The Vista June 15, 2011

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Campus Quotes

President Betz

Endeavor Games

Broncho Basketball

What is on your summer todo list?

Q&A session with incoming President Don Betz.

Photo spread from this weekend’s Endeavor games.

UCO’s Ashley Beckley honored as LCS scholar athlete.

JUN. 15, 2011


UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL OKLAHOMA’S student voice since 1903.

Campus News


UCO’s Academy of Contemporary Music, located in Bricktown, will receive additional room for expansion when the purchase of the Oklahoma Hardware Building comes through this fall. The new space will create new classrooms, a large live room, a keyboard room, two lecture rooms and four private lesson rooms.

By Andy Jensen / Contributing Writer UCO is building on its successful Academy of Contemporary Music, located in Bricktown. The ACM@UCO will receive a large expansion with the purchase of additional space in the Oklahoma Hardware Building this fall. The Council of Bond Oversight and the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education approved the purchase May 26 and 27, respectively. The sale is expected to close


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August 1, and will cost $6.5 million. The Oklahoma Hardware Building is a four-story building built in 1907. It sits just north of the Bricktown canal, on Oklahoma Avenue and Flaming Lips Alley. The building saw various commercial uses throughout its history, before lying vacant like most of Bricktown in the 1980s. In 1983, it was added to the National Register of Historic Places. It received a complete renovation in 2000 to become a multi-use commercial building housing retail and offices. The ACM@UCO is a unique college program offering students realworld and hands-on training in the

contemporary music industry. Modeled on the popular ACM in London, ACM@UCO is the only one of its kind in the U.S. Students learn from accomplished musicians, music producers, and business professionals. An associate of applied science is offered in music performance, music production, and music business. ACM@UCO graduated its first class of 90 students this spring. Due to popularity of the program, more room is needed. The school currently uses the fourth and parts of the second floor. The purchase will give the school the rest of the second floor, as well as the third. “For the ACM@UCO, it means

that they’re going to have the room to grow,” Adrienne Nobles, director of communications and marketing at UCO, said. “In its second year, we’ve more than doubled enrollment. Us being able to own the building allows for that growth.” Nobles said ACM@UCO has captured the imagination of students in Oklahoma and around the country. “It has helped Oklahoma City, Edmond, and UCO be a part of the growing music industry here in Oklahoma,” Nobles said. “I think it’s good to expand, it’s a great program,” Travis Brazeal, a first-year bass performance student at the ACM, said. Brazeal said he became a better musician from his

time spent on the fourth floor of the Hardware Building. “The music environment is real competitive and not many people get a job,” Brazeal said. “I think ACM is great if you want to be a performer. Through it, I had my first taste of recording, and I’d never worked with a producer before or been in a production studio. ACM shows different options you can have as a musician.” In addition to the current space, the purchase will allow the ACM to expand into the rest of the second floor, as well as the third. The new space will allow more studio class-

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DID YOU KNOW? The Palace of the Governors in Santa Fe, New Mexico, is the oldest continuously occupied public (and municipal) building in the United States. It was built in 1610.

Participants create a fingerprint ant trail at a Growing Up WILD workshop.

By Andy Jensen / Contributing Writer UCO students can now earn college credit for learning in the wild. Project WILD, which stands for Wildlife in Learning Design, is a national program focused on training educators to connect students with wildlife and the environment. In 2008, the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation transferred the state program to UCO for three years. “They had a plan to revisit it in three years and discuss whether to renew it,” Tiffany Wilson, UCO Wellness Center’s public relations assistant, said. At an April 4 meeting, the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission approved continued funding for the program at UCO for the next three years. Funding will cover everything from cost of materials to salary, Wilson said. “It’s a part of UCO because we have such a great education program,” Wilson said. “So it gives us the opportunity to teach future educators here, but we also travel throughout the state.”

Project WILD participants attend workshops to learn how to engage students in a hands-on manner with nature and the environment. The program provides materials for students in kindergarten through high school and encourages critical thinking and responsibility concerning wildlife and the environment. Since 1984, over 22,000 Oklahoma educators have attended an Oklahoma Project WILD workshop, according to the Oklahoma Project WILD website. “It’s a really neat program,” Michah Holmes, conservation information supervisor for the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife said. “Our partnership with UCO provides something that we alone couldn’t do otherwise.” “Before, we were having to provide training for teachers that were already in schools. UCO allows us to work with student teachers before they ever get into a classroom. So as soon as those teachers hit the classroom they’re ready, day one, to teach Project WILD,” Holmes said. While Project WILD workshops are open to anyone, the focus is on nature centers, youth groups and classroom teachers. After attend-

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