The Vista Feb. 2, 2006

Page 1



MLK III postpones speech after mother's death

Students rally for reform

Event to be rescheduled in its entirety by Matt Cauthron

tion for the event has been halted until a new date for the event has been set. Tickets will be free to students. He said all tickets that have been distributed will be honored at the rescheduled event.

Editor in Chief

'Students for saving social security' stage national rally at college campuses

by Courtney Bryce Managing Editor

The UCO College Republicans rallied at 11 a.m. Jan. 30 on the south side of the Communications Building. Joshua Hollman, vice chair of College Republicans, said this was a nationwide event coordinated by Students for Saving Social Security, which does not have a UCO chapter. Hollman said the point of the event was to give the message that college students haven't forgotten the issue. "They are getting ready to go out and work and pay these taxes and they want to see some results," Hollman said. Hollman said the date of the event coordinated with the State of the Union address. "I think it was picked in association with the State of the Union address in anticipation that the president would pick the issue back up as a good national leader would," Hollman said. Hollman said personal retirement accounts allow money to be invested that will increase benefits. "We're putting money in trust funds into investments that don't keep up with inflation, much less earn more," Hollman said. "That means we can't keep up with the costs of Social Security." "The outgrowth is many people have constituent and don't want it to change because they benefit now," Hollman said. "Some people won't benefit later, even if they think they will. It's a pay as you go system and trust funds will not kick-in." Hollman said Social Security is costing Americans a bigger share of the economy every year. "We're feeling the effects right- now," Hollman. "It's not something in the future." Andy Mahbubani, UCO Young Democrat president, said there are more important issues for college students to concentrate on. "Social security is a dead issue," Manbubani said. "Students don't really care about Social Security. They're still trying to get out of college." Manbubani said more attention should be paid to the national budget, which cut student loans by 15 percent. Manbubani said people could lose their money because privatization would invest it in the stock market. Mahbubani said he gives the College Republicans credit for choosing to rally right before Bush gave his State of the Union Speech.

see RALLY, page 6


*:SECURI by Vista photographer Midori Sasaki

Ben Lepak, University of Oklahoma student, speaks about social security reform Jan. 30 at Broncho Lake.

Former neo-nazi to speak against hatred

Russian author delivers lecture

Longing for springtime

Mix of new recruits and returning players holds promise for new season.

See Sports pg. 12

ISC votes to boost budget New parliamentarian appointed at meeting by Nathan Winfrey Staff Writer

The International Student Council appointed a new parliamentarian and voted to increase the budget Jan. 30. Alaa Eddin Obeid, biology senior from Syria, was given the office without contest after a short speech, and took his seat at the podium after his appointment. For many years, ISC has been operating on a budget formula that allocated $1 per international student. This semester, there are 1289 international students, so the ISC budget allocation is $1289, said Josephine Mangoli, ISC president.

Staff Writer

Staff Writer

Broncho Baseball Preview

For full story on Coretta Scott King, see pg. 5

by Heather Warlick

by Christina Purdom

UCO will host the Second Annual Oklahoma Conference on College Student Character Feb. 4 at the Nigh University Center, Nineteenth Hole. MeShawn Conley, Assistant Director of Character Development at UCO said the theme this year is "about face" and focuses on the six essential elements of good character: diversity, health, leadership, service, spirituality, and ethics. The conference is free to UCO students, staff and faculty. A complementary breakfast and lunch will be provided. "The conference was created last year after the higher education community expressed a concern for character in today's society," Conley said. The conference will include 19 workshops that focus on the different aspects of character and guest speakers. Conley said one of the guest speakers will be Tom Martinez, a former member of a neo-nazi group called "The Order" and author of "Brotherhood of Murder."

Martin Luther King III was scheduled to speak at UCO Feb. 2 in honor of black history month, but postponed his appearance after the death of his mother, Coretta Scott King, Jan. 31 at age 78. "To the best of our knowledge, it will be rescheduled for sometime later this month," said Charlie Johnson, UCO News Bureau Director. King was scheduled to give a speech titled, "My Father's Dream, My Mission" in the Nigh University Center Ballroom, and the UCO Ebony Gospel Choir was scheduled to perform. Following the speech, a studentled march around the campus in remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was scheduled. Johnson said all the planned activities will take place at the rescheduled event. Brooke Wilson, director of Campus Life, said professors will be encouraged to use UCONNECT to inform students of the specifics of the rescheduling when the arrangements are made. Johnson said ticket distribu-

Matt Cauthron can be reached at

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activities. "There is a lack of ethics and honesty in today's society," Conley said. "There needs to be a renewed focus on ethics and honesty." Oklahoma City University, Northwestern State University,

Dr. Aleksandr Timofeev, distinguished Russian author and historian, spoke to a group of about 100 students and faculty Jan. 31 in the Pegasus Theater at UCO. His lecture was titled, "Problems of Contemporary Russia- Literary and Sociopolitical Perspectives," and focused on the challenges faced by Russia in today's post modern, post Communist society, and he often referred to the book, "Godfather in the Kremlin," by Paul Klebnikov. Timofeev identified a "lack of national identity" as one of the biggest problems in today's Russian society. He said changes made by the new Russian government have left citizens in all social classes struggling to connect to modern society without losing their cultural identity. For example, the Russian national anthem has changed and holidays such as Easter and Christmas, that were formerly unobserved, have been reinstated. Even the traditional flag of Russia has changed, he said.

"The International Student Council hosts many international events on campus which cost more than the ISC can afford. This always put the account in red," Mangoli said. The office of Dr. Kathryn Gage, vice president of Student Affairs allocates $25,000 to international student organizations annually, and Proposal B, which increases ISC's share of that money to $2.50 per student, passed by a majority vote. Proposition A would have increased funds based on a percentage.

see CHARACTER, page 3

see AUTHOR, page 6

see ISC, page 6

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by Vista photographer Midori Sasaki

Two UCO geese mill about campus, presumably anticipating the coming of the elusive groundhog to signal the coming of spring.

Conley said Martinez worked with the FBI to bring down "The Order" and now speaks about the dangers of hatred. Other workshops will include activities such as yoga, lectures on subjects such as forgiveness and health education, as well as leadership

Oscar nominations. arrive The Vista's Nathan Winfrey breaks down the Oscar race, which began Feb. 1 when the 2005 nominations were announced.

See Entertainment pg. 9

Alaa Eddin Obeid

'Comic Potential' to debut Feb. 9 UCO production examines how art may imitate life.

See News pg. 3


new ISC parliamentarian



February 2, 2006

THEVISTA Editorial


Matt Cauthron, Editor in Chief Courtney Bryce, Managing Editor Trisha Evans, Copy Editor

Brett Deering, Photo Editor Midori Sasaki Travis Marak

Advertising Elizabeth Erwin, Ad Director Tyler Evans, Ad Designer

News Nathan Winfrey, Staff Writer Christina Purdom, Staff Writer Melissa Wilkins, Staff Writer Desiree Treeby, Staff' Writer

Cartoons/Illustrations Cary String:field

Secretary Sports

Nancy Brown

Kristen Limam, Sports Editor Teddy Burch, Sports Writer

Adviser Mark Zimmerman

LETTERS The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, with a maximum of 150 words, and must include the author's printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters and does not publish anonymous letters.

The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semi-weekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and on Thursdays only during summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034. Telephone: (405) 9745549. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy obtained.

EDITORIALS Opinion columns, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. Editorial cartoons do not necessarily represent the views of the artist. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO.

Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034-5209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 107. Letters can be e-mailed to editorial@ thevistaonline.corn. Cartoon by Cary String,field

Do everyone a favor and beat the bad breath bug LA Dose A forlorn-looking Southern belle leans dejectedly against a window seat haloed by the telltale caption about being always a bridesmaid, never a bride, a cartoon lament underscored by the words, "What's wrong with me?." The late 19th century mouthwash ad cites bad breath as her repellant problem, a social setback that will conserve her status as a twenty-year-old spinster. Times and dating standards have changed since then for college students everywhere, but bad breath remains an embarrassing hygiene issue. While there's no guarantee that minty freshness will improve your love life, being able to engage in conversation without your date covering her nose is a reasonable first step to further romance. Information and a few tips about an often-ignored subject may make yours a happier Valentine's Day. If someone has offered you a stick of gum lately, you may be one of the estimated 90 million Americans who suffer from frequent bad breath without realizing its severity. Medically known as halitosis, the presence

Callie A.` Collins

of a foul odor emanating from the mouth and throat is often caused by certain foods and personal care habits. Mouthwashes and toothpastes only mask bad breath for a limited period of time and neither is as effective as taking proactive measures to prevent it. According to the Academy of General Dentistry, brushing your teeth properly should include the tongue, cheeks, and roof of the mouth, areas that trap food particles. Flossing, a simple activity most people admit they should engage in more frequently, also promotes fresh breath in addition to tooth maintenance. Ask a dental hygienist at your next exam to demonstrate correct brushing and flossing techniques. Giving up any tobacco habits makes an instant difference in your overall health, but perhaps most esthetically, your breath will noticeably improve. Expecting pungent foods like garlic, onions, or coffee to go away with an after-dinner mint can curb a romantic evening; as they continue to be released from the pores for 72 hours. Carefully peruse restaurant

menus for these offenders and similar culprits with less obvious names like chives or horseradish before selecting your entrĂŠe. Ask the waiter about the ingredients of any accompanying sauces and save strong spices for another occasion. Xerostomia, usually known as dry mouth, is also a less obvious suspect in chronic cases of halitosis. Defined as a lack of the saliva that ordinarily keeps your mouth moist and clears away bacteria, dry mouth is caused by anxiousness and hunger, two conditions common before an evening out. Drink an extra glass of water and eat a light snack before leaving the house. Certain prescription medications, including oral contraceptives, are a hidden contributor. In some cases, persistent bad breath can be a sign of other previously undetected conditions like diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, and other internal infections. Consult a doctor if halitosis continues despite your best efforts to eliminate it.

