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Campus Quotes
Student Spotlight
NFL Draft
What do you think of the geese on campus?
Vanessa Delgadillo was crowned Miss Hispanic UCO April 19.
UCO’s Transportation and Parking Services will be offering 350 free parking passes for students next fall.
The Vista’s sports minds pick the first round.
APR. 26, 2011
UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL OKLAHOMA’S student voice since 1903.
State Funding
STUDY REVEALS STATE FUNDING GAP <58349#$)'$ -/!("#$.'$
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If Oklahoma’s $63.8 million gap in allocation and need were distributed proportionately across the state’s higher learning institutions, UCO would take just 12 percent of the projected shortfall.
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This chart shows 2011’s planned distribution of Oklahoma’s $63.8 million budget gap. Where the University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University take a disproportionately small cut in their budgets, UCO, the state’s third-largest university, takes the brunt of the cuts.
OSRHE to allocate those funds that has had the greatest financial impact on UCO. The basic funding formula is a four-step process. The first step compares per-student As the semester comes to a close, the state funding for Oklahoma schools to similar inlegislature is working on the state budget for stitutions outside the state, and results in the 2011-2012 fiscal year. a “peer factor” that is used in a later step to There has been much concern around the match Oklahoma funding with peer institustate related to how much the budgets for tions. various state-funded groups, including higher The second step determines how much is education, will be reduced. needed to educate the number of students in While state support for public universities each major at each type of institution. This is worthy of our concern, there is a related process takes into account that the cost to but less well known process that plays a more educate a biology major at a research school important role in determining the state funds is more than what is needed to educate a biolallocated to each public university in the state ogy major at a regional university. It also takes of Oklahoma. into account that it costs more to educate a biOnce the legislature and governor have ology major than a history major at the same agreed upon an appropriation to higher eduschool. These costs per major are then totaled cation, it is the task of the Oklahoma State for all the majors and number of students at Regents for Higher Education (OSRHE) to aleach institution to produce a total program locate that money to all public higher educacost for each school. The third step then multion institutions in the state. tiplies each institution total by the peer factor it is the basic funding formula used by the from the first and then multiplies the reChange in NWOSU Allocation Compared tostep, Enrollment Changes Senate Faculty President
Changes in Full-Time Enrollment (FTE)
sult by the average of the ratio of state appropriations per total revenue (state funds and tuition and fees). This result is the calculated budget need for each school. The final step is where the problem arises. After all these calculations have effectively determined the calculated budget need for each school, including the need due to increasing or decreasing enrollment, the basic funding formula applies this calculated budget need only to new funds to higher education. Since, as mentioned previously, state appropriations to higher education have increased in only 20 of the past 30 years, changing enrollment has played a role in allocating state funds in only those 20 years. Even in the years when the state appropriates new funds to higher education, the calculated budget need is only applied to new funds. Generally, increases in state appropriations to higher education have been around eight percent of the total appropriation. In other words, the calculated budget need that factors in changing enrollment is applied to about eight percent of the total
allocation for any given year, and often it is much less. Based on this four-step process, over the past 30 years, student enrollment has been a factor in allocating less than five percent of the total funds appropriated to higher education. The main reason for applying the calculated budget need to only new funds is that it guarantees stable total funding to all schools. However, since enrollment patterns have not been the same at all schools, those schools that have experienced significant enrollment increases have not been funded at the same level as those schools that had decreasing or stable enrollment. Schools with stable or declining enrolments have benefitted from the current funding process. Of all the public universities in the state, UCO has experienced the greatest increase in total enrollment over the past thirty years. However, as a result of the fourth step in the allocation process, the funding for UCO has not kept up with the increasing enrollment at UCO. Continued on page 2
Green Bars Show Allocation Changes
1,000 FTE
$1 Million Starting Point Is 1980 Enrollment
$.5 Million
500 FTE
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06 20
04 20
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94 19
92 19
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-500 FTE
The charts above show the University of Oklahoma (left) and Oklahoma State University’s (right) full-time enrollments and funding over the last 30 years. As the state’s two largest universities trended down or stagnated in enrollment, their funding continued to increase. UCO, which has grown more by enrollment than both OU and OSU combined, has seen funding increases of around $4 million since 1980, fewer than half of either of OU or OSU. Below shows that UCO has been shorted more than $8.6 million per year.
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APR. 26, 2011
THE VISTA 100 North University Drive Edmond, OK 73034 (405)974-5549
The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semi-weekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and only on Wednesdays during the summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy obtained.
What do you think of the geese on campus? CODY JOHNSON
Freshman - Advertising
Senior - Business Education
Freshman - Criminal Justice
EDITORIALS Opinion columns, editorial cartoons, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO. LETTERS The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, with a maximum of 150 words, and must include the author’s printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 730345209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 131. Letters can be e-mailed to
Jenefar de Leon, Editor-In-Chief Ryan Costello, Managing Editor Samantha Maloy, Copy Editor Chris Wescott, Sports Editor Garett Fisbeck, Photo Editor
Steven Hyde
Kory Oswald, Senior Staff Writer Cody Bromley, Staff Writer Chantal Robbateux, Staff Writer Michael Collins, Staff Writer Brittany Dalton, Staff Writer Christie Southern, Staff Writer Josh Hutton, Staff Writer Trey Hunter, Staff Writer
Kylee Turner
Kathleen Wells
Editorial Comic
Bill Southard
Prakriti Adhikari
Graphic Design
Adviser Mr. Teddy Burch
“I think it adds to the scen- “I think it’s a liability because they have children ery, but I stepped in poop.” and the adults are mean and they attack people as they walk by.”
