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Oklahoma Center for the Arts partners with UCO’s College of Fine Arts and Design to offer creative alternative summer camps.
UCO baseball team drops 2 of 3 games.
UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL OKLAHOMA’S student voice since 1903.
APR. 5, 2011
By Ibrahim Albeeti Contributing Writer
UCO Student Veterans of America is a new student organization on campus. On Saturday, April 2, UCO debuted this new group. UCO students James Willis, Becky Miller and James Smith started their organization in March 2011. Veterans coming from the military to student life are the focus of SVA’s mission as they seek to help them acclimate better to the environment. SVA sold furniture, apricot trees, knives and candles at Edmond Farmer’s Market. James Smith, SVA senator, said, “Being out in the community brings a lot of awareness about our organization at UCO. We had the opportunity to connect with a lot of veterans and Broncho alumni to let them know we are here to stay and here for support. This also allowed us to raise money for SVA’s opening meeting on April 22.” Sarah Miller, SVA Vice President, said their message to UCO students is “this is a huge opportunity for us veterans to help other veterans adapt to college life and the local community in a positive way. We look forward to the future with enthusiasm and optimism.” Also, SVA Senator James Smith noted, “With over 700 student veterans on campus, SVA finally gives us a vehicle to be heard.” The next plan for UCO SVA will be to set up an Earth Day booth from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on April 20, and an Opening Day organization recruitment meeting on the evening of April 22.
H 73° L 52°
Left, Auymi Kugai and Meguru Yasuda are raising awareness and donations for the relief effort in Japan. So far, the students at UCO have collected more than $1, 500.
By Chantal Robatteux / Staff Writer Japan has been a fixture in the news over the last few weeks due to the earthquake and massive tsunami. Approximately 13,000 people have died, and about two thousand people were injured, and others are still missing. UCO is doing its part to help Japan and its people recover from this tragic event by taking donations Monday through Friday in the Nigh University Center across the Food Court from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Japanese students gathered to plan the “Save Japan: 2011 Japan Tsunami Relief Effort” where people can donate money for the victims of the Japan natural disaster. Meguru Yasuda, a UCO student from Japan, said, “After the earthquake and Tsunami happened, Japanese students here got together and talked about it. I don’t want to give a specific person credit for the initia-
tion since when we got together every one of us already had an urge to initiate something to help out [the] people in Japan.” He said it was somewhat frustrating at first to start this because the campus was closed for spring break when the earthquake and tsunami happened. “We had to wait for a whole week. After [we went] back to school the initiation happened immediately, thanks to the help from the UCO International Services,” Yasuda said. He said they got to talk about their idea of initiation at an International Student Council meeting. “They set up everything for us. It made it possible for us to start the fundraising [Tuesday, March 22].” Yasuda said only monetary donations are accepted. “We only ask people for financial donations because it’s the easiest way to help those people in need and
won’t require extra money to send heavy [things] to them. The donations are going to be collected by the U.S. Japan Council first and to be directly sent to NGOs and NPOs in Japan.” He explained the reason why they chose the U.S. Japan Council as their medium to send their distributions to Japan was because the U.S. Japan Council will send 100 percent of the donations to Japan, so there will not be any administrative fee deductions. Yasuda said people should donate because there are people in need. “They need someone’s help. I think it’s pretty simple why someone helps someone in need. Humans can’t live without [each] others’ help,” he said. He added there is no minimum amount for a donation. “We appreciate any amount of money. Your attitude to try to help them out really counts. Your donation doesn’t need to be cash. You can write
checks to the U.S. Japan Council, or you can donate with your credit card on their website at,” Yasuda said. So far, the students at UCO have collected more than $1,500. He added they have not decided for how long the booth will be set up, but they want to do it as long as they can. “We’ve been doing pretty well and decided to do our donation booth at least till next Friday,” he said. Yasuda said his family lives in the south end of Japan, while the earthquake and Tsunami happened in the northwest of it, so his family was not affected by it. However, one of his friends lives pretty close to the epicenter. “I couldn’t get a hold of her for a week after it because the phone line was disabled. But now I know she is safe,” he said.
Japanese Relief Effort
STUDENTS RAISE FUNDS FOR JAPAN The United Student Association raised $1,600 towards Japanese relief efforts. TOMORROW H 83° L 60°
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DID YOU KNOW? Sixty mph is the maximum speed limit throughout Hawaii. It is the only U.S. state with a statewide limit under 65 mph.
By Joshua Lim Shaun Wu / Contributing Writer
The United Student Association (USA) successfully raised close $1,600 at a benefit fundraiser for the Japan earthquake and tsunami relief last Saturday. Close to 200 guests attended the event, which was held at and co-organized by Kang’s Asian Bistro in Nichols Hills. According to Tue N. Dinh, president of USA, the event was initially supposed to be an annual date auction but the organizing committee changed the focus of the event in lieu of the tragedies in Japan. “We saw it as a social responsibility, our social responsibility to change the event after seeing the turmoil Japan had suffered through. It was a state of emergency for us.” The United Student Association and their partnering student organization, the Asian American Student Association (AASA), held an event in
,CRCP¶U YQGU OWNVKRN[ KP VJG YCMG QH VJG OCUUKXG GCTVJSWCMG Hundreds of dead have washed ashore on Japan’s northeast coast, overwhelming funeral homes and crematoriums. Water levels in three reactors at a nuclear facility have dropped, leaving uranium fuel rods exposed and threatening to melt down. Reactors 5
Reactors 1 2 3 4 Pacific Ocean
Pacific Ocean
Water intake Miyagi prefecture: 2,000 bodies washed up along the coast.
Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear reactor plant: Three reactors have lost the ability to cool the fuel rods at their core and are in danger of melting down. Explosions have been heard in all three.
Sea of Japan
Epicenter: March 11 9.0-magnitude earthquake Soma, Fukushima prefecture: Soldiers abandoned search operations amidst new tsunami warnings.
JAPAN Tokyo Osaka
Disaster statistics as of Monday, March 11 at 6 p.m. EST
East China Sea
Nuclear power plants Plants with damage Philippine Sea
SOURCES: AP reporting; GeoEye; International Nuclear Safety Center; NASA, USGS, Map Maker Trust
Official death toll: 1,900 Projected death toll: 10,000 People in shelters: 430,000 People stranded: 24,000
similar fashion last year toJAPAN raise funds “Wedescribes are happy to announce that we <AP> QUAKE 031411: Map of Japan the current areas of destruction following Friday’s 9.0-quake ; 4c x 6 1/4 inches; 196 mm x 159 mm;more with for the victims in Haiti. raised money this year than the Editor’s Note:It is mandatory to include all sources that accompany this graphic when repurposing or editing it for publication
any related story; WJC; ETA 8 p.m. </AP>
year before. Thank you to all who attended the event to show their support and our efforts to help Japan in this time of need. Though our contribution may be small compared to the efforts made by other organizations, we are glad we made a difference.” Dinh said. Following the theme “Report for Duty” attendees came to the event dressed in military themed outfits, complete with war paint and gear. Internal vice president of USA, Nina Linga said, “We had a great turnout this year and everybody had a really good time. The atmosphere was good and the outfits were awesome!” All proceeds from the event went to the U.S. Japan Council Earthquake Relief Fund, an organization created to accept donations and disaster relief efforts to aid those affected by the earthquake in Japan and the tsunami victims throughout the Pacific.