The Vista Aug. 29, 2006

Page 1

The Student Voice Since 1903 University of Central Oklahoma

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Leaders offer new initiative by Divona Phillips Staff Writer UCO is offering a new initiative, the Leaders in Residence, on campus this academic year. The Leaders in Residence program allows each UCO college the opportunity to select one or more statewide leaders to serve as their Leaders in Residence representative for that particular college. The program was started to fulfill the desire for faculty to connect with students in new ways. There are three primary goals of the program: to enhance the educational experience for students by expanding their opportunities to interact with leaders in their career fields; to ‘ground’ the classroom experience and knowledge of faculty in ‘real world’ application; and to provide examples of positive and ethical leadership for students. First Lady Kim Henry is paired with Education and Professional Studies; Betty Price, executive director of Oklahoma State Arts Council is with Arts, Media and Design; Tom Price Jr., senior VP of corporate development at Chesapeake Energy Corporation with Business Administration; Keneisha Green, a 2004 UCO graduate and senior OU law stu-

dent with Jackson College of Graduate Studies and Research; Rey Madrid, state director of the League of United Latin American Citizens with Liberal Arts; and Dr. Philip Silverman, a member of the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation and professor at OU is with Mathematics and Sciences. Many of these leaders feel that partnering with the university is a way to directly make changes on the collegiate level. Most who were asked to be a Leader in Residence accepted the opportunity for various reasons. “I think the main motivation was the opportunity to work with a faculty that is engaged exclusively in undergraduate education,” Silverman said. According to Silverman, over the past few years a lot of attention has been focused on undergrad science education. “What good are the survey (lecture) courses?” he said. “ Sitting in a classroom and listening to lecture does not evoke passion about the subject.” Silverman said that much effort and discussion is about how the process can be changed to bring the student more into the equation. Dr. Cheryl Steele, executive director for leadership programs

see leadership page 7

Rape suspect in police custo dy by Ivo Lupov Staff Writer

A positive DNA match led to the arrest of an Edmond man in connection with the Dec. 2005 rape of a 21year-old UCO student. Johnie Ganaway is in police custody pending a preliminary hearing that is set for Sep. 7, 2006. According to the Edmond police report filed on Dec. 3, 2005, a man entered the Japanese student’s apartment while she was still asleep and threatened her life with a sharp object. The victim told police the intruder wore leather gloves while he raped her. She stated that the rapist left with her cell phone and money. The victim also told Edmond Police that a black male had been knocking on her door randomly throughout the fall 2005 semester.

Johnie Ganaway was arrested in connection with the Dec. 2005 rape. According to police reports, a witness saw the victim after the attack with her wrists bound behind her back and a white

see Ganaway, page 7

Pirates of the Caribbean They all stunk






X-Men 3


Miami Vice



Da Vinci Code 7%

The Vista Online poll results

"Marching On"

by Teddy Burch

UCO Tuba line practices for pre-game and halftime events for Thursday nights opening game for the 2006 football season. The Bronchos play Missouri Western at Wantland stadium, kickoff is at 7:00 p.m.

Comedian Bernie McGrenahan mixes humor with motivation by Steven Reckinger Copy Editor

Comedian Bernie McGrenahan put on an inspiring performance in front of a lively audience in the Nigh University Center Ballroom on Aug. 23, as part of his Happy Hour Tour. McGrenahan grew up in the Bronx, but now resides in Los Angeles. According to his website, his career has led him to the David Letterman Show and Comedy Central. He has performed for American troops overseas and became a big hit in Las Vegas. His Happy Hour Tour is a circuit where he travels across the country to various colleges. His trademark for the tour is 30 minutes comedy, followed by 30 minutes of an inspirational message about alcohol and other drugs. “The goal of ‘Happy Hour’ is to provide students with many laughs, and a few things to ‘think’ about before they go out drinking and partying,” McGrenahan said. “It helps the problem drinker to diagnose his situation by outlining all the patterns and behaviors of the problem drinker!” He began the 7 p.m. show with a few jokes about the Edmond area. The first half was dedicated to making the audience laugh about the current events happening in the media and poking fun at celebrities. Then he went into general stuff that college students would be personally familiar with such as relationships and the comical differences between men and women. The light-hearted humor gradually faded into the inspirational message. McGrenahan talked about his personal experiences with his family and friends, which caused him to reveal some dramatic times in his life. The revelation of his broth-

by Vista photographer Travis Marak

Comedian and motivational speaker Bernie McGrenahan preforms Aug. 23 in the Nigh University Center as part of Stampede Week. er’s suicide initiated the desire to address the audience about how drinking and doing drugs can really open a person’s eyes about life. He talked about his multiple DUIs, his time spent in prison, and his lack of consideration toward his family. After several minutes of an emotional discussion, McGrenahan brought the audience out of a slump by continuing his normal comedic act. He ended the show making a few jokes about junk automobiles, along with a few words of encouragement for the students to consider

Which summer blockbuster Lone Star Conference Preview did you like the most? Look for this week's poll online at

w w w. t h e v i s t a o n l i n e . c o m

Football 2006

See inside pg. 16-17

while going through college. “Alcohol is the blame in 50 percent of males who die between 16 and 25 years old. 1,400 students die each year to alcohol poisoning, and accidents,” McGrenahan said. He promoted his website and asked the people needing advice or support to email him.

Steve Reckinger can be reached at

“Alcohol is the blame in 50 percent of males who die between 16 and 25 years old. 1,400 students die each year to alcohol poisoning. ” Bernie McGrenahan

Beerfest: End of summer laughfest is perfect for collegiate audience. See pg. 9



August 29, 2006

theVista Editorial


Teddy Burch, Editor in Chief Heather Warlick, Managing Editor Steven Reckinger Copy Editor

Alex Gambill, Photographer Travis Marak, Photographer Kazuo Ogaya, Photographer



Nathan Winfrey, Senior Staff Writer Andrew Knittle, Staff Writer Ivaylo Lupov, Staff Writer Divona Phillips, Staff Writer Desiree Treeby, Staff Writer

Lisa Mack, Ad Director Tyler Evans, Ad Designer

Cartoons/Illustrations Zachary Burch



Matt Caban, Sports Editor Tiffany Batdork, Sports Writer

Danyel Siler

Adviser Mark Zimmerman

The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semi-weekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and on Thursdays only during summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034. Telephone: (405) 974-5549. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy o b t a i n e d .


Opinion columns, editorial cartoons, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO.


The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, with a maximum of 150 words, and must include the author’s printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. LettersDeering are subject by Brett to editing for libel, clarity Vista Staff Writer and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters and does not publish anonymous letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034-5209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 107. Letters can be e-mailed to

Cartoon by Zachary Burch

In the scheme of things, the state of Oklahoma is still OK STAFF EDITORIAL Why do so many students get their higher educations in Oklahoma and then promptly leave the state after graduation? The phenomenon is referred to as “Brain Drain” by many in the know and the sad truth is that Oklahoma has a lower percentage (21 percent) of college graduates in the workforce than the national average (26 percent). Many Oklahoma college graduates seem to be under the impression that there is a plethora of high-paying, glamorous jobs for the plucking in over-populated, over-priced areas of the country like Los Angeles and New York City. This conception has many students making plans to evacuate the state promptly upon graduation, a common sentiment the Vista editors heard expressed by student after student on the first day of class introductions. “I know it is more expensive to live in L.A., but the higher wages make up for the difference,” one student said during her self-introduction. Another student who will be heading west after graduation said, “They are changing the world out in California.” Maybe so, but the difference between the higher cost of living and the higher wages

leaves a lot to be desired. In Los Angeles, a household needs more than $126,729 per year to enjoy the same standard of living as an Oklahoma household can expect for about $70,000. In other words, a family needs to earn about 85 percent more in Los Angeles than in Oklahoma. California’s minimum wage is $6.75 per hour compared with the national minimum wage, which has been $5.15 since September 1, 1997. However, the average salaries paid in California and Oklahoma for the same work only vary about 20 percent. For example, according to, the median income for an advertising coordinator in Los Angeles is $53,449 compared to $44,152 in Oklahoma. The average retail account representative in Los Angeles makes $32,278, only $5,614 more than in Oklahoma. With so many talented individuals flocking to states like California and New York, the competition for high paying positions is stiff. Coastal cities are flooding with people with big dreams and lofty ambitions who are forced to take menial jobs in order to make ends meet. Meanwhile, the property prices in cities like Los Angeles and New York City have sky-

rocketed in the last several years. For example, the average selling price for a home in San Diego is $550,000. In Oklahoma, it is $132,212. Granted, in many states, there are more cultural events and job opportunities than in Oklahoma, especially in high-tech fields like computer science and engineering. Oklahoma City is on the brink of joining the rest of the nation in job opportunities, including some very high-tech positions in nanotechnology, an industry that has begun to boom in Oklahoma recently. It’s not that we think nobody should move out of state. There are many people we would love to see move away. Our wonderful Sen. Inhofe, for example, who told the Tulsa World that global warming is the “greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American public.” But we don’t want to see the best and brightest Okies pack their bags. We want Oklahoma graduates to stay in Oklahoma. In our opinion, which is the title of this page of The Vista, Oklahoma has gotten a bad wrap from some of its own citizens, who are under the mistaken impression that the grass is definitely greener across state lines.

Story originally ran Monday, January 27, 1936

Amelia Earhart Speaks Tonight Famous Aviatrix will give talk in Mitchell Hall

Pioneer Flyer holds most outstanding air record of any women The “First” lady of accomplished Americans, Amelia Earhart, noted aviatrix and speaker, will make her appearance in Mitchell Hall, January 27, at 8:15 o’clock. Miss Earhart, in private life Mrs. Geo. Palmer Putman, wife of the famous New York publisher, author, and explorer, has acquired a catalog of firsts that proclaim her the most activily accomplished women of her day. Her aeronautical activities have gained for her the title of the World’s Premier aviatrix. Her flying instructions were received in Los Angeles, California, where she had gone to be with her father. Working as a mail and file clerk, she pawned her jewelry and fur coat to pay for her lessons and her first plane. The petite, tousled-haired blonde, whose vivacious per-

sonality and versatile eloquence match her expressive blue eyes, is the author of two books. “Twenty hours and forty minutes” and “The fun of it.” Vice-president of the National Aeronautical association, Miss Earhart has also been Avation Editor of a national magazine, and has written many articles. She was also identified with the founding of the air line from New York to Washington, and the line between Boston and Bangor, Maine. Miss Earhart was the first woman to fly the Atlantic, to fly the Atlantic twice, to fly an autogyro, to receive the Distinguished Flying cross, to receive the National Geographic Society gold metal, to speed record 17:06,30, former holder of Women’s Transcontinental speed record 181,18, to get license in the U.S. to carry passengers for hire in cabin planes

weighing up to 7,700 pounds. In the masculine field of aviation, Amelia hold two firsts, being the first person to solo across the Pacific from Honolulu, and the first person to solo from Mexico City to New York Note from the editor Amelia Earhart’s legend continues when she entered a flight with Frederick J. Noonan from Miami, Florida to co-navigate the first round-the-world flight. The two flew to the journey’s starting point, New Guinea, but after they took flight on July 1, 1937, they never arrived at their destination, Howland Island in the Pacific. The two were never to be seen again. A special thanks to the UCO Archives.

