The Vista March 27, 2017

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“T.J. Eckert” on 14 Volume 114, Issue 9


VISTA “The Student Voice Since 1903”

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Creating A Healthier Campus UCO Named Certified Healthy Campus Sixth Year in a Row

University of Central Oklahoma students participate in a cycling class hosted at the UCO Health Fair on Tuesday, March 23, 2017. Other events hosted at the fair included a yoga class and interactive tables on health and wellness. (Cara Johnson/ The Vista).

Austin Moseley

UCO Preps for NCUR 2018, ‘Connection to Place’

@Austin_Moseley Sports Writer

The National Conference for Undergraduate Research brings thousands of students and participants from roughly 10 countries. (Provided/ NCUR).

Jessica Phillips @TheJessPhillips Reporter

The National Conference for Undergraduate Research is expected to bring 5,000 participants to the University of Central Oklahoma in 2018 with the theme of “Connection to Place.” This is the first time NCUR has been hosted by UCO. Two co-chairs and 21 planning committees are established and preparing for the conference set for April 4-7 of next year. “I would define the planning process right now as butterflies. It’s

an exciting time,” Dr. Gregory Wilson, co-chair and assistant vice president of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, said. “We’re now a year out, so things are getting real,” Dr. Michael Springer, co-chair and director of the Office of High Impact Practices, said. NCUR is an annual conference that attracts students and faculty from across the country and brings visitors from an average of 10 other countries, Springer said. Research, creative and scholarly activities are emphasized. See “NCUR” on 8

The University of Central Oklahoma was named a 2017 Certified Healthy Campus for a sixth consecutive year on March 1 for promoting health and wellness on campus. One of the major factors contributing to UCO remaining a healthy campus is the UCO Healthy Campus Initiative, which is a working coalition of students and faculty. This initiative has helped provide suicide prevention in academic classes, placed healthy vending machines on campus, and provides sexual health materials for students. “We are all working together to make UCO a healthier, more sustainable campus,” Brittany Criswell, the assistant director of Health Promotion and Outreach, said. To determine what areas of student health need more concentration, the UCO Healthy Campus Initiative uses UCO’s National College Health Assessment data, which they receive every two years through healthy life skills classes. “The NCHA gives us a snapshot

of our students’ health habits, values and behaviors,” Criswell said. The NCHA data this year determined that resources should go toward helping students mental health. “This year we have been focusing on helping students to decrease the stress and anxiety they feel during school, so we are working on mindfulness initiatives for students to help them relax,” Criswell said. One of those mindfulness initiatives is the Center for Counseling and Well-Being on campus. The counseling center is the hub for helping students through any kinds of stress and is a free service. The center is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with walk-in hours of 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. in the Nigh University Center in Suite 402 on the fourth floor. UCO also has programs specifically designed for employees such as the Go Exercise Together Encourage Motivate (GETEM) program. Departments who work with this program give their employees two 1-hour predetermined workout times a week, which can be anything from group fitness classes to specific exercise groups such as cardio and weights. See”Healthy Campus” on 8

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