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The Student Voice of the University of Central Oklahoma Since 1903
The Round Table UCOUNA Sports
Tuesday November 21st February 15, 2007
City law enforced on UCO students by Andrew Knittle Staff Writer
Nathan Woolard
The president of UCO’s Acacia Fraternity, a co-owner of Sumo Japanese Steakhouse and two other UCO students were arrested early Feb. 10 after Edmond police busted a date party being held at 1803 S. Broadway. According to police reports, 22-year-old Nathan Woolard, Acacia’s president, and 25-yearold Leon He, Sumo’s owner, were both taken to Edmond Jail on complaints of permitting and/ or allowing gatherings where minors were consuming alcohol. UCO students Kyle Swabb, 20, and Zachary Rockel, 19, by Vista photographer Travis Marak were arrested on complaints of public intoxication and were Callie Kays, center, and Rick Forsee, right, rehearse for "The Adding Machine" Feb. 13. The play opens today at 7:30 in Mitchell Hall also taken to Edmond Jail and runs through Sunday. for processing, reports said. Police said they were altered to the underage drinking taking place at Sumo’s after Swabb and Rockel were detained following a traffic stop near the restaurant. Swabb and Rockel, who smelled of alcohol and appeared spring 2006. Hypothetically, Another hypothetical situa- director of public affairs. intoxicated, were both in posby Hannah Jackson this could mean that 703 classes tion: even if the student activity Seventy-three percent of session of green “I’m over 21” Student Writer could have one less student and fees and student facility fees Oklahoma students took the wristbands used at clubs and the professor-student ratio would were only $100 each, the loss ACT last year and scores have other events. The two men told Where have all the students be improved. Alternately, if of 70 students would cause a been constant in some areas and see Students, page 3 gone? A decrease in enrollment an average class $14,000 loss, without taking higher in most, Hickman said. at UCO is causing some question has 25 stuinto consideration tuition Preparation for college has and concern among the colleges. dents, about losses etc. When student fees increased, so why is enrollment Enrollment is down by 2,525 28 classes are reduced by $14,000 the down? Perhaps high school credit hours – but what does that could be cut students will ultimately graduates are just attending colmean to students? Statistics and c o m p l e t e l y . suffer the most. leges elsewhere. Enrollment percentages can be manipulated The College The student rate statistics at both the to seem better or worse than of Arts, Media organizations University of Oklahoma and reality. For example, in this case and Design will receive Oklahoma State University 2,525 credit hours can be bro- has increased less funding show slight declines also. ken down into about 840 three- slightly, but or student fees “The decreased rates at OU hour classes. Therefore if an not enough to balcould increase. are simply minor fluctuations “average” student enrolls in 12 ance out lacking numbers "High School drop- that occur semester to semester,” hours a semester, these figures elsewhere. Assuming again out rates in Oklahoma have said Blake Rambo, Oklahoma show a loss of only 70 students. that an average class is three decreased over the last decade University Press secretary. The College of Liberal Arts, hours, only 33 additional stu- and college preparedness has Headcount enrollment prothe largest UCO college, has dents are enrolled in CAMDA increased," said Shelly Hickman, seen the greatest decrease of compared to last spring. Department of Education see Enrollment, page 3 and few people experience nau- 2,109 less credit hours than sea and vomiting. Sensitivity to bright light is another symptom that patients can experience. According to Littrell, many people have the hours of green power annually. by Lyndsay Gillum meningitis bacteria UCO was the only univerStaff Writer in their nose and sity in the Lonestar Conference upper respiraUCO was awarded member- to participate in EPA’s 2006 tory system, College and University Green such as in this ship to the 2006 Green Power Power Challenge. The Green particular case. Leadership Club and has joined Power Challenge recognizes the Many people the elite group of Green Power collegiate athletic conferences who have the Partners who demonstrate excel- with the highest combined green bacteria go with- lent environmental leadership. power purchases in the nation. The Green Power out developing According to EPA’s website, meningitis or giv- Leadership Club is sponsored purchasing green power is a ing the disease to anyone. by the U.S. Environmental flexible and effective strategy for “The last I heard, the staff Protection Agency and the schools pursuing ‘greening the member was in the hospital U.S. Department of Energy. campus’ initiatives or seeking but since this is not the more Partnering with EPA’s Green to reduce greenhouse gas emisdangerous type of meningitis, Power Partnership is an effec- sions associated with their operwhich is meningococcal men- tive way to demonstrate envi- ations. Their actions are helping ingitis, then we don’t follow ronmental guidance and reduce drive the development of new up any further,” Littrell said. its impact on the environment. renewable electricity generation. “Green power is electricJohnson said that Health In addition to its green Department officials stated ity generated from renewable power purchase, UCO also pneumococcal meningitis is energy resources such as solar, has onsite bio-diesel producwind, geothermal, biogas, biovery rare. tion, works with a performance An OSU student who recent- mass, and low-impact hydro contractor to increase its enerly contracted a more serious sources,” according to the gy performance and employs form of meningitis remains in U.S. Environmental Protection E N E R G Y- S TA R - l a b e l e d a Tulsa hospital. More than Agency’s website. “Green power products, EPA’s website read. 450 OSU classmates and close offers electricity users a choice Now one of the only two friends of Samantha Ellerbach to support newer technologies representatives in the state, AP Photo received oral antibiotics. That that capture renewable energy UCO was the first Green precaution was not taken here sources to create electricity.” Power representative in UCO uses green power as a viable source of electricity, consisting According to EPA’s website, on campus. Oklahoma on May 6, 2006. of solar, wind, biogas, geothermal and low-impact hydro sources. If students have con- UCO’s green power transaction “We are using 100 percerns, contact the Student is one of the largest purchases cent wind energy in order to Health Center at 974-2317. by a college or university in the decrease our country’s depen- our students and community,” UCO Executive Vice President Lyndsay Gillum can be reached at nation. UCO is also purchasing dency on non-green energy Steve Kreidler said in a press Lyndsay Gillum can be reached at 100 percent of its power from sources and set an example for release dated Jan. 24, 2007. wind, or 26,000 megawatts-
Enrollment drops again
Leon He
Pneumococcal case reported on campus
"Pneumococcal meningitis is considered contagious but does not spread easily at all from one person to another" by Lyndsay Gillum Staff Writer An UCO staff member has been diagnosed with pneumococcal meningitis and is said to have no health risk to students, faculty and staff, according to Health Department officials. C h a r l e s Johnson, UCO News Bureau director, said the Health Department confirmed the staff member was diagnosed with pneumococcal meningitis last week. Treatment was not given or recommended for anyone, including those in the patient’s household. “Pneumococcal meningitis is considered contagious but does not spread easily at all from one person to another,” Lisa Littrell, epidemiology supervisor for the Oklahoma CityCounty Health Department, said. “We don’t find a whole lot of spread between the person that is ill with this and the people in their own house.” Meningitis all looks the same regardless of what the cause is, it could be bacterial or viral, Littrell said. The main symptoms include fever, headache and stiff neck,
Green power makes for a cleaner UCO
Watch News Central Channel 6 @ 5 p.m.