CAMPUS QUOTES: Compiled and photographed by Alex Gambill and Andrew Knittle

"What do you think about Pluto losing its planetary status?" “I think it’s terrible news. Everybody knows that Capernicus was right and that Pluto is a planet.”

“I read about it earlier, but I don’t really know about it. I guess I should go home and read the article again.”

"I think it’s great that we pay people to sit around and debate questions of planetary status when we have poor people who need money just to survive.”

Brad Collier

Brittany Smith

Lee Cantrell

Business Management

Communications Senior

History Senior

“I can’t really say because I’ve never actually been to Pluto.”

Laure Barney Criminal Justice Sophomore


Center for learning and professional dThe e vUniversity e l o pofm ent to offer CPR classes. Central Healthcare Provider CPR class- the Heartsaver CPR course are: 9

Oklahoma Center for Learning and Professional Development (CLPD) will offer two different American Heart Association CPR classes. The Healthcare Provider CPR class is designed for the healthcare professional and will cover basic CPR for adult, child, infant, and two person airway management, as well as bag valve use and AED training. Times and dates for the

es are: 12:30 p.m. to 5 p.m., Friday, Sept. 8, and 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 9 The Heartsaver CPR class is designed to teach CPR and relief of foreign body airway obstruction (FBAO) to all lay rescuers, particularly those who are expected to respond to emergencies in the workplace, daycare providers and anyone needing certification for their occupation.Class times and dates for

a.m. to noon, and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 23, and 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 10. All classes are open to the Edmond community and Oklahoma City metro area and will be held on the UCO campus. Certification is good for two years. For cost and registration information, contact Linda Smith at (405) 974-2543 or register online at

Tailgating the name of the game at UCO this football season. The University of Central Oklahoma is inviting everyone to come to campus to tailgate before every Broncho home football game this season. It’s all about having fun,” said Brooke Wilson, assistant director for CampusActivities and Events. "We want anyone and everyone to come to campus an hour or two before the game, bring

their grills, hotdogs and burgers, families and friends and party before they go into the stadium.” Wilson said designated areas of the parking lo ts adjacent to UCO’s Wantland stadium will be the site of the festivities. “The students, especially the large number of student organizations on cam-

pus, are really excited about the tailgate,” Wilson said. “But we’re also hearing from our alumni and other members of the community who want to come out for the fun.” UCO has seven home games this season, with the first to be played at 7 p.m., August 31 at Wantland Stadium against Missouri Western.

DID YOU KNOW THAT... Cat urine glows under a black-light!

Microsoft Word shows a floppy disk, with the shutter on backwards.

Butterflies taste with their feet

Bob Dylan’s real name is Robert Zimmerman

If you counted 24 hours a day, it would take 31,688 years to reach one trillion.

Dr. Samuel A. Mudd was the physician who set the leg of Lincoln’s assassin John Wilkes Booth, and whose shame created the statement for ignominy, “His name is Mudd."

Actor Tommy Lee Jones and vice-president Al Gore were freshman roommates at Harvard. The “save” icon on

Every photograph of an American atomic bomb detonation was taken

by Harold Edgerton Hummingbirds can’t walk. Leonardo De Vinci invented the scissors Months that begin on a Sunday will always have a “Friday the 13th.” Montpelier, Vermont is the only U.S. state capital without a McDonalds. There are 293 ways to

make change for a dollar A typical banana travels 4,000 miles before being eaten Over 4 million cars in Brazil are now running on gasohol instead of petrol. Gasohol is a fuel made from sugar cane Almonds are members of the peach family.

CAMPUS ANNOUNCEMENTS n Creative Studies Writers Institute (CSWI) and UCO English Dept. Poetry reading 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, Sept 6 Liberal Arts Building Room 211 Contact Dr. Constance Squires ext. 5616 Colleen Abel, the poet who will be reading, is this semester's Artistin-Residence at UCO. n P.R.S.S.A. meeting

6:00-7:00 p.m. August 29 Communications Building 105 Larry Jurrend at 7064078 Open to anyone inter ested in public relation

n Int’l Office & Int’l

Student Council

Event: World Cup Soccer 2:00 p.m. Fridays 9-8-06 Thru 11-3-06 UCO Fire-station soccer field Contact: Jalal Daneshfar 974-2377 UCO students are invited to form teams to participate in this annual event. Registration starts Mon. 8-21-06 and continues until Wed. 9-6-06. Weekly games start on Fri. 9-8-06. Sign up at Int’l Office.

August 29, 2006


UCO professor to be honored by Nathan Winfrey Senior Staff Writer Plans are in place for an endowment to honor former UCO professor and debate coach Doug Duke, who retired last semester. “We have started an effort to honor Doug Duke for his years of service…that effort is to create both a scholarship endowment and also provide some spendable monies that will be available to the debate team,” said Lisa Antonelli, director of development for the College of Liberal Arts. Normal endowments are placed at a foundation, and only the interest gained goes toward its purpose. Donors were asked to allow 50 percent of their money to be put in the endowment, and the other 50 percent into a fund that would help meet the debaters’ immediate needs, such as travel and scholarship money, she said. “Instead of doing a normal endowment…we’ve asked alumni and people who have known Coach Duke over the years to consider making a donation to

honor him,” Antonelli said. The debate program is the oldest extracurricular activity on campus, and it was officially organized in 1898, she said. According to a press release, the UCO debate team has competed against Ivy League and NCAA Division I schools such as Harvard, Dartmouth and the University of Oklahoma and was ranked fourth in the nation in 2004. “This fall we will go ahead and have some money that we can disperse to the team from the spendable account to meet some of their most critical needs,” Antonelli said. She said the decision to raise the money was a combination of the debate team’s history of success and Duke’s years of service in the classroom and dedication to the debate program. “Debate is one of those extracurricular activities that really requires a big time commitment from the sponsor, and not only did he make that commitment, but he made it for decades, because he loved the students,” Antonelli said. Nathan Winfrey can be reached at


August 29, 2006



August 29, 2006


European tour gives mass comm. students new perspective by Divona Phillips Staff Writer UCO’s Department of Mass Communication granted 13 students the opportunity to travel to Great Britain and Ireland for the European Studies and Travel Writing class in June. The class was designed to help students learn to write articles and take photos for travel publications. Dr. Mark Hanebutt, journalism professor, served as chaperone and teacher for this course. He said the purpose of the class is to give students a chance to get out of Oklahoma and see a different culture. “Every student should travel abroad before completing their college education,” Hanebutt said. “It will allow them to broaden their horizons and have a different outlook on life in America.” The students said they were very grateful for an opportunity to take the trip. “Not only was it an overall fun experience, but I also learned a lot about the people and how opposite our cultures are,” said Lindsey Gillum, a senior advertising major. The students said that most of the trip was a structured tour that included other people visiting the countries, but provided by Lauren Jones the last five days Hanebutt allowed them to return to London and explore Lauren Jones, advertising junior, captures the St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin, Ireland, July 17 during Dr. Mark Hanebutt's European Studies and Travel Writing class. on their own. “My favorite places were London was to see all of the landmarks that were there to everyone. You will have experiences and and Edinburgh, although Dublin had the most even before the United States was founded. memories that will stay with you the rest of beautiful landscapes and the architecture was “The British are totally into preserving your life,” Hamilton said. awe-inspiring,” said Lauren Jones, a junior their history instead of tearing it down like we “Students should go just for the purpose of advertising major. seem to do,” she said. experiencing a new culture,” Gillum said. Jones and Gillum said there were many difThough Hanebutt has been to Europe many “I learned so much about myself and I’ve ferences between our culture and the British times and seen all of these places before, he made lifelong friends,” Jones said. “I loved and Irish. said it is still a great trip. everything about this trip and I would go again “The funniest thing was, when referring to “Each time I go, I get a new set of students,” in a second. It changed my life forever.” what we call cell phones, they always said, he said. “Just going on the trip is a tremendous ‘Call me on my mobile,’” Gillum stated. educational experience for them.” Jones said one of the oddest experiences The students agreed that it was a lifeshe had was when she met, and got a kiss changing experience and other UCO students Divona Phillips can be reached at from, a “real 3-foot-tall leprechaun.” should definitely take this course when it’s Melaney Hamilton, a senior general studoffered. ies major, said that what was amazing to her “I would absolutely recommend this trip


August 29, 2006



August 29, 2006


Renowned folk singer Collins performs, promotes album Another fantastic song was when Collins took a break from the acoustic guitar and played on the keyboard Leonard Cohen’s “A Thousand Kisses Deep,” accompanied by the pianist. The piece was reminiscent of a dark romance tale, composed with a gothic “Phantom of the Opera” style composition. The evening felt complete with the inclusion of Collins’ personal segments with the audience. From the beginning to the last remaining songs, she shared her life experiences and explained what the songs meant to her as an artist. She discussed how she motivated Leonard Cohen to take up singing and share his poetry with the world. She also spoke about her memories of Oklahoma, long ago when the weather was cold enough to sit by the fire, drinking whiskey just to keep warm. She then commented on the UCO Jazz Lab on how she was impressed with the setup. Along with her incredible singing talent, she is a great storyteller. Much of her humor was laid-back, subtle, but amusing enough to get a cheerful reaction from the audience. This element of communicating with the crowd - eager to talk about things the people would be interested in hearing about - makes concerts like this stand out and feel more special. Her tour will continue throughout the following year, taking her all over the United States. Colorado is her next destination with the tour ending there by July 2007.

by Steven Reckinger Copy Editor

The UCO Jazz Lab had the honor of legendary folk singer Judy Collins play in front of a sold-out crowd Aug. 25 and 26. Collins has been performing a wide range of folk music since the early 1960’s. Her style ranges from traditional Celtic music to contemporary tunes. She said she was raised playing the piano, learning classical pieces like Mozart. As she grew older, she strayed from the piano and trained herself with the guitar after becoming acquainted with folk music. Her career has extended over 40 years, performing with top artists like Dolly Parton and Leonard Cohen. The show was comprised of 15 songs, including the encore. Collins appears to have an amazing talent of maintaining a high note at the end of almost every song. The arrangement had her on the acoustic guitar the majority of the evening, and one pianist who effectively balanced the complexity of the musical structure. During the Friday evening performance, she said she hadn’t recovered from a cold, which somewhat interfered with her singing. Surprisingly, much of the intrusion of her illness didn’t seem noticeable until toward the end of the performance. The variety of musical genres she dove into that night ranged from traditional Irish music to Broadway ballads. Many of the songs she played contained a peaceful, gentle sound to them, some even emotional like the song she wrote recently about the firefighters during the Sept. 11 attacks. One of the best pieces she played that evening, and one she received “Song of the Year” for in 1975, was Stephen Sondheim’s Broadway ballad “Send in the Clowns.”

leadership from page 1 at UCO, said that the program is designed to help students understand why leadership matters in all aspects of life. “Employers, graduates and grad students consistently tell us that understanding and applying leadership principles is the key

By Vista photographer Kazuo Ogaya Judy Collins plays to a sold-out audience at the UCO Jazz Lab, Aug. 26.

to success,” Steele said. and help out in any way. There are no specifics Steele said that if everythat the colleges have to fol- thing goes well this year, low regarding the Leaders in the goal is to, in the future, Residence. After agreeing to have several leaders partwork with the colleges, the nered with each college. leaders talk with the dean of The participants have agreed that college to set up ways to be Leaders in Residence to talk with and provide for one academic school year, opportunities for the facul- but continuing beyond that ty and staff during the year. time period is encouraged. Steele, who is also the special assistant to President Divona Phillips can be reached at Webb, has the job of secur- ing the leaders with the colleges and provide support Women’s Assertiveness Group (WAG) is accepting registrations for a new group beginning Wednesday, September 20, 2006. WAG meets once a week for

CALL NOW 974-2215 January 2006

What’s WAG?

six weeks and it is FREE! Call now for information and benefits…

Find the balance of being a woman Say “No” without being called a ?#!?! Handle criticism the right way Positively & directly communicate Ask for what you want & get it! Learn to handle difficult situations Don’t get mad– GET WAGGED! Join a small group of Women Only! Become self-aware of who you are Celebrate being you!

