The Vista Feb. 21, 2012

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Tax Season

UCO will face off against Newman University for the first time this season today at 2 p.m. Page 7

UCO finance students are offering assistance with taxes for students and faculty during tax filing season. Page 3

FEB. 21, 2012


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By Trevor Hultner / Staff Writer This week, Ecuadoran journalist and the editorin-chief of privately-run television station Ecuavisa, Allen Panchana Macay, will be speaking to UCO journalism students and the public about his work and viewpoints on journalism as a whole. The event is part of a planned series of talks by journalists, hosted by professor Yvette Walker’s Press Freedom class. “One of the things the class is doing is Skyping in journalists from around the world,” Walker said. “Macay was in Oklahoma visiting a friend, so we asked him to come speak.” Macay will be showing a video about one of the big stories that happened in Ecuador in 2010 – a police uprising that resulted in the detainment of incumbent President Rafael Correa. He will also be talking about his thoughts on democracy and freedom of expression in the country. “Many times, I have been beaten, threatened,” Macay said in an email interview. “I covered protests and several overthrows of presidents, in the midst of armed conflict. I’ve also been a border reporter, and I had to go to the jungle, close to where armed guerrillas of the FARC were. Ecuador shares borders with Colombia.” Macay will speak on Wednesday, Feb. 22 in the Mass Communications building, room 120, from 11 a.m. to 11:50.


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President Barack Obama speaks about the “Community College to Career Fund” and his 2013 budget at Monday, Feb. 13, 2012, Northern Virginia Community College in Annandale, Va. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh) go to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. The By Trevor Hultner / Staff Writer

In a campaign-style speech given at Northern Virginia Community College last week, President Obama detailed the 2013 fiscal year U.S. budget. The Office of Management and Budget has allocated $3.7 trillion for the coming year, and has forecast a $901 billion deficit. “We can settle for a country where a few people do really, really well, and everybody else struggles to get by,” Obama said. “Or we can restore an economy where everybody gets a fair shot, everybody does their fair share, everybody plays by the same set of rules – from Washington to Wall Street to Main Street.” $2.05 trillion in proposed budget funding will

remaining $1.65 trillion will be divided up among roughly 38 different departments. Obama told the crowd that over the last 23 months, [the United States has] added 3.7 million new jobs, and that “American manufacturers are creating jobs for the first time since the 1990s.” “At a time when our economy is growing and creating jobs at a faster clip, we’ve got to do everything in our power to keep this recovery on track,” he said. One main point the President stressed in his speech to NOVA was making education affordable. He ordered Congress to stop student loan interest rates from doubling in July, as well as make perma-



nent a tuition tax credit that has been included in the last few budget proposals. “We’re saying to Congress, now is not the time to make school more expensive for young people,” he said. “And they can act right now to make that change.” The four largest sectors listed in the Budget are Health and Human Services (which is swallowing approximately $1.18 trillion in Medicare and Medicaid) the Social Security Administration ($875.5 billion towards Social Security), the $620 billion defense budget, which received cuts across the board and the Treasury, which holds $472 billion in interest on the public debt, up approximately five percent from last budget. The education sector took a hit; federal student aid lost $6.8 billion in allotted funds and the Department of Education’s expected revenue for 2013 dropped by roughly $7.8 billion dollars. Defense lost 4.46 percent of its previous budget, with most of the large cuts - $27 billion worth being made in discretionary spending areas. The Department of Homeland Security cut $1.8 billion in its budget projection for 2013. Other notable decreases include a predicted 58 percent drop in the Department of Labor’s income and a 52 percent cut in the Economic Development Administration’s budget. “The budget that we’re releasing today is a reflection of shared responsibility,” Obama said, “It says that if we’re serious about investing in our future and investing in community colleges, and investing in new energy technology, and investing in basic research, well, we’ve got to pay for it. And that means we’ve got to make some choices.” Near the end of his speech, the president stepped into his campaign shoes, telling the audience, “Warren Buffett pays a lower tax rate than his secretary. That’s not fair. It doesn’t make sense at a time when we’ve got to pull together to get the country moving.” It is unclear exactly when that is, as Congress has not announced a voting schedule for the proposal.


By Kyle Schwab / Contributing Writer UCO’s largest day of service, The Big Event, is coming up and the Volunteer and Service Learning Center needs volunteers. This year The Big Event is being held on Saturday, March 10, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. UCO students, along with faculty and staff, will meet up to show their appreciation for the community. The group will be going to and assisting various nonprofit and community-based agencies and organizations in the Edmond and Oklahoma City areas. Any students that have an interest in participating will need to sign up online at UCO’s website or in the Volunteer and Service Learning Center in room 212 of the Nigh University Center. Students wanting to assist will be allowed to sign up until the day of The Big Event but it is encouraged to sign up as soon as possible. Types of volunteering jobs will include things like yard work, painting, light maintenance, and other things of that nature to help out the many Big Event sites involved. For any questions concerning The Big Event email bsmith101@ or call 974-2623 for help or more information.



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DID YOU KNOW? Aerosmith’s song “Walk This Way” was inspired by the movie Young Frankenstein.

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — An Oklahoma lawmaker is pushing a bill to require drug testing for certain welfare recipients. A House subcommittee on Monday voted 6-2 for the bill that requires drug tests for recipients of Temporary Benefits for Needy Families. Oklahoma City Republican Rep. Guy Liebmann sponsored the bill and says the recipient would pay for the test and then be reimbursed if they test negative for drugs. The bill was amended to require testing only after an applicant has been approved for benefits. Under the bill, children whose parents fail a drug test would be able to receive their benefits through another family member or designate. Liebmann says the bill is based on a Florida measure that is currently being challenged in federal court as unconstitutional.

Wes Watkins and Bree Sowell are crowned UCO Freshman King and Queen during the half-time show, Thursday, Feb. 16, 2012. Photo by Cyn Sheng Ling, The Vista

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