The Vista Aug. 29, 2006

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The Student Voice Since 1903 University of Central Oklahoma

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Leaders offer new initiative by Divona Phillips Staff Writer UCO is offering a new initiative, the Leaders in Residence, on campus this academic year. The Leaders in Residence program allows each UCO college the opportunity to select one or more statewide leaders to serve as their Leaders in Residence representative for that particular college. The program was started to fulfill the desire for faculty to connect with students in new ways. There are three primary goals of the program: to enhance the educational experience for students by expanding their opportunities to interact with leaders in their career fields; to ‘ground’ the classroom experience and knowledge of faculty in ‘real world’ application; and to provide examples of positive and ethical leadership for students. First Lady Kim Henry is paired with Education and Professional Studies; Betty Price, executive director of Oklahoma State Arts Council is with Arts, Media and Design; Tom Price Jr., senior VP of corporate development at Chesapeake Energy Corporation with Business Administration; Keneisha Green, a 2004 UCO graduate and senior OU law stu-

dent with Jackson College of Graduate Studies and Research; Rey Madrid, state director of the League of United Latin American Citizens with Liberal Arts; and Dr. Philip Silverman, a member of the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation and professor at OU is with Mathematics and Sciences. Many of these leaders feel that partnering with the university is a way to directly make changes on the collegiate level. Most who were asked to be a Leader in Residence accepted the opportunity for various reasons. “I think the main motivation was the opportunity to work with a faculty that is engaged exclusively in undergraduate education,” Silverman said. According to Silverman, over the past few years a lot of attention has been focused on undergrad science education. “What good are the survey (lecture) courses?” he said. “ Sitting in a classroom and listening to lecture does not evoke passion about the subject.” Silverman said that much effort and discussion is about how the process can be changed to bring the student more into the equation. Dr. Cheryl Steele, executive director for leadership programs

see leadership page 7

Rape suspect in police custo dy by Ivo Lupov Staff Writer

A positive DNA match led to the arrest of an Edmond man in connection with the Dec. 2005 rape of a 21year-old UCO student. Johnie Ganaway is in police custody pending a preliminary hearing that is set for Sep. 7, 2006. According to the Edmond police report filed on Dec. 3, 2005, a man entered the Japanese student’s apartment while she was still asleep and threatened her life with a sharp object. The victim told police the intruder wore leather gloves while he raped her. She stated that the rapist left with her cell phone and money. The victim also told Edmond Police that a black male had been knocking on her door randomly throughout the fall 2005 semester.

Johnie Ganaway was arrested in connection with the Dec. 2005 rape. According to police reports, a witness saw the victim after the attack with her wrists bound behind her back and a white

see Ganaway, page 7

Pirates of the Caribbean They all stunk






X-Men 3


Miami Vice



Da Vinci Code 7%

The Vista Online poll results

"Marching On"

by Teddy Burch

UCO Tuba line practices for pre-game and halftime events for Thursday nights opening game for the 2006 football season. The Bronchos play Missouri Western at Wantland stadium, kickoff is at 7:00 p.m.

Comedian Bernie McGrenahan mixes humor with motivation by Steven Reckinger Copy Editor

Comedian Bernie McGrenahan put on an inspiring performance in front of a lively audience in the Nigh University Center Ballroom on Aug. 23, as part of his Happy Hour Tour. McGrenahan grew up in the Bronx, but now resides in Los Angeles. According to his website, his career has led him to the David Letterman Show and Comedy Central. He has performed for American troops overseas and became a big hit in Las Vegas. His Happy Hour Tour is a circuit where he travels across the country to various colleges. His trademark for the tour is 30 minutes comedy, followed by 30 minutes of an inspirational message about alcohol and other drugs. “The goal of ‘Happy Hour’ is to provide students with many laughs, and a few things to ‘think’ about before they go out drinking and partying,” McGrenahan said. “It helps the problem drinker to diagnose his situation by outlining all the patterns and behaviors of the problem drinker!” He began the 7 p.m. show with a few jokes about the Edmond area. The first half was dedicated to making the audience laugh about the current events happening in the media and poking fun at celebrities. Then he went into general stuff that college students would be personally familiar with such as relationships and the comical differences between men and women. The light-hearted humor gradually faded into the inspirational message. McGrenahan talked about his personal experiences with his family and friends, which caused him to reveal some dramatic times in his life. The revelation of his broth-

by Vista photographer Travis Marak

Comedian and motivational speaker Bernie McGrenahan preforms Aug. 23 in the Nigh University Center as part of Stampede Week. er’s suicide initiated the desire to address the audience about how drinking and doing drugs can really open a person’s eyes about life. He talked about his multiple DUIs, his time spent in prison, and his lack of consideration toward his family. After several minutes of an emotional discussion, McGrenahan brought the audience out of a slump by continuing his normal comedic act. He ended the show making a few jokes about junk automobiles, along with a few words of encouragement for the students to consider

Which summer blockbuster Lone Star Conference Preview did you like the most? Look for this week's poll online at

w w w. t h e v i s t a o n l i n e . c o m

Football 2006

See inside pg. 16-17

while going through college. “Alcohol is the blame in 50 percent of males who die between 16 and 25 years old. 1,400 students die each year to alcohol poisoning, and accidents,” McGrenahan said. He promoted his website and asked the people needing advice or support to email him.

Steve Reckinger can be reached at

“Alcohol is the blame in 50 percent of males who die between 16 and 25 years old. 1,400 students die each year to alcohol poisoning. ” Bernie McGrenahan

Beerfest: End of summer laughfest is perfect for collegiate audience. See pg. 9

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