“The geese are pretty mean but they haven’t really attacked anyone.”
Junior - Graphic Design
Senior - Elementary Education
Freshman - Musical Theater
Administrative Assistant Tresa Berlemann
Continued from page 1
FUNDING WOES How does this affect UCO students? UCO must use a larger share of its budget for instructional costs (54.4 percent) compared to the average of the other state universities (46.8 percent). UCO can only afford to dedicate 4.6 percent of its overall budget to scholarships, compared to an average of 10.5 percent at the other state universities. UCO must rely on tuition and fees for a larger share of its budget (48.4 percent) than the average of the other state universities (42.7 percent). It also means that UCO is not able to offer as many services to students, and that UCO must rely more on part-time faculty to teach courses. The really absurd result of the current funding process is that, on a dollar-per-student basis, schools that experience a decrease in student enrollment are rewarded. Schools that respond to the public demand for more college graduates, like UCO, are actually penalized for educating more students. Limiting the number of college graduates in Oklahoma will not improve the long-term outlook for the state. In late May, you will probably see news reports of how much the state will be appropriating to the various state agencies, including higher education. What you will probably not hear about is the amount that the OSRHE will allocate to each of the public universities in the state. So what can be done to change the process used to allocate state taxpayer funds to public universities? Last May, the UCO Faculty Senate and the UCO Student Association passed resolutions forming a joint study group. The study group is composed of both students and faculty, as well as retired faculty, alumni and members of the Edmond and Oklahoma City communities. Since August, this group has been meeting to learn about the issues surrounding the allocation of state funds to UCO. This past Friday and Monday the study group had forums on campus to begin sharing their findings with the UCO community. However, it will take more than just the members of the study group to bring about changes in the way state funds are allocated to universities in the Oklahoma. It will take the efforts of students, parents, faculty, staff, alumni, and other interested community members to raise awareness of the inequity in the present system. You can find out more about what you can do by contacting members of the study group. If you missed the campus forums, you can get a copy of the presentation from the Faculty Senate website. Together, as a campus, we can change the way state taxpayer funds are allocated to UCO.
“I think it’s nice to have “They are quite lovely. I them here.” think it’s nice and refreshing.”
“I think it’s kind of bizarre. I don’t have anything against it, it’s just different.”
By Pakriti Adhikari / Cartoonist
APR. 26, 2011 Pageant
UNDER THE CROWN Overcoming stereotypes and tough family situations, 22-year-old Vanessa Delgadillo was crowned the newest Miss Hispanic UCO on Saturday, April 16. By Christie Southern / Staff Writer
By Josh Hutton
Behind the glitz and glamour of the crown, 2011 Miss Hispanic UCO, Vanessa Delgadillo, is far more than the stereotypical pageant girl. Delgadillo was born and raised in Oklahoma City as the second youngest of six siblings. The 22-year-old says that growing up with a single mom and many siblings was difficult. “I didn’t have a lot of homework help, but the worse part was not being able to enjoy a lot of time with my mom,” she said. Her mother is a nurse, who at one time, Delgadillo recalls worked up to three jobs. “She tries really hard to provide for us,” Delgadillo said. “My older sister helped raise us, too.” Although, money was always an issue, Delgadillo said that this non-traditional upbringing helped build her character and made her more independent. “I don’t glamorize money,” she said. In high school, Delgadillo qualified for OHLAP, allowing her to attend college full-time. She is the first in her family to attend a four-year university. Her caring personality and need to make a difference led her to join the Sigma Lambda Gammas, one of the Multicultural Greek Chapters on campus.
Kissing the Beehives
Participating in the pageant “It was almost a dare,” she said. “My friend and I saw a flyer for last year’s pageant and we wanted to see if a ‘big girl’ or thicker girl could win.” Despite her preconceived notions about pageants and pageant girls, Delgadillo admits she gained a new perspective by defying the stereotypes. “I was expecting size 0’s and a lot of cattiness,” she said. “It wasn’t like that at all. I’ve met some wonderful ladies through this pageant. It became easier to put down the walls once introductions were made.” Last year, Delgadillo was the first runner-up. This year the Miss Hispanic pageant was headed by new director, Lucy Perez. “It was a little different than last year’s,” Delgadillo said. The walks and the way the girls presented themselves changed from the previous year. Nonetheless, she said the experience was nerve-wracking and time consuming because many of the girls have outside jobs and participate in other campus organizations in addition to school. “It’s a very overwhelming experience,” she said. The pageant categories included an opening number, personal introductions and their platform, traditional wear, swimwear, a talent portion and formal wear. “Swimwear was the most terrifying,“ Delgadillo said. Her favorite part was the traditional wear, where she wore a big princess-style quinceanera dress and carried a doll to represent the transition from girl to womanhood. For the talent competition she sang “Es Demaciado Tarde”, a mariachi song, to represent her Mexican heritage. “I love mariachi,” Delgadillo said. She jokingly admits wanting to start her very own mariachi singing group. Delgadillo received a $1,600 UCO scholarship for winning the pageant.
Vanessa Delgadillo was crowned Miss Hispanic UCO 2011 on Saturday, April 16. She plans to implement her platform of preventing juvenile delinquence and gang involvment within the Hispanic community.