Call now to reserve your spot!

405-974-2215 Don’t wait—space is limited Wednesdays beginning September 20, 2006 12 noon -1:30pm Bring a Sack Lunch & join WAG!

Steve Reckinger can be reached at

UCO-SCC Nigh University Center 4th Floor Edmond, OK 73034

GANAWAY from page 1 t-shirt tied around her neck, holding a pair of scissors. According to Oklahoma State Courts Network reports, Ganaway had been previously charged with attempted sexual battery in Feb. 2005. Title 21, section 1114 of the Oklahoma Statutes states that if convicted, Ganaway could receive a sentence from five years to life in prison without parole. “Rape is not about the act, it is about power and control

over the victim,” said Mark Police do not have jurisdicMcCoy, assistant professor of tion in off-campus apartments. criminal justice at UCO. He “If this is the guy, I am glad that also said that degrading the vic- he is in custody,” Johnson said. tim is what motivates the crime. “We have several educaMcCoy said that most of tional programs and counseling the time, rapists have obvious services for students on these trouble with self- confidence type of issues,” Johnson said. and they cannot have a norDr. Rita Conger, Postdoctoral mal relationship with a woman. Fellow in Psychology, said “In our correctional system, UCO students can find assisrehabilitation is very low,” tance after abuse at the McCoy said. “Rehabilitation Student Counseling Center. sometime works, but a large percent reoffend.” “Students’ safety is our top priority,” said Charlie Johnson, Ivo Lupov can be reached at News Bureau Director at UCO. He also said Campus



August 29, 2006

Hypnotist charms students during Stampede Week by Steven Reckinger Copy Editor

Certified Hypnotist Rick Minter performed in front of a full auditorium in the Constitution Hall Aug .21 during Stampede Week. Minter started the show with a brief introduction to hypnosis and how it’s commonly used to test anxiety. He said doctors use it for medical purposes ranging from simple phobias to migraine headaches. The Medical Association approved hypnosis for medical research in Nov. 1958. When people ask Minter if hypnosis works effectively, he always tells them it works wonderful. “Imagine what it could do if we use one-tenth of our minds. It’ll be significant,” Minter said. There were 16 volunteers that participated, eight males and eight females. Minter chose each one randomly from the audience and had them sit together in a row for the majority of the show. The hypnotic procedure began with a relaxation method that eventually caused each volunteer to collapse into a deep sleep. Somber music played in the background, a formulaic style of ambient composition used to relax the left and right brain. After every participant fell into unconsciousness, Minter demonstrated how hypnosis works by by Vista photographer Alex Gambill progressing through a series of exercises such as having them for- Rick Minter, certified hypnotist, makes UCO students fall asleep in front of a full auditorium in Constitution Hall Aug. 21 during Stampede Week. get their names and making them undergo extreme conditions like feeling severely hot or cold. most interesting aspect of this portion was when that they were orangutans and the audience was “You truly are unique. You’re one of a kind,” There were some rather amusing exercises Minter caused them to freeze in place while mak- a fresh crowd the participants could fool around said Minter, wanting to stress the importance of like convincing the men to experience the worse ing funny faces. Then he allowed people from with. The volunteers scurried throughout the confidence to the audience. wedgie they ever felt. This followed into the the audience come up and take pictures of their auditorium, picking at people’s hair for lice and next segment where the men blamed the women friends to keep as a nice souvenir. tickling them out of playfulness. for the intense prank and got even by throwing The second-grade bit went into other fun All joking aside, the show did reveal a posi- “hypnotic dust” on them, causing the women to exercises like pretending balloons were forms of tive message at the end. Minter believes that fall unconscious. Minter then had the men line currency or making the partakers display a chain hypnosis is a valuable method to improve how Steve Reckinger can be reached at sreckinger@ up, four on each side, to mock a battle where they of emotional expressions such as laughing and we think and feel about ourselves. The emphasis took each other out at the same time. crying. on self-esteem by overcoming insecurity is the The longest segment consisted of the partici- The show ended with an interesting display foundation that hypnosis is based on, according pants representing second-graders. Perhaps the of animalism. Minter persuaded the volunteers to Minter.

This little piggy found the best apartment value in Edmond.




August 29, 2006


'Beerfest' lampoons the sport of competitive beer drinking by Nathan Winfrey Senior Staff Writer

A movie with a name like “Beerfest” has little or no pretense. Like “Snakes on a Plane,” it’s not just a title, but a one-word plot synopsis. The Broken Lizard comedy troupe, responsible for “Super Troopers” and “Club Dread,” takes us to Germany with grieving brothers Todd and Jan Wolfhouse (Erik Stolhanske and Paul Soter) who cross the Atlantic to sprinkle their grandfather’s (Donald Sutherland) ashes at Oktoberfest. After a drunken brawl begins a destructive chain reaction that destroys the festival, the brothers are taken to a secret, international competition called “Beerfest.” Imagine Fight Club with beer pong. After suffering humiliation from the German team, Todd and Jan assemble a team of champion American drinkers and begin rigorous training for the next year’s competition to defend the family name and their Schitzengiggle Brewery (say it quickly and you’ll get the joke). Not only is this the funniest movie of the year, but it’s the first film of the summer that I didn’t feel was at least a minor disappointment, which is interesting because it’s almost over. Maybe that’s because I went in expecting it to be terrible. There are no deep meanings to digest here, no existential philosophy to pick through and no political subtext to ignore. This is laugh-till-your-throat’s-sore funny. It’s scatological, immature, shameful, degrading and absolutely hilarious. Barry (Jay Chandrasekhar, also writer and director), Fink (Steve Lemme) and

Associated Press photo

Landfill (Kevin Heffernan, also co-writer) round out the American drinking team, each character unique and likeable for different reasons. Screen and television veteran Cloris Leachman plays a memorable Great Gam Gam, who may or may not have been prostitute in the old days. “Beerfest” is a welcome break from the string of clichéd sports movies we’ve seen over the last few years. Sure, there are people that would say drinking ridiculous amounts of alcohol competitively isn’t a sport. Maybe they’re right, but the way it’s

portrayed here is a well-aimed send-up of everything that’s cheesy and stupid about all those “Remember the Titans” retreads we keep getting subjected to. Maybe lampooning the sports movie genre is ground already well-covered by “Dodgeball,” but I think it’s about time for a refresher. A sit through a string of previews before any movie is proof enough that sappy underdog crap still sells. Irreverent yet charming, disgusting and completely stupid yet strangely endearing, “Beerfest” is uproariously funny and

is the kind of movie that will get funnier each time you see it. It might not have the staying power of “Super Troopers” or the handful of great comedies left over from the ‘80s and ‘90s, before the best comedians started dying off or burning out, but it’s a movie that will be hard to ignore and a shame to miss. My grade: A Nathan Winfrey can be reached at

Professor's apartment to appear on HGTV by Andrew Knittle Staff Writer Normally, a person with hundreds of miniature Empire State Buildings and tiny Statues of Liberties crammed into a 630 square-foot apartment would be considered a hoarder. But for James Robert Watson, UCO professor of design, having just that earned him – and his NYC apartment – a spot in an upcoming episode of HGTV’s show “Small Space, Big Style.” Watson, on the UCO staff since 1987, said he was

sought by the show’s production team after it saw photographs of his Battery City apartment on a design website. “I got an e-mail from someone at a show on HGTV called ‘Small Space, Big Style,’” Watson said. “She asked if I was willing to speak with one of their producers and I said, you bet!” In a segment called “Souvenirs That Add Character to a New York Apartment,” the program looked at how Watson deployed his NYC-themed décor to make the most of his small space. The apartment, where Watson spends his summers, features a 3-D puzzle of the Manhattan

Show your UCO ID and recieve a $5 discount on a $50 order!

skyline and customized, slanted bookshelves – crafted by Watson himself – used to store books about New York City. But it’s the “Ode to New York” – 96 miniature Statues of Liberty and 96 miniature Empire State Buildings, arranged meticulously in a blueprint of the Twin Towers – that Watson claims is the space’s centerpiece. Filmed back in May, Watson said the process was “exciting, fascinating, intriguing, educational and fun,” but not financially enriching. “No fee,” Watson said. “Well, they bought me coffee and lunch.” The episode featur-

ing Watson’s apartment was originally slated to air Aug. 20, but was postponed due to unspecified reasons. Those interested in catching the program should consult any TV guide or visit HGTV’s website for future programming schedules. Andrew Knittle can be reached at

Dr. Jim Watson, professor of design, and his NYC apartment will be featured on an upcoming episode of "Small Space, Big Style" on HGTV.