On Super Bowl Sunday, there are three kinds of fans by Melissa Wilkins Staff Writer

In the professional world of football, the Super Bowl is the championship game of the For more information, National Football League in visit the American Dental the United States. Beginning in Association at http://www 1967, the game is held to find the best of the best between teams breath.asp. Your date will on the AFC, American Football Conference, and the NFC, the thank you. National Football Conference. The winner takes home the Vince Lombardi Trophy. 4 As the football players head out onto the field, 60 percent Callie Collins can be reached at of America tunes in to watch the event. That means that 80 to 90 million Americans take

time to engage in the festivities the game brings. Within that amount of viewers, the percentage is broken up into three different types of fans. The fanatic watches every professional game making the occasional bet in hopes of cashing in. "I am going to a friends house, betting lots of money and drinking lots of beer," said Chad Pierce, advertising senior. The second group of fans enjoys the time hanging out with friends rather than just watching the big game, although it will be on the television in the background.

"I am going to have a feast of fajitas and an ice chest filled with Coronas and limes," said Shane Mays, advertising senior. The last group of fans could care less about the outcome of the game and only watch the game as a justified reason to drink during the day. "I'm not an NFL fan, I am more of a college football fanunless it is Minnesota," said Mark Scott, Operations Manager of KCSU-TV. On Super Bowl Sunday which ever group you may fall into, just remember to have fun, bet smart and drink responsibly.

CAMPUS QUOTES Compiled and photographed by Travis Marak & Midori Sasaki

Where will you be watching the Super Bowl this Sunday? "When I'm done with my Dungeons & Dragons conference, I'll probably watch it with my 'Trekkie' friends."

"Probably at church."

"Probably at home with my friends."

Brent Vernon

Jonathan Still

Teara Flagg

Robert Lindsey

Communications/Education, senior

Political Science, junior

Political Science, sophomore

Undecided, freshman

"With my grandparents in Hollis, Oklahoma."


February 2, 2006

'Comic Potential' aments effects of television by Courtney Bryce Managing Editor Theater students will act out the future in the play "Comic Potential" at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 9-11 and 2 p.m. Feb. 12 in Mitchell Hall. Dr. Donald Bristow, theater professor and director, said he first saw the play in London. "I was very taken with it, and I thought it was something we could do," Bristow said. Bristow said the play is set in the future when robots, called actoids, do the acting. The play starts in a television studio where Chandler, a dried-up television director, is directing a soap opera using actoids. Adam, the owner's nephew, is a writer and comes to the studio because he is a fan of the once famous director. Bristow said the plot revolves around Jacie, one of the actoids, who begins to show human characteristics, like creativity and a sense of humor. Adam falls in love with her. Bristow said Chandler recognizes the talent of Jacie and that she has "comic potential," which is where the title of the play comes from. Bristow said the play was written by British playwright Alan Ayckboum. "I think the point he (Ayckbourn) is making is that we'll have gotten to the point where television has dumbed us all down. We'll get to the point where we're not really sure about relationships," Bristow said. "Can Adam find happiness with an actoid that we can't fmd with human beings?" Bristow said Ayckbourn pokes fun at things m society in hope that people will think about them. "He shows just how shallow television has become to the point that we no longer have

by Vista photographer Travis Marak 1

show." Bristow said there was also a challenge for set design because of how rapidly the cast moves from place to place. Bristow said the only thing he changed about the play was setting it in the U.S. instead of England. "I thought the audience could identify better if it was in the U.S.," Bristow said. "People that come to see the show will not have to worry about or expect British dialogue." Bristow said his favorite part of directing students is seeing them develop through the course of the play. "Our philosophy has been that you teach just as much in rehearsal as you do in class," Bristow said. "What these actors are learning in doing this play is comic and technique." Bristow said audience members can expect a funny and enjoyable evening. "This is a play which I hope people will be able to laugh from beginning to end," Bristow said.

Theater majors, from left: Senior Daniel Gilbert, freshman David Schroeder and senior Court* Drumm, rehearse for 'Comic Potential.' human actors," Bristow said. "I don't believe it's simply fluff." David Schroeder, who plays the role of Adam, said Ayckbourn is making a statement about the present. "Hardly any of our movies are saying anything anymore," Schroeder said. "These are robots and 14 million people tune in. Is this our future? I hope not." Schroeder said the play is saying the triumphs of art will always come out. "Even though she (Jacie) is mechanical, she's still original, creative and unique," Bristow said. "And that's the heart of the artist." Bristow said he was looking

for a comic quality when he cast the play. "I was looking for people who were available that I thought possessed the qualities of the characters," Bristow said. Bristow said acting out comedy is much more complicated than people would expect. "It's all in the timing," Schroeder said. "There's a rhythm in comedy. If there's not a rhythm, it's not going to work." Schroeder said each cast member brings something different to the table that corresponds with their character. Schroeder said his character makes references to early

comedians like Buster Keaton and Preston Sturges. "He (Adam) loves old comedy," Schroeder said. "I kind of had to research it. He references a lot of silent and early comedy." Schroeder said the most difficult thing about playing Adam is to remain naĂŻve and innocent without letting irritation show through. He said he first interpreted Adam as irritated instead of persistent. Bristow said the only obstacle the cast had to overcome was time. "I was gone the first week of the semester," Bristow said. "Even if I had been here, we'd still be a little tight for this

CHARACTER from page 1 Southeastern University, Carl Albert State College, OSU Okmulgee, and Northern Oklahoma will also attend the event. Conley said spaces are still available and asks that interested students contact the Campus Life office at 974-2363. Registration and breakfast starts at 8:30 a.m. Saturday. Christina Purdom can be reached at cpurdom@thevistaonlinacom.

Gov. Henry recommends use of funds by Ron Jenkins AP Writer Gov. Brad Henry said Wednesday he will recommend using one-fourth of a $400 million Rainy Day Fund windfall to create an "opportunity fund" to provide incentives for closing economic development deals. Oklahoma has been aggressive in trying to attract new businesses to the state, but has "lost some deals because we have been unable to put additional incentives on the table," Henry told reporters and editors at The Associated Press' annual Legislative Workshop. He said the opportunity fund would be similar to the "enterprise fund" in operation in Texas. Henry also proposed earmarking $100 million of the $400 million windfall for the state's EDGE endowment, a high-tech research fund created a year ago, and $100 million for the cash-strapped teacher retirement system. Henry had previously proposed spending $100 million of the Rainy Day overage on fixing the state's worst bridges. Because the Rainy Day Fund is at its maximum capacity under a constitutional formula, an extra $400 million in idle funds will accumulate after the first of the fiscal year on July 1. That's besides more than $600 million in extra money the 2006 Legislature will have to spend for the next fiscal year. The rise in oil and natural gas prices is the main reason for an estimated $314 million in growth funds and a similar amount of surplus cash. The Legislature convenes Monday to hear details of Henry's budget.

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February 2, 2006


Bush outlines agenda for coming year in State of the Union Bush to nation: 'America is addicted to oil' by Terence Hunt AP Writer

A politically weakened PresidentBush declaredTuesday night that America must break its long dependence on Mideast oil and rebuked critics of his stay-the-course strategy for the unpopular war in Iraq. "America is addicted to oil, which is often imported from unstable parts of the world," Bush said as he sought to drive the election-year agenda in his annual State of the Union address. Rejecting calls for the withdrawal of troops from Iraq, Bush said, "There is no peace in retreat." He also slapped at those who complain he took the country to war on the erroneous grounds that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction. "Hindsight alone is not wisdom," Bush said. "And secondguessing is not a strategy." In *an unscripted moment, anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a fallen soldier in Iraq, was taken into custody by police in the House gallery just before Bush spoke to a joint session of Congress. She was escorted from the visitors gallery after she caused a disruption, a Capitol Police official said. With Congress facing midterm elections in November, there was a partisan mood in the chamber as Bush, hampered by big budget deficits, offered a modest program. Democrats stood and cheered when Bush said that Congress did not act a year ago "on my proposal to save Social Security." Bush shook his finger and continued, "yet the rising cost of entitlements is "aproblem that is not going. away." Switching gears, Bush asked lawmakers to join him in naming a commission to examine the impact of Baby Boom retirements on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid spending. He declared that the "the state of our union is strong" despite Americans' anxieties about the war in Iraq, the economy and soaring energy costs. Oil prices are inching toward $70 a barrel, throwing a cloud over the economy and pinching Americans' pocketbooks. Bush called for increased federal research into alternative


President George W. Bush speaks to congress and the nation Jan. 31 during the annual State of the Union speech. fuels such as ethanol made from weeds or wood chips instead of corn. Virginia Gov. Timothy M. Kaine, chosen to deliver the response for the Democrats, scolded Bush on the soaring national debt, the frustrated effort to rebuild the hurricanebattered Gulf Coast, Medicaid cuts and other issues. On Iraq, Kaine said that Americans were given "inaccurate information about the reasons for invading" and that troops were given body armor that was inadequate. "The federal government should serve the American people," the newly elected governor said. "But that mission is frustrated by this administration's poor choices and bad management. Bush'S address came amid a changing of the guard elsewhere in Washington. Conservative judge Samuel Alito was sworn in as a new Supreme Court justice, replacing Sandra Day O'Connor, who has been a moderate swing vote. The Senate also confirmed Ben Bernanke to be chairman of the Federal Reserve, replacing Alan Greenspan after 18 1/2 years in the influential job. Alito was in the House chamber, alongside new Chief Justice John Roberts, another Bush nominee, and Justices Stephen Breyer and Clarence Thomas. The president was applauded 58 times in a speech that ran slightly more than 50 minutes.