Delgadillo’s platform As the new Miss Hispanic UCO, Delgadillo plans to implement her platform of preventing juvenile delinquency and gang involvement within the Hispanic community and on Central’s campus by developing a support group for at-risk youth who may lack positive influence in their lives. Her experiences with friends and gang involvement shaped her believes in the need for stronger community involvement with youth. “It touched my heart,” she said. “I’ve lost friends through gang violence and I currently have friends incarcerated.” “I grew up in a low-income area with a single mother struggling to take care of a very large family. I have seen firsthand the oppressions and struggles many kids out there face, and the choices that are made from a direct result of these issues,” Delgadillo said. Her pivotal moment occurred when her little brother dropped out of school. “I was devastated,” she said with a tone of sadness. “It was like my own son dropping out.” Delgadillo believes that by providing
support and encouragement to at-risk youth she can make a difference. “I strive to be a positive role model,” she said. “I’m also very determined.” Delgadillo said she plans to organize events to promote the appreciation of family ties, education and positive lifestyles. If money was not an issue, she would like to create self-esteem workshops and prevention programs to provide positive role models to low income neighborhoods. She wants to coordinate forums to help build skills, goals and self-esteem while promoting higher education and providing information on scholarships to encourage at risk youth to pursue better futures. After graduation, Delgadillo wants to pursue a career as a probation officer for youth. Her philosophy is not to force a traditional path upon anyone. “School isn’t for everyone, sometimes that’s not their path. I just want them to achieve their greatest potential, to have a goal,” she said. “That’s what’s important.” In the end, Delgadillo strives to make her mother proud and hopes to inspires others and keep people positive.
Running wildly, arms flailing vigorously, while bees dive bomb my body with blitzkrieg energy, I jump into a pond I’ve chanced across. I hold my breath. My head stills. I feel the sweet relief of escape. I slowly rise, selfproclaiming myself as the new face of victory, only to shriek as the roughly hewn legs of an African “killer bee” land upon my lips. I grit my teeth as the killer bee delights in conquering me. Welcome to “dead week,” a treacherous mirage that inspires a universal roll of the eyes each semester. Six 10-page papers, six presentations, six tests combine to create an environment that resembles the fourth level of hell – not the supposed halcyon “dead week” most expect. We thought we were so close to victory. Lying under the water whispering bubbles of hope, and then greeting the angered beehive when we come up for air. It’s true—our compadres at the University of Oklahoma get an actual dead week. Profs cannot set the due date for any assignments on the week prior to finals. Before all you Bronchos grab torches and pitchforks to scatter the ash of Norman upon the wind, I would like you to view the hellish UCO dead week as a competitive advantage. While those lily-livered Sooners are cozily leafing through bio books, sipping on frappes, we Bronchos howl like mad dogs in the face of crippling assignments. Lacking the confidence for the task ahead? Fret not, I come bearing a gift: one steamy bucket of advice. First and foremost, your gleaming weapon of choice is coffee. Like the flamethrowers used in order to destroy colonies of killer bees, caffeine will carry you through the redeyed late nights. Secondly, when feeling the sting of stress – work out. Put your body through the grind to levitate the mind. No need to gather cobwebs, no need to wallow in despair – get up, go run, lift some weights, simply escape. Avoid parties. Whether finals or a searing dead week, remember neither is the apocalypse. It’s pitiful to celebrate your soon-to-be pitiful grades. Study in one-hour chunks. Between study times admire your body in the mirror for ten-fifteen minutes. Not only will it be rejuvenation, but also a confidence transfusion shot straight to your head. Continue feeding the ego while studying. A good tact is to repeat a mantra. Take me for example, when I study I continuously say, “J-Hut don’t believe in the rut. J-Hut bombs school’s butt.” Confidence, caffeine and clearing the cache will allow you to kiss the beehive unscathed. Keep your chin up, Bronchos. Sweet freedom is nigh.
APR. 26, 2011 OUTSTANDING OKLAHOMA JOURNALISTS 41st Anniversary Ceremony of the Oklahoma Journalism Hall of Fame
Dr. Swezey built the award-winning student broadcast program at UCO, which he joined after 15 years of award-winning radio news experience. He began as state capitol correspondent for KOMA radio in 1975, moving to WKY radio in 1976 as public affairs editor. He was WKY news director from 1983 to 1988. At UCO, he directed Academic Broadcasting Services, served as chairman of the Communication Department and manages daily student broadcasts on KCSU-TV. A former state president of the Oklahoma Broadcast Education Association, he advises the UCO chapter of OBEA. An associate member of The Emmys, he has won numerous state and national awards for teaching and radio news, including RTNDA’s Edward R. Murrow Award for best documentary. He earned a bachelor’s degree in broadcasting at the UCO, and a master’s degree and doctoral degree in mass communication at Oklahoma State University. He was born in Enid in 1952.
JOAN HENDERSON (1956- ) joined Oklahoma Today magazine in 1994 as general manager and was named publisher in 1997, leading the magazine in winning hundreds of regional and national awards, including best magazine in 2010 by the International Regional Magazine Association, the Great Plains Journalism Awards, and the Society of Professional Journalists. A recognized industry leader, she serves on several national and international magazine association boards and is a frequent conference and webinar speaker. An avid photographer, her hand-tinted black and white photography has been featured in magazines, exhibits, and a permanent museum collection in Massachusetts. Prior to joining Oklahoma Today, she worked in the advertising and videodisc production fields in Austin, in multi-image slide production in Boston, and as a media specialist at Vo-Tech in Stillwater. She earned a bachelor’s degree in humanities at OSU in 1979. She was born in Yonkers, N.Y.