International mentorships ease transition August 29, 2006

by Ivo Lupov Staff Writer

The UCO International Student Council is now helping newly enrolled international students adapt to American customs and a university lifestyle. By creating the International Student Mentorship Program, the ISC expects to provide guidance, information and support to freshmen and transfer students during the 2006 fall semester. The main purpose of the program is to help new international students adapt to UCO. “A student mentorship is a one-on-one relationship between a UCO student and an incoming freshman over an entire semester,” said Josephine Mangoli, president of the International Student Council. Created and entirely coordinated by students, the program is divided into two phases. The mentors’ responsibilities during the first part of the program will include providing help with enrollment, classes, bank accounts, student ID’s, social security numbers, driver’s licenses, class schedules and building locations. “The mentors will be pretty much a guide during the first two weeks,” Mangoli said. Some of the mentors’ responsibilities during phase two will be to promote campus activities. Mentors are expected to act as positive rolemodels for new students. “Encouraging and promoting positive attitude towards UCO” are some of the major features of the mentorship, Mangoli said. Mangoli said all mentors

by Vista photographer Travis Marak

Nursing Freshman Rosha Thapaliya gets help with her social security information from UCO Imigration Advisor Stephen Lanier in the international office Aug. 28.

and mentees will be matched according to various features. To reach maximum effectiveness, mentors will be assigned to help students with similar ethnicities or academic majors. “The mentor needs to be a good friend,” said Mangoli. “They have been my friends since I came,” said Bimal Aryal from Nepal. “I go there [mentors] with my problems.” According to International Office statistics, there were 1,289 international students from 90 different countries enrolled at UCO during the spring 2006 semester. The idea for the program originated from past

experiences, such as problems with accommodation and transportation in the United States, said Rodriguez. Stephen Lanier, immigration advisor at UCO said students face many problems when trying to adapt to the new culture in America. “Many of the students would prefer to eat their own foods, so they choose to live off campus so they can do their own cooking,” he said. “Sometimes students will stay with a friend here who already goes to school here and transportation can be a real problem.” “It is a very exciting program,” said Dr. Dennis Dunham, direc-

tor of the International Office. “I am impressed with the leadership.” “The program is very beneficial for the students and International Office,” said

Glenn Freeman, immigration advisor. “It teaches the new students how to survive.” Ivo Lupov can be reached at


August 29, 2006


Students start semester with top grades in advertising by Desiree Treeby Staff Writer Walking into a new class each semester, it’s easy to feel which professors are passionate about their work. Passionate teachers always find creative ideas to help all types of learners gain the knowledge they need upon graduation. Some UCO professors start students at a grade zero; some immediately give students a C average; some, like Mark Brennaman in his three Introduction to Advertising classes immediately give their students A’s. Not only does he give his students A’s as their starting grades, he also gives them their own A cardboard cut-out. “It’s a play on a letter,” Brennaman said. “It’s so they can visually see that A. “A” also represents advertising and academics. “It’s something different. I’ve never seen it before,” said Chris Porter, public relations junior. Brennaman said his goal is to give his students a constant reminder that they started the class with an A, and that it’s possible to keep it, with work. “It’s like holding an egg. They’re supposed to keep it safe,” Brennaman said. “I want them to keep it throughout the whole semester.” As a lower-level class, teaching his students advertising isn’t the only aspect he holds important. Learning study skills and reminding students to keep ethical behavior are also on his teaching agenda. He requires his students to write a paper about personal and professional ethics. He wants to remind them that advertising is a persuasive tool toward a product and that consumers are not to be taken advantage of, Brennaman said. As a part of A’s representation, it also

by Vista photographer Alex Gambill

Brittany Durley, marketing freshman, receives an A for advertising on her first day of introduction to advertising coures from Mark Brennaman Aug. 22. stands for Academic Advertising Agency. Each of his three classes are acting as an advertising agency for real clients, divided into departments such as creative, graphic and copywriting. He said it’s a great way for businesses to receive advertising ideas for free. His students

are representing themselves as what he describes as “world-class agencies.” It’s better than just learning facts,” said Porter, “I like doing real-world work, and not just reading the book.” Working in the communication, marketing

and advertising fields for more than 25 years gave him teaching tools to show his students from personal experience. “It helps to show students, to touch and feel. It helps bring it all together.” He wants his students to be “immersed in

T h e a t re s t u d e n t l e a v e s UCO in pursuit of dream by Desiree Treeby Staff Writer

Beating 3,000 national and international competitors changed the future of current UCO student Devin Dawson, after winning the Young Adult Actor of the Year award in New York at the International Talent and Models Association’s competition. The 20-year-old theatre student is packing his belongings and moving to Los Angeles Aug. 31. He signed with Stanzi Stokes Trio Entertainment Group Management, Inc., who launched and helped established actor Leonardo DiCaprio’s career. The Jones,

Oklahoma native and Edmond Memorial High School graduate earned awards in 10 categories including first place in the Monologue competition. “He won so many awards, I couldn’t carry them all,” Deborah said. “I wouldn’t have missed it.” Growing up singing in choirs and acting in plays throughout his education helped prepare him for this competition and for what he is about to face in California. “I was going there to get my name out. In terms of how I measured up… I thought it was a great accomplishment,” Dawson said. He is looking at moving as an opportunity to build his name and career. “I want to stay busy,” Dawson said.

He is going there with the mindset of working to do what he loves, and not to let the Los Angeles distractions affect him. After winning the competition, Devin asked his mother what she thought about moving to California. “I told him, ‘You’re moving,’” Deborah said. “I’m doing what I need to do to get him where he needs to be,” she said. His mother, an Oklahoma City lawyer, is helping him move. They are each driving their vehicles to transport many of his belongings. She plans to work while he is auditioning, and is staying until he settles in and has met with his imme diate contacts. “He’s on the road

to bigger and better things,” his mother said. “He loves UCO. I hope UCO can see him on the big screen, be proud he came from here and that he is an Oklahoma native.” Devin’s advice for all people is to work hard, because if you work hard enough anyone can do anything. “He deserves it. I’m completely backing him up,” said Sade Hall, friend of Dawson and UCO broadcasting student. Dawson’s other awards include: first runner-up Cold Read, second runner-up in Soap Opera, fourth runner-up in TV Real People Commercials, and top ten in Theatrical Headshots, TV Beauty, Male Singing and in Sitcom Acting.

Desiree Treeby can be reached at

Photo provided


the theVVista ista

August 29, 2006

Security incidents threaten seven U.S. f l i g h t s By KRISTEN HAYS AP Business Writer HOUSTON (AP) - A stick of dynamite was found in a college student's checked luggage on a Continental Airlines flight from Argentina, one of seven security incidents Friday that caused U.S. flights to be diverted, evacuated, searched or delayed. Howard McFarland Fish, 21, was charged with carrying an explosive aboard an aircraft and was in the custody of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Federal authorities have determined that his actions were not acts of terrorism, ICE spokeswoman Luisa Deason said in a statement. Houston Fire Department Assistant Chief Omero Longoria said Fish told authorities he works in mining and often handles explosives. Longoria said federal officials were investigating whether the explanation was true. Bill Waldock, aviation safety professor at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Arizona, said the incident could have been disastrous and raises questions about security in overseas airports. Dynamite can be unstable if it's old, he added. "You're in a pressurized airplane, you get a detonation in the cargo hold, it could blow a hole in the airplane big enough to bring it down," he said. The dynamite was found during a luggage search in a federal inspection station at Bush Intercontinental Airport shortly after Flight 52 landed at about 6 a.m. Marlene McClinton, spokeswoman for the Houston Airport System, said ICE officials and the FBI shut down the customs area and began questioning Fish, one of 173 passengers on the flight. The U.S. Attorney's Office in Houston said Fish, of Connecticut, would appear before a federal magistrate Monday. Carrying an explosive aboard an aircraft carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a

A US Airways plane sits next to the terminal at Will Rogers World Airport after it was diverted to Oklahoma City, Friday, Aug. 25, 2006, after a federal air marshal subdued a disruptive passenger who was involved in an incident with a flight attendant, a spokesman for the airline said. (AP Photo/The Oklahoman, Jim Beckel)

fine of up to $250,000. Fish is a psychology student at Lafayette College in Easton, Pa., said Roger Clow, the college's director of communications. He declined to answer other questions about Fish, citing privacy concerns. In other incidents: An American Airlines flight from England to Chicago was forced to land in Bangor, Maine, after federal officials "learned of a reported threat," FBI spokeswoman Gail Marcinkiewicz said. Some people on board said a fellow passenger was handcuffed and

An unidentified person works to remove graffiti off the side of a World War II-era Douglas A-26 Invader that was vandalized at Wiley Post Airport, Wednesday, Aug. 23, 2006, in Oklahoma City. Police were called to Wiley Post Airport late Tuesday and found the graffiti on this vintage airplane and four other planes, authorities said. (AP Photo/ The Oklahoman, Chris Landsberger)

placed in a police car as they were leaving the jetliner. Marcinkiewicz said no one was arrested but declined to say if anyone from the flight out of Manchester was in custody. A US Airways jet was diverted to Oklahoma City's Will Rogers World Airport after a federal air marshal subdued a disruptive passenger who had pushed a flight attendant, the FBI said. The passenger was undergoing a mental evaluation, and authorities had yet to determine what criminal charges he might face. The twin-engine jet

returned to flight three hours later on its trip from Phoenix to Charlotte, N.C. A Continental Airlines flight from Corpus Christi, Texas, to Bakersfield, Calif., was held in El Paso, one of its scheduled stops, after the crew discovered a missing panel in the lavatory, authorities said. Passengers were being screened and interviewed, Amy von Walter of the Transportation Security Administration said. A utility knife was found on a vacant passenger seat of a US Airways flight that had traveled from Philadelphia to Bradley International Airport in Connecticut, state police said. No arrests were made and there were no threats involved, said Master Sgt. J. Paul Vance, state police spokesman. He said it was unknown Friday whether a worker inadvertently left the knife on the plane or a passenger brought it on. An Aer Lingus flight from New York to Dublin was evacuated Friday morning during a scheduled stopover in western Ireland following a bomb threat that turned out to be unfounded, officials said. A United Airlines flight out of Chicago's O'Hare International Airport was delayed because a small boy said something inappropriate, according to a government official speaking

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on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the information. "He didn't want to fly," the official said. The Manchester-to-Chicago flight, American Airlines Flight 55, was diverted to Bangor for security reasons, Federal Aviation Administration spokeswoman Arlene Murray said. The plane landed on a remote taxiway and passengers were taken by bus to a holding area, said airport manager Rebecca Hupp. State police provided bomb squad dogs, and local police provided additional assistance. "The TSA learned of a reported threat to the aircraft while it was en route," TSA spokeswoman Andrea McCauley said, declining to give further details. FBI agents were interviewing passengers and crew, she added. Marcinkiewicz, of the FBI, declined to elaborate on the source of the threat, or to say whether officials believed it to be legitimate. Passengers said they had not seen any disruptions during the flight. Amy Chignell of Redditch, England, said she sat next to the man who appeared to be the subject of concern and did not see him do anything out of the ordinary, although he went to the restroom a few times. Tom Roseberry of Seattle said passengers were told they were landing in Maine because a member of the crew was ill. But he said passengers began to suspect something else was going on when they saw a fighter jet zoom by.


August 29, 2006


Edmond actor plays bully sidekick in worm-eating flick Associated Press

Blake Garrett has toured the world with Barney and made a film about eating worms, but the 13-year-old Edmond boy stayed closer to home this summer, mowing lawns for profit. Last summer, he spent more than two months in and around Austin, Texas, making “How to Eat Fried Worms,” writer-director Bob Dolman’s adaptation of Thomas Rockwell’s novel. The movie, which opened Friday, is the story of an 11-yearold who runs afoul of the class bully on the first day of school and ends up betting that he can eat 10 worms in a single day. Garrett plays one of the bully’s henchmen. “But everybody got along on the set,” he said. During the shoot, Blake was surprised to learn not all the boys in the cast knew how to ride a bicycle and some had to have lessons. “There were rows of bicycles, and they let me have

first pick,” he said. “There was one scene where we were riding on a gravel road and got to slide to a stop. The guys who could ride worked on that scene. They had a camera on the ground, and in one scene I slid and gravel hit the camera. They really liked that shot, and that’s the one they used in the movie.” After that, a stuntman taught Blake how to do a 360degree move on the bike. At 10, Blake was hired to tour with a big purple dinosaur in “Barney’s Colorful World.” He toured for 18 months and is in the “Barney’s Colorful World” children’s video. Since making the movie, Blake has grown several inches and put on some pounds. He was involved in a lawn mowing business with a friend over the summer and now is interested in playing cornerback or safety in football or moving up a weight in wrestling.