Facing budget deficits that may approach or exceed $400 billion this year, Bush had no room for expensive, new initiatives. But Bush did call for greater public spending on basic science research and more money for math and science education. He proposed an initiative to train 70,000 high school teachers to lead advanced-placement courses in math and science. In addition, he urged bringing 30,000 math and science professionals into the classrooms to teach. "We need to encourage children to take more math and science and make sure those courses are rigorous enough to compete with other nations," the president said. Bush went before the nation after the toughest year of his administration. His job approval rating is in the anemic high 30s to low 40s. Health care is a priority for both parties, particularly since nearly 46 million Americans lack insurance. Democrats say that in 2005 alone, the number of uninsured grew by nearly a million. "Keeping American competitive requires affordable health care," the president said. Bush proposed greater tax benefits for health saving accounts, the high-deductible health care plan that allows people to contribute money taxfree to 401(k)-like health say-

ings plans, as a way to expand their use. He said lawmakers also must allow workers to take the coverage with them as they change jobs. Many Republicans cheered Bush when he defended his program of surveillance in the United States without warrants to combat terrorism _ a program whose legality has been challenged by members of both parties. "This terrorist surveillance program has helped prevent terrorist attacks," the president said. As he has in every State of the Union address to some extent, Bush said the United States must curb its reliance on foreign oil imports. He called for more research on batteries for hybrid and electric cars and work on alternative fuels. "Our goal is to make this new kind of ethanol practical and competitive within six years," the president said. "Breakthroughs on this and other new technologies will help us reach another great goal: to replace more than 75 percent of our oil imports from the Middle East by 2025. By targeting only Mideast oil, Bush was ignoring the largest sources of American petroleum consumption _ Mexico and Canada. Imports of oil and refined product from the Persian Gulf make up less than a fifth of all imports and 11 percent of total consumption, according to

Energy Department statistics. Bush divided his address between problems at home and abroad. With the war in Iraq about to enter its fourth year and more than 2,240 American troops killed, Bush said the nation must not falter in what he called the central front in the war on terror. Bush did not

offer any timetable for bringing American troops home from Iraq. There are about 138,000 U.S. troops in Iraq, down from about 160,000 at the time of the January elections. Despite recent elections in Iraq, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories that have given rise to religious-based parties with views sometimes hostile to the West, Bush pressed Saudi Arabia and Egypt _ longtime allies that Washington is loath to challenge too aggressively _ to provide greater freedoms to their citizens. He urged Hamas to "recognize Israel, disarm, reject terrorism and work for lasting peace." Bush said the United States and its allies were united in insisting that Iran not develop nuclear weapons. Speaking directly to the Iranian people, Bush looked toward a different future for their country and said the United States "hopes one day to be the closest of friends with a free and democratic Iran." The president renewed his oft-stated goal for Congress to make permanent the tax cuts enacted during his presidency. "If we do nothing, American families will face a massive tax increase they do not expect and will not welcome," he said.

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February 2, 2006

Coretta Scott King, widow of Martin Luther King Jr., dies at 78 to have her husband's .birthday observed as a national holiday, achieving success in 1986. In Coretta Scott King, who 1969 she founded the Martin worked to keep her husband's Luther King Jr. Center for dream alive with a chin-held- Nonviolent Social Change in high grace and serenity that Atlanta and used it to confront made her a powerful symbol hunger, unemployment, voting of the Rev. Martin Luther King rights and racism. Jr.'s creed of brotherhood and "The center enables us to nonviolence, died Tuesday. She go out and struggle against the was 78. evils in our society," she often The "first lady of the civil said. rights movement" died in her She also accused movie and sleep during the night at an TV companies, video arcades, alternative medicine clinic gun manufacturers and toy makin Mexico, her family said. ers of promoting violence. Arrangements were being made King became a symbol in to fly the body back to Atlanta. her own right of her husband's She had been recovering struggle for peace and brotherfrom a serious stroke and heart hood, presiding with an almost attack suffered last August. Just regal bearing over seminars and two weeks ago, she made her conferences. first public appearance in a year The Rev. Jesse Jackson, who on the eve of her late husband's was with her husband when he birthday. was assassinated, said Tuesday Doctors at the clinic said that she understood that every King was battling advanced time her husband left home, ovarian cancer when she arrived there was the chance he might there on Thursday. The doctors not come back. Jackson prosaid the cause of death was nounced her a "freedom fightrespiratory failure. er." News of her death led to "Like all great champions tributes to King across Atlanta, she learned to function with including a moment of silence pain and keep serving," he said, in the Georgia Capitol and piles adding: "She kept marching. of flowers placed at the tomb She did not flinch." of her slain husband. Flags at In Washington, President the King Center -- the insti- Bush hailed her as "a remarktute devoted to the civil rights able and courageous woman leader's legacy -- were lowered and a great civil rights leader." to half-staff. After her stroke, King missed "She wore her grief with the annual King celebration grace. She exerted her lead- in Atlanta two weeks ago but ership with dignity," the Rev. appeared with her children at an Joseph Lowery, who helped awards dinner a few days earlifound the Southern Christian er, smiling from her wheelchair Leadership Conference with but not speaking. The crowd King's husband in 1957. gave her a standing ovation. Former Atlanta Mayor Despite her repeated calls for Andrew Young, one of Martin unity among civil rights groups, Luther King's top aides, said her own children have been Coretta Scott King's fortitude divided over whether to sell rivaled that of her husband. the King Center to the National "She was strong if not stronger Park Service and let the family than he was," Young said. focus less on grounds mainteCoretta Scott King was a nance and more on King's messupportive lieutenant to her hus- sage. Two of the four children band during the most danger- were strongly against such a ous and tumultuous days of the move. civil rights movement, and after Gov. Sonny Perdue ordered his assassination in Memphis, flags at all state buildings Tenn., on April 4, 1968, she to be flown at half-staff and carried on his work while also offered to allow King's body raising their four children. to lie in repose at the Georgia "I'm more determined than Capitol. There was no immediever that my husband's dream ate response to the offer, the will become a reality," the governor's office said. young widow said soon after King died at Santa Monica his slaying. Health Institute in Rosarito She pushed and goaded poli- Beach, Mexico, south of San ticians for more than a decade Diego, said her sister, Edythe by Errin Haines AP Writer

by Vista photographer Brett Deering

Coretta Scott King is shown at a news conference in 1986 announcing events for the first federal holiday honoring her late husband.

Scott Bagley of Cheyney, Pa. She had gone to California to rest and be with family, according to Young. Coretta Scott was studying voice at the New England Conservatory of Music and planning on a singing career when a friend introduced her to King, a young Baptist minister studying at Boston University. "She said she wanted me to meet a very promising young

minister from Atlanta," King once said, adding with a laugh: "I wasn't interested in meeting a young minister at that time." She recalled that on their first date he told her: "You know, you have everything I ever wanted in a woman. We ought to get married someday." Eighteen months later, in 1953, they did. The couple moved to Montgomery, Ala., where he became pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church and helped lead the 1955 Montgomery bus boycott that Rosa Parks set in motion when she refused to give up her seat on a segregated bus. With that campaign, King began enacting his philosophy of nonviolent, direct social action. Over the years, King was with her husband in his finest

hours. She was at his side as he received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. She marched beside him from Selma, Ala., into Montgomery in 1965 on the triumphant drive for a voting rights law. Only days after his death, she flew to Memphis with three of her children to lead thousands marching in honor of her slain husband and to plead for his cause. "I think you rise to the occasion in a crisis," she once said. "I think the Lord gives you strength when you need it. God was using us _ and now he's using me, too." Her husband's womanizing had been an open secret during the height of the civil rights movement. In January, a new book, "At Canaan's Edge" by Taylor Branch, put his infidel-

ity back in the spotlight. It said that. not long before he was assassinated, King confessed a long-standing affair to his wife while she was recovering from a hysterectomy. The King family, especially Coretta Scott King and her father-in-law, Martin Luther King Sr., were highly visible in 1976 when former Georgia Gov. Jimmy Carter ran for president. When an integration dispute at Carter's Plains church created a furor, Coretta Scott King campaigned at Carter's side the next day. She later was named by Carter to serve as part of the U.S. delegation to the United Nations, where Young was the ambassador. In 1997, she spoke out in favor of a push to grant a trial for James Earl Ray, who pleaded guilty to killing her husband and then recanted. "Even if no new light is shed on the facts concerning my husband's assassination, at least we and the nation can have the satisfaction of knowing that justice has run its course in this tragedy," she told a judge. The trial never took place; Ray died in 1998. King was born April 27, 1927, in Perry County, Ala. Her father ran a country store. To help her family during the Depression, young Coretta picked cotton. Later, she worked as a waitress to earn her way through Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio. In 1994, she stepped down as head of the King Center, passing the job to son Dexter, who in turn passed the job on to her other son, Martin III, in 2004. Dexter continued to serve as the center's chief operating officer. Martin III also has served on the Fulton County (Ga.) cornmission and as president of the Sonthern Christian Leadership Conference, co-founded by his father in 1957. Daughter Yolanda became an actress and the youngest child, Bernice, became a Baptist minister. In 1993, on the 25th anniversary of her husband's death, King said the war in Vietnam that her husband opposed "has been replaced by an undeclared war on our central cities, a war being fought by gangs with guns for drugs." "The value of life in our cities has become as cheap as the price of a gun," she said. In London, she stood in 1969 in the same carved pulpit in St. Paul's Cathedral where her husband preached five years earlier. "Many despair at all the evil and unrest and disorder in the world today," she preached, "but I see a new social order and I see the dawn of a new day."

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February 2, 2006

Blazers to host UCO Feb. 3 by Nathan Winfrey Staff Writer

by Vista photographer Travis Marak

Aleksander Timofeev, Russian author and historian, lectures Jan. 31 in the Pegasus Theater in the Liberal Arts Building.