DAVID PAGE (1949- ) joined The Journal Record in Oklahoma City in 1979 as News Editor, becoming Managing Editor in 1988 and Special Projects Editor in 2004. On April 19, 1995, David’s desk was by a window facing the Murrah Federal Building. Before 9 a.m., he had gone to get a cup of coffee when the bomb exploded. His injuries, from the window’s shattered glass, required about 30 stitches from head to foot. One day later, he helped The Journal Record publish a two-page edition, a first-person account of the bombing. A former AP/ONE president and board member for more than 10 years, he received the AP/ ONE Carl Rogan Sweepstakes Award in 2008. A Tennessean, he was editor of Middle Tennessee University’s student newspaper Sidelines while earning his degree. He was reporter for the Bristol Herald Courier and Bristol Virginia Tennessean from 1971-1973, and the West Side Story in Knoxville from 1973-1979.
JEFF DIXON (1945- ) started working for The Lawton Constitution/Morning Press in high school in 1965 at night doing everything the older photographers didn’t have time for, including mixing chemicals and engraving the photos. He is a lifelong resident of Lawton and attended Cameron University. He won numerous wards from the Oklahoma Press Association and Associated Press. In 2006 the Lawton Arts and Humanities Council named him Artist of the Year. In addition to photography, his interests include woodworking and guitar. He’s a member of the WWII Aerial Demonstration Team of Frederick, which preserves the heritage of World War II paratroopers; he doesn’t jump but is a member of the aircrew in the C-47. He has taught darkroom at The Great Plains Tech Center, and photography and photojournalism for the Lawton Public Schools and Cameron University in the mentorship programs.
MICHAEL R. JONES (1949- ) joined the Tulsa World in 1971 as oil writer for the legendary Riley Wilson. He became reporter and copy editor before moving to the city desk. He was named assistant city editor and in 1979 became city editor, replacing long-time city editor John Gold. In 1985 he joined the World editorial department as layout editor and editorial writer. He was named an Associate Editor in 1997,writing a Sunday column and daily editorials and adding an opinion blog in 2008. He has championed the rights of immigrants, despite criticism from readers and politicians. A native of Seminole, he attended East Central State University, OSU and the University of Tulsa. He’s been a grocery clerk, oil field worker, cow-milker, road-crew worker, pants-maker, postman, janitor and played in a rock-n-roll band, and he is honorary chief executive officer of his son’s reggaefunk-rock band Sam and the Stylees.
JIM STANDARD (1940-2010) rose from a junior reporter and obit writer for the Oklahoma City Times in 1960 to The Oklahoman’s executive editor during his 35-year career with the newspaper. Covering the assassination of President Kennedy, he witnessed the killed of Lee Harvey Oswald and was named Oklahoma “Newsman of the Year” for his coverage. He was senior reporter, state capitol bureau chief and columnist before becoming a Nieman Fellow at Harvard and returning to be city editor and assistant managing editor of The Times and The Oklahoman. In 1984 when the papers merged, he became executive editor, and then editorial page editor, and ended his career by writing a column, “Jim Standard’s Oklahoma.” A native of Little Rock, he attended the University of Arkansas and worked as reporter with the Arkansas Gazette in college and reporter at the Borger, Texas, News-Herald. After retirement, he founded churches in Italy and was pastor of the Atwood Baptist Church.
APR. 26, 2011
ARNOLD HAMILTON (1958- ) became editor of The Oklahoma Observer in 2006, after a 32-year career in daily newspapers. He was Oklahoma bureau chief for the Dallas Morning News for 18 years, covering the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, interviewing Timothy McVeigh twice, and riding out Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. Much of his work has focused on politics and government, covering state capitols in Oklahoma, Texas and California. He twice won the Dallas Press Club Katie Award for reporting excellence. In 1997 he received the Fran Morris Civil Liberties in Media Award from the ACLU Oklahoma Foundation. He also worked for the San Jose Mercury News, the Dallas Times Herald, the Tulsa Tribune and Oklahoma Journal. Born in St. Louis, he was reared in Midwest City. He earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of San Francisco and a master’s in political science from OSU.
LARRY R. WADE (1939-2011 ) joined the staff of the Elk City Daily News as a cub reporter at age 13. He became co-publisher with his father in 1966 and publisher when his father died in 1972. He graduated from the University of Oklahoma School of Journalism in 1961 where he served as editor of the Oklahoma Daily. He received the school’s Benefactor Award, served on the executive board of the OU Alumni Association, and is a longtime member and current chairman of the OU Board of Regents. He served on many Oklahoma Press Association committees and was OPA President in 1983. He received the OPA’s highest honor, the Milt Phillips Award in 1995. Active in the community, he’s been city commissioner and mayor, president of the chamber of commerce, United Fund and Kiwanis Club. He’s the founder of the Elk City Foundation and is a member of the Western Oklahoma Hall of Fame.
GLORIA G. BROWN (1942- ) joined the Perry Daily Journal in 1971 as a part-time proofreader for publisher Milo Watson. She became Women’s Editor, helped in the transition from hot-type to offset, handled circulation and page layout, before being named Editor and Managing Editor. Active in the community, she’s been named Perry Citizen of the Year, Perry Business Woman of the Year, Beta Sigma Phi Woman of the Year and parade marshal at the annual Cherokee Strip parade, among numerous other awards. She says she missed the story of the century in Perry in 1995, when Timothy McVeigh was arrested in Perry. She was in Edmond attending the Journalism Hall of Fame induction for Milo Watson. Born in Norman, she attended Perry High, Phillips University and NOC. She is the face and voice of the Daily Journal to her readers. She’s been secretary treasurer for the Assembly of God church for 30 years.