"It is possible to store the mind with a million facts and still be entirely uneducated." - Alec Bourne
THU. 30/16
FRI. 47/20
February 15, 2007
theVista Editorial
Teddy Burch, Editor in Chief Steven Reckinger, Copy Editor Ivo Lupov, Managing Editor
Alex Gambill, Photographer Travis Marak, Photographer Lae Hyung Lee, Photographer
Nathan Winfrey, Senior Staff Writer Andrew Knittle, Staff Writer Lyndsay Gilum, Staff Writer Aaron Wright, Staff Writer Abha Eli Phoboo, Staff Writer
Megan Pierce, Ad Director Aaron Pettijohn, Ad Designer
Cartoons/Illustrations Zachary Burch
Justin Langston, Sports Writer Jeff Massie, Sports Writer
Danyel Siler
Adviser Mark Zimmerman
The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semi-weekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and on Thursdays only during summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034. Telephone: (405) 974-5549. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy o b t a i n e d .
Opinion columns, editorial cartoons, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO.
The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, with a maximum of 150 words, and must include the author’s printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters and does not publish anonymous letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034-5209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 107. Letters can be e-mailed to
Cartoon by Zachary Burch
Good journalism or poor taste? Opinion 1 In the Feb. 13 issue of The Vista, there was a photograph printed that depicted a female holding up a condom to accompany the “National Condom Week” article. Apparently, many people took offense to this photo illustration, claiming it was vulgar, obscene and unnecessary. Now, the word ‘unnecessary’ to describe an important topic seems a bit uncalled for, especially when it deals with a major issue in today’s society. Sexually transmitted diseases are considered taboo, but the murder of an innocent person is acceptable for news. How did sex become such a filthy topic? UCO is a college environment, occupied with young adults who explore their sexuality through instinctual behavior. Teenage and college audiences both find television channels like MTV, VH1, Spike TV and Oxygen fascinating with their own interpretations of sexual practices. Although these stations have limitations to their content, they love to tease and provoke that sense of feeling that gets people riled up. It’s just bound to happen. However, when someone witnesses a condom on the front page of a newspaper that
is seriously trying to promote safe sex, that person overreacts. If we continue to avoid subjects that plague our society because people are afraid to address them properly, then where will we be in the next 20 to 30 years? A world overpopulated with disease-ridden children who learned that sex is nothing more than a recreational activity? If the public wishes to complain about images that are essential to the progression of our world, then there’s really no sense in keeping up with current events in the first place. We see death, rape, destruction, and theft shown in the media every day, but without physical evidence to supplement the stories, it almost seems meaningless to report them to the public. After the Sept. 11 attack, the media showed tragic images of people falling from burning buildings or a severed hand washed up on the shore. These photographs were controversial at the time, causing an uproar in the community with its explicit nature. But they also revealed the catastrophic incident and introduced people to a new kind of reality, whether they wanted
to believe in it or not. It certainly got people talking. Sexual-related imagery and news articles do the same thing. They are n o t printed
t o
are taken to grab the public’s attention, and obviously, The Vista has definitely succeeded in that. Now, if only people can learn to deal with the real topic at
show distaste or raise controversy. They are merely a way to remind people that the news staffs are willing to report every crucial issue going on today. It’s our job to make sure society receives its fair treatment of news coverage. Just remember photographs
ciated with the images. Then the world can make an improvement in something rather than moan about ‘unnecessary’ material.
Opinion 2 “Young women meets tragic end, and its not Anna Nicole” “Five perish in house fire,” “Father arrested on charges of rape and torture of daughter.” These are a few of the headlines that have been printed in regional newspapers within the last week. The first one refers to a 19year-old women, who just like the fine upstanding citizen Anna Nicole was, has recently met a quick and early death, much like Nicole, she leaves behind a young daughter, and the rest of a family who will spend the next few years squabbling with lawyers and courts over who has legal custody of the young girl. You see, this young lady also has three “acquaintances” who claim to be the father. This story has no repercussion, by today’s standards, this is news. How about the family that burned up in the house fire? Nothing offensive about that, society has grown slick to the violence it continuously digests. We feed our minds with it in our music, television and video
games. So who cares about this family, the punch of this story can simply run down the back of our jagged duck feathers. What about the daughter whose father raped and tortured her for the nine short years of her life? Well, older men seeking out young girls to fulfill their wicked delusions have become primetime entertainment. If you don’t believe that, tune into your local NBC affiliate Sunday night at 7 p.m. Recently, this publication addressed an issue that has for far too long be swept under the rug and ignored. Our culture has acquired the belief that we stand very little chance of getting pregnant, or catching an STD or spreading one for that matter. Well guess what, we are wrong. Don’t believe that? Look up the stats over the last 35 years and see if your dispute holds up. “National Condom Week to raise awareness” was intended to do just that, raise awareness. If it was construed as vulgar, tacky, offensive or shoddy, well then good. Unfortunately, we live in a world that is drowning in our lack of morals. Perhaps this was just a horrendous attempt to bring the issue to light.