AUTHOR from page 1 When Communism fell in Russia and free enterprise began to take root, many people benefited and profited greatly, however, many did not, Timofeev said. He said many Russians today are unable to envision a better future because they are focused on providing the basics of existence. Timofeev said access to information is another problem in Russia. Russia doesn't have widespread Internet availability, and where it is accessible, it is generally only through low speed, dial up connections. "The Russian authorities d6riberately don't want an infbrmation society," Timofeev said. Although the Russian press and public currently have the right

to public information, in practice, public records are often difficult and time consuming to obtain, Timofeev said. Timofeev said that these days, Russia is "half open, half closed." Russian citizens no longer have to fear speaking out against their government as they did in the recent past. Timofeev said journalists are still controlled to a degree but there is a freer flow of information and ideas. Dr. Timofeev is the author of 7 books and he earned his doctoral degree from The Institute of Russian Literature at the Russian Academy of Sciences. He and his wife, Larisa Zhitkova, are visiting Oklahoma and have spoken in various forums statewide. The event was sponsored by the UCO chapter of Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society. Heather Warlick can be reached at

The Blazers hockey team will host UCO at 7:35 p.m. Feb. 3 for UCO Blazers Night at the Ford Center. The Blazers will don custom UCO jerseys and the jumbotron will feature the UCO logo throughout the game, which will kick off with a ceremonial puck drop by Alumni Association president Ty Gee and a patriotic song sang by UCO student Isaiah Brown, nursing sophomore. President W. Roger Webb will receive a UCO Blazers jersey with his name on the back, and the players' jerseys will be auctioned off after the game, which is sponsored by Oklahoma Natural Gas Co., said Juliane Morgan, coordinator of special events for the alumni office. "The alumni relations office will have a table set up to give away free gifts to UCO alumni," Morgan said. "The goal is to just kind of get the UCO community involved," Morgan said. "It's a way for us to offer an event to both students and alumni." The deadline for free tickets to UCO students has passed, but tickets may still be purchased for $5 in the office of alumni relations.

Nathan Winfrey can be reached at .

ISC from page 1 "Now the ISC operates on a better balanced budget," Mangoli said. Public Relations Officer Mohammad Khan, business senior from Bangladesh, announced that a new calendar will begin in March that lists the activities planned by each organization. ISC Vice President Juliana Marin, nursing senior from Latin America, announced that $219 has been collected for the Oklahoma Fire Relief Effort. The money will be donated to the Oklahoma Red Cross at the end of the week. All other items on the agenda were pushed to the next meeting, due to the budget debate. Nathan Winfrey can be reached at

RALLY from page 1 "If you heard his State of the Union Speech, he said like two sentences about Social Security," Mahbubani said. "I don't think it was effective. I think this president has his own agenda." Todd Jackson, liberal arts senior, said he is not in favor of Bush's idea for reform. "Don't depend on government," Jackson said. "Don't support Bush's plan. He wants to invest our future on the stock market." "I'm not for saving Social Security, I'm for saving our nation from Social Security," Holtman said. Hollman said he was surprised to hear how many students don't expect to gain benefits and how many don't think the Social Security plan should have been expanded. - - — Courtney Bryce can be reached at

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February 2, 2006

Employers seek UCO students ROTC's Broncho Battalion


shot down at competition

More businesses attending annual spring career fair

by Christina Purdom Staff Writer The ROTC Broncho Battalion Rifle Team competed in St. Louis Jan. 28 in the Annual Gateway Air Rifle Competition, their first tournament this year. UCO entered three teams in the tournament and did not place in the event. "I didn't go there with high expectations because I knew we were in the beginnings of trainby Vista photographer Midori Sasaki ing and I knew that our weapons were not the same as theirs," John Nguyen, human resource management senior, explores his said Cadet Josh Hollman, Public career options Feb. 1 at the spring career fair. Administration senior. They competed against eight teams from, Washington 2nd Lt. Pete Norwood of University and Southern Illinois the OHP. University-Edwardsville Career fairs provide The 12-person UCO rifle students the accessibility team drove to St. Louis on Friday of finding employers for where they spent the night in all types of degrees such classrooms at Washington as engineers to salesmen. University. Rifle team coach, "We're looking for Master Sgt. Christian Johnson, personality, and we're and Capt. Justin Covey escorted not interested in people the rifle team. who just want to work. The competition, hosted We want people lookby Washington University's ing for a career not a Gateway Battalion, began early job," said Cathryn S. Saturday morning. Anthony, Country Each shooter fired single-shot Companies, Insurance air rifles from the standing-(offand Financial Services hand), laying-down (prone), and Career Consultant. kneeling positions. Each shooter had 20 minutes to line up and Desiree Treeby can be fire 30 shots, engaging a target reached at dtreeby@ ten meters away. Each shot is the by Vista photographer Midori Sasaki ranked from 1-10. "My goal is to beat most of the guys," Katie Perkins, nursing junior, said with a laugh. Cherie Henderson, medical junior, speaks with a representative Top shooters for UCO were from the Oklahoma Department of Corrections at the annual spring Keenam Simenson with 125 career fair in the Nigh University Center Ballroom. points, Jack Roach with 103 points, and Perkins with 100 points. The first team from UCO

by Desiree Treeby

Staff Writer

Businesses ranging from the Oklahoma Highway Patrol to Edward Jones Investment Company to Waffle House were a part of the 66 prospective employers at the Feb. 1 career fair in the Nigh University Center. "It's a great opportunity for students who are looking for jobs or interships," said Molly Larrison, career services event and intern coordinator. "Businesses always call wanting to know when the next fair is, because they have openings all the time." Shana Allen, UCO public relations 2001 graduate, works at Oklahoma City's Target in the human resources department and said, "We're looking to recruit interns, people interested in being executive team leaders who will work on a salary and mostly we're looking for leadership skills." Allen said working for Target provides her with a fast paced environment that is different everyday. This was Target's first UCO career fair. "I was very excited to be able to come here and see my old campus," Allen said. Many companies and business representatives agreed that career and job fairs are a great way to network and make contacts to look for potential employers. "It's a geat way for people to get their foot in the door," said

scored a 308. Team members were Shelby Williams, Keenam Simenson, Robert Cromack, and Josh Hollman. UCO's second team scored a 187 with team members Jack Roach, Katie Perkins, Megan Pfeiffer, and Adam York. Cadets Andrew Bryiant, Jeremy Hall, Gregory Foust, and Joseph Yost scored a 145 for team three. SIUE's team two secured first place, while team one from SIUE received second place and team two of the host school received third. "Some days you shoot better than others," Simenson said. "That's just part of it." UCO's rifle team is undefeated in competitions against OSU and OU and is one of the top rifle teams in the state. Students who competed in the tournaments are eligible for scholarships from the Civilian Marksmanship Program. "We got nine $1,000 scholarships from CMP last year," Johnson said. UCO was awarded more scholarships from CMP than any other college last year, Johnson said. The Broncho Battalion rifle team will attend the next competition in March, Johnson said. Christina Purdom can be reached at

stsialir JOftiv s ,-

■ Applications for Stampede Week orientation leaders (formerly known as OTL) are due Feb. 3 at 5 p.m.

■ Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society will sponsor a movie night, featuring the film "Kingdom of Heaven," Feb. 22 at the Pegasus Theater in the Liberal Arts Building. The event is open to all students.

■ The Medieval Society presents "Beowulf's Rebirth," a special lecture by Dr. David Macy, Feb. 3 at 2 p.m. in room 140 of the Liberal Arts Building.

■ The Homecoming Activities Board's poster sale will continue through Feb. 3 in the Nigh University Center, near the convenience store.

■ The Oklahoma City Blazers will host UCO Feb. 3 for UCO Blazers Night at 7:35 p.m. at the Ford Center.

■ The UCO Accounting Club will hold its monthly meeting Feb. 6 in the Will Rogers Meeting Room of the Nigh University Center. Professional dress is preferred.

■ UCO Career Services offpxs,, on-campus recruitment throughout the Spring 2006 semester in room 338 of the Nigh University Center.



■ The Oklahoma Blood Institute will sponsor a blood drive Feb. 8-9 from 8a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Nigh University Center, near the Barnes & Noble bookstore. Those who donate will receive a free tshirt and Mardi Gras beads.


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Double provolone. real avocado spread, sliced cucumber. alfalfa sprouts. lettuce. tomato. & mayo. (Try it on my 7•grain whole wheat bread. This veggie sandwich is world class!)


Roast beef. turkey breast. lettuce. tomato. & mayo. An American classic. certainly not invented by J.J. but definitely tweaked and fine-tuned to perfection!


The same as our #3 Sorry Charlie except this one has a lot more. Homemade tuna salad. provolone. sprouts. cucumher,lettuce, & tomato. (I guarantee it's awesome!)


Fresh sliced turkey breast. bacon, lettuce, tomato. & mayo. (JJ's original turkey & bacon club)



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February 2, 2006

UCO's Kleeman to attend film conference

UCO dancer puts 'Character First' by Melissa Wilkins

by Desiree Treeby

Staff Writer

Staff Writer A UCO professor and two

mass communication students are going to Florida State University in Tallahassee for a Film and Literature Conference Feb. 3-5. "This conference is so timely because it is the same theme as my Victims and the Media seminar class," said Dr. Kole Kleeman. The conference theme is Documenting Trauma and Terror in the media. Kleeman has attended the conference for 12 years and this is his first year taking students. "They are two of my top students," Kleeman said. Meika Yates, journalism junior, studied and wrote"Graphic Images and the American Media: A Comparison in the way the Domestic and Foregin Bodies are Photographed." The essay contrasted the American media's representation of human life during disasters compared with other countries. Yates' trip is fully funded by the Mass Communications Department because Kleeman said her research is top-notch and the Department believes in her ability as a student. Yates said that without the Mass Communication's support, "I wouldn't have been able to go and contribute to what I believe is a serious subject that all future journalists should be educated about before they get out there in the world. Not only is it giving me the chance to share my ideas, but it has also given me confidence to boost my ability to believe in myself, my ideas and writing. I truly believe that the dedication of UCO's journalism department has to its students something you don't find at many universities -- I am not just a number here, I am someone." Mass Communication senior, Joe Nixon, researched and wrote "Fear of a Black Planet." Nixon's paper discusses being a black male in today's society and promoting fear of black men through media and education. Other than taking students, Kleeman organized the panel that he will chair, "Writing the Body in Trauma: Gay Bodies, African American and Foreign Bodies." Kleeman said the panel will discuss media coverage about the body as a site of fear to pollution and annihilation, and images of body horror and war. He is also presenting his paper "Documenting the Nazi Persecution of Homosexuals 1933-1945."