Classes Begin
APR. 26, 2011
Geese on the Prawl
By Cody Bromley / Staff Writer The goslings have arrived. Not actor Ryan Gosling, or Jon and Kate Gosselin from the reality show “Jon & Kate Plus 8,” but instead the Canada geese that inhabit UCO have finally hatched their young offspring. “They aren’t really Canadian. They spend as much time in the U.S. as they do in Canada,” Dr. William Radke, university provost and vice president of academic affairs, said. Before attaining his current position, Radke taught in UCO’s department of Biology for 25 years. He has researched the endocrine systems of birds, as well as their thermoregulation and epidermis and his research is ongoing, including some work with research partners in West Virginia. Canada geese are among the most common waterfowl in the United States, taking up residence at golf courses, parks and lakes. Before records were kept in the state of Oklahoma, sub-species of Canada geese were migrating to and through the state. “They’re endemic in the United States coastto-coast, ” Radke said. “Other than Hawaii, there isn’t a state without Canada geese.” Radke said that the geese first took up residence at UCO around ten years ago alongside Broncho Lake. In recent decades, some migrant Canada goose have become more of a residential non-migratory bird due in large part to the creation of urban parks with water features and feeding from humans. But because of their prevalence, some people regard Canada geese as pests. The accumulation of flocks at golf courses, beaches and airports has even created a niche industry for
goose removal. Canada geese were in the news a few years ago after a flock were sucked into an airplane engine forcing Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger to land the plane in the Hudson River. Besides their nuisance in numbers, the waterfowl are known for their high amount of foul- smelling fecal droppings, which Radke said is a product of the geese eating urban vegetation and grass that contains little nutritional value. Canada geese are a protected bird, covered federally by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act as well as state laws. These laws prohibit the capturing, harming eggs or killing Canada geese except during the designated legal hunting seasons with a permit. The nest on the outside third floor of the Nigh University Center is an example of a protected nest. Because the young goslings do not have the ability to fly, and will not be able to until approximately 40 days after birth, the goslings were brought down to the ground level when the parent geese were away from the nest. Radke said that if the goslings did try to leave the nest without help from some good Samaritans, they would haven fallen quite a distance but would likely have survived. The goslings will follow their parents until they reach the fledging stage and begin to grow their flight feathers. In the meantime, their parents will be very aggressive in defense of their children. To anyone who finds him or herself the target of one of UCO’s Canada geese, Radke’s advice is to simply walk away. “They don’t have teeth. I suppose they might pinch you in tender spot, but it won’t The Canada geese of UCO have finally hatched their offspring. The birds are among hurt much worse than that.” the most common types waterfowl in the United States.
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APR. 26, 2011
C.H. GRAGGS GIVE $1 MILLION TO UCO By Jennay Lutomski / Contributing Writer A $1 million donation from C. Hubert Gragg to the University of Central Oklahoma Foundation will be used to create a new scholarship and help fund CHK|Central Boathouse. “Hubert Gragg is a man that doesn’t ask for the spotlight, but his generous gift to the UCO Foundation shines as truly transformative for Central. We thank him for his investment in the future success of our students and in the development of university resources,” UCO President Roger Webb said. Gragg, 93, of Newcastle, Okla., is the owner of CH Gragg Investments and former real
estate developer. Gragg’s sons attended Central in the 1970s, and his grandson also attended UCO. “I chose to give to Central because I want to provide more students with scholarships to help them go further in life,” Gragg said. Half of the donation will be put into a scholarship fund that the specifications and requirements have not been set for, yet. The scholarship will be called the C. Hubert Gragg Endowed Scholarship. Requirements will be decided on by Gragg and UCO. The other $500,000 will go toward funding the new boathouse that will house and be the
training site for the UCO’s Women’s Rowing team. It will be built on the Oklahoma River in Boathouse Row, where other Oklahoma colleges have their boathouses. “We were really impressed, impressed with what’s in the future for Central, and I like to be involved with anything is growing,” Gragg said. Gragg was in attendance when UCO and Chesapeake Energy Corporation claimed their partnership in the new boathouse last May. “A gift this size makes a significant impact at Central. Mr.Gragg’s gift will help the university progress and transform the lives of
students,” Anne Holzberlein, vice president for Development and executive director of the UCO Foundation said. Chesapeake gave $3 million, the initial primary funding for the boathouse, last May. Martha Burger, senior vice president of Chesapeake, gave $500,000 to the boathouse project in the summer of 2010. Half of the money for the project has been raised for the building of the boathouse, Liz Johnson, public relations and marketing coordinator for the UCO Foundation, said.
Associated Press
500-YEAR-BOOK SURFACES IN UTAH By Brian Skoloff Associated Press
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Book dealer Ken Sanders has seen a lot of nothing in his decades appraising “rare” finds pulled from attics and basements, storage sheds and closets. Sanders, who occasionally appraises items for PBS’s Antiques Roadshow, often employs the “fine art of letting people down gently.” But on a recent Saturday while volunteering at a fundraiser for the small town museum in Sandy, Utah, just south of Salt Lake, Sanders got the surprise of a lifetime. “Late in the afternoon, a man sat down and started unwrapping a book from a big plastic sack, informing me he had a really, really old book and he thought it might be worth some money,” he said. “I kinda start, oh boy, I’ve heard this before.” Then he produced a tattered, partial copy of the 500-year-old Nuremberg Chronicle. The German language edition printed by Anton Koberger and published in 1493 is a world history beginning in biblical times. It’s considered one of the earliest and most lavishly illustrated books of the 15th century. “I was just absolutely astounded. I was flabbergasted, particularly here in the interior West,” Sanders said. “We might see a lot of rare Mormon books and other treasures, but you don’t expect to see a five-centuriesold book. You don’t expect to see one of the oldest printed books in the world pop up in Sandy, Utah.” The book’s owner has declined to be identified, but Sanders said it was passed down to the man by his great uncle and had been gathering dust in his attic for decades. Because of the cotton bond paper
On Saturday, April 23, 2011, Utah book dealer Ken Sanders looks over a copy of the Nuremberg Chronicle published in 1493. The book is on display at Ken Sanders Rare Books in Salt Lake City. Sanders across the 500-year-old German language edition while appraising items brought in by locals at a fundraiser for the town museum in Sandy, about 15 miles south of Salt Lake City. It’s considered to be one of the earliest and most lavishly illustrated books produced after the invention of the printing press. (AP Photo/Brian Skoloff)
it was printed on, not wood pulp paper like most present-day works, Sanders said the remaining pages have been well-preserved albeit literally coming apart at the seams “Barring further calamity or disaster, it will last another 500 years,” he said. And Sanders is certain it’s not a fake. “It passes the smell test,” he said. “I’m not sure there’s ever been a forg-
er born who is ambitious enough to hand-create a five-centuries-old book in a manner sufficient enough to fool people.” But what’s it actually worth? Turns out, not much. It is believed there are several hundred copies in circulation worldwide, making it not-so-rare of a find, and about two-thirds of its pages are missing. Still, it’s not the monetary value
that excites Sanders. “Just the opportunity to handle something from the very beginning of the printed word and the book itself, especially, ironically, in the 21st century with all this talk of the death of the book, and here we have a book that’s survived 500-plus years,” he said. “It’s just exciting. ... The value of an artifact like this to me is the least interesting part of it all.”
