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Campus Quotes
OKC Pride Parade
NBA Draft
What are you doing for the Fourth of July ?
UCO’s GATE participated in the OKC Pride Parade. Story and photo spread inside.
Donna Dickson, a theater instructor, remembered.
OKC Thunder draft Reggie Jackson with the 24th pick in the 2011 Draft.
JUN. 29, 2011
UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL OKLAHOMA’S student voice since 1903.
Community Events
Campus News
Brandon White and other members of UCO GATE march during the Oklahoma City Gay Pride Parade in Oklahoma City, June 26, 2011. Turn to page 4 for the full story and more photos.
FACULTY ACCIDENT By Maia Jackson / Contributing Writer One of UCO’s faculty members was hurt in an accident at work on June 27. The day started off as a normal day for Bob Phelps, director of the PGA golf management program. In his office in the Business Administration building, he began cutting plastic dividers with a paper cutter when the blade slipped off slicing into his inner forearm. Lannett Seely, a marketing student, was studying nearby when the accident occurred. “I heard someone yelling for help. A guy [had] hurt himself; everyone was saying it was with a paper cutter. A woman from his office said that he was bleeding and that he was staying still until help came. Then the next thing you know, paramedics and police show up. A lady came out to show them where he was and explain what happened, then she called his wife,” Seely said. The medics checked for serious injuries, wrapped the wound to stop further bleeding and took Phelps on a stretcher to the hospital for care. Although students and faculty were worried and concerned, Phelps was calm and relieved to know that the wounds weren’t as serious as expected. “It was an accident...I knew the blade slipped off into my arm, I didn’t want to move to avoid further damage, so I stayed put until it was safe,” Phelps said. Phelps is a PGA professional and is involved in teaching PGA golf management courses. He served as a rule official for golf tournaments conducted by the USGA and the PGA, as well as several other organizations. Due to the nature of Phelps’ career, he is pleased that the accident did not result in more serious wounds to his arm. Had he moved, the razor could have cut deeper and could have resulted to damage to his arteries. His instincts to keep still and wait for help assured that the razors would not cause further damage. Phelps suffered only minor wounds that resulted in a hospital stay of only a few hours. “I’m okay now. I got quite a few stitches on my arm, that’s all,” Phelps said.
Department of Design
UCO DESIGN STUDENTS GARNER AWARDS By Trevor Hultner / Contributing Writer Four students of UCO’s Department of Design won top honors at the American Advertising Federation’s annual ADDY Awards banquet in San Diego earlier this month. UCO design school graduate student Brock Wynn won a gold ADDY award; Alexa Dumas, Lanie Gabbard and international student Masako Tono all won silver ADDYs for their work.
The victories at the ADDY Awards is just one indication of the success of a daring program run by the Design department, led by co-chairs Ruki Ravikumar and Amy Johnson, called “Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.” According to Ravikumar, WWCD allowed students to submit their work to various design, illustration and advertising contests, and the design department would foot the bill. “Usually, we have students who just enter
[competitions] on their own, but they are quite expensive to enter,” Ravikumar said. The process behind WWCD is simple. “If you as a student think you have a shot with a project that you’ve done here at winning an ADDY award, you turn it in to us, the Department of Design. Then the faculty look at the projects,” she said. “If we feel like the project has a shot at winning, then we support the student.”
That includes packaging, mailing, filling out entry forms, and even footing the bill. “Part of the problem is we really want them to enter competitions, and design competitions are incredibly expensive to enter, even at the student level,” Johnson said. “We decided that if we created a program called WWCD, in which students who wanted to enter competitions could submit their work to the faculty, and then we would review
Fourth of July
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DID YOU KNOW? Aardvark is Afrikaans for earth pig.
By Bryan Trude / Contributing Writer The Fourth of July may mean a break from the intense heat of summer classes for UCO students, but the holiday hardly means campus will be empty. UCO, in association with the City of Edmond, Coppermark Bank, Earl’s Rib Palace, Life Church and the Memorial Road Church of Christ, will be hosting Parkfest at UCO as part of Edmond’s annual July Fourth celebration, LibertyFest, which began June 25. Parkfest, beginning at 6:30 p.m. and centered north of Broncho Lake, will feature attractions for children including a 60-foot “Mega Obstacle Course,” an 18-foot slide and various other children’s attractions, according to the LibertyFest website. A DJ will be performing a selection of oldies, country and pop songs for attendees, who should “plan to feast on traditional Fourth of July food and ice cold drinks,” according to the website. The evening will be capped off with a fireworks presentation beginning at 10 p.m., synchronized with music played on KCSC 90.1 FM, which is broadcast from UCO. Organizers advise attendees to bring their own seating, as seating will not be provided and Wantland Stadium will not be opened. In addition, organizers advise that, due to safety concerns, attendees are forbidden from bringing ice chests or pets. Though UCO is not running any events on
campus in association with the holiday according to the Office of Campus Activities, Parkfest is not the only event being held on the UCO grounds for LibertyFest. The LibertyFest Car Show was held June 25 on the southeast corner of campus, just north of the fire station at the corner of 2nd and Baumann. Cars were judged separately by class, with a winner and runner-up trophy awarded for each category. The UCO summer band will be hosting the annual “Concert in the Park” at 7:30 p.m. on June 30, outside of Mitchell Hall. The production is a 60-year-long tradition according to the LibertyFest website. This should be the first “Concert in the Park” for new conductor Dr. Brian Lamb, UCO wind symphony conductor. Lamb was announced as successor when the summer band’s previous conductor, Dr. Ron Howell, emeritus professor of music, announced his retirement during last year’s performance. According to the website, one of the pieces at this year’s concert performance will be guest conducted by outgoing UCO President Roger Webb, who will retire July 31. LibertyFest events at UCO will conclude at 7 p.m. July 9 with the Miss Edmond LibertyFest Scholarship Pageant, held at the Mitchell Hall Theatre. Eligible participants for the pageant are Spectators camp out on the front lawn of the Mass Comgirls ages 17 to 24 who have completed their munications building during the 2010 LibertyFest firejunior year of high school. In addition, girls works display. aged 13 to 17 as of July 31 are eligible to com-