Desiree Treeby can be reached at

In her two years at UCO, Michelle McCoy has managed to be involved in many clubs and organizations, including UCOSA, Gamma Beta Phi and the Sigma Kappa. As a sophomore McCoy plans to explore every avenue of the college experience. "I want to seize every opportunity," McCoy said. "I am a glass-half-full kinda girl." The road to seizing every chance actually started at the young age of seven when McCoy was home-schooled. McCoy said some people think she was robbed of the school experience, but she said she is fortunate. "It was the best decision my parents ever made," McCoy said. "It made a lot of my dreams come true early." McCoy was home-schooled until she enrolled at Oklahoma City University while still in high school and earned 14 credit hours. "She is very goal driven— very much a leader," said Abi Bolay, communications sophomore. Recreational opportunities such as dancing inspired McCoy to discover her hidden talent. "I was born a dancer," McCoy said, "I fell in love on day one and would direct the other kids." McCoy said she enjoys all types of dancing but tap dancing gives her the chance to show off her fancy footwork. McCoy took home the award for best talent Jan. 28 at the Miss UCO pageant with her dance routine to "Johnny B. Goode." The Miss UCO pageant was not her first time in the field as a professional beauty, but the pageant bug first bit McCoy at age 10 after winning the Miss Oklahoma Pre-Teen Pageant. McCoy is a double major in dance performance and interpersonal communications. It was not the glamour of beauty pageants that compelled McCoy to further her career in the industry. Taking on the platform of "Character First" and educating others became McCoy's main focus. She was first introduced to the issue while working on Sen. Tom Coburn's campaign in 2004. "It is such a pertinent topic, I hope to set a higher standard for the next generation of young women," McCoy said. To help aid the "Character First" program, McCoy's most precious creation is the Annual Winter Ball, which benefits Oklahoma's morally-based organizations and charities. "This is the sixth year we

have held the event and we have managed to raise about $20,000," McCoy said. In every step McCoy gives recognition to her faith and belief in God. "I have success because of his grace and glory alone," McCoy said. "I am more ministry based than anything." Although McCoy looks toward her faith for strength, she looks for her family for support. McCoy said she has been fortunate to live next door to her grandparents. Being an only child, McCoy understands the importance of family. "I cherish spending time with my family, we have a good bond," McCoy said. With her degree McCoy hopes to further her passion in ministry and dance. "I hope to leave behind a 'legacy of hope, compassion and praise," says McCoy. Making time for all of her extra activities is never hard to do. "I learned time management, I take it one day at a time," says McCoy. Taking on so many opportunitiei can leave a person exhausted but McCoy has figured a way to get through the rough spots. "A venti white chocolate mocha breve from Starbucks is my savior," McCoy said. "I have to have some form of caffeine throughout the day." McCoy shows no sign of stopping until her goals have been accomplished. Melissa Wilkins can be reached at mwilkins@thevista

Michelle McCoy performs her tapdance routine during the Miss UCO pageant.

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February 2, 2006

Vista movie-man Nathan Winfrey handicaps the Oscar race by Nathan Winfrey Staff Writer The announcement this week of the nominees for the 78th annual Academy Awards brought a few surprises. As expected, leading the pack is "Brokeback Mountain" with eight nominations including Best Picture, Best Director (Ang Lee) and BestActor (Heath Ledger). That crazy flick about lovesick cowpokes seems to be all the rage among intellectuals and people in the film industry, but little more than a punch line to the rest of the country. The controversial but critically lauded film was snubbed by the Screen Actors Guild when it failed to win a single award Sunday, despite numerous nominations. But I predict that it will score more than a couple gold statues come March 5, specifically Best Picture and Best Director. Remembering that his last movie was the comic book debacle "Hulk," it's amazing what choosing scripts for quality rather than paycheck can do for one's career. The historical epic that Steven Spielberg passed on, "Memoirs of a Geisha," scored six nods, as did George Clooney's black-and-white "Good Night, and Good Luck," which tells the true story of journalist Edward R. Murrow's battle against Senator Joseph McCarthy's Communist witch hunt in the 1950s and "Crash," Paul Haggis's forgivably heavyhanded ensemble tear-jerker. "Crash's" intimate study of racism carries a haunting message with more heart than 50 episodes of "Full House." Tied for third, with five nominations each, are Spielberg's historical drama "Munich," about Israeli vengeance after a terrorist attack at the 1972 Olympic games, the masterful Johnny Cash biopic "Walk

the Line" and the true story of writer Truman Capote's strange friendship with a mass murderer in "Capote." In the technical realm, monkeys, aliens and magical creatures are king, with "King Kong" and adaptations of H.G. Wells's "War of the Worlds" and C.S. Lewis's "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" scraping up more than a couple nods each in the audio/visual categories. One surprise in the nominations for Best Actor that no one could have foreseen two years ago is Terrance Howard for his

"'Crash's' intimate study of racism carries a haunting message with more heart than 50 episodes of 'Full House.'" role as a pimp-turned-rapper in "Hustle & Flow." The premise is similar to that of the 50 Cent star vehicle "Get Rich or Die Tryin'," in which Howard also starred, with the major differ- • ence being that the former didn't stink. However, my pick for Best Actor is Joaquin Phoenix for his spot-on portrayal of country music legend Johnny Cash in "Walk the Line." Howard also appeared in Oscar nominee "Crash," and it seems the sky is the limit for the rising star. To think that just a few years ago he was making films like "Big Momma's House," he wisely steered clear of the sequel along with fellow Oscar nom and original cast member Paul Giamatti, who is up for Best Supporting Actor for the boxing film "Cinderella Man." Giamatti has adeptly made the difficult transition from comedian to serious actor,

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starring in 2004's "Sideways" and scaremonger M. Night Shyamalan's latest project "Lady in the Water," which is slated to open later this year. Nominees for Best Actress include Charlize Theron in her "I'm sorry for doing `Aeon Flux"' penance, the Minnesota coal-mining flick "North Country" and Keira Knightley, fresh off the sleaze train "Domino" for "Pride and Prejudice." My pick for BestActress is the deserving Reese Witherspoon for her portrayal of loveable home-wrecker/songstress June Carter in "Walk the Line." Also nominated for Best Actress are "Desperate Housewives" star Felicity Huffinan as a man in the final stages of a sex-change operation in "Transamerica" and Judi Dench, the aging British actress best known in America as James Bond's boss during the Pierce Brosnan administration for "Mrs. Henderson Presents," a film about a woman (Dench) lobbying for the right to set up a nudie show (thankfully not starring her) in World War II London. Another surprise nod is William Hurtfor Best Supporting Actor for his role as gangster Richie Cusack in the underrated masterpiece "A History of Violence." If anything can be said of Hurt's out-of-place sense of humor in this dark film, the last thing I was thinking of was "Oscar-worthy." It's hard not to enjoy, nonetheless, though perhaps a bit distracting. Hurt also stars in Oscar-contender "Syriana," a politicallycharged oil drama for which Clooney has also been nominated for Best Supporting Actor. If Clooney wins in this category as well as Best Director for "Good Night, and Good Luck," the former Batman may have some very attractive bookends f§r his mantelpiece come springtime. My guess for Best Supporting Actor is either Giamatti or former "Donnie Darko" Jake Gyllenhaal for "Brokeback Mountain." I would like to see Giamatti win, but I am a Gyllenhaal fan too and I have the feeling he will be taking the statue home. It will look nice on his bookcase next to the Philosophy of lime Travel. For Best Supporting Actress,




to) 50 Academy Award statuettes are on display in New York's Times Square until Feb.

I expect to see Rachel Weisz win for her role in "The Constant Gardener," a film that had little to do with gardening and much to do with murder and international conspiracies. If not her, I would like to see Catherine Keener (nominated for "Capote") finally recognized. A hit-and-miss career, with highlights "Being John Malkovich" and "Death to Smoochy," Keener also costarred in "The 40 Year Old Virgin" this year, as the woman who deflowered a middle-aged Steve Carell. `Brokeback Mountain' leads nominations


more categories have beer announced, and now the contenders have over a month to squirm before the winners are announced at the awards ceremony, hosted this year by "The Daily Show's" Jon Stewart.