Child actor Blake Garrett poses in Oklahoma City with a rubber worm on Thursday, Aug. 17, 2006. (AP Photo)



august 29, 2006

Muslim Student Association reforms with first female president The events of Sept. 11, 2001 may also have spelled the end for UCO’s Muslim Student Association. by Andrew Knittle Staff Writer

by Vista photographer Alex Gambill

Bobbi Elkamely, president of the Muslim Student Association

UCO student to host art show Sept. 2 in OKC UCO student Samantha Lamb, Junior Photo Arts major, will be hosting an art show titled The Jezebel Series: faceless portraiture of a country girl, 7:00-11:00 p.m. September 2, at 820 ½ N. Broadway in Oklahoma City. The event is to celebrate the joy of art and community while viewing her newest series of pictures. “I want people to have a good time and to walk away with a different perspective on photography,” Lamb said. Lamb has plans for further-

ing her education as well as the next series of photography art. "I plan to study for my masters [degree] in Ireland "she said. '"I also am going to do a series of photography of trees for greenpeace. Provided by Samantha Lamb

Two examples of some of the art work that will be on display at the art show The Jezebel Series: faceless portraiture of a country girl.

Fall 2006 course withdrawal deadlines Last day to drop a class without a grade: In person - 5:00 p.m., September 1, 2006 On the web - Midnight, September 4, 2006 Beginning August 21, 2006, Students using the web to withdraw can drop any or all of their classes except the last class for which they are still enrolled. Withdrawal from last class must be done in person at Enrollment Services, University Center, 124. Last Day for 100% refund from dropping a class is September 1, 2006 Enrollment Services NUC 124 Drops/withdrawals can impact eligibility for student financial aid. Contact the Student Financial Aid Office if you have any questions.

Aside from ushering America into a new era of fear – one with color-coded “terror threat levels” and dramatic increases in body cavity searches at the nation’s airports – the events of Sept. 11, 2001 may also have spelled the end for UCO’s Muslim Student Association. In the days following the attacks, the MSA decided to disband after more than 20 years of activities on the UCO campus. The organization’s faculty adviser, chemistry professor Al Albahadily, said that while the Sept. 11 terror attacks were a factor in the MSA’s decision not to continue as a student organization, there was another reason, he believes, that was more of an impetus. “By the time Sept. 11 happened, the group’s activities had slowed quite a bit from previous years,” Albahadily said, “The tragic events added to the problem.” Albahadily recalled that the few students who remained in the club post-9/11 just didn’t know how to proceed at the time and that many of them felt “uncomfortable and misunderstood.” That was then. Fast-forward five years and the MSA is back, with a new purpose, a new leader and a new, “softer” look. Bobbi Elkamely, an African-American woman who converted to Islam in late 2001, is the association’s new leader, earning her the distinction of being the first female president in the organization’s 28-year history. A violinist and music major, Elkamely said she believes the MSA will need to make changes to its former self in order to accomplish the group’s new goals. “I want the organization to be softer and more open,” Elkamely said, “because most people [nonMuslims] have no idea what we really believe in.” Elkamely also wants her 25-member organization to bridge the gap between Muslims and Christians – two groups, she said, that share common origins.

“I want the organization to be softer and more open, because most people have no idea what we really believe in.” Bobbi Elkamely

“Because I was raised Christian, and then converted to Islam after Sept. 11,” she said, “I want people to see Islam for the Judah-Christian/Islamic perspective, not just Muslim, Muslim, Muslim.” Her conversion to Islam, the timing of which Elkamely admits may seem a bit odd to the casual observer, came after a period of time in which she studied an assortment of religions, one of which was Islam. “After Sept. 11, I really became interested in Islam,” she said. “My uncle and brother are Muslims, but I never paid attention to them until 9/11. “After that, I decided it might be important to find out if Muslims really do what they [the media] were saying about them.” She made her choice, and five years later, Elkamely must lead the resurrected MSA through its first semester of activities since the 2000-2001 school year. In addition to conducting the usual student association functions, such as holding meetings and doing community service, the MSA has plans to produce events for Ramadan, a month-long observance that includes fasting during daylight hours. Students wishing to join the organization can contact the group’s faculty adviser, Al Albahadily, at 974-5463 or Bobbi Elkamely at 821-2334. Andrew Knittle can be reached at

Classifieds Deadlines & Prices DEADLINES: All classifieds MUST be submitted by noon Tuesday for the Thursday publication and Friday noon for the Tuesday publication. Prices: Classified ads cost $6/day for the first 20 words and $.10/word thereafter. PAYMENT IS DUE WHEN AD IS PLACED. Classified Display ads (one column boxed ads on classified page) have same deadlines and prices as regular display ads. Call 974-5549 or 974-5918 for additional info.

Special Notices

LARGE ESTATE SALE. 100ft. packed full of furniture, clothing, books, house ware goods at garage sale prices. Chowning Heights Apartments - 1012 Shartrand Ave. behind Wantland Stadium. Sept. 1 & 2 8am - 4pm.


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Help Wanted

JASONS DELI looking for dependable employees who want to work in positive environment. $6 - 7.50/hr. flexible schedules & no experience required. Call Luci 330-1663 ______________________ LINGERIE STORE SALES ASSOCIATE... Join upscale Oklahoma City independent lingerie store as part-time sales associate. Responsibilities include selling intimate apparel in-store to women of all ages as well as assisting in online ecommerce management and customer service. Person must have good people and selling skills, an ability to handle details and a passion for fassion merchandising and customer service. Hourly + Commission. No Sundays or nights. Apply in person to The Lingerie Store, 7636 N. Western Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73116. (405) 841-9828. ______________________ KANSAS CITY BLUES BBQ now accepting applications after 3pm. 405-751-6557 ______________________ PT CASHIER/GENERAL office. M-F 12:15pm - 6pm every other Sat. 8am - 4pm Kennedy Auto & Tire service 530 W. Edmond Rd. 341-8767. See Brenda ______________________ NEED FEMALE to help with house cleaning. Call Lily @ 348-9575 or 623-3233 ______________________ HELP WANTED! Part time nursing student wanted for busy doctors office. MUST BE ABLE TO WORK ALL DAY TUESDAY & THURSDAY. Contact Tammy at 752-0393 for more information. ______________________ GENERALHOUSEKEEPING services needed in Oklahoma City. Starting pay is $8 per hour. Send resumes with contact phone number to: Services Needed, Box 101 N. University Edmond, Ok. 73034 ______________________ BABY SITTER NEEDED before and after school care for 2 boys this fall. Arrive at our Edmond home at 7:30 and take boys to school at 8:00/ Pick up after school at 3:15 and stay with them until I arrive home at 5:30. Call Karen at 348-8454 if interested. Would like one person for both morning and afternoon 5 days per week, but would consider splitting the work. ______________________ BABY SITTER/NANNY with transportation every afternoon 3-6 pm. 3 children (5-12 yrs). Call Sandra 229-8176 for interview. Please provide references. ______________________ LOOKING FOR BEFORE & after school counsellors. Apply in person today. Northside YMCA @ 10000 N. Penn. Ave. 751-6363 ______________________

HELP WANTED PT & FT wait staff & dishwasher at local Mexican Restaurant. Call 478-1666 ______________________ HELP WITH AN ELDERLY couple needed. Housekeeping and errands in Edmond. Patience required. Flexible Hours. Starting pay at $15 per hour. Please send resumes to J Calvert, 11300 N. Pennsylvania Ave. #143, Oklahoma City, OK. 73120 _____________________ EARN AN EXTRA $100 - $1000. Work at home Pt/Ft call Frances @ 409-3073 ______________________ MOE'S SOUTHWEST GRILL now hiring for all positions, starting $7/hr. Apply in person @ SW corner of 33rd & Broadway. Also seeking general assistant managers, fax resumes to 340-4779 ______________________ PERSON NEEDED to help contractor deliver office supplies on campus & around Edmond. Some manual labor. Call Dave @ (918) 607-4757. ______________________ PT PHOTOGRAPHER needed. Apply in person at the Target Portrait Studio. 2nd & Bryant. ______________________ DAYS INN NORTH Frontier City needs front desk clerk part time F, S ,Sun evenings 1pm - 11pm. Apply in person. 478-2554. ______________________ THE NORTH SIDE YMCA is seeking, mature staff for Membership Services and fitness center openings for afternoon, evening & weekend shifts. Applicants for fitness staff need current CPR. Applicants available at the North Side YMCA at 10000 N. Penn Ave, OKC ______________________ FIGARO'S PIZZA is now hiring drivers & shift leaders. Apply @ 1149 E 2nd (next to Party America) ask for Jen. ______________________ PART TIME CHILDCARE positions available for church nursery. Sundays & some week nights. Caring environment. Call 359-2286 ______________________ LOOKING FOR someone mature, dependable and helpful to assist UCO quadriplegic. Help setting up for classes, and other needs as necessary. Mondays & Wednesdays 1 -9pm. *Call 216-5349 to set up interview. Professional references required prior to interview.*Some flexibility w/hours. ______________________ PART TIME Administrative Assistant for busy Engineering Office. Strong oral communication, customer service, organization skills, professionalism & MS Word & Exel. Email resumes to: ______________________ PART TIME Furniture delivery & warehouse person needed. Flexible hours call for appointment. Dane Design 101 N. Portland. 946-6200 ______________________ PROFESSIONAL BABY sitter needed FT/PT positions available. Apply @ ______________________ LOOKING FOR A JOB that will work around your school schedule? Well look no further. Papa Johns is now hiring all positions at NW OKC & Edmond locations. Weither it's the quick fast money of our delivery drivers or your trying to build your resume by working for our management team. PJs has whats right for your college experience. Call or stop by today. 844-7900 ______________________ THIS ONE IS FOR YOU! 10 - 12 hours/ wk sweeping units and picking up trash etc. at self storage in Edmond. YOU pick the hours: evenings, mornings, weekends, etc. Call Danny, 478-7233 for interview. ______________________ STEAKHOUSE SEEKING server, bartenders, and hostess/service assistants openings. Seeking energetic smiling faces. Contact Anne 405-361-0074 ______________________

Sudoku 9 7 1 3 4 6


For Sale

95 TOYOTA TERCEL Automatic Green. 140,000 miles. Great condition. $3000. Call 414-7761 ______________________ FOR SALE - Trailer House 900 N. Fretz #86 $5000/OBO Call Sayre @ 405-388-8864

5 3

4 3


2 1 5

9 7

4 9 8

7 5 9

Puzzle by

Last week's solution

4 7 2 8 6 9 1 3 5

6 9 1 5 3 7 2 8 4

5 3 8 4 1 2 6 9 7

9 6 7 1 5 3 8 4 2

8 2 4 7 9 6 3 5 1

1 5 3 2 4 8 9 7 6

7 8 6 3 2 4 5 1 9

2 4 5 9 8 1 7 6 3

3 1 9 6 7 5 4 2 8

Puzzle by


Cheer, pom spirits soar

For Rent

DUPLEX ALL BILLS Paid 1001 E. Thatcher #4. 400 sq. feet. $425/month, $200 deposit walking distance to UCO. Call 208-2577 __________________ HOUSE FOR RENT3 miles from campus. 3BR/ 2BAw/ 2 car garage. $900/month. Call 341-0232 ______________________ 1 BR in very nice house to rent. Private Bath, Kitchen & Laundry Privileges, cable tv, DSL & Phone. Less than one mile to campus. Available September 1. $375 per month. Call 341-3276 ______________________

The rules of Sudoku are simple. Enter digits from 1 to 9 in the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square. Each Sudoku has a unique solution that can be reached logically, without guessing.