CAMPUS QUOTES: Compiled and photographed by Alex Gambill and Ivo Lupov
"Do you think financial aid to N. Korea to stop its nuclear program is a good idea?" "It was North Korea's plan to begin with. That was their idea."
"I think sanctions usually work, I do not know if North Korea will let this sanction work."
"I think they could have done something better, but it is better than nothing."
"No, I do not think it is a good idea."
Ryan Lemasters
Jeffery Sheldon
Ashley Atashi
Yuko Watanabe
Funeral Services JR.
Political Science Graduate
Political Science JR.
Journalism JR.
News ENROLLMENT from page 1 jections at OSU, however, show enrollment declines that seem more severe than simple fluctuation. The decrease projections at OSU last through 2009 at which point enrollment starts to rise again. Even with the projected rise in enrollment, OSU websites show that in 2011 enrollment numbers will be still lower than in 2003. Why would one of the largest schools in Oklahoma project a decline in enrollment? Perhaps partially because statistics from the National Center for Education show that public secondary school enrollment (grades 9 through 12) is expected to show a net decline of two percent between 2004 and 2014. So are there simply less college students at UCO because there are less students enrolled in high school?
“In committee hearings at the legislature the cost is more the reason why policy makers and we (the Department of Education) feel that more Oklahoma students are not going onto college. We are a very poor state and there is definitely a tie between the funds necessary for going to college and the funds accessible to them.” Hickman said. The Oklahoma Regents for Higher Education has been making an attempt to help with different government programs, such as the Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program (OHLAP). “The OHLAP program is skyrocketing,” Hickman said. The program offers eighth, ninth and tenth grade students whose parents make less than $50,000 the chance to apply for
free college tuition. The program requires students take certain classes, maintain a 2.5GPA and uphold good behavior. The program promises no tuition fees and some schools are even taking an extra step in higher education. Oklahoma University and Oklahoma State University also pay the student fees and book costs. Northeastern State University pays $500 a semester toward books as well as tuition. Another positive aspect of the program is that only one income check is done, so if the parent’s salary increases between application for OHLAP and enrollment in college, tuition is still paid. With government programs such as OHLAP working with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on the rise, perhaps UCO can hope for an increase in enrollment in the next few years.
February 15, 2007
UCO students get political
by Vista photographer Alex Gambill
police, all four men were placed under arrest just before 2 a.m. The arrests of Woolard and He marked the fourth time an arrest has been made in connection with Edmond’s Social Host Ordinance, which has been in effect for just a few weeks. In addition to being Acacia’s president, Woolard also served as UCO Student Body president during the 2005-06 school year. Woolard, who submitted an open letter to The Vista blasting the new Social Host Ordinance last week, had no comment when reached by phone Feb. 13.
STUDENTS from page 1
Zachary Rockel
Kyle Swabb
police they had given the wristbands by the security guard working the door at Acacia’s private party, police reports said. The two minors were then
taken to Sumo’s where they admitted other Acacia members, not the security guard, had given Andrew Knittle can be reached at them the green wristbands. After a short investigation by
Aladdin Obeid, president of UCO United Nations Association of the United States of America Student Alliance Group, at the membership campaign in the Nigh University Center. by Abha Eli Phoboo Staff Writer The UCO United Nations Association of the United States of America Student Alliance Group is holding a membership campaign at the Nigh University Center this week. “Our target is to get as many students to sign up as possible because it will open a world of opportunities to UCO students,” said Aladdin Obeid, president of the organization. The campaign includes offering internship opportunities at the UNAUSA headquarters in New York. Those inter-
Ethics workshop set A workshop on “Contemporary Ethical Issues: Back to the Basics” will be from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Feb. 15 in Room 300 of the Nigh University Center. To register online, visit ertrng/registration/asp. To register by telephone, call 974-2655.
Music class planned UCO’s School of Music will hold a master class presented by opera singer Sherill Milnes from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Feb. 15 in room 101 of the Music Building. For more information, contact Kevin Eckard at 974-5171.
Turkish expert to speak Feb. 19, an expert on
Turkey and Islam will present “Turkey: The Crossroads Country on the Verge of the Twenty-First Century” at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 19 in Room 225 of the Liberal Arts Building. Fulbright scholar Dr. llhan Uzgel, deputy head of the Department of International Relations at Ankara University, will give the presentation. For more information, contact Dr. Jeff Plaks at 074-5357. ‘Adding Machine’ due soon
The UCO Department of Theatre, Dance and Media Arts will present “The Adding Machine” at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 15 through Feb. 17 and at 2 p.m. Feb. 18 in Mitchell Hall Theater. Admission is $12 for adults, $8 for senior citizens and $4 for UCO students. For more information
or to purchase tickets, call the Mitchell Hall Theater Box Office at 974-3375.
Black history event set As part of Black History Month, Knowledge of Self, a campus group, will sponsor “From Kings and Queens: A Journey Through Blackness” at 7 p.m. Feb. 19 in Constitution Hall in the Nigh University Center. For a list of Black History Month events, visit History.