Nathan Winfrey can be reached at

`Brokeback Mountain' standing tall "Brokeback Mountain" led the Academy Awards field with eight nominations. Actor Philip Seymour Hoffman, 'Carve" • Terrence Howard, "Hustle & Flow' • Heath Ledger, "Brokeback Mountain" • Joaquin Phoenix, 'Walk the Line" . David Strathairn, "Good Night, and

Nominations for Best Picture:

Good Luck"' Actress Judi Dench, "Mrs. Henderson Presents" • Felicity Huffman, 'Transamerica" • Kelra Knightley, "Pride & Prejudice" • Charlize Theron, "North Country" • Reese Witherspoon, 'Walk the Line"

"Brokeback Mountain" • "Capote" • "Crash" • "Good Night, and Good Luck" • "Munich"

Supporting George Clooney, "Syriana" • Matt Dillon, "Crash" • Paul Giamatti, Actor "Cinderella Man" • Jake Gyllenhaal, "Brokeback Mountain" • William Hurt, "A History of Violence" Supporting Amy Adams, "Junebug" • Catherine Keener, "Capote" • Frances Actress McDormand "North Country" • Rachel Weisz, 'The Constant Gardener" • Michelle WIlliamS, "Brokeback Mountain"

Complete list of Oscar nominations,

Picture "Brokeback Mountain" • "Capote" • "Crash" • "Good Night, and Good Luck" • "Munich"

Page XX


The nominations for Best Animated Feature went to Tim Burton's devilish puppetmotion fantasy "Corpse Bride," the clay-animated fun-filled family fare "Wallace & Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit," and Japanese import "Howl's Moving Castle," which features traditional animation similar to beautiful Oscar-winner "Spirited Away," also from Japan. As much as I would like to see Burton take home the gold, I have the feeling history will repeat itself for "Howl's." The nominees for many



SOURCE: Academy of Motion Picture Ads and Sciences



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February 2, 2006

DEADLINES & PRIC111 DEADLINES: All classifieds MUST be submitted by noon Tuesday for the Thursday publication and 'riday noon for the Tuesday publication. i rices: Classified ads cost $3/day for the first 25 words and 5.12/word thereafter. PAYMENT IS DUE WHEN All IS PLACED. Classified Display ads (one column boxed ads on classified page) have same deadlines and prices as regular display ads. Call 974-5549 or 974-5916 for additional info.



ENGLISH LANGUAGE CTR ESL for Internat'l Students We offer a friendly environment with small classes of 4-10 students. Here you can prepare for university study, the TOEFL, and a successful career. LOW PRICE $960 Per 4 Week Term For more info 348-7602 ENGLISH CLASSES Edmond Language Institute We teach English as a Second Language and are conveniently located on the UCO Campus at Thatcher Hall. PHONE: 405-341-2125 *9 LEVELS Intensive Training *NEW SESSION every 4 wks *PRIVATE tutoring available *PREPARATION for TOEFL

DENTAL PLAN $11.95 per month single; $19.95 family. No deductibles, no claim forms. Includes Vision, RX and chiropractic plans. Affordable health and life plans also. Call Michelle at 340-4998. RENTERS- Get $10,000 coverage for $17-$22 per month! Great auto rates for good students too. Call Michelle at 340-4998 for free quote. EYE EXAM, FRAME & LENSES: 10% Off CONTACT LENS SPECIAL Exam, Fitting & 12 pr contacts: $210 CAMPUS OPTICAL 13 N University Dr Edmond, 341-3567 FILE TAXES CHEAP!! FILE TAXES ONLINE Go to website and click on yellow button 1040 EZ $9.95 1040. 1040A $14.95 State $4.95 VERY SIMPLE, EASY FILING!! DO YOU think you might be pregnant? Would you like a free confidential pregnancy test or just someone to talk to? Call Birth Choice of Edmond at 330-2111.

PREGNANT? SCARED? We're here to help! Pregnancy testing, confidential consultation, ultrasound referral. Christian Services of Oklahoma, 478-3362.

PT JOBS - SENIOR Services of Oklahoma is looking for students to fill PT positions. Several 9am-1pm shifts and 1:305:30pm shifts are available for Mon-Fri. We pay $10/hr for energetic phone work educating senior citizens on healthcare issues. No experience is preferred; we will train. Business is located at 1417 NW 150th St in Edmond. Call 879-1888 to set up interview. Ask for Courtney Smith.

CONSTRUCTION WORK Immediate openings PT/FT, no experience required. Hard work, good pay. Framing experience a PLUS. Edmond area, call 824-8954.

needs PT TUXEDO JUNCTION sales help 15-25 hrs/wk. Salary plus commissions. Call Beth at 751-1745 or apply at Quail Springs Mall.

LIKE CARS? FASTLANES is now hiring lube techs. We fully train on all vehicle maintenance! We are a growing metro company with advancement and benefit opportunities. Come by 2220 S Broadway to apply. Limited positions available. YOU MAY ALSO CALL 405-844-8084.

HANDY STUDENT needed for carpenter's helper and maintenance (in-door work). Close proximity to UCO campus. Mon-Fri, 15pm, some Saturdays. Experience preferred, positiVe attitude and willingness to work A MUST. Must be self-motivated, trustworthy, able to work unsupervised. Call 341-9651.

NEED A JOB? Like to work in a cool atmosphere? Then swing by FASTLANES, the vehicle supercenter! We are a growing metro company with advancement and benefit opportunities. Come by 2220 S Broadway to apply. YOU MAY ALSO CALL 405-844-8084.

NEEDAJOB?Computer technician position for student with AutoCAD experience. Full time or part time. Close proximity to UCO campus. PEREZENGINEERING,341-9651.

ATTENTION: Business and Management majors. FASTLANES, the vehicle supercenter is looking for individuals who have leadership skills. With new stores opening we are looking for people to grow with us. Good pay and possible health benefits. Come by 2220 S Broadway to apply. YOU MAY ALSO CALL 405-844-8084.

THE FUN, flexible job for your BUSY LIFE. McAlister's Deli is now hiring energetic, dedicated people. We offer a fun environment and good compensation. Best of all, we can work with your schedule. Hey, what good is a job if you can't have a life too? Appy at McALISTER'S DELI 1021 E 2nd St, Edmond 340-DELI

PART TIME help needed at local daycare 2:30-6:OOpm. Must love kids. Please call 330-3077.

LOOKING for violinist to play at February 11 Chinese-themed wedding. Prefer female child. Call Sonya at 354-7776.

GENERAL ASSISTANT position with SHOGUN Steak House is taking applicaan established service-oriented company tions for servers, bussers, dishwashers and engaged in market research and develop- hosts. Apply at 11900 N May Ave (S end of ment, 10-15 hrs/wk as available, Mon thru North Park Mall) after 5:30pm Sun thru Sat. Fri. Must have own transportation. Hourly base pay plus mileage and extras. Excellent ***STUDENTS*** opportunity for entrepeneur-spirited pqrPT WORK-Fr PAY son. Internet savvy a PLUS. Call 623-285t7. ; Flexible around class, all ages 18+, day/eve/wknd, conditions apply, customer QUALITY individual needed to train for sales/service, 405-751-6018. residential window cleaning. Must have resume, proof of enrollment, documented GPA RIE ATHLETE'S FOOT in N OKC is of 3. or above, your own transportation, pref- now accepting applications for PT employerably a truck for hauling ladder. Potential Je's, 12-15 hrs/wk flexible, and Saturdays. earnings of $8-10/hr based on percentage plus No retail experience needed. Call 848-3232. mileage. Please call immediately: 340-3914. PERFECT JOB for UCO student! PT NOW HIRINGWe offer flexofficfd assistant at N OKC consulting firm, ible scheduling, immediate advance10-15 minutes from UCO. ment opportunities, retention bonus and Requirements: a fun, secure work environment. Call *Computer skills in Word & Excel Visionquest Marketing at 749-0332. *Light bookkeeping skills *Telephone skills PART TIME nursery help needMust be able to work PT 4 days/wk, 8amed at Acts II United Methodist 12noon or I-5pm. Church. Call 359-2286 for more info. Send resume to Please include daytime telephone number. **GUERILLA MARKETING/ ProHourly wage is negotiable. moters needed! Leisure Tours needs students to promote our Spring Break ACCOUNTANT position open in Edtravel packages on campus and with lo- mond. Excellent opportunity. Fax resume cal vendors. Excellent Pay! 800-838-8202. to 348-0931 or email 341-3855 PART TIME help needed in Yukon. ChildWE PAY up to $75 per online survey. care, housework & errands. Flexible hours. Fax resume to 354-5755.

• r`



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2 9 6 3 1

2 2 8 5 7 5 3 8 6 4 9 8 1

2 1 3

2 7 1 4

EDMOND Moto Photo lab position available. Flexible hours, pay commensurate with experience. Apply at 1712 E 2nd St or call 348-5509.

THE OLIVE GARDEN at Quail Springs Mall is now hiring for servers, preferably for lunch shifts. Apply in person at 2639 W Memorial.

PLC STUDENT Ministries is now hiring for two PT positions to work with our Youth Director in sharing God's love with high school & jr high students. Our mission is to challenge the complacent, console the hurt, and save the lost. Email resumes to: or send them U.S. mail to "Peace Lutheran Church, 2600 E Danforth, Edmond, OK 73034: RE: Youth Position." For more info call 341-3205 and ask for Jonathon. Thanks!

PERFECT college job! AUTOCLEAN CARWASH is looking for PT help:Apply at 2060 E 2nd St, 9-4 (in front of Oxford Oaks). Must be able to pass physical and drug test.

PART TIME help needed at bridal salon. Friday afternoons and all day Saturdays. For an appointment to interview, call 752-0029. EXPERIENCED babysitter needed Wednesdays and occasional weekends. Must have reliable transportation with insurance and good driving record. Must be good with children and have references. Call 255-8047. FARMERS Insurance in NW OKC is now hiring PT outbound telemarketers. Hours available Mon-Thur 6-9pm and some Saturdays (flexible scheduling). Call to set interview at 286-5647 or 286-5645 or fax resume to 286-5650. CITY OF EDMOND Summer positions at Pelican Bay Aquatic Center: Lifeguard, Cafe & Cashier Staff, Water Safety Instructors. Golf Course, Parks & Recreation jobs also open. Job info line 359-4648 Apply at 100 E First, Rm 106 RETAIL SALES help needed at America's Mattress.Apply at 2000W Danforth,Edmond. DO YOU WANT a PT, fun job? Local snowcone stand needs you. Season begins Saturday, March 11. $6/hr. Call Beth at 812-5818. CHILDCARE needed! Periodic babysitting (daytime) for 2 angels, Sara 2&1/2 and Jennifer 4&1/2. Call Ann at 285-0026 and leave a message. Will return the call the same day. RIVER OAKS Golf Course is now hiring event staff, waitstaff, bartenders & beverage cart. GREAT$$. Apply Mon & Wed 2-4 or by appointment, 771-5800. MOTHER'S DAY OUT teachers needed. Chapel Hill United Methodist Church in OKC, MWF 9:303:00, $8/hr. Send resume and cover letter to LiT BAR GALLERY Rooftop is now seeking to fill multiple shifts with experienced or quick learning servers eager to make good tips. Must be 21 years of age or older. Call 602-6246 and leave a message to make an appointment or come by 208 E Sheridan, OKC, in person to fill out an application M-Sat after 7pm.