6 2 8 9 8

PART TIME BABYSITTER M,W,F 3:00p - 6:15p, Th 9:00a - 6:15p (flexible). 2 kids ages 4 and 8. $150.00 per week. Call for more information. Linda 816-2892 ______________________ NEW HORIZONS is seeking individuals to work as part time afternoon teachers. If you love children & love to have fun at work, please apply at 14300 N. Western, Edmond. EOE ______________________ CARLITOS is accepting applications for waitstaff. Flexible hours Monday - Sunday schedule. Starting pay $3.00 + tips w/experience. Apply within 936-0004. 2125 W. Memorial LABORWORKERS needed for window cleaning company. Possible tuition reimbursment. Starting at min. wage. Call Roger 405-340-3914. ______________________ SYLVAN LEARNING CENTER needs a teacher assistant 5 days a week. Call Tiffany 842-7323 _____________________ HELPWANTED - Busy pizza place in Edmond. Pizzaiola Homeade Pizza. Part time and full time. Call Toni - 535-5863 _____________________ LOOKING FOR FLEXIBLE employment with a school schedule? Be a part of the premier resturant in OKC. Red Rock Caynon Grill. Apply in person Mon - Sat 2-4. 749-1995 _____________________ TOBY KEITH'S I Love this Bar and Grill now hiring. Line cooks, wait staff, bussers and hostesses. Apply in person. 3-6 Monday - Thursday. 310 Johnny Bench Drive, OKC Bricktown. _____________________ CONSTRUCTION WORK, hiring laborers now. No experience neccessary. Part time or Full time. Carpenter Experience Preferred. 824-8954. ______________________ LIKE CARS? FASTLANES is now hiring lube techs. We fully train on all vehicle maintenance! We are a growing metro company with advancement and benefit opportunities. Come by 2220 S Broadway to apply. YOU MAY ALSO CALL 405-844-8084. _____________________ NEED A JOB? Like to work in a cool atmosphere? Then swing by FASTLANES, the vehicle supercenter! We are a growing metro company with advancement and benefit opportunities. Come by 2220 S Broadway to apply. YOU MAY ALSO CALL 405-844-8084. ____________________ ATTENTION: Business and Management majors. FASTLANES, the vehicle supercenter is looking for individuals who have leadership skills. With new stores opening we are looking for people to grow with us. Good pay and possible health benefits. Come by 2220 S Broadway to apply. YOU MAY ALSO CALL 405-844-8084. ____________________

August 29, 2006

by Vista photographer Alex Gambill

Jessica Stiles, sophomore, practices during the UCO cheers practice Aug. 27 in Hamilton Field House. pon squads did very well at by Tiffany Batdorf camp this summer at Southern Staff Writer Methodist University in Dallas, UCO’s spirit squads along with both of our masexcelled at summer camp, cots,” David Owens, coach which gave them the oppor- for UCO’s spirit squads. Owens said both squads tunity to attend the nationals at Daytona Beach, Florida. received a bid for nationals in “Both the cheer and pom- Daytona Beach, in the spring.

“The pom pon squad won ‘open dance,’ beating out squads such as University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University, and they also won dance for division II,” he said. Tanisha Williams, senior organization communications major, and captain of the pom pon squad said at camp they not only dance, but they learn things to benefit to use to benefit your squad for the year. “Camp was the first time for the squad to perform as a team,” Williams said. “We dance and also learn how to work as a team.” Owens said the cheer squad beat out OSU, SMU, and Steven Austin University, in spirit and fight song competition for the small co-ed division. Theresa Light, captain of the cheer squad said the squad worked hard and had a lot of fun at camp. “It is really good for the newer girls on the squad to get ready for college cheer,” Light said. “Heather Randall from the cheer squad won All-American also at camp,” Owens said. “It may be just camp recognition, but it is a lot of requirements and a lot of hard work for her.” He said the pom pon squad has 21 girls, 12 are new to the squad, and the cheer squad has 22 girls and 5 boys. Owens said he hopes both squads can do as well if not better than last year at nationals, where the pom pon squad placed fourth and the cheer squad placed second. He said both squads will hold open tryouts for nationals in Daytona Beach on September 23. To tryout you must be a full-time student at UCO. Tiffany Batdorf can be reached at



August 29, 2006

A team by team break-down of ABILENE CHRISTIAN E A S T E R N N E W M E X I C O

U N I V E R S I T YU N I V E R S I T Y Abilene Christian University is located in Abilene,TX, and is coming off a 4-6 record in 2005. Head coach Chris Thomsen is beginning his second season at the helm of the Wildcats. He recently announced former Wichita Falls High School head coach Jason Johns as the new defensive coordinator. Veteran defensive coach Jerry Wilson will coach the defensive line and serve as special teams coordinator with Nathan Headrick again coaching defensive backs. Colby Carthel who had spent his first six seasons on the ACU defensive line coaching staff will move to the offensive

lot of the team’s load on senior quarterback Daniel Marshall. Brock Pierce, 6’2” 205 lbs. junior from Colleyville, TX, will be in competition for the starting quarterback job. At running back, Mark Gaines, Sneezy Beltran and Rashon Myles will be competition for the starting job and all are capable.

side and coach running backs. The Wildcats finished the 2005 season in a threeway tie for fifth in the LSC South Division with a final conference record of 2-4. ACU will be placing a

OVERVIEWIf the Wildcats can stay healthy and win their games at home as well as get a couple victories on the road, ACU is a team ready to separate itself from being tied for last place.


U N I V E R S I T Y Located in San Angelo, TX, the Rams are coming off a good 2005 campaign, which finished with a 9-3 record and a second place finish in the LSC South Division. ASU made the playoffs and lost to Northwest Missouri 45-14 in the first round. The Rams have three players who are competing for the starting quarterback job: Trey Weishuhn, 6-4 senior, Pete Parker, 6-1 sophomore and Matt Stanley, 6-4 junior. Weishuhn had an impressive junior year and looks to be the favorite going into the fall. He finished the season throwing for 2615 yards and 17 touchdowns to only 11 interceptions. Kyle Fox is returning at running back and the sopho-

more is looking to have a more impressive year than the breakout year he had as a freshman. Fox played in all 12 games and finished the season with 1449 yards and 15 touchdowns. He averaged 118.1 yards per game and 8.9 yards per carry. Justin Carter is returning as tight end after leading the team in receptions a year ago with 34 and finished the season with 522 receiving yards.

E N M U is located in Portales, NM, and is coming off a 5-6 overall record and 2-4 in conference play. M a r k Ribaudo enters his second year on the Eastern New Mexico University football team. Ribaudo is a familiar face to Greyhound players and fans. An assistant coach at ENMU for eight years, he had served as defensive coordinator from 1998-2004. He was promoted to head coach following the retirement of Harold “Bud” Elliott, who coached Eastern from 1994 through 2004. Elliott led the Greyhounds to a 68-49-2 (.580) record during his 11 seasons. In addition to leading the Greyhounds as head coach,

season. Also at running back will be senior Daniel Polk. He gained an impressive 922 yards and scored eight touchdowns while only starting one game. At quarterback last year, freshman Ryan Roberts played the most of any of the three quarterbacks on roster. He started five games and threw for a respectable eight touchdowns and 986 total yards. He is clearly the favorite to start the season with Rashaan Bell and Daniel Polk playing backup. At wide receiver, it is up to Keith Flanagan and Darrius Richard to step up and help replace Myron Cooper and Andre Kelsick. Flanagan and Richard are more than capable as they combined for 670 receiving yards and four touch-

downs last year. The Mustangs have eight players on roster that will be able to contribute to the needs at wide receiver and as a group they have a combined 1468 total receiving yards and 12 touchdowns. On defense, somebody will have to replace All-Conference J e r o m e Jefferson. He finished his career with a record of 52 tackles, 31 solo and five interceptions. Darron Harbert should be that man. He is a junior linebacker who is coming off a 2005 season with 47 tackles with 25 solo tackles. Clifford Jingles is a cornerback that will also contribute as a tackler and strong corner man. OVERALL- There are some really good players that will have to be replaced. Quarterback will be critical and experience is the one ingredient that will be missing. If MSU settles on Roberts and gets solid play, the playoffs are a real possibility.

OVERVIEWThe Greyhounds have stability. They have good athletes and good coaching. They also have a bonus in senior kicker Lee Price. He was a solid 7 of 11 in field goal attempts under 50 yards last season. With good fortunes and not playing Central Arkansas this year (51-0 loss a year ago), the Greyhounds should improve dramatically.


He had seven touchdowns and averaged 43.5 yards per game Sophomore Louis Hayes is a returning wide receiver and he looks ECU is located to improve off in Ada, OK, and of last year’s finished last sea29 receptions for 581 yards. son with an overall record of 3-7 and a conference OVERVIEW- The Rams record of 2-3. Kurt Nichols have all the pieces to make a run at a conference cham- b e c o m e s pionship. ASU last won the East Central LSC South Division in 2000 University’s 19th and are poised to make a head coach as strong statement this season. he will replace Tim McCarty. M c C a r t y resigned as head coach to take an assistant’s position at Kansas State University in December. McCarty, who coached the Tigers to a 9-11 record the past two seasons, joins the staff of new K-State head coach Ron Prince. Todd Fugett begins his 14th season on the East Central University football coaching staff in 2006 and his 12th as the Tigers’ defensive coordinator. He also served as ECU’s offensive coordinator in 1997 and special teams coordinator in 1998.

MIDWESTERN STATE U N I V E R S I T Y MSU is located in Wichita Falls, TX, and is coming off an overall record of 6-4 and 3-3 in conference play. The Mustangs finished the season tied for third place in the LSC South Division standings. Head coach Bill Maskill is entering his fifth year and has accumulated an overall record of 28-14 at MSU. Maskill is entering his 35th year as a football coach. His coaching experience includes stops as a Division I assistant at Vanderbilt, SMU, Wake Forest, Oregon, Tulane, Louisville, Arizona State, Bowling Green, and Iowa. Cary Fowler is in his fourth season with the Midwestern State University football program, and his third as the team’s defensive coordinator and coach of the outside linebackers and free safeties. Glenn Thomas will be taking over as offensive coordinator for the Mustangs. At running back, Ross Harrison will lead the Mustangs. He rushed for 1088 yards and scored 13 touchdowns last

Ribaudo will continue to serve as the team’s defensive coordinator. He also will be the position coach for ENMU linebackers. Mike Howard is in his 11th season as offensive coordinator. He added the duty of quarterback’s coach in 2005. Michael Benton, junior from Everman, TX, lead ENMU last season in rushing with 1418 yards and 17 touchdowns. He also led the team in passing with 774 yards with eight touchdowns and seven interceptions,

while averaging a total of 189.5 yards per game in total offense. On the defensive side, the Greyhounds are led by senior outside linebacker Tim Ojeda and junior Tony Johnson. The two combined for nine sacks and three fumble recoveries. Both Ojeda and Johnson started all 11 games last season.

ing running back in Evans “Flash” Gordon who finished the 2005 season with an average of 5.2 yards per carry. Gordon will have to be good as he will try to replace King Bennett, who has been the backbone of the Tigers’ success over the past two seasons. Chuck Hepola enters his second season as the Tigers’ offensive coordinator after serving as assistant coach at the University of Tulsa. Robby Tredwell, transfer from Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College, appears to be the leading contender for the starting quarterback job. He completed 20 of 34 passes for 311 yards and four touchdowns in the ECU spring football game. The Tigers have an outstand-

O V E RV I E WECU has got to settle into a new coaching staff and a new offensive scheme. If the spring game is any indication of what’s to come for the Tigers, improving on last year’s record should happen. Watch for the Tigers to make big improvements and look for ECU to make some noise in conference play.

