis and is said to have no health risk to students, faculty and staff, according to Health Department officials. C h a r l e s Johnson, UCO News Bureau director, said the Health Department confirmed the staff member was diagnosed with pneumococcal meningitis last week. Treatment was not given or recommended for anyone, including those in the patient’s household. “Pneumococcal meningitis is considered contagious but does not spread easily at all from one person to another,” Lisa Littrell, epidemiology supervisor for the Oklahoma CityCounty Health Department, said. “We don’t find a whole lot of spread between the person that is ill with this and the people in their own house.” Meningitis all looks the same regardless of what the cause is, it could be bacterial or viral, Littrell said. The main symptoms include fever, headache and stiff neck,
Green power makes for a cleaner UCO
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