International to motivate concern for human rights and such issues visibly on campus. Their next project is campaigning to stop violence against women. In the pipeline are more internship opportunities which will be advertised for the summer. Hero, a humanitarian project working with children in Africa is one of them. If you are interested, stop at their table at the University Center, opposite the Food Court. Abha Eli Phoboo can be reached at
Plan to retire, go to meetings by Lyndsay Gillum Staff Writer
Campus Announcements
ested can take a form and fill up the internship application form. A variety of positions are available ranging from accounting to global policy and humanitarian campaigns. Students have the options of applying for the internship, which is unpaid, with or without the UNAUSA membership. “The incentive is to sign up because the priority is given to members of the Student Alliance Group,” added Obeid. The UCO student organization has also tied up with United Nations Children’s Education Fund to hold fundraising programs and with Amnesty
UCO will host the seminar series “Retirement Planning Today” to assist participants in making informed financial decisions. The seminar is sponsored by the College of Business Administration and the Center for Executive Education and Distance Services. “It is geared towards people 50-70 years of age and it’s to educate them more about the aspects of retirement,” Susan Bize, certified public accountant, attorney and instructor for the course, said. Along with Susan Bize, her husband David Bize, certified financial planner, will be instructing the course. “We’ve found that a lot of people go into retirement with no idea of what they want to do and
what those financial needs would be,” Bize said. “Depending on if you want to travel around the world or stay home, you’re going to have different needs.” “Retirement Planning Today” will cover topics such as life planning for retirement, retirement needs and expenses, retirement roadblocks and mistakes, and retirement income sources, among many others. “We start off with a little exercise that gets people to think about what they want to do, we do a little planning,” Bize said. “Then we have sessions where we hear all their different aspects, such as where your income choices would be and how you can plan more actively for that.” The cost of the course is $49, which includes a 235page workbook with examples and illustrations. According to Bize, the National Financial
Educators Network publishes the workbook. “What we have done is conform to Oklahoma law in some cases,” Bize said. “I do the state planning portion of it.” There are two seminar options available for participants to choose from. One option includes three, two-hour sessions on Tuesday evenings, Feb. 20, Feb. 27 and March 6 from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. The second includes two, three-hour sessions on Saturdays, Feb. 10 and Feb. 17 from 9 a.m. to noon. Participants are allowed to bring their spouses for free and will share the materials distributed in the seminar. For more information or to register for “Retirement Planning Today,” go to clpd or call (405) 974-2523. Lyndsay Gillum can be reached at
R & M Treasures
We Have: Glassware Costume Jewlery Games Toys/VHS tapes
311 A East Ayers, Close to UCO Library 405-620-7658
Wed.-Sat. 10 am- 5:30 pm
We will have various items coming in each week. Our stock changes weekly. Currently, we have a large amount of clothes-sweaters, coats, ect.
February 15, 2007
ROTC Battalion rifle team placed third in annual shooting tournament
Photo provided
Master Sgt. Christian Johnson fires a shot during the annual rifle tournament in St. Louis Jan. 27.
by Hannah Jackson Student Writer
The ROTC Broncho Battalion rifle team placed third at an annual rifle tour-
nament in St. Louis Jan. 27. Master Sgt. Christian Johnson and Sgt. First-Class
Jerry Fallin took 16 cadets to the Gateway Air Rifle Competition. Only five of them had competed in this competition before. “We did absolutely better than last year,� said Johnson. UCO took four teams consisting of four members. The A team, which placed third, scored 705. The remaining three teams were all in the top ten of fourteen teams. Washington University, the host team, won the competition. Other teams involved were Lincoln University, St. Louis University, University of Missouri Rolla and Southern Illinois University, Eatonville. Teams had to shoot at ten targets for three rounds. Competitors had to shoot from a standing position, a kneeling position, and a prone position where they had to shoot at the target while lying on their stomach. Each position is worth up to 100 points. Each team member had a total score from
the three rounds which then was added together for a team score. “Prone is usually the highest score because that position is so much more stable.� Johnson said. Jack Roach, a returning competitor, placed fifth out of 57 overall with a score of 198, only nine points from first place. Roach also placed first in the kneeling category and eighth in the standing category. Keenam Simenson placed third in the prone position. Katie Perkins and Shelby Williams, team captain, both scored 73 points in the prone competition which put them in ninth and tenth place, respectively. Glen Pascual, the only topten cadet competing for the first time, placed tenth in the standing position. Standing is the most unstable and difficult part, Johnson said. “I feel like everyone did pretty well this year,� said Christina Purdom, an MS-II cadet. The battalion received a
third place trophy and certificates for all cadets. On top of that, 14 of the 16 entrants are also applying for a $1000 cash Civilian Marksmanship program scholarship. This rifle competition, along with four letters of recommendation and a minimum 2.5 GPA fulfill the requirements to apply. Last year the UCO ROTC members were second in the nation to receive this scholarship. “I believe right now that they will all get it,� said Johnson. The Broncho Battalion Rifle Team practices at 4:30 every Tuesday at the National Guard Armory. “We usually have a dozen or more attend, depending on class schedules,� said Johnson. The Rifle Team is going to attend the Governors 20 National Guard Rifle Competition in March.
Student Body president shares experiences of Israel by Aaron Wright Staff Writer Student Body President Michael Goodman stepped off his flight from Oklahoma City to Israel in shorts and a T-shirt and walked outside onto snow Dec. 26, 2006. “It snowed for the first time in like a year the night we got there,� he said. For the next eight days, Goodman spent time learning about the culture of Israel as part of Project Interchange. He attended a seminar for university presidents. Project Interchange is an organization that introduces future American leaders to the Israeli culture. Student Body presidents from the Midwest region
apply for this opportunity. “It’s a pretty extensive process,� Goodman said. First, he completed a paper application and answered several essay questions. He then participated in a 45 minute interview. Only 13 students were selected. Oklahoma was the most represented state with three presidents attending. Most days, Goodman and the other students would meet around 8 a.m. to start their day. They would then board a bus and head to a location to hear speakers or visit sites. Some of the locations Goodman visited include the modern city of Tel Aviv, the ancient city of Jaffa, historic Jericho, Akko, and Haifa. The group spent most of its time
in Jerusalem. They also visited Masade, which used to house palaces and fortifications. While in the cities, they went to markets. He was able to see things such as untouched mosaics from thousands of years ago, as well as the site where the Last Supper was speculated to have happened. The two places they stayed were Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. In addition, they heard people speak on subjects such as politics, religion, and economy. Part of their trip also included a visit to the Holocaust Museum. “A lot of the people who were there had family members that were killed,� Goodman wrote in a journal he kept during his time there.