NORTHEASTERN STATE U N I V E R S I T Y NSU is located in Tahlequah, OK, and completed the 2005 regular season with a record of 2-9 and 2-3 in conference play. Head coach John Horner is in his fourth year at NSU and is the 16th head football coach of the Redmen football team. Garin Higgins begins his second year as offensive coordinator and Matt Hodgson begins his fourth year as defensive coordinator. At running back, the Redmen are going to have to fill the void left by Brandon Ishem and DeAngelo Green. The two combined for 1287 yards and four touchdowns. Domingo Codner is next in line to fill the position. He played in all 10 games a year ago and gained 237 yards and scored two touchdowns. Codner is also a threat as he averaged

11.5 yards per catch last year. Dustin Workman brings experience to the quarterback position. He started all 10 games last year and threw for 2018 yards and 14 touchdowns. If there is any position the Redmen have plenty of depth at, it is wide receiver. There are five players with plenty of experience returning to NSU. Jarrett Byers, Cord Charvat and Ellis Bruner are the top three and combined for 1525 yards and 11

touchdowns last year. Defensive depth has got to be addressed for the Redmen. NSU was outscored 17580 in the second half last year and 322190 overall. Kevin Christian, Broderick Mondy and Howard Crawford are the team’s three leading tacklers and all are returning. Look for Kyle Murray to step up and be a big contributor. OVERALL- The Redmen have to stay healthy, they do not have the depth and experience to replace injuries. All the other quarterbacks on roster have a combined four snaps. Defense must tighten up for the Redmen to better last year’s record.


August 29, 2006


the 2006 Lone Star Conference SOUTHEASTERN OKLAHOMA STATE T E X A S U N I V E R S I T YU N I SOSU is located 1242 receivin Durant, OK, and finished the 2005 season with an 82 record and 5-0 in conference play. The Savage Storm won the LSC North Division title in 2005, claiming their second consecutive division championship. Ray Richards, who served as defensive coordinator for the Savage Storm from 198998, was named the 18th head football coach at SOSU. Paul Lane is in his fifth season with Southeastern and in his fourth year as the Savage Storm's offensive coordinator. Bo Atterberry is in his fourth season with the SOSU coaching staff and the 2006 campaign will mark his third year as the Savage Storm’s Defensive Coordinator. The Savage Storm are loaded at running back. Sean Cooper, Drew Crawford and Terel King are all returning and combined 1522 rushing yards and 15 touchdowns last year. Barrett

Located in Commerce, TX, the Lions finished the 2005 season with an overall record of 5-5 and 4-1 in conference play. Scotty Conley is returning for his third season as head coach. The Lions have improved their win-loss record each season under Conley. Joe Castillo begins his second season as the offensive coordinator for Texas A&M-Commerce. Joe Cauthen enters his seventh year as defensive coordinator. The Lions’ leading rusher from last year returns. Cliff Edwards rushed for 1041 yards and scored eight touchdowns. Roger Daily and Victor Bennett are both gone so there OVERALL- SOSU is load- will need to be somebody for ed. They have all the pieces to second running back. Johnny repeat at LSC North Division Rogers or JaMichael Palmer should step into this role.

ing yards and 12 touchdowns. Shawn Lawrence should become the number one receiver with Jimmie Daily and Robert Spangler filling in the other two spots. Defensively the Savage Storm were a sacking machine last year. However, Norman Dawson, Chris Hendricks and Ryan Thomason are all gone. They combined for eight sacks and six interceptions. Ataymian Skinner, Noble Polk and Rocky Phillips will have to become the defensive leaders.

Fontenette is a speedster who looks to get significant playing time this season. Shawn Lawrence could also find his way into the running back rotation. The Savage Storm have settled on their quarterback for the future and it is sophomore Justin Pitrucha. He started the final eight games last season and threw for 1946 yards and had an incredible 20 touchdowns to only four interceptions. Kolby Williams will be Pitruchas backup. Wide receiver should be a concern for the Savage Storm. Jeremis Berry, Dereck Hixon and Tim Holt have all graduated. The three combined for

Champions. There are a couple of questions on both sides of the ball, the coaching ability is in place and a dynamite recruiting class is now on campus. SOSU outscored their opponents by 116 points last year.





SWOSU is located in Weatherford, OK, and completed the 2005 season 1-10 and 0-5 in conference play. Ryan Held was hired on Dec. 2, 2004 to replace Paul Sharp who resigned after 19 years. Held is entering his second season as head coach. Todd Helton is in his 16th coaching at season as SWOSU and is beginning his second season as defensive coordinator. Brett Hauser is beginning his third season as offensive coordinator. Steve Ihekona returns with the most experience as running back. He played in all 11 games last season and ran for 309 yards. Will Freeman will also bring experience, having played in nine games, rushing for 197 yards and scoring two touchdowns. Both are sophomores.








are going to have to tighten up. They were outscored 192-39 in the first half last year, and 352-126 overall. Michael Hart led the team in tackles a year ago but has graduated so the pressure falls on Tommy Musa and Austin Wutrich.

Steve Day, also a sophomore, is returning as quarterback. He shared playing time with Beau Dodson and the two combined for 2038 passing yards and eight touchdowns. Danny Howard and Chase Pratt are gone as wide receiver so it will be up to Patrick Weaver and Derek Wall to take over this position. Defensively the Bulldogs

OVERALL- Last year was a long season for the Bulldogs who are currently in the middle of a ten game losing streak. The defense must improve. SWOSU found themselves out of games just as they were beginning. Everyone in Bulldog country needs to keep their composure, Ryan Held is the right man for the job and it’s just going to take a little time for the ship to turn around.


Tarleton State is located in Kingsville, TX, and finished the 2005 season 8-2 and 4-1 in conference play. Sam McElroy was announced as the new Tarleton head football coach on Feb. 16, 2005. McElroy, 41, returns to Tarleton after spending two seasons as an assistant coach at North Texas, a NCAA Division I member of the Sun Belt Conference. Darian Dulin returns for his second year as defensive coordinator and Todd Schonhar also returns for his second year as offensive coordinator. The first objective for TSU is to replace Derrick Ross. Last season Ross rushed for 1559 yards and scored 13 touchdowns. He averaged 6.4 yards per rush and also averaged 168 yards per game. Ross also averaged 11.3 yards per reception when he caught the ball out of the backfield. However, he is gone and now is the time for Treeo Gibson, Harold Jeffrey or David Durell to step up and become the starting running backs.


STATE Gibson does bring experience having played in 10 games and rushing for 372 yards in 2005. Jeffery also has some playing time having gained 161 yards in 2005. At quarterback, Richard Bartel returns having accumulated 1883 passing yards and 12 touchdowns in the 2005 season. David Durell is a solid back-up who has seen lots of game time, having thrown for seven touchdowns and 1287 yards as a reserve. The Texans have lots of expe-


rience returning at wide receiver. Jeremy Madkins, Dustin Pleasant and Chris Daniels are all returning and they combined for 1073 receiving yards and 10 touchdowns. Chris Winn is returning at full back and he is always a threat to catch the ball out of the backfield. On defense, Erick Smith and Renardrick Phillips are the top two returning tacklers. They combined for 196 total tackles and three interceptions. Most of the Texans defense are returning from last season, which held opponents to a total of 185 points. OVERALL- Everything is in place for another successful season for TSU. With a season of experience for the coaches and most of the starting players, the Texans are poised to make a run at the conference championship. The biggest question that looms is who is going to fill the shoes and the rushing yards of Derrick Ross.

A big question for the fall is who is going to be the starting quarterback. Kyle Westerberg and Jonny Louvier split the game time last year. Both of them are returning. However, one of them needs to separate himself from the other and become the team’s leader. The two combined 1157 passing yards and seven touchdowns in 2005. Another big question is who is going to be the “go to” guy at the wide receiver position. With Bennett and Cedric Patt gone, Toussaint Henderson

should take over the number one receiver position. He enters the 2006 season with over 500 receiving yards and two touchdowns. On the defensive side, the Lions will have to replace J.D. Hearn who accumulated 133 total tackles in 2005 season. James Satchel and Dwayne Wallace should lead the defense this season with Brandon Keeling and Marcus Mosley contributing. OVERALL- The Lions should again improve this season. The playmakers on offense will have to be determined as the season moves along. Quarterback will be the number one concern. If either Westerberg or Louvier becomes the leader of this team, Commerce will improve.


U N I V E R S I T Y Located in Kingsville, TX, the Javelins finished the 2005 season 6-4 overall and 2-4 in conference play. Richard Cundoff enters his eighth season as TAMUK head coach and has accumulated a record of 55-24. Haskell Buff enters his seventh year as defensive coordinator and special teams coach. Pat Ripe is entering his second season as offensive coordinator. Ray Miller and Chris Campbell both return as running backs. The two combined for 1110 rushing yards and eight touchdowns. Miller averaged five yards per rush and 16 rushes per game. Stuart Moffitt should also see some playing time as running back to add more depth to the backfield. Joey Pena and Cory Miles both return at quarterback and

they each saw significant playing time in 2005. The two combined for 2425 passing yards and 16 touchdowns. The two quarterback system works well for the Javelins, and expect for that to change in 2006. The bulk of TAMUK receiving yards are gone. Clint Bingham, Errick Lewis and Clay Woodward finished their careers in 2005, combining for 1341 yards and 10 touchdowns. However, Steve Yaden is returning and he led the team in receiving a year

ago with 561 yards and two touchdowns. Adam Hill is a young receiver with a promising future. Look for him to step up and have a big season. The Javelins should have a solid offensive line with plenty of depth as well as rotation. TAMUK also has a great return man for both punts and kickoffs this season in Chaime Breaux. The Javelins will have to find a replacement for Richard Hammond who has been a solid punter and kicker for three years. OVERALL- It appears that most things are in place for the Javelins to improve on last year’s record. Coaching is solid, depth is in place and the big playmakers are returning to a team that had a winning record last year. TAMUK outscored their opponents 307235 last year including an 6125 advantage in the first quarter. If they can stay healthy, they may improve on their 26 conference championships.