Sanders is displaying the copy at his rare book shop in Salt Lake City. San Francisco-based antiquities book dealer John Windle said if this copy of the Nuremberg Chronicle were in mint condition and fully intact, it could be worth up to $1 million. One in such shape sold last year at a London auction for about $850,000, Windle said, but not so much because it’s such a rare find. “The rarity of the book has almost nothing to do with its value,” he said. “If you’re collecting monuments of printing history, monuments of human history, if you’re collecting achievements of the human spirit through the printed word, this is one of the foundation books. ... Every book collector wants a copy of that book or at least some pages from it.” Windle noted that while its worth to collectors is priceless, it is “probably the most common book from the 15th century making its way onto the market these days.” “We have a saying in the book trade: There’s nothing as common as a rare book,” he added. Because of this book’s tattered state, Windle said it’s likely worth less than $50,000. “It basically kills the value,” he said. “If it turned up in perfect condition in Salt Lake City, now that would be amazing. That would be astounding.” Luise Poulton, curator and head of rare books at the University of Utah’s J. Willard Marriott Library, called it an “exciting find,” but largely just because of the way it surfaced. “It’s that classic story,” said Poulton, who has several pages from another copy of a Nuremberg Chronicle on display. “You really never know what’s in your attic.”
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APR. 26, 2011
By Jennay Lutomski / Contributing Writer The Transportation and Parking Services is offering free parking to 350 University of Central Oklahoma commuter students for the 2011-2012 school year. “We have a program that pays you to park,” Michael Sokoff, director of TPS, said. The program is called the North Parking Agreement. Students will only be allowed to park in lots 1, 2, or 3 by Wantland Stadium. TPS had a student walk from the North parking lots with a backpack in the summer, only using the sidewalks, and it took 10-12 minutes for the student to reach the Nigh University Center, Sokoff said. A $50 rebate per semester will be provided to students who comply with the regulations of the North Parking Agreement. Regulations include: parking only in the designated lots and receiving a parking ticket. The full agreement is available on the UCO website. To sign up, students must contact the TPS office either in person in Room 309A of the Nigh University Center or by sending an email request to with the student’s name, Broncho ID number and “North Parking” in the subject line. When students pick up their decal, they are to notify the parking office they signed up for the North Parking Agreement, and the appropriate decal will be given to them. The normal $100 decal cost will be applied to the student’s bursar account initially and refunded $50 at the end of each semester that the student remains a user of and in compliance with the agreement. “We think this will be a great university opportunity,” Sokoff said. “We are trying to keep the cost of going to school low and still be able to manage our campus.”
UCO is approximately 91 percent commuter students, and one of the main complaints TPS receives is not having enough parking. The North Parking Agreement will help alleviate some of the Second Street and commuter parking lots’ congestion, Sokoff said. TPS offered a symposium to explain the efforts taken to solve the commuter parking issues, but only 12 students attended, he said.
“We have a program that pays you to park.”
- Michael Sokoff, director of Transportation and Parking Services
“We need feedback for programs to be successful.” The North Parking Agreement is a pilot program in attempt to encourage commuters to park on the north side of campus. Sokoff said they have the potential of “losing upward of $35,000, but it will be worth it.” Students can start ordering parking decals in July. The free parking program is “a collaborative effort of the office for a win-win program,” Sokoff said. “In inclement weather, students could take the bus,” Chip Nolen of the TPS office said. The UCO Broncholink route of the Edmond Citylink free bus transit stop #1 is near the North Parking lots. The Citylink bus route map is available by the windows of the TPS office where students pick up their decals.
After weeks of discussion among the members of the Homecoming Activities Board, the theme for Homecoming 2011 has been unveiled: A Tribute to Central. As Shakespeare once said, “That which we call a rose by any other name would be sweet.” The Homecoming Activities Board, however, allotted a significant amount of time to the name and theme. “The Homecoming Activities Board has been brainstorming for weeks as to what they feel is a unified theme that the UCO community could rally around,” Courtney James said. James is the assistant director of campus activities at the university. According to James, the time spent at UCO reflects uniquely on past and present Bronchos. Each student will attribute different things to their experience at the university, “both inside and outside the classroom,” James said. Homecoming Week boasts various activities, and James said the unique theme will allow for greater creativity among the participating students. “We anticipate that this will allow students to be extremely creative as they show tribute,” she said. “Cheer and dance performances as well as parade floats have the opportunity to be uniquely original, as the various groups show their tributes to Central.” Today from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., the HAB will be distributing Save the Date cards at the clock by Broncho Lake. The cards are helpful reminders of the homecoming dates and theme. Students can find more information at UCO Homecoming’s Facebook page, as well as on their Twitter site. James has every hope that Homecoming will be a memorable experience, as well as a unique opportunity for students to showcase their creativity in expressing what Central means to each of them.