They were also able to visit the Dead Sea, where all the students got to swim or float in it. “It really is refreshing. You can swim really far our and just float. There’s nothing holding you back,� he said. Goodman especially enjoyed visiting the military sites. “I’m a military kid. We got to sit down with a lot of soldiers,� he said. Goodman said that every student, after graduating high school, serves time in the military. “It gave us a better understanding of how people that are the same age as us deal with life,� Goodman said. The students’ time in military service affected the college environment. When Goodman visited the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and spoke with college students, he realized that most of them were older. He said that not many students lived on campus. “It was good just to sit down with college students and get real,� he said. One student told Goodman about why students don’t vote and how most react to the political situation around them. He also said that because of the service, he would see people with guns milling throughout the streets, while they were site-seeing. Goodman also learned a few new words to
Photo provided
Michael Goodman takes a picture with OU and OSU student body presidents at the Masada fortress in Israel. add to his vocabulary. “Every day on the bus, our tour guide would teach us five “It gave us a better new words in Hebrew,� he said. A couple of the phrases understanding of how Goodman learned to say are “Shalom,� or ‘hello’ in Hebrew people that are the and “Boker Tov,� or ‘good morning.’ The tour guide also taught same age as us deal him how to count in Hebrew. At the end of his trip, he with life.� came back with pictures, stories, and several new people to network with. -Michael Goodman “It was one of the most incredible things I’ve ever done in my life,� said Goodman. He said the experience forced him to step out of his comfort zone and really become immersed in Aaron Wright can be reached at a different culture.
for Teaching Assistants for the Fall 2007 semester.
To learn more about gaining real classroom experience visit the website below.
DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS MARCH 1, 2007 QUESTIONS? Come to the Information Day in Room 211 in the Liberal Arts building from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on February 20 and 21 or contact Lexi Stuckey at or Julie Clanton at
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February 15, 2007
Hannibal's latest offering is bittersweet
AP Photo
"Hannibal Rising," currently being played at major theaters, is the prequel to the rest of Thomas Harris' series. spent greater part of our lives by Nathan Winfrey equating the good doctor with Senior Staff Writer cruelty, madness and sadism. In the past few years, It’s almost like watching early Hollywood has treated us to home movies of Adolf Hitler the back-story of Batman, as young Hannibal plays on Leatherface and Darth Vader. the grounds of the family castle Now, the recent trend of ori- with his little sister Mischa. It’s World War II, and gin films has reached the Hannibal Lecter franchise the Eastern Front is pushing with “Hannibal Rising,” a through Hannibal’s homefilling, yet bland dish served land. The Lecters are forced to cold by director Peter Webber seek refuge at a nearby lodge. (“Girl with a Pearl Earring”). A Nazi plane goes toe-to-toe The 8-year-old Hannibal we with a Russian tank on the meet in Lithuania is quite harm- front lawn, leaving the brother less, which is at first hard to and sister orphaned. The chilprocess, as many of us have dren hide out in the lodge,
until they are happened upon by desperate Nazi scavengers who cook Mischa into a stew. Years later, teen-aged Lecter (Gaspard Ulliel) sets out to find his widowed aunt (Gong Li, “Memoirs of a Geisha”). The two develop a creepy, pseudo-incestuous bond and he begins his medical training. An altercation at an open market leads to Lecter’s first murder, and a chance discovery sets Lecter on the trail of the men who ate his sister during the war. With a developing taste for human flesh, Lecter sets out, hungry for vengeance. The first question people should ask is if this film is necessary. I don’t think it is, but then again, were “Hannibal” and “Red Dragon” necessary either? “Silence of the Lambs,” the franchise flagship, set the benchmark about as high as it can get. It won five Academy Awards in 1992, including Oscars for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor in a Leading Role and Best Actress in a Leading Role. It made Hannibal the cannibal a pop culture icon. It’s easy for lackluster later installments to tarnish the memory of something great. Just look at “Star Wars.” This is a major hazard when revisiting something that is arguably perfect, and it becomes especially dangerous when new directors, actors, writers, etc. are brought on board. It would be like commissioning Thomas Kinkade to give the Mona Lisa a facelift. What sets this prequel apart is that it comes from the same source as the respected canon— a novel by series creator Thomas Harris, released last year. The problem is that series devotees will already know much of this story, and will be disappointed with how it comes off onscreen. The rest of us won’t care. Much of “Hannibal Rising” is boring. Among other time wasters, too much screen time
is given to the fragmented flashbacks that torment Lecter. It’s incredibly easy to guess what is in the flashback gaps long before Lecter figures it out, but the filmmakers chose to show us the same flickering images over and over again anyway. Tackling a role made iconic by Anthony Hopkins is an almost assured failure for any actor, and Ulliel manages to bring grace and intensity to that inevitable failure. Most of the other roles are cast well. Rhys Ifans (the slacker roommate from “Notting Hill”) plays the Nazi ringleader that Lecter must track and Richard Leaf, who plays Lecter’s father, eerily has Hopkins’ eyes. Whether it was intentional or not, it was a subtle but reassuring link to the series’ past. Light on thrills and light on relevance, “Hannibal Rising” plays like a PG-13 horror/drama directed at teens that somehow slipped a few things past the sensors. It peaks now and then with an inspired shot or line of dialogue that sounds like something the Lecter we know would say, but Hannibal deserves better than this. If it wasn’t based on a book, it would be easy to dismiss the film as a shameless final kick at a dead horse. However, there is a sequence with young Lecter, chained and running through the snow, which will stick with you. And an image of the maneater-intraining lifting to his face a Japanese ceremonial mask reminiscent of his restraints later in life is one of the few things that remind us, bitterly, how far the franchise has fallen.
2 stars/5 Nathan Winfrey can be reached at
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"Invisible Children," a documentary that portrays war-torn Uganda, was recently shown in Constitution Hall.