W E S T T E X A S A & M U N I V E R S I T Y Located in Canyon, TX, the Buffaloes finished the 2005 season 10-1 and 5-1 in conference play. The Buffaloes enter the 2006 season as defending LSC Champions. WTAMU also represented the LSC in the Division II Southwest Regional Playoffs. The Buffaloes lost 41-3 to Pittsburg State. In just one season, head coach Don Carthel has changed the culture and fortune of Buffalo football. After being introduced as the 26th head coach of West Texas A&M Football on April 27, 2005, Carthel began the process of transforming a program that had not posted a winning record since 1998. Ben Noonan and Scott Par are both co-offensive coordinators and Carthel will be defensive coordinator. Once again the Buffaloes

are loaded at running back. Joe Harris and Maurice White return this season after combining for 1251 yards and 14 touchdowns. Harris was also the team’s second leading receiver in 2005 with 506 yards and two touchdowns. At quarterback, returning starter Dalton Bell threw for an incredible 3799 yards and 30 touchdowns to only 13 interceptions. Bell was also the third leading rusher on the team with 136 yards and five touchdowns. WTAMU had six receivers

with over 400 receiving yards in 2005. All of them are returning except for Tonae Martin. He led the team with 1055 receiving yards and 12 touchdowns. Ramon Perry, Joe Harris, Maurice White and Jon Lockett are back, combining for 2443 yards and 14 touchdowns. Returning on defense is Keon Gaither, who led the team with nine interceptions and returned two for touchdowns. Jeremy Hibbler and Michael Brisco also return, and they combined for 180 tackles and two sacks. OVERALL- The Buffaloes are set to win another conference title. The offensive line will have to replace two starters. Depth along the defensive line may raise some questions. Most of the offense returns and the skill players are in place. It took just one year, but the Buffaloes have become the team to beat in the LSC.

Written and compiled By Teddy Burch

SPORTS University of Central Oklahoma

Tuesday, AUGUST 29, 2006

Broncho volleyball slams back into action by Tiffany Batdorf Staff Writer UCO’s volleyball team completed preseason play with annual Bronze and Blue Intrasquad match with blue overpowering bronze, winning three games to two on Aug. 19. Jeff Boyland, fourth year volleyball coach said they broke the team down by positions so each team would have two players for each position. “The five games were very close and the blue team won in the fifth match,” Boyland said. “The intrasquad match is good for overall bragging rights,” Meaghan Wedberg, freshmen setter said. “We just let the teams play. It gave them a chance to play competitively in front of a crowd before we go to Fort Lauderdale,” Boyland said. The team will travel to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, for the Nova Southeastern Sharks Classic from August 25-26. “All the teammates were completely competitive, and we had really good support from the

fans on Saturday,” said Penny Wascovich, senior captain of the team. “This year we have so many new teammates, they out-number the old which make it really interesting,” she said. “We are starting to form a bond.” Wedberg said the match was beneficial to the team. “The match helped us get a little more comfortable with all the people,” Wedberg said. Wascovich said the team only had two weeks to practice together with eight new members, six freshmen and two sophomores. Katie Schult, junior, led the blue team with 16 kills, followed by Meaghan Wedberg, freshman, with 11 kills, and Sarah Niles, freshmen, had 22 digs for the blue team. Kelsey Reynolds, freshman, led the bronze team with 13 kills, followed by Lacie Allen, junior, with 12 kills and Allison Harvey had 21 digs for the bronze team. Blue won the first game 3025 after taking the lead early.

The blue team had an assist from the scoreboard for their 23rd point. The second game was won by bronze who led throughout the game. After bronze took a 15-9 lead, blue called a timeout that seemed to help them get back on track till the bronze went on a 4-0 run. The third game also went to the bronze squad who started where they had left off. Despite being down, blue fought for every point. The battle continued as game four went to blue to tie the match at two games apiece. There was another assist by the scoreboard, which prompted a member of the Old Blue Crew to play a little music from Sports Center. After winning game four, blue tied the match. Blue team won game five and took the match. This final game went back-and-forth between the bronze and blue, before blue emerged victorious. Tiffany Batdorf can be reached at

Intramurals no longer free by Tiffany Batdorf Staff Writer A new fee is now required for intramural sports starting this fall. The fee for individuals to participate is now $5 and the fee for teams to participate is now $50. The fee applies for flag football, softball, volleyball, basketball, and soccer intramurals. “The fees are here to meet the needs and the wants of the students,” Becka Finley, intramural coordinator said. Finley said there used to be a cultural and recreation fee that was charged to every student whether or not they participated in intramurals, and now that fee does not exist. She said the fees help to pay for better officials, fields, and facilities. “This is a chance to make a good program great,” Finley said. “President Webb is working hard to make this a great campus and it will help.” Matt Jones, senior journal-

ism major and a student intramural athlete said it is all right to pay the fees. “A lot of universities charge; it’s not a big deal,” Jones said. Corey Graham, senior criminal justice major, and an intramural participant in many sports since 2004 said people will still play in spite of the fees. “Some people are upset but I haven’t seen the effects yet,” Graham said. “I don’t see it hurting the fraternities and sororities,” Finley said. “Individual registrations might be a problem.” Reg Aldrich, vice president of Alpha Kappa Alpha Kappa (ACACIA) social fraternity which participates on several intramural teams said the fraternity did not like the fee, but they understood why the fee is needed. “We are more than happy if they can get a good referee for the games,” he said. “Some of the games can get pretty competitive and we need good refs.”

Finley said the first year of change for anything is difficult but in the long run it will be great. “It really is about the students,” Finley said. “The students will eventually see it is a good thing.” Finley said each team must have a member present for one of the two meetings that will be held at 7:30 pm, September 6 and 7 at the Wellness Center in room 127. Finley said deadline to sign up for some intramurals is coming soon. Finley said the fee can be paid by cash, check, or credit card at the front desk of the Wellness Center or either of the coaches meetings. Students can register individually or as a team online at center. For more information, contact Finley at 974-3143 of rfinley@ Tiffany Batdorf can be reached at

Rain out and pasta on the menu by Matt Caban Sports Editor The old nursery rhyme that goes “rain, rain go away, come again some other day” best summed up the feelings at what would have been UCO soccer’s home opener against St. Gregory’s Aug. 26. Instead of being treated to the beautiful game, fans watched grey skies and constant thunderstorms pass through campus. The game, originally scheduled to start at 7 p.m. was delayed for 30 minutes at 6:50 p.m. The stadium was eventually evacuated as thunderstorms came through the Edmond area, said Mike Kirk, assistant athletic director of Media Relations. He said the spectators were evacuated to Hamilton Field House while officials waited to see if the game could be played. Kirk said the decision to cancel the game came about 7:45 p.m. Soccer Graduate Assistant Misty Noland said the decision to cancel a game is made by athletic administrators, coaches and referees. “The general rule is that we can’t play when there’s lightning,” she said. The bad weather was especially inconvenient for one group of spectators. UCO’s resident student spirit leaders, the Old Blue Crew were on-hand to lead UCO’s efforts in breaking the NCAA Division II women’s soccer game atten-

dance record. OBC Soccer Chair/Stampede of Sound member Matt Grassmyer said the current record stands at 1,848 people and was set by Washburn University. He said a total of 512 people braved the storms and came to the game. “We’ve been working on this since May,” he said. “We worked to get sponsorship and get the word out so we could fill the stadium. “Obviously, we didn’t get close to the record, but the fact it rained shouldn’t take away from all the hard work that was done.” While Grassmyer, an interpersonal communications senior, said he knew the rain would keep most away, he was pleased with the turnout. “I’m surprised this many showed up and stuck around,” he said. Although the rain was plentiful, one thing it didn’t dampen was Grassmyer’s spirits. Grassmyer said he and other members of the Stampede of Sound spent the delay finding ways to entertain the fans. “We weren’t sure if the game was on or not, so we tried to keep the crowd pumped and not bored,” he said. “We did the fight song and stuff like the ‘U-CO’ chant.” The Stampede of Sound and their Old Blue Crew companions weren’t the only ones who made the best of the dreary weather. Once the game was officially called off, UCO players were

given a special treat: dinner with their biggest fans—err, family and friends that is. As the game was originally meant to be a big event for the UCO soccer program, a number of special guests were on-hand including UCO players’ family members and more than half a dozen recruits, said Mike Cook, head soccer coach. Cook said the guests were allowed to sit in the club seating on the second level of Wantland Stadium’s press box. He said the accommodations included catered food from Olive Garden. Many of the family members on the club level expressed satisfaction with their surroundings, even if it ends up as a one off. Tom and Kim Hull, parents of senior forward Lindsey Hull, said they were glad to be inside during the storms. “We’re glad the building was here because we didn’t get wet at all,” Kim Hull said. “It’s a shame that the game didn’t happen, but we had a good time visiting with the other parents,” she said. At least one of the parents considered the treatment pampering. “Usually, all of us have to take care of the kids and pamper them, but tonight we got pampered,” said Vickie Meek, mother of freshman midfielder Tiffany Meek. “I’m impressed by the hospitality and it was really nice,” she said. Kirk said no makeup game

by Vista photographer Alex Gambill

Junior setter/defensive specialist Tara Delaney hits the ball during the annual Bronze and Blue Intrasquad match Aug. 19. Delaney's bronze team lost the match in five games to the blue squad.

Soccer team eeks out victory by Matt Caban Sports Writer The UCO soccer team didn’t have to go too deep in to the heart of Texas for its first win of the 2006 campaign. En route to a 1-0 victory, UCO out shot their hosts, Dallas Baptist University 20 to 4, said Mike Cook, head soccer coach. The lone goal came courtesy of junior forward Jenny Racicot in the 60th minute. The play started as Racicot moved inside the opponents’ penalty area and received a short through pass from junior midfielder Kristen Juroch. Racicot then slid into ball and sent it into the net. “Kristen passed it to me inside the 18 (yard line) and I slid into it,” Racicot said. “The goalie dived one way and I kicked the ball with my front foot,” he said.

Racicot said the goal wasn’t the team’s only chance to score. “We had a lot more shots and it got scary at the end,” she said. “The intensity was there to score.” Juroch said the team played more defensive after scoring its only goal. “Once we got the lead, coach wanted us to protect it,” she said. Cook said the win was good, but there is room to improve. “Obviously it’s good to go out there and win the first game on the road, but there are some things we still have to work on,” he said. “We were a little off with the timing, passing and our shots, but there are a lot of new faces,” he said. “It’s something we’ll fine tune the more games we play together.” Cook said he did see some

good signs from his team against Dallas Baptist. “I liked everybody’s effort and mental toughness,” he said. Cook said the team had some problems with the bus they took to Dallas. “We had a little adversity as the air conditioning on the bus went out so we had a hot trip down there,” he said. After the bus ride, the Bronchos stayed in the heat as there was a 105 degree heat index during game, Cook said. Cook said the team’s mental toughness was key to the win. “Mentally we stayed tough and we stayed focused,” he said. “A thing we are pushing hard this year is mental toughness.” Matt Caban can be reached at

by Vista photographer Alex Gambill

UCO senior center midfielder Lindsey Hull, special education senior, eats some pasta after the Bronchos soccer game got canceled due to thunderstorms Aug. 26 at Wantland Stadium. had been scheduled at this time. In the meantime, the Bronchos continue their season with an away game against Southwestern Oklahoma State

University at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 29 in Weatherford. The Bronchos’ home debut will be against Southern Nazarene University during Home Depot

Weekend 4 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 7 at Tom Thompson Field. Matt Caban can be reached at

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