Volume 115, Issue 5
the VISTA “Our Words, Your Voice.”
ucentralmedia.com vistanews1903 @thevista1903 @thevista1903 The Vista
Tuesday, September 19 , 2017
Bronchos Rally For DACA Christian Tabak @TheVista1903 Reporter
Dozens of students, faculty and staff rallied outside of the Nigh University Center yesterday in support of the thousands of young immigrants impacted by the Trump administration’s efforts to phase out the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals act. The rally, hosted by the University of Central Oklahoma’s Hispanic American Student Association, included speakers from the local community, as well as UCO students and faculty members who spoke out both in support of the DACA program and of young immigrants in pursuing an
See “DACA ” continued on page 8. Dozens of University of Central Oklahoma students gather under the blue tent by Broncho Lake to support the thousands of young immigrants who will be affected by the phasing out of DACA (Cara Johnson/ The Vista)
UCO Homecoming Court Announced Megan Thele @1bigtime Copy Editor
The University of Central Oklahoma 2017 homecoming court was announced, along with the royalty pairings on Saturday, Sept. 16 at the UCO football game. This year’s theme, A Century Of Coming Home, celebrates the 100th homecoming at UCO. This year’s court features a mix of students from Greek life and stu-
dent organizations. The pairings are Cash Deitz (Leaders of Tomorrow) and Tori Hack (Alpha Delta Pi), Jared Palmer (Sigma Tau Gamma) and McKayla Huff (Alpha Gamma Delta), Thomas Patterson (Alpha Tau Omega) and Ashley Rose (Delta Zeta), Jameson Riley and Kalen Russell (both President’s Leadership Council), and Matt Stedronsky (Beta Upsilon Chi) and Macie Snowden (Fellowship of Christian Athletes). See “Homecoming” continued on page 3.
The 2016 homecoming court stands at the sidelines of the football stadium after Austin Sheehy and Lauren Walker were announced to be the homecoming king and queen (photo from Vista archives)
This year's concert is the first that President Betz will attend, according to School of Music Marketing Assistant, Alexis Quinn. Last year it was called the Provost Concert, as Betz could not attend due to a schedule conflict. “We are doing this to honor our President, Don Betz, who is one of the greatest champions of the arts
and culture in the state of Oklahoma,” said Dr. Brian Lamb Director of the School of Music. “He has a vision for Edmond, the OKC metro and other great collision points in the state that will change the way people live and work in the community.” This is the third annual President's Concert, which honors UCO President Don Betz and his support for the
President’s Concert Can Betz on It
Travis Orcutt @TheVista1903
Contributing Writer
The University of Central Oklahoma's School of Music will hold a free concert in honor of UCO President Don Betz on Tuesday, Sept. 19 at 7:30 p.m. in Mitchell Hall.
arts. “We wanted an annual event that let the campus community know every single year that we have one of the finest music schools in this part of the country,” said Lamb. See “Concert” continued on page 8.