JAN. 12, 2012
International Enrollment
Bronchos prepare for their 2012 baseball season and welcome new Assistant Coach Jeff Steele. Page 8
Across the country, universities are seeing an increase in enrollment of Chinese students. Page 5
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Jeff Harp (left), UCO chief of police, and Brent Miller, supervisor of safety operations, clear the area by Howell Hall and the Nigh University Center. There was an explosive chemical scare at Howell Hall and students were evacuated from the building, Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2012. Photo by Garett Fisbeck, The Vista
By Cody Bromley / Editor-in-Chief & Bryan Trude / Sports Editor Wednesday afternoon, Howell Hall was evacuated after an explosive chemical was discovered. Students were advised to leave the building shortly before 2 p.m. after the chemical discovered was determined to be dangerous by visiting scholar Robert Nordquist. The discovery was made during an inventory of a lab set to be renovated. “I was kind of surprised,” Kate Gault, senior biology major, said Wednesday. “I knew it was kind of serious, but I was pretty calm. They
told us to get out, and I got out.” The chemical, picric acid, is an explosive compound used in labs as a chemical reagent. Stored in liquid form, the acid is merely flammable. Once the liquid dried out into a crystallized form, the compound became shock-sensitive and explosive. Picric acid has historically been used in munitions and mortar shells. At about 2 p.m., Edmond Police dispatched their bomb disposal robot, and by 2:40 p.m. the container of picric acid had been removed successfully. Meanwhile, students
were advised to stay a safe distance away. “[UCO’s response] has been pretty good so far,” Kieran Adams, freshman history education major, said Wednesday. “The officers were very nice, they just walked up and said they couldn’t say what was going on, and I got turned away. They gave clear instructions and everything.” Classes resumed at 3 p.m. after the picric acid was removed from the building and taken away in a containment vehicle. There were no The Edmond Police Bomb Squad send in a robot to investigate an exinjuries. plosive chemical scare at Howell Hall, Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2012. Photo by Garett Fisbeck, The Vista
Violence Prevention Project
STALKING AWARENESS MONTH AIMS TO REDUCE UNWANTED PURSUITS It might start out with flirty Facebook messages from someone in your afternoon class. For others, it comes in the form of their exgirlfriend, calling and texting at all hours of the day and night. What might once have been seen as positive, romantic interaction rapidly deteriorates into unwanted attention. In extreme situations, those on the receiving end of these behaviors begin to fear for their personal safety. During National Stalking Awareness Month, organizations such as UCO’s Violence Prevention Project, hope to raise awareness and urge action against stalking behavior. According to statistics provided by the VPP, more than 3.4 million people over the age of 18 are victims of stalking annually in the U.S. The collegeage demographic, or those aged 18-24, are most likely to be victims. “Stalking is any unwanted pursuit,” Kathyrn Toahty of the VPP said. While many are stalked by former intimate partners, Toahty said this is not always the case. “It’s important to remember that a stalker can also be someone you don’t know at all,” she said. With the advent of social media sites like Facebook, one out of every four victims of stalking said they had been stalked through the use of some form of technology. “Social media is huge when it comes to cyberstalking, which is anytime technology or electronic communication is used to stalk a victim,” Toahty said. “[Cyberstalking] is a lot
harder to investigate, but social media is also getting better about creating ‘safety nets’ that would allow for someone to get caught cyberstalking someone else.” Janetta Bridges, a senior majoring in public relations, has firsthand experience with stalking. While she was living in student housing and attending the university, she said a student in two of her classes began exhibiting stalker-like behavior. She said the student in question would call and text repeatedly, even showing up at her place of work. “He happened to pick up a little brother at my job, and would wait outside in the lot, I assume to watch me come out,” she said. “I would always just wait inside with my coworkers until he left, though.” Since she lived in Central Plaza at the time but the student in question did not, Bridges went to the Central Plaza help desk to ask them to keep an eye out. Bridges said the desk worker claimed the student was harmless, and urged her to confront the student on her own. “Is that cool? To tell someone, ‘hey I feel like you’re stalking me, can you stop?’” Bridges asked. “He had texted me, and I’d already asked him them to stop and leave me alone. I’d asked him not to call or text anymore.” Bridges said she was met with what she feels was a lot of misunderstanding of the situation. The student had a girlfriend at the time, and she said he used this against her, claiming he could not possibly have been acting in the wrong.
Continued on page 3
Stalking Statistics
• Nearly 3 in 4 stalking victims know their victim in some capacity. • The most common type of stalking behavior experienced was unwanted phone calls and messages. • Victims are most likely to be stalked by an offender of the same race and age. • More than half of all victims of stalking report that the stalking or harassment began within the past 12 months. According to Kathryn Toahty of the Violence Prevention Project, these are some behaviors that men and women alike can be aware of: • Show up wherever you are • Follow you • Repeatedly call you, including hang-ups • Drive by or hang out at your home, school or work • Send unwanted gifts, letters, cards or emails • Monitor your phone calls or computer use • Use technology (e.g., hidden cameras, spyware or GPS systems) to track you • Find out about you by using public records or online search services • Hire investigators to go through your garbage or contact friends, family, neighbors, or coworkers to gain information about you • Threaten to hurt you, your family, friends and/or pets • Damage your home, car or other property • Any other actions that control, track or frighten you
By Brittany Dalton / Copy Editor
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DID YOU KNOW? Originally, Twinkies had banana-flavored filling. Hostess switched to vanilla after bananas were rationed during World War II.