Documentary shows turmoil in Uganda by Abha Eli Phoboo Staff Writer On Feb. 12, Constitution Hall in the Nigh University Center was packed with people watching a film to change the world. “Invisible Children,” a documentary made by three young Americans about the child war-victims of Uganda, tells a story often never heard. Uganda in East Africa is still struggling to come to terms with the conflict and rebellion that it recently suffered. There have been peace talks which failed, as the world went about its own business. When the young Americans went to Uganda, they were shocked by what was happening. They met the children who left their homes every night and walked for hours to sleep in the hospital for safety. Thousands thronged in this sanctuary in order to be able to sleep peacefully, without the fear of being abducted, tortured, beaten or killed. Watching the children in those cramped spaces and listening to their stories became the “Invisible Children,” that is traveling throughout the United States in order to raise a voice for the children in Uganda. What is unique about this film is that it not only shows what the problem is, but also
offers ways you can help on different levels to contribute toward the solution. After the screening was over, the audience filed out in the lobby to buy Invisible Children merchandise, 90 percent of which, the organizers said, would go toward the education and welfare of a Ugandan child. Invisible Children sells T-shirts and bracelets that come with DVDs which have stories of different individual children in Uganda. “This was my third time and I’m just so glad to be able to support and encourage this, to see the difference they are making,” said Megan Labay, art education major. The Invisible Children road crew is traveling to Kansas and other cities where they will be screening the film and raising funds. Besides money, the Invisible Children also holds the Global Night Commute on April 23, where people are asked to camp out in the city to silently protest what’s happening in Uganda. Invisible Children plans to extend their program to Myanmar and later, hopefully, to other conflict zones. Abha Eli Phoboo can be reached at
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ZIOS Italian Kitchen 12 E. California (Bricktown) NOW HIRING 10 SERVERS. Apply in person. Monday through Thursday 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. _____________________ PART-TIME front desk, phones, mail, reports, computer skills a MUST! Call Ann @ 424-4006 _____________________ Event Staff/Wait Staff/Beverage Cart/Bag Room- Now Hiring flexible, friendly, energetic and motivated individuals for part-time positions. Fun atmosphere No Experience necessary, will train. Willingness to work weekends. Please apply in person. 10909 Club House Road, Edmond (405) 771-5800 _____________________ HELP NEEDED for auction registration weekend of Feb 17,18 & 24,25. Call 476-5284 if interested. _____________________ FLYER DISTRIBUTORS WANTED for Feb 15,16,17,18 & 22,23,24,25. Contact (405) 476-5284 if interested. _____________________ J.J KELLY BRIDAL part-time. Must work Saturdays, Fashion Merchandise Students Welcome. Call for an interview. (405) 752-0029 _____________________ WANTED DAYTIME NANNY/ BABYSITTER. Must be able to transport, must have references, good pay. Call Carmen @ (405) 388-6949 _____________________ McAlisters Deli is now looking for energetic crew members to work Tuesday/Thursday lunch. Great pay, flexible hours & good times. Come see us today or give us a call. (405) 340-3354 _____________________
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A MUST SEE 3217 S. Rankin, 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 car garage, fireplace, fenced yard, no pets, good area at N.E. 33rd in Edmond. Call 341-9046 or 921-0909 _____________________ KICK IT IN '07 at BRYANT SQUARE APTS. Swing in the new year in your new apt home! Call for our ROCKIN' SPECIALS! (405) 340-5387 _____________________ SUNSET RIDGE APTS Come check out our AWESOME $99 move-in SPECIAL. Rates start at only $395. 341-7987 _____________________ STRATFORD SQUARE APTS $100 off your first months rent! Rates starting at only $379!!! 285-4195 _____________________ SAVE MONEY FROM DORM LIVING, 1 bedroom, $355/month. No w/d, No pets, No Smoking. Water Paid, Near UCO. Security Dep. & Appl. fee required. 408-8765 _____________________ A MUST SEE! 207 W. Hurd. 3 bed/ 1 bath/ 2 living areas. Fenced yard. Pets okay with extra deposit. $725/month, $500 deposit. Available Feb. 5th. _____________________
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9 4 7 2
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Last week's solution 5 8 7 4 3 1 9 2 6
3 2 4 9 6 8 5 1 7
9 1 6 2 7 5 8 4 3
7 4 2 8 5 3 1 6 9
6 3 5 7 1 9 2 8 4
8 9 1 6 2 4 7 3 5
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1 6 8 5 4 7 3 9 2
Puzzle by
The rules of Sudoku are simple. Enter digits from 1 to 9 in the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square. Each Sudoku has a unique solution that can be reached logically, without guessing.
1. Official prohibition against something. 4. Stalk of a moss capsule. 8. Having more than one decidedly dissimilar aspects. 12. Aboriginal initiation rite. 13. Having wings. 14. Looks at someone with obvious sexual interest. 16. Dusty pink color. 17. Socially incorrect in behavior. 18. Impudent aggressiveness. 19. Type of submachine gun. 20. Book by Jose de Alencar. 21. Inquire about. 23. Letter of the Greek alphabet. 24. Nikola _, inventor. 26. North American republic containing 50 states. 28. Recede from the land. 30. Point. 32. Artificial source of visible illumination. 36. Largest city of the Ukraine. 39. Employed in accomplishing something. 41. Elder son of Isaac. 42. Prepare oneself for a military confrontation. 43. African river. 45. Extension at the end and at right angles to the main building. 46. Set down according to a plan. 48. Capital of Peru. 49. Steep-sided container with a handle. 50. Incan sun god. 51. Crisp, long-leaved lettuce. 52. Journey. 54. Compel. 56. Having a specified pace. 60. Metal container for storing dry foods such as tea or flour. 63. Horse of a dull brownish gray color. 65. Affirmative vote. 67. Monetary unit of Vietnam. 68. Several breeds of dogs trained to pursue game either by sight or by scent. 70. Beyond what is natural. 72. Square _. 73. Give qualities to. 74. Involving substantial risk. 75.Voracious snakelike marine fishes. 76. Cause to go somewhere. 77. In Angola 100 of these equal 1kwanza.