Anti nuclear demonstrators hold a banner during a protest marking the 25th anniversary of the nuclear accident in Chernobyl in Vienna, Austria, on Monday, April 25, 2011. Austria is an ardent opponent of nuclear power and has no operating plants of its own. (AP Photo/ Ronald Zak)
Pakistani girls walk in a wheat field during the harvest season on the outskirts of Islamabad, Pakistan, Monday, April 25, 2011. (AP Photo/ Nathalie Bardou)
Dressed as a ladybug, Tank, owned by Tony Burgart, of Urbandale, Iowa, waits to be judged during the 32nd annual Drake Relays Beautiful Bulldog Contest Monday, April 25, 2011, in Des Moines, Iowa. The pageant kicks off the Drake Relays festivities at Drake University where a bulldog is the mascot. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)
Three, 3-week old African Red River Hogs join the adults in their enclosure at the Oklahoma City Zoo in Oklahoma City, Friday, April 22, 2011. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki)
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APR. 26, 2011
Continued from page 12
Blaine Gabbert, QB, Missouri By Chris Wescott / Sports Editor San Francisco has had solid defensive play at times over the past few years but they have lacked a quarterback they can rely on. Gabbert is highly touted as a prospect by many draft “experts”. With new regimes come new signal callers and Jim Harbaugh and his new 49ers staff may decide to go in this direction here. Gabbert strikes me as a player with potential, but one that may need to sit for a year to adjust to the pro game. Don’t be surprised if the pull a “Best Player Available” here and chose Patrick Peterson.
Patrick Peterson, CB, LSU By Ryan Costello / Managing Editor Really guys? Possibly the best player in the draft is still on the board at the eighth pick? If you’re all right, the Titans will be laughing all the way to the podium. Tennessee’s 28th-ranked secondary gave up 252 yards a game through the air, allowing opposing quarterbacks to complete 65 percent of their passes. Needless to say, if Peterson plummets this far, the Titans would be more than happy to give him a gig in Tennessee.
Julio Jones, WR, Alabama By Trey Hunter / Sports Writer
Tony Romo will be returning from injury and the Cowboys could use a new right tackle to help protect Romo’s front side. Smith has the length and strength to be a dominating right tackle and may even be backside tackle if Doug Free doesn’t progress the way the Cowboys want. Although the “boys” could use secondary help, look for them to sure up the offensive line with their first pick.
Prince Amukamara, CB, Nebraska By Trey Hunter / Sports Writer
The Lions need offensive line help, but if the two best prosThe redskins need all kinds of help. They need more pects are already off of the board at pick 13, then they need than just a wide out on offense. If Cam Newton is still on to address their secondary issues. Suh had a huge year in his the board, they will likely grab him. If he isn’t, they have rookie season and “the prince” could do the same thing. to make an impact athletically. Jones is can’t miss and will definitely make an immediate impact.
Da-Quan Bowers, DE/OLB, Clemson
Aldon Smith, DE/OLB, Missouri
By Chris Wescott / Sports Editor
By Michael Collins / Sports Writer
Bowers’ stock is falling rapidly so I am hesitant to place him this high. However he is a freakish athlete and when healthy, could be considered a top five prospect. He was considered there at one time. Bowers can rush the passer on brute strength alone, but his instinct and quickness are an added bonus. If Bowers’ knee injury is medically cleared by the Houston staff, he could be a steal here and worth the risk.
The Rams will be praying that A.J. Green or Julio Jones fall to them at the 14th spot, but if they don’t and the Rams don’t trade up, look for them to take the freak of nature Aldon Smith. He projects a lot like DeMarcus Ware did when he came out a few years ago. Smith may have too much of an upside to pass up at the 14 spot.
Mark Ingram, RB, Alabama
Anthony Castonzo, OL, Boston College By Anthony West / Ucentral Sports Anchor By Ryan Costello / Managing Editor
Tyron Smith, OL, USC By Michael Collins / Sports Writer
A lot of people would have the Vikings taking a quarterback here, which I’ll admit is a decent possibility, but there are also rumblings that Minnesota might give Joe Webb a chance to earn the job. Plus, there will be a few quarterbacks available in the second round. Whether it’s Webb or a mid-rounder like Christian Ponder or Ricky Stanzi, the Vikings will want to improve their bottom-half pass protection (36 sacks in 2010), and Castonzo is arguably the best pass blocker in the field.
The Miami Dolphins could go a couple different ways with the number 15 overall pick. I can see Miami trading down just like they did last year with the San. Diego Chargers. With Ronnie Brown and Ricky Williams venturing off to free agency Miami could trade in one Heisman trophy winner for another. Alabama running back Mark Ingram will be the smart choice for Miami.