Mazzio's Pizza Now Hiring Delivery Drivers Apply at 1132 S. Broadway Edmond

CUSTOMER/ Guest Service Representative - Immediate opening for individuals with customer service experience. Must be available 3-llpm, Sun thru Sat, 3 or 4 days/wk. Must have computer knowledge. Great work environment. Great position for college student but must be available during summer. Applications accepted Mon-Fri 125pm at the Hampton Inn, 300 Meline Dr (W of 1-35 on 2nd St). No phone calls please

THREE/FOUR bedroom house, 1400 s.f., 2 bath, all appliances plus washer & dryer, walk to UCO, $850/ mo, $500/dep, 420 N Blvd, Edmond. ALL BILLS PAID, 3 bed, 1 bath, 1350 s.f., all appliances, wash & dry free, walk to UCO. $850/mo, $500 dep, 1001 E Thatcher #1. Palmer Properties 341-7395, 208-2577 FOR LEASE-Pasco studio apartment, 1 bed, water & garbage paid, no smoking, no pets, 2810 N Dewey, OKC. $325/ mo, $300/dep, 528-1979, 528-1918, ONE BEDROOM APT 1 bdrm apt, partly furnished, right across from UCO Library, CH/A, $325/mo, Call Sabi at 821-3170. ONE ROOM AND BATH, $500/mo which includes basic utilities and wireless Internet. Close to UCO. Please call Nicole at 589-0677.

KENNEDY PLACE APTS 1,2&3 Bedrooms Across from UCO 341-7911 or visit our website BRYANT GROVE APTS 1, 2&3 Bedrooms 20 S Bryant, Edmond 341-2161 ONE BEDROOM APT Gas and water paid. NO PETS! Located near UCO. 1217 N Roosevelt, $340/mo plus deposit, 341-9651. TWO BED, 1 bath four-plex. Quiet, clean area, _ block to UCO, Refrig, stove, dishwasher, w/d included, I-car garage. $550/ mo plus $550/dep. Call 824-8954, 348-9405. SUNSET RIDGE APTS 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath BLOWOUT!!! $450.00/MONTH 1 bed, 1 bath $395 1st Full Month Rent $99 405-341-7987 TOWNHOUSE for lease, 2 bed, 2 bath, kitchen appliances, washer/ dryer hookups, ceiling fans, lots of closet space. NO PETS! New building, 1 blk from UCO, 453 N Blackwelder, $650/mo, $500 dep. TENANT RESPONSIBLE FOR UTILITIES, 1 year lease, 341-9651. 2BED,2BATHduplex,2-cargarage.701 NW 137th, available immediately. Call 265-1103.

PEBBLE TERR Townhomes, located on 2nd and Rocky Rd. Beautiful 2 bed, 1&1/2 bath, 2-car garage w/remote, full size w/d connections, dishwasher, garbage disposal, refrigerator and stove. Please call 949-1404 for further information. LARGE 2 bed, 1 bath $525, dep $250, NO PETS, walk to UCO, 1012 Chartrand. ONE BED, one bath $375, dep $175, NO PETS, walk to UCO. FURNISHED apt, 1 or 2 bedrm, queen bed, dishes, TV, VCR, bedding, short term lease 3,6 or 12 mo, walk to UCO. Chowning Heights Apts 844-5100, 208-2577

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CLEAN, female roommate needed to share 2 story, 2 bedrm duplex with large kitchen and living area, and small backyard for about $400 rent + bills. 5 minute walk to UCO. For more details call 412-8448. $300/MO + electricity near Quail springs Mall. Pool, theater, tanning beds. NO CATS. CALL 323-7825. NEEDED - 2 females to take over lease at Dillon Park Apts, $430/mo, all bills paid. Call 580-747-0533 or 405-615-1856.

DILLON PARK APTS-N of the football field, furnished, all bills paid, 1015 Chowning. Call 285-5900. 1995 FORD CONTOUR, good condition, new tires & brakes, only 91K miles. $1995 OBO, call 659-8751. CONNELY pool table with accessories, 7 ft, red felt, good condition, three years old. (New $3500), asking $1200. Call 341-3683.

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SPORTS February 2, 2006 1 1


A Super Bowl with style Let's talk about Super Bowl XL for a moment. The Pittsburgh Steelers have cornpleted the task of beating the top three seeds on the road to claim the AFC Championship, making their sixth trip to the game. The Seattle Seahawks have the best record in the NFL (15-3) and easily won the NFC playoffs. So let's look at what this Super Bowl doesn't have. It doesn't have Joe Montana leading his team down the field in the final two minutes of the game to hit a crossing John Taylor for the game-winning score over the Cincinnati Bengals. It doesn't have Joe Namath guaranteeing victory over the Baltimore Colts, a feat that had yet to be accomplished by a former AFL team, which is to win the Super Bowl. In no way does it have the William "Refrigerator" Perry blasting through an overmatched defensive line to score a touchdown, en route to a blowout in Super Bowl XX. However, this Super Bowl does have style. Think about the head coaches on both sides of the field. The Steelers have the rugged, glass-jawed Bill Cowher. He's survived 14 years of coaching in the NFL, accumulating a record of 141-82-1 and coaching Pittsburgh to Super Bowl Va. The Seahawks have big Mike Holmgren stomping on the side-


lines. He has mentored hall of fame quarterbacks Joe Montana, Steve Young and soon-to-be hall of famer Brett Favre. Holmgren is making his third trip to the Super Bowl as head coach, having won Super Bowl XXXI with the Green Bay Packers. This game also has Pittsburgh's Jerome Bettis, firing up the engines on the bus for perhaps the last time—we'll have to wait and see. Also, the league's most valuable player, Shaun Alexander, will be dressed in navy blue and slate gray for the Seahawks. Not to mention the game has big Ben Roethlisberger's awful looking beard and Troy Polamalu's wild hair. As well as the much anticipated, overpriced commercials. This game has all the ingredients for a terrific football game. We can all hope for a classic. One other thing this Super Bowl has, at least at my house, is a hot chili, cilantro, crock-pot full of cheese dip, fresh guacamole and a mountain of fajitas that will be washed down with ice-cold Dos Equis. Sounds to me like everything is in place for a classic game, regardless of the outcome. I know I am ready for some football. Enjoy Super Bowl Sunday. Teddy Burch can be reached at .

Need a sweet gift for that special someone? Come to MotoPhoto and get a FREE Valentines Frame with your portraits!

WOMEN'S A The Foosa Incredibles Fire Pink Panther

Explicit 2-0 Phat Rabbits 2-0 Ballers 1-1 Ball Handlers 1-1

WOMEN'S B by Vista photographer Midori Sasaki

Sam Belt fends off a Cameron defender en route to a game-high 19 points during UCO's 81.70 win Jan. 28 at home.

BCM 2-0 SLP 2-0 The B's 2-0 DZ 1-1

1-1 0-2 0-2 0-2

Ice AGD EK Synajo


HOOPS: Teams face conference foes from page 12 games because the winner of the 22 points in overtime and the north this year will host the Lone Bronchos never trailed in the Star Conference tournament in extra session. "Good defense, taking care of March." The Bronchos won their sec- the basketball, that's our means ond consecutive overtime game of winning," Evans said. (74-67) over Southwestern Oklahoma State Jan. 25. Joe Kennerly, senior from Teddy Burch can be reached at Miami, Fla., scored six of his

Acacia 1-0 ATO 1-0 K E 1-0 Phi Beta Sigma 1-0 Team N.P.H.0 1-0

0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1

Hornets PiKE ETG TKE

MEN'S A Mixed Sensations 2-0 Pounders 2-0 Stacked 2-0 All Day 1-1 Monroe Saints 1-1

No Names The Stones Kinfolk Skillz that Kill White Lions

Men's Basketball Box Scores, Jan. 28

1-1 1-1 0-2 0-2 0-2


CAMERON (11-8) AS ST BL TP Player POS FGM-A 3PM-A FTM-A REBOUNDS OF DE TOT 1-2 0 3. 3 1 0 0 9 MITCHELL G 4-6 0-0 1-2 0 1 1 5 0 0 4 REID G 1-3 1-2 0-0 0 1 1 0 1 0 2 SMITH G 1-2 0-0 BERNARD C 4-4 0-0 1-3 0 1 1 2 0 1 9 1-2 0 1 1 2 1 0 5 ISON G 2-6 0-3 TISDALE G 5-8 4-6 0-0 2 3 5 1 1 0 14 BROWN F 3-5 0-0 2-2 0 0 0 0 2 0 8 2-2 0 1 1 0 1 0 2 CUBIT G 0-0 0-0 MOORE G 2-4 2-3 0-0 0 1 1 3 0 0 6 TROUSDELL C 4-6 0-0 1-1 0 2 2 0 0 0 9 0-0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 WATKINS F 1-1 0-0 0-0 0 2 2 1 0 0 0 BOOTH F 0-2 0-0 2 4 2 Team 15 7 1 70 Totals 27-47 7-14 9-15 5 23 18

Kryptonite 2-1 Random Heroes 2-1 Average Joes 1-2 Fresh Azweiz 1-2 Tigers 1-2

Hole Hitters 3-0 The Redshirts 3-0 Neon Death Kings 3-0 Hot Shots 2-1 2-1 Isotopes

