The Vista Dec. 1, 2011

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Occupy OKC

Men’s Basketball

The encampment of Occupy protestors in the city has been told they may no longer stay in Kerr Park. Page 5

During Tuesday night’s basketball game, a bench-clearing brawl broke out between the Bronchos and the USAO Drovers. Page 8

DEC. 1, 2011


UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL OKLAHOMA’S student voice since 1903.

Student Programming Board

AN ICE PLACE TO VISIT By Ben Luschen / Staff Writer WinterGlow festivities made a transition to the ice on Tuesday, Nov. 29. The Student Programming Board (SPB) hosted its first UCO skate night at the Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink at the Festival Market Place as part of WinterGlow Week. The event was free to all students that came and hot chocolate was also served. Though the WinterGlow event itself, which takes place this year on Dec. 2, has been a long-standing tradition for both UCO and the Edmond community, WinterGlow Week was created by the board to generate more student interest in the celebration. According to Courtney James, assistant director of Campus Activities and adviser to WinterGlow, Campus Activities has long been trying to bring a similar ice rink to UCO, but concerns over price made them look for alternatives. “We’ve been trying to bring an ice rink to campus now for two years, but it costs $18,000, so when we found out this one was coming here instead, we decided it was a lot more economical than putting one on campus,” James said. Having a provided rink, according to James, is not without its own benefits. “This is going to seem like a menial detail, but this ice is real ice,”

she said. “If you bring one to campus, it would be synthetic ice, and the difference in ice is that synthetic ice doesn’t run a Zamboni over it.” A Zamboni, which is a type of ice re-surfacer, fills in the nicks and cracks of an icy surface and makes for a smoother and safer skate. Usually to hold a party at the rink, it costs $500 for 50 people, with a five dollar fee for each additional person after that. The SPB was able to strike a deal with the rink that allowed them to pay a flat rate for 200 people. However, after seeing the crowd of people that arrived for the event, James said she expected between 300 and 350 people to show. Part of the event’s appeal was its ability to fit comfortably in a college budget, said Hayley McIlvoy, a UCO student who came to the skate night with friends after learning about the event through word of mouth. “[We’re here for] free skating, free hot chocolate and living Central,” McIlvoy said. Jessica Goddard, another UCO student who also is a WinterGlow volunteer, was excited about the newest addition to the WinterGlow celebration. “It’s cool because it is [the downtown rink’s] first year opening, and we love ice skating,” Goddard said. Goddard also praised WinterGlow for setting the tone for the rest of the holidays. “It’s really fun to see all the little

Samantha Chang, an English senior, skates during SPB’s Skate Night at the Edmond Festival Market Place, Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2011. Photo by Garett Fisbeck, The Vista

kids,” she said. “I did it last year for Santa’s workshop, working with the little kids, and I’m doing it again this year. It’s just really fun to get in the holiday spirit.” What the UCO skaters may have lacked in Olympic-quality skating ability, they made up for in enthusi-


asm. Hunter Johnson, who said the skate night helped kick winter off right, knows the journey to greatness starts with just a single step. “This is the second time in my life, but hey, you got to start somewhere,” Johnson said. With the strong crowd the skate

International Office


WinterGlow Events Thursday Edmond Parade of Lights 6:30 p.m. near Old North

Friday WinterGlow 6-9 p.m. - Nigh Center


The International Student Council (ISC) had their semester general election Monday at the Carl Albert room of the Nigh University Center at 4 p.m. Reelections of new officers were for President, Vice President, Secretary, Parliamentarian, Public Relations Officer, Treasurer, Graphic Designer, two event managers and a senator. However, only six out of the 10 positions were filled due to absence of candidates. Vacant positions will be filled via reelection in January. “ISC is a council that helps international students to build a stronger community amongst themselves, on top of that to build a stronger rapport with the American community”, Alvin Teh, the newly elected president of ISC, said. Joshua Lim is also a member of the ISC board. “ISC is a board of students who represent the international community at UCO. It is very important because it’s a population that is not as heard. The council speaks for them,” Lim said. Also present for the election were two ISC advisors, as well as representatives from the Office of International Services. The election kicked off with refreshments to help settle the people down, followed by a welcoming speech by current ISC president Amber Chen. Elections then officially started. Runners participate in the Trot for Tots 5K, as part of WinterGlow, Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2011. The entry fee was a toy. Photo by Garett Fisbeck, The Vista

night was able to generate, James hopes the rink will return to downtown Edmond in the years to come. “WinterGlow week in general is something that will be done in the future. I think as long as Edmond brings this back, based on this turnout, we’ll do it every year,” she said.

TODAY H 54° L 36°

Each candidate was given two minutes to give a brief speech. Another two minutes was allocated for a question and answer session which could include questions on personality, goals, strengths and other criteria. Individuals who could vote were from the current ISC board and one representative from country student organizations. There were 11 representatives from country student organizations present for the election. Each member received a voting slip for each position being run, a printed piece of paper with the names of candidates and the position they were running for. Candidates were asked to leave the room while the president counted the votes. Number of votes can be disclosed by members if requested especially if the votes were neck to neck. This would encourage the failed candidate to run for other positions because of the high influence amongst the ISC board. All board members receive a $500 scholarship and the president received $1000. Teh’s goals as president of ISC will be to increase the student activities funding for the international student community, further integrate the international and American student community through cultural events and further improve the events that ISC organizes with the resources given.

TOMORROW H 45° L 41°

DID YOU KNOW? Some obscure collective nouns: A sounder of swine. A kindle of kittens. A mustering of storks. An unkindness of ravens.

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