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Campus Quotes
7 Things to know about the gas price increase.
Transformative Learning Center
UCO pays $35 K for Sculpture.
Bronchos notch 1,200th win in program history and wrap up fourth consecutive conference title.
What’s your deal?
student voice since 1903.
Contributing Writer
The annual audit of the city of Edmond released on Feb. 14 revealed several weaknesses in the city’s finances, including a $264,000 missed payment. The city was also deficient in its accountability for approving purchases and keeping track of how many hours employees work. Overall, however, the city received an unqualified opinion, the best possible result.
By Christopher Howell
FEB. 24, 2011
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22-year-old Sara Eichenlaub has been selling bracelets to help pay for treatments for Crohn’s disease, a condition that effects the digestive track. Her antibiotics cost $50 monthly, and she still has around $400 in medical bills remaining since her diagnosis Dec. 10 of last year.
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By Ben Luschen / Contributing Writer For weeks, 22-year-old UCO student Sara Eichenlaub had no idea what was happening to her body. “I kept hearing every other week, ‘we don’t know what’s wrong with you, we don’t know what’s wrong with you,’” Eichenlaub said. “I lost 40 pounds in four months, I was losing my hair, I couldn’t keep anything down, like I wasn’t eating. I honestly, there for a few weeks, thought I was dying.” Starting in the August of 2010, Eichenlaub went from doctor to doctor without a clear diagnosis. She was finally diagnosed with Crohn’s disease on Dec. 4, 2010. Though Crohn’s is incurable, Eichenlaub was relieved to finally learn what was wrong. “I was actually excited,” she said. “I know that sounds weird, but after 22 weeks of pain, as long as you know anything is wrong [it is better than not knowing at all]... When I found out they knew something and they knew for sure it was Crohn’s, I
was calling everybody like, ‘I have Crohn’s! I have Crohn’s!’” Crohn’s disease causes inflammation along the digestive track, which can lead to diarrhea and abdominal pain. According to the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America, over a million people in the United States have Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s disease is non-contagious and is thought to be hereditary, though smokers have a higher probability of developing the disease than nonsmokers. As there is no cure, Eichenlaub can only alleviate her symptoms by taking several different pills and medicines throughout the day. The price of her medications, along with the $400 or more dollars she still owes in medical bills, can add up quickly. “My antibiotics are $50 a month and as a college student, $50 out of your pocket a month is like a thousand,” Eichenlaub said. Being a college student, Eichenlaub finds it hard to squeeze a full-time job into her schedule. Until she is able to work full time, Eichenlaub has found
other ways to pay for her medical needs. “I’ve decided to sell bracelets to raise money for my medication, my medical bills, and any extra is just going to go to the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America,” Eichenlaub said. The bracelets are purple, silicone bands with the phrase “Cure Crohn’s” engraved across the front. Purple is the official color of Crohn’s awareness. Eichenlaub originally purchased 250 bands and sells the bracelets for $5 each. Though she’s sold quite a few, she could still use some more sales. “Most of my friends and family from church have bought some, most of my really close friends have bought some,” Eichenlaub said. “I have enough sold to keep me steady til the end of this semester, I think until June, but once June hits... I think I would feel safer if I had them all sold soon.” Since learning she has Crohn’s disease, Eichenlaub has had to greatly
STUDENT: ‘PAINT THE CAMPUS BLACK’ By Chantal Robatteux / Staff Writer
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DID YOU KNOW? In Kentucky, every citizen is required by law to take a bath at least once a year.
alter her way of life. “Stress causes you to flare up, certain foods cause you to flare up,” Eichenlaub said. “I’m a procrastinator, so this entire semester has been completely different, like right now I’m studying for a test that isn’t for two weeks. I don’t ever do that. Ever. But I don’t want to hurt either.” In addition to changing her eating and study habits, Eichenlaub has also had to pay more attention to the health of others. “Another effect of Crohn’s disease is you don’t have an immune system, so if I run into someone who is just getting over a cold, I get it the next day.” Though she admits she can still get stressed out, the adjustments to her new lifestyle have become almost second-nature, something she attributes partially to a strong support system. Even the fact that she has an incurable disease doesn’t seem to phase her. “Some days I even forget. Taking those blue pills every four hours is just like a normal thing for me.”
Campus News
Many Oklahoma state legislators are taking aim at evolution in the 2011 congressional session. To date, three bills have been entered into the hopper in an attempt to remove emphasis on the scientific theory. The latest, filed Jan. 19 by Republican state Sen. Josh Brecheen, has already sparked a great deal of criticism from Oklahoma’s scientific community. Brecheen’s SB554, according to the senator will create an “academic freedom” in the classroom. The bill would mandate secondary science teachers explain that many aspects of existence are outside the bounds of science. SB 554 would enforce the State Board of Education’s new “standards and curricula,” the first of which is to “know the definition of science and understand it has limitations.” The first tier continues to reinforce the notion in its conclusion,
Josh Barnett wrote a letter to The Vista last week that voiced concerns that the student publication and the rest of the campus had forgotten Black History Month.
The Vista received this toungue-in-cheek letter to the editor this month: Why are we painting the campus pink? Has everyone forgotten that it is Black History Month, and breast cancer has already nabbed October? Though it shouldn’t be that we “raise awareness” for just a month, then forget about it for a year. I just think the “I heart boobs” bracelets have done their part. Boobs are obviously selfish for trying to infiltrate February. We cannot just sit by and watch boobs spread like cancer to other months. We cannot put emphasis and blame boobs alone. Where are all the African Americans supporting this month? The MLK speech contest was enough? I love The Vista, but I am ashamed it really has not covered anything pertaining to Black History Month, key word there… month. So I will be the first to say it. For the month of February, I hate boobs. Paint the campus black! Josh Barnett, who penned the letter, recently got out of the Army and is a freshman in his second semester studying English Education. He clarified he does not feel “Paint the Campus Pink” is taking over Black History Month, but he feels it must be recognized above and beyond, to the level that October was. “There was pink absolutely everywhere! NFL players were wearing pink, chain restaurants around the country seemed to have pink feng shui competitions. It goes back to allowing history and literature to be re-written with the acceptance of 218 words being taken out of Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn, of course that brings on a different debate along the lines of cultural acceptance and re-shaping.” He does not feel as if it is infringing on purpose, “but I do
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