78. Unit of surface area equal to 100 square meters.
1. Distilled rather than fermented. 2. Elevation of voice now called metrical accentuation. 3. Scottish English for â&#x20AC;&#x153;no.â&#x20AC;? 4. Dress worn primarily by Hindu women. 5. Twelfth month of the civil year. 6. Slight degree of difference. 7. Subject of study. 8. Platforms where trucks can be loaded or unloaded. 9. Exclamation expressive of disgust. 10. On or toward the side away from the wind. 11. List of candidates for some office. 12. Very dry champagne. 15. Jamaican urban dance form popular in the 1960s. 20. Sesame plant. 22. Quantity obtained by addition. 25. Bulgarian money. 27. General name for beer made with a top fermenting yeast. 29. Small rounded bread. 30. Armor plate that protects the chest. 31. That which has just been said. 33. In the direction of the sea. 34. Landlocked republic in northwestern Africa.
last week's solution
35. Steer into a certain direction. 36. Wife of Siva. 37. Core of the ancient empire that was known as Persia until 1935. 38. Give off. 40. Cylindrical tower used for storing silage. 44. Lacking experience. 47. Site of an archeological exploration. 49. Aluminum coin of Burma. 51. Raw. 53. Someone who copies the behavior of another. 55. Combined to increase in size. 57. Shout of approval. 58. Emblem representing power. 59. Sleep in a convenient place. 60. Word placed before nouns to limit or individualize their meaning. 61. Atom with one or more electrons stripped off, giving it a net positive charge. 62. Completely unclothed. 64. Quantity of no importance. 65. Common adolescence skin disorder. 66. _ Berra, baseball player. 69. Buoy resembling a cone. 71. Momentary present.
72. Plant member of the Legume family
7 Teed off: spring golf set to begin by Tyler Dunn Student Writer
There’s nothing that can ruin a golf game like winter weather. The recent wave of winter weather can be dangerous for a team preparing for a golf season. “Nobody’s going to feel sorry for you,” Coach Dax Johnston said about his team and its lack of preparation time. “[There’s] nothing we can do about the snow and ice.” There will be no sympathy from other teams and there will be no transition period as the team starts off with a hard schedule. UCO will begin its spring season in Austin, TX. There they will face seven of the top 20 teams. The next event, the Southern California Intercollegiate, will feature six of the top 20 Division-II teams. Senior Matt Ellis said the team would be starting a little cold turkey, but they have been preparing in other ways. Forced to stay inside, practice has consisted mostly of conditioning, mental preparation, and hitting balls inside. Even with Mother Nature’s interference, the team still feels confident going into the second part of the season. “We’ve been able to look adversity in the face, we’ll be as prepared as we could be,” Coach Johnston said. The roster features two top competitors on a team that won two of five tournaments in the fall, but didn’t play too strong the other three, according to Coach Johnston. The team is led by its top golfer, Mitch Boles, who’s one of the top ten Division II golfers in the nation, according to his coach. Accompanying Boles is the team’s premier recruit, Colby Shrum. Shrum’s aver-
Vista archives
A UCO golfer puts during the fall part of the golf season. age round was a 73.1 last fall. The golf squad will have three new players this spring. Brent Cole will forfeit his redshirt and begin to compete. Two new transfers will also join the Bronchos. Zach Cleland comes in from Wichita State, and Brent Cole, a transfer from Oklahoma City University, are both expected to help out. “We have a great schedule, we’re striving to play our best at the end of the season,” Coach Johnston said.
“We’ve been able to look adversity in the face, we’ll be as prepared as we could be,” -Dax Johnston Jeff Massie can be reached at
Mari Suursalu, and Kylie West, will have their fair share of the responsibility as well. While they each come from different backgrounds, they all have one thing on their mind: golf. Mari Suursalu, from Tallinn, Estonia, is a dangerous young player that managed a 77.7 scoring average, a superb posting for her initial showing at UCO. Darcey McRay, from Mangum, is another powerful prospect on this season’s club. Her fall consisted of two top-20 finishes to go along with a ninth-place finish in her first collegiate tournament. Homegrown golfer Kylie West from Edmond, is also expected to make a big impact in the spring. Her scoring average of 84.3 this fall shows great skill on the course and her lead-
ership skills both on and off the course show that much more. Maria Jimenez is a newcomer from Monteria, Colombia, who has proven she has the talent to compete at this level. “College golf is a pretty big transition; each shot is much more critical. As a team you win or lose tournaments by two or three strokes,” McRay said. “Our team could be a strong contender because every player one through five is capable of shooting a low score.” Much is left to prove this season as this young team learns how to handle the pressures of competitive golf, but with these golfers’ track records, all looks well at UCO.