Ryan Kerrigan, DE/OLB, Purdue UCO Golf
By Ryan Costello / Managing Editor
BRONCHOS WIN TITLE, LOOK TO REGIONAL By Trey Hunter / Sports Writer The UCO men’s golf team won the Lone Star Conference Championship at Randolph Oaks Golf Club in San Antonio, Texas, on Wednesday, April 20. The Bronchos were led by sophomore Colby Shrum who shot a 68 in his final round a drained a three-foot putt to capture the 2011 individual championship, his second straight LSC title . He shot a 67 in his opening round and shot a 72 in the middle round. Shrum’s performance was driven from a 33 on the front nine on the final day and back nine total of 34. The tournament was the conference’s last event before the teams split up and join different leagues. UCO will become a Division II Independent before joining the Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association in 2012-2013. The fourth-ranked Bronchos captured their first LSC title since 2003 by shooting a nine-under-par 279 in the third round to give them a three-day total of 859 through 54 holes. Josh Creel and Andrew Green show three-under 69’s as well and Baer Aneshansley shot a 73. Chris Muriana finished the final round with a 77. Central has been selected to participate in the NCAA Division II Midwest/South Central Regional at Cherry Blossom Golf Club in Georgetown, Ky. The event will be held May 2-4. UCO will compete against Abilene Christian, Central Missouri, Cameron, St. Mary’s, Midwestern State, St. Edward’s, Newman, Washburn, Northeastern State, Indianapolis, Missouri-St. Louis, Drury, Grand Valley State, Wayne State, Ashland, Northern Kentucky, Ferris State, Bellarmine and Lewis Universities. UCO is the fourth ranked team in the Coaches Association of America poll and they are the top-ranked team in the headto-head rankings on The top five teams and top two players from each regional advance to the finals in Florence, Ala., from May 16-20. “The team is a family and I’m glad we’ve come together this year,” head coach Dax Johnston said. “We’ve got good kids
from good families and it’s been the most enjoyable thing to watch them grow. Our team is very close and that’s what separates us from everybody else.”
As a Jaguars fan, this one is near and dear to my heart. I would really hope for an Andy Dalton or Jake Locker to come off the board here and learn under incumbent signal caller David Garrard for a few seasons a la Aaron Rodgers, but it’s not likely. GM Gene Smith is all about best-available talent, not positional need, and he loves a high character sure thing like Kerrigan. The Purdue product might never be an all-pro, but he almost certainly will be a productive player, something Smith and the Jags will take after the failed Derrick Harvey experiment.
The UCO Men’s Golf team poses with the Lone Star Conference trophies and championship banner after their title run last week.
APR. 26, 2011
The 2011 NFL Draft begins on Thursday night when the first 32 picks will be made live beginning at 7 p.m. CT. The UCO360 sports staff has mocked out the entire first round of the draft. Here are the first 16 picks of the draft. Picks 17-32 will be in Thursday’s issue of The Vista.
Trey Hunter / Sports Writer
By Ryan Costello / Managing Editor
Nick Fairley, DL, Auburn Fairley dominated the national championship game and the SEC championship game. He led one of the best defenses in the nation and is an absolute beast. Marcell Darius from Alabama is being considered the best defensive tackle in the draft after his combine workout, however, on the field Fairley was the better player.
Marcell Dareus, DL, Alabama Michael Collins / Sports Writer The Denver Bronchos were absolutely awful last season when it came to rushing the passer. Dareus has the ability to play the nose or the 1, 3 technique. Dareus’s versatility should allow Elvis Dumervil to get a better rush this next season.
Cam Newton, QB, Auburn
As far as most can tell, the Carson Palmer era in Cincy is all but finished. Granted, Chad Johnson, er… Ochocinco er… Johnson might also be close to finished, so A.J. Green or the fast-climbing Julio Jones are possibilities here. That being said, if Newton, who most think won’t last until the fourth pick, were still available, you have to think the Bengals would try to fill the void left by Palmer’s likely departure.
By Chris Wescott / Sports Editor
Former UCO wrestling star William Richard “Bill” Ameen died Monday, April 18, in his home in Tulsa at the age of 51. Ameen was a two-time national champion wrestler with UCO, then named Central State University. Ameen is the son of Robert Joseph and Arris Grace. He was born in Oklahoma City on April 6, 1960. He graduated from Midwest City High School in 1978. At Midwest City, Bill was a 1978 state champion wrestler. After graduation, Ameen attended UCO and wrestled for the Bronchos. The Bronchos were at that time mem-
Robert Quinn, DE/OLB, UNC
Trey Hunter / Sports Writer Although he missed the entire year last season, he is still a top 5 talent at the defensive end/outside linebacker position. Some had him as high as number one before his suspension. He might lose a little support due to off the field issues, but he is a freak athlete.
Von Miller, DE, OLB, Texas A&M By Chris Wescott / Sports Editor The Buffalo Bills aren’t lacking in needs and could go quarterback at three along with several other positions. I believe the reason they choose Von Miller instead is that he has the ability to lead and to take games over defensively.
A.J. Green, WR, Georgia
Michael Collins / Sports Writer With Colt McCoy proving that he is a capable starting quarterback, A.J. Green will be able to provide an electric target for their young quarterback. Green has shown the ability to get deep on the fade routes as well as run the digs and slants when needed. McCoy proved in college if he has capable receivers, he can put the ball on point.
bers of the NAIA. Ameen won backto-back NAIA national titles in the 177-pound weight class in 1981 and 1982. The Bronchos won two team national titles those years with Ameen. Ameen leaves behind his mother Arris Ameen of Tulsa; two daughters: Amber Ameen of Norman and Baily Ameen of Tulsa; three brothers: Robin Ameen of Tulsa, Peter Ameen of Midwest City and Paul Ameen of Tulsa. Bill worked in sales with Scaffolding Rental, BFI and Waste Management in Tulsa. A memorial service for Ameen was held on Friday, April 22, at the Ninde Brookside Chapel in Tulsa.
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