MEN'S C Acacia B P-Force Slam Dunk The Trees Zags

3-0 3-0 3-0 3-0 3-0

Clay Ponies Arma-get-it-on Gorillas Those Guys AV

2-1 1-2 1-2 1-2 0-3


UCO (11-8) REBOUNDS AS ST BL TP Player POS FGM-A 3PM-A FTM-A OF DE TOT GREENE G 2-3 2-2 0-0 2 0 2 1 1 0 6 CURRIN G 1-3 0-1 0-0 1 1 2 3 0 0 2 6-10 0-0 2-2 2 2 4 0 4 1 14 BROWN F KENNERLY C 2-6 0-0 3-5 3 4 7 1 0 0 7 BELT, S. G/F 6-12 4-5 3-4 1 3 4 5 2 0 19 GRAYSON G 2-6 1-5 3-4 0 1 1 3 0 0 8 WILLIAMS G 1-3 1-2 0-0 0 1 1 1 0 0 3 STEELE 0-1 0-0 0-2 0 2 2 1 0 0 0 7-10 0-0 3-3 0 1. 1 5 1 0 17 GADDIS G SANDBURG F 2-3 1-1 0-0 1 1 2 0 0 0 5 2 2 Team 29-57 9-16 14-20 12 16 28 20 8 1 81 Totals

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1-1 1-1 0-2 0-2

BCM PiKE B Staff Synapse Acacia C

3-0 3-0 3-0 3-0 2-1

And 1


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Broncho Battalion 0 3 -

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BATS: UCO baseball under way

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lege transfer from Northern Oklahoma College in Enid. He hit .339 with 14 home runs and 61 RBI last year in earning firstteam A11-LSC North honors at designated hitter. "This year's team has speed at the bottom of the hitting lineup and at the top, with power

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hitting in the middle," Simmons said. "Just like every ball club, we have questions and we are ready to start answering them."

Teddy Burch can be reached at .

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Baseball players swinging for another stellar season by Teddy Burch

"Anytime you end your season with a loss it is difficult," Simmons said. "Our philosophy won't change and we'll get after this season the same way we approached seasons in the past." Simmons is in his 15th season as UCO's head coach and has turned the Bronchos into a Lone Star Conference champion contender every year. Simmons has a 477-256 (.651 winning percentage) career record and has lead UCO to 12 winning seasons, including nine 30-win and five 40-win seasons. He's had the five winningest seasons in school history (46 in 2002, 44 in 2005 and 2003, 42 in 1997, 41 in 2001 and 39 in 1994).

McGough, senior from Dallas, Texas, figures to be extremely important to the UCO begins the 2006 basepitching staff this spring. ball season against St. Gregory's "Jesse is a big part of our University at Broncho Field pitching rotation," Simmons Feb. 7. said. "We are going to count on The Bronchos enter the his ability to be accurate with season ranked No. 4 in the the baseball." preseason NCAA Division In 2005, McGough made a II coaches' poll. From top to significant impact in his first bottom, the players and staff season at UCO, earning firstbelieve this year could be someteam All-Lone Star Conference thing special. North Division honors after fin"We have had an outstandishing with a 10-1 mark with a ing recruiting year," head coach 3.10 ERA. Wendell Simmons said. "We Ashley, a senior from lost a lot of good players off Midwest City, will play a of last year's team and these big role in relief pitching. He recruits will go a long ways to worked a team-high 22 games replacing them." last year and had five saves with Simmons has coached the a 3.12 ERA in earning first-team Bronchos to four Lone Star All-LSC North honors. Conference North Division Chris Elam, senior from championships, two Edmond, is another key LSC titles and six NCAA "Just like every ball member of the relief pitchDivision II national tourna- club, we have questions ing staff He recorded five ment appearances, when and we are ready to start saves and a low 0.34 ERA the 1997 team finished as last season. national runner-up. He has answering them." "One of the most imporcoached 107 first- and sectant parts of any successond-team All-LSC players, ful ball club is relief pitchwith nine players earning ing," Simmons said. "With head coach Wendell Simmons this pitching squad we have All-America honors. The Bronchos returned some experience and talent. to the top of Lone Star We hope that can go a long Conference in 2005, ending The Bronchos return four ways." with a 44-15 mark and the first-team All-Lone Star Another key member of the North Division champion- Conference North selections Bronchos this spring will be by Vista photographer Travis Marak ship. They went on to play in in designated-hitter Brandon senior infielder/pitcher Bacon. the NCAA Division II South Bacon, pitcher Jesse McGough, Bacon came in as a junior colBrandon Bacon, senior first baseman, connects during an intrasquad scrimmage Jan. 24. The Central Regional before losing outfielder Matt Yost and pitcher Bronchos baseball team is picked to finish first in the Lone Star Conference North Division. in the finals to Delta State. Chad Ashley. Please see BATS , page 11 Sports Writer

Women snap losing streak; men continue winning UPCOMING HOME GAMES

by Teddy Burch Sports Writer

UCO women's basketball team broke a five game losing streak with a 71-70 victory in overtime against Cameron University Jan. 28 at Hamilton Field House. The win gives the Bronchos their first victory over a Lone Star Conference North division team and improves their record to 4-15. "We played hard," head coach Shawn Williams said. "We didn't give up, we hung in there and made the plays we needed to get the win. This was big for our team." There were 21 lead changes and 12 ties and the Bronchos won despite shooting just 35.5 percent (22-of-62) from the field, though UCO did make 10-of-20 shots from the 3-point line. Meghan Craig, junior from Oklahoma City, led the Bronchos with 25 points and

BASKETBALL Saturday, Feb. 4 WOMEN 6 p.m. MEN 8 p.m. vs. East Central

Monday, Feb. 6 WOMEN 6 p.m. MEN 8 p.m. vs. Northeastern State

WRESTLING Thursday, Feb. 2 7 p.m. vs. Nebraska-Kearney

Friday, Feb. 3 7 p.m. vs. Nebraska-Omaha

INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL Thursday, Feb. 2 Games begin at 7 p.m. (Wellness Center, Hamilton Field House, Wantland)

Sunday, Feb. 5 Games begin at noon (Wellness Center, Wantland)

TENNIS Sunday, Feb. 5 WOMEN 10 a.m. (Indoor, The Greens Country Club) MEN 3:30 p.m. (Indoor, Quail Creek Golf & Country Club)

by Vista photographer Midori Sasaki

Karlie Howerton, sophomore guard, drives inside during the Bronchos' 71-70 win over Cameron Jan. 28

Women's Basketball Box Scores, Jan. 28 CAMERON (11-8) Player POS FGM-A 3PM-A FTM-A REBOUNDS AS ST BL TP OF DE TOT

COOKSEY G 6-13 4-9 CAMPBELL G 1-1 0-0 WILLIAMS G 9-19 1-4 STEEN C 1-4 0-1 BROWN, J. C 7-15 0-0 PEACOCK G 0-0 0-0 MARTINUZZI G 0-1 0-0 BROWN, L. G 0-0 0-0 CARROLL G 1-2 0-1 STOLL G 0-1 '0-1 WHITAKER F 1-7 0-2 TURNER F 0-0 0-0 Team Totals 26-63 5-18

4-5 0 4 4 2 0 1 20 0-0 0 3 3 2 0 0 2 1-1 1 7 8 0 0 0 20 0-0 2 0 2 0 0 1 2 6-8 7 6 13 1 1 2 20 0-0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 , 0-0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 2-2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0-0 1 4 5 4 3 0 2 0-0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-0 0 2 2 1 4 0 2 0-0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 13-16 12 30 42 13 9 4 70

UCO (4-15) Player POS FGM-A 3PM-A FTM-A REBOUNDS AS ST BL TP OF DE TOT 0 0 1 3 4. 3 1 0 8

3-5 F WILSON 2-3 2-3 BULLIS 0-I ALLEN F 3-10 2-4 0 PILLOW 1-3 0-1 F 7-16 CRAIG 4-7 ROBERTSON 1-3 0-0 MARKUS 1-7 1-2 F BRENNER 2-7 0-0 2-8 HOWERTON 1-2 Team Totals 22-62 10-20


0-0 0 1 1 3 1 0 4 2-3 1 7 8 2 2 1 10 2-4 0 3 3 1 0 0 4 7-9 3 6 9 2 1 0 25 0-2 0 0 0 1 2 0 2 0-0 1 0 1 0 1 0 3 6-6 3 3 6 0 4 0 10 0-0 3 1 4 3 0 0 5 I 1 2 17-24 13 25 38. 15 12 1 71

nine rebounds. Lizzie Brenner, freshman from Woodward, had 10 points and four second-hlf steals. Lacie Allen, sophomore from Edmond, had 10 points and Lindsey Wilson, senior from Elgin, Okla., finished with eight points and three assists. "We just played with a lot of intensity," said assistant coach Courtney Pennington. "We have to learn how to finish games with the same toughness that we begin games." UCO women's basketball will host four of the final seven games and has a chance to end this season on a positive note. "A lot of teams who have struggled like we have would have given up by now," Williams said. "We are not going to do that. We are going to build off of this win and we are going to play hard to the very end of the season." The UCO women's basketball team continues to struggle on the road, losing to Southwestern Oklahoma State 70-56 Jan. 25.

"In this conference you must learn to win on the road," Williams said. "To do that we have to play together as a team, communicate with each other and, most importantly, learn how to have fun playing the game." The UCO men's basketball team continued winning with an 81-70 victory over Cameron University Jan. 28 at Hamilton Field House. The win gives the Bronchos a 4-0 LSC North record and 7-0 at home this season. Sam Belt, sophomore from BrokenArrow, led the Broncho's with a game-high 19 points and shot four out of five from the three-point line. Kentrell Gaddis, senior from Midwest City, had 17 points and Anthony Brown, junior from Stillwater, scored 14. "It is important that we win," head coach Terry Evans said. "However, it's extremely important that we win our LSC North

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