Recently, the UCO Women’s Golf team has excelled, and this season’s outlook appears no less promising. The program began in 2003 with coach Patty Coatney at the helm and has been leading the Lone Star Conference ever since. Coatney, while considered a new face among the coaching ranks, is widely recognized as one of the best amateur golfers in state history. Coatney’s experience, along with the talent level of her golfers, has formed a great formula for success at UCO and should follow suit this year as well. This year’s squad is comprised of four freshmen and one senior. However, while the journey appears lengthy, that is not to say their future does not look bright. When Coatney was asked the one word that described this year’s team, she immediately responded, “fighters.” She also said this group of golfers has, “a greater dedication to go win golf tournaments,” than any she had previously coached. Much of the Bronchos’ success will be in the hands of Ashley Miller, the sole senior and apparent leader of this promising team. Ashley made great strides in the fall and is hoping to capitalize on her success this spring. A transfer from Texas State University, she is poised to enjoy a colossal final go-around for UCO. “Now that Ashley is adjusted, we are really expecting improvement this spring,” Coatney said. Vista archives Miller’s four remaining teammates, Maria UCO golfer Ashley Miller, a Senior from Greeley, Colo, takes a shot. Jimenez, Darcey McRay,
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by Jeff Massie Sports Writer
February 15, 2007
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February 15, 2007
UCO captain AJ Alfrey leads inaugural season by Justin Langston Sports Writer “The best team I’ve ever been on is the one where everyone gets along,” UCO hockey team captain AJ Alfrey said. “My goal as captain is to keep the team together.” Alfrey is no stranger to being a leader, leading his high school team as well as his team playing in the Central State Hockey League juniors. His job requires him to be a field marshal and sergeant. He has to help keep an eye on his team and make sure they build on their mistakes. Hailing from the suburbs of Chicago, Alfrey started playing hockey in grade school. When trying out sports in the fourth grade, he played roller hockey and just took to it. “It was the one I was the best at,” he said. “And I had a natural talent for it, I guess.” While playing in the roller hockey leagues, Alfrey and his team showed their talent, winning nationals five times in a row. While he played
roller hockey in his childhood, he wouldn’t hit the ice until he began playing for his high school during freshman year. Alfrey played hockey all throughout high school. Afterwards, he was recruited to play in the CSHL juniors for the Chicago Forests. He played there for two years. During his tenure with the Forests, he made the CSHL All-Star team where he played in the national competition. “It was real intense,” he said. “Probably the highest level of hockey I’ve played before UCO.” Alfrey was eventually chosen to play on the Chicago Showcase team, when UCO hockey head coach Craig McAlister noticed him. Despite not playing at his best due to a minor injury, McAlister went on to pick Alfrey to lead the Bronchos in their inaugural season. “Coach never saw me at my best until I came here,” Alfrey said. “It’s a great honor knowing he would pick me, that he would have faith in me to lead his new program.”
McAlister’s faith was well placed, as Alfrey has led the team to many victories, even against Oklahoma, a hockey program built by McAlister himself. Alfrey even managed to lead the team after injuring his back. Although Alfrey isn’t quite sure what caused his injury, it was causing him constant pain and required him to go through electroconvulsive therapy. “I couldn’t put on my socks, I couldn’t put on my shoes and I couldn’t get up in the morning,” Alfrey said. “It was really sore and it hurt a lot, but I’m not going to let it stop me play the game I love. It’s the worst feeling, sitting up in the stands. Win or loose, you just want to be out there.” Even injured, Alfrey came to his team’s aid in the away series against Lindenwood University. Off of the ice, Alfrey is a fan of rap music, which he says is a rarity among hockey teams, as well as action movies and movies that require thought. One of his favorite movies is “The Boondock
by Vista photographer Laehyung Lee
UCO Hockey Club member Erik Jansen takes aim at his opponent Feb. 2 at Arctic Edge Arena. Saints” and he says he’s a huge fan of the Fox series “24.” Hockey isn’t the only sport Alfrey has any interest in, either. He’s played intramural basketball as a point guard and played some intramural soccer as a goalie. However, Alfrey has always had an interest in football, despite never getting to play on a team.
“[Football] was a sport I always wanted to get into,” he said. “But hockey just took up most of my time.” While growing up, one of Alfrey’s best friend’s dads was a former NFL player and taught Alfrey the basics of football. A kinesiology major, Alfrey hopes to play professional hockey for a bit before being
a trainer for a pro or college hockey team. He says he’s considered some physical education, but his ultimate goal remains training a hockey team.
Justin Langston can be reached at
Road Trip: Baseball season in full swing by Jeff Massie Sports Writer
The Broncho Baseball team will take its first road trip of the season this weekend, going to Angelo State to play a four-game series. After being crowned champions of the Lone Star Conference last season, a lot is expected of the Bronchos this year. Preseason rankings have UCO picked to win the LSC North Division. Conference coaches, sports information directors, and various members of the media voted on the rankings, and the team received 13 of 14 first place votes. The remaining vote went to Cameron University, ranked third overall, behind Southeastern Oklahoma. The series against Angelo State features two doubleheaders in two days. The No. 15 Bronchos have faced Angelo State eight times in the past, and have controlled the series, winning six of the eight match-ups. The Rams are currently ranked 26th according to the Division II Coach’s Poll, and have a record of 3-3 as of Feb. 12. The Bronchos have played one game this season. Their season opener at home against Arkansas Tech resulted in a tie. “Hard to tell [what to expect],” head coach Wendell Simmons said. “We’ve
only played one game.” UCO is lead by an experienced lineup that features 12 seniors and 14 juniors. The batting order is carried by senior first baseman Derec Norman. Norman led the team in hits last year with 91 base knocks, the fourth most in UCO history. Sophomore catcher Miguel Moctezuma led off against Arkansas Tech, reaching base three times on a hit and two walks in four appearances. He was named the North Division’s Rookie of the Year in 2006. His play at catcher resulted in only one error in 405 chances. The team possesses five firstteam All-LSC North players and three second-teamers. Brett Case and Nate Nance made the first team as pitchers. Brett Case, Bryce Columbus, Norman and Tim Sullivan earned the honors for their play in the field. Moctezuma and Bryan Belford made the second-team as catcher and infielder, respectively. Cameron Karner also made the second-team as a pitcher. Some big contributors to last year’s national tournament team are out of eligibility, and will leave some big gaps to be filled. The key departures include Brandon Bacon and Matt Yost. Bacon is the career leader in home runs (33) and had 79 RBIs in 2006, the second highest in a season. Yost claims the
by Vista photographer Travis Marak
UCO pitcher Brett Case and catcher Miguel Moctezuma conference at the mound during the game against Arkansas Tech Feb. 9 at Broncho Field. fifth highest batting average in UCO history. He also has the seventh and eighth most RBIs. “We’re looking forward to
having an outstanding season,” Coach Simmons said. “The offense is probably going to be taken on by four or five guys.”
The series will provide the tunity to win all four games. Bronchos a good opportunity to get off to a good start. Jeff Massie can be reached at The team will have an oppor-
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