THE February 26, 1985
Vol. 83, No. 39
Tuesday Edition
Central State University, Edmond, Oklahoma
Grad acquires Rader, DHS records By Mark K. Beutler Associate Editor The personal files of former director of the Department of Human Services (DHS), Lloyd Rader, are being catalogued by the CSU library due to the work of graduate student Linda Chism. In addition to the personal files of Rader, the DHS has given over 500 boxes of documents and materials of the department to the CSU library. According to Clemma McCawley, assistant director of public services at Max Chambers library, the papers are being put onto a computer disk drive and will eventually be available to the public. "These are the papers of the DHS, during the time Lloyd Rader was the director of the department, and they are eventually going to be housed in the Oklahoma Room," McCawley said. Chism, who is a graduate student at CSU, says she perceived the idea for researching the papers while enrolled in a seminar several years ago. "I was taking a graduate class in Southwestern History under Dr. Green. It was a seminar, and we had to come up with an idea for an original research paper. Some friends of mine who worked for the DHS said 'You really ought to write a paper on Lloyd Rader because he's such an influential man in Oklahoma.' So I set up an interview with him. "We talked about his personal papers, and Mr. Rader had destroyed a lot of them, but he said he would give them to the Oklahoma Room. Then after he gave us his collection, the DHS gave us their papers," Chism said. The routine procedure for papers of this nature is to go to the state archives. According to Chism, however, a legislative act was passed whereby CSU would receive the documents. "Because Mr. Rader had donated his personal papers (to CSU), the DHS felt like they should donate these files, and there was an act of the legislature that was required for these to come to CSU," Chism said. This summer will mark the second year Chism has worked on the Rader project. "I started working on it in the summer of '83," Chism said.
"We have not had the papers that long. We got the Rader papers almost six months before we got the DHS papers, and I had started going through files with Mr. Rader," Chism added. Moving the documents from the DHS to the basement of the CSU library was quite a chore, according to Chism, but she says a McGuiness high school student helped her with the physical work. The inventory and cataloguing, however, was performed by Chism. "Every box has been inventoried, in a sense. The folders have all been looked at, but everything has not been categorized. It has just been put in order so that I can get the first part of my program done," Chism said. According to McCawley, both the personal files of Rader and the DHS documents would not have been available had Chism not taken on the task. "Without Linda, none of this could possibly have been done. We don't have the staff to do a project like this, and one person could not do it without knowing the materials," McCawley said. Nearly every department on campus should benefit from the vast number of subject materials available from the DHS files, and Rader's personal files are a boon to people who are interested in Oklahoma's history. "Right now the DHS files are our main priorities," Chism said. "There are more of these and it will help the students most. Just about every department should be able to get something from these papers. There are reports, publications, all sorts of things, that can be used. "Historians will get more out of Rader's stuff. That is for people who are interested in things that went on in the '20's and '30's," Chism added. Although her deadline for having the project cornplete is June 1, Chism says the papers will not be available for use until some later date. McCawley adds that the library staff will be able to handle a few students with special projects, but not necessarily an entire class. When available, the Rader and DHS papers will be in archival form for the public's use.
Vista photo by Daniel Smith
Graduate student Linda Chism inventories one of the 500-plus boxes of personal files and documents donated to the library by Lloyd Rader and the Department of Human Services.
City candidates address campus issues By Curtis Killman Associate Editor One administrator and one faculty member, both from Central State University and vying for city offices, expressed their views at a public forum held Thursday at the Edmond High School cafeteria. Incumbent Mayor Carl Reherman, who is also assistant to President Bill Lillard and Dr. Bill Parker, director of the criminal justice program and associate professor of sociology, squared off against their opponents and answered the audience's questions concerning issues such as: Lake Arcadia, the annexation of Arcadia, zoning and the use of
television cameras at City Council meetings. Reherman, faces opposition from Yvonne Nichols and John Inge for the mayoral position, while Parker is running against Tom Kennedy for the vacated 3rd Ward post. The candidates were asked how they would favor commercial development on the watershed side of Lake Arcadia. Reherman, answering first, said the quality of the water was the most important aspect of the city in terms of zoning. "We have established a lake development district around it
In this issue. .
Garrett undertakes missionary 3 PEP program to aid state 5 Steve Tibbits performs in 6 Grapplers lose to 7 Relay squad nabs 8
(the lake)," Reherman said. "Now there have been some requests to modify this. We look at each request individually and we have an utmost interest in the protection of the quality of the water." Nichols expressed a concern of a potential high lead concentration in the lake water and hoped that highway 66, which is the northern boundary of Lake Arcadia, would not be turned into a "Coney Island" effect that the Broadway Extension has. "If you go down the Broadway Extension from 33rd to 2nd street you're not going to starve to death or run out of gas," Nichols said. Parker agreed that the quality of the water was the most important aspect in the development of the lake, while Kennedy said that there is already a plan in effect that prohibits high density development and that he favors the present plan. The question of annexing Arcadia found most of the candidates saying that the matter was handled wrong and that the issue should have been put to a vote of the people . Reherman said he was out of town when the city council voted to annex Arcadia and did not get
chance to participate in the council vote. He did not say how he would have voted if he were here. Reherman said he offered to meet with the leaders of Arcadia without the presence of lawyers to talk as "future people living together" but they would not meet with him. The residents of Edmond will get a chance to vote on the annexation of Arcadia April 2. Questions concerning zoning matters and the development of a stronger commercial tax base drew varied responses from the candidates. Inge said in order to attack development he would favor a 5-year advalorem tax exemption for new industries and also a oneyear city sales tax exemption for new businesses. Inge also said he would like to change Central State University to The Oklahoma Institute of Technology, so that "we can have our own silicon valley." Reherman said the quality of the development is an important aspect on the City Council. "We require quality development," said Reherman, "it may take a little longer, but we want the best because this is the number one city in Oklahoma."
Nichols thought the city should deviate from the push towards high-tech industry. The failure to bring high-tech industry to Edmond was understandable, Nichols said, since CSU did not specialize in those kinds of fields. "We have and excellent business school out here, we have an excellent advertising school," Nichols said. "Any industry that comes is going to look at resources and personnel. I believe that we ought to take advantage of our strong points out at CSU." Parker, a former member of the Planning Commision who stepped down to avoid a conflict of interest during his campaign, said "there are no simple answers to planning, because things will change and any politician that tells you there is is lying. "I get sick and tired of glib political answers to very complex problems that face this city." The issue of allowing television cameras in the City Council apparently was not an issue, because all the candidates were in favor of permitting their use. Reherman said that cameras could be seen in the Council Chambers as soon as the next meeting.