The Vista July 13, 2011

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Campus Quotes

Social Media

Faculty Spotlight


What do you do over the summer to stay healthy?

President Obama and the Pope are among the newest Tweeters hoping to reach a wider audience.

Q&A with Tia Hall, the new administrative assistant for the School of Music

UCO softball player Kacie Edwards talks about her role on the team.

JUL. 13, 2011


UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL OKLAHOMA’S student voice since 1903.

Edmond News

ARCADIA REOPENS AFTER E.COLI OUTBREAK After a recent closure prompted by tests of Lake Arcadia, the beaches are now open. The beaches were closed due to tests that showed E.coli, a potentially harmful bacteria. By Bryan Trude / Contributing Writer


Two beaches at Arcadia Lake reopened Monday afternoon, July 11, after the beaches were closed due to an outbreak of the bacterial organism E.coli. Excessive levels of the bacteria led the City of Edmond and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to close down beaches at Edmond Park and Spring Creek Park Thursday, July 7. Other parts of the lake, including the beach at Central State Park, remained open for water recreation. “Samples have indicated high levels of the bacteria in these designated swim areas,” Ashleigh Clark, City of Edmond public information officer, said in a press release announcing the closure. “In accordance with the P Hs OTO Environmental Protection Agency’ public swim beach regulations per the Corps of Engineers, the beaches will be closed until further samples indicate the water quality is at regulated levels.” A water quality test conducted June 29 showed elevated levels of E.coli far above safe levels, prompting the closure. A new test was performed July 8. “E.coli is caused by waste contamination from animals and hu- Beachgoers are shown at Lake Arcadia earlier this week. The lake had been closed due to levels of E.coli “far above safe,” prompting the mans. With the shallow water at cancellation of many city and campus-sponsored activities. The bacteria was likely caused by shallow, stagnant water and the recent heat. the beaches, high temperatures and water activities will be curtailed for At the time of this writing, there was discovered in 1885 by German usually affecting children but can poor water circulation, the water the time being. have been no reports of students be- scientist Theodor Escherich. The occur in adults, is a potentially fatal stagnates and becomes a breeding “For now, we have cancelled any ing admitted to health centers with bacterium is commonly found in condition where the blood begins to ground for the bacteria,” Clark said. activity that is related to the water,” symptoms of E.coli exposure. the lower intestine of warm-blood- break down, followed by acute re“Without a change in the weather, Jo McGuffin, director of university In addition to general activities ed organisms. nal failure. Marked by bloody diarit is unlikely we will see significant health services, said. “We’ll take at the center, scheduled events are The primary method of transmis- rhea caused by an E.coli strain, HUS changes in bacteria levels soon.” our cue on when the lake reopens being affected as well. Coordina- sion is through fecal-oral exchange, is a medical emergency and should In addition to the beach closures, from the City and look at resuming tor of International Activities Bran- and the bacteria are a major com- be treated as such. A small number the outbreak has affected activities aquatic activities then.” don Lehman was forced to cancel a ponent of animal feces. Europe suf- of HUS patients have been known at the UCO Center for Outdoor AdA class with the UCO Upward scheduled group outing for students fered an outbreak of E.coli in the to develop chronic kidney disease. venture Recreation, located in EdBound program was at Arcadia Lake to OAR July 9. food supply beginning in May. Septicemia, the presence of mond Park near one of the affected taking part in water activities the “I don’t know if we would be in Virulent infections of E.coli can pathogenic organisms in the bloodbeaches. day the beaches were closed. Ac- the affected areas, but we don’t want cause gastroenteritis, urinary tract stream, can lead to sepsis. Sepsis is Speaking on the condition of cording to Adrienne Nobles with anybody in the lake with E.coli infections and neonatal meningitis. a life-threatening medical condition anonymity because they were not University Relations, all students in hanging around,” Lehman said. More severe infections can cause that requires immediate treatment authorized to comment, officials at that class were brought in and their The outing has tentatively been hemolytic-uremic syndrome, septi- in an intensive care unit. the center have said that while landfamilies notified of the possible ex- rescheduled for Friday, July 29. cemia, mastitis and peritonitis. based activities are still available, posure. E.coli, short for Escherichia coli, Hemolytic-uremic syndrome,


H 102° L 77°



Sara Sara Cupcakes is finally here in Edmond. The new store, located at 17 E. Fifth St. near Hideaway Pizza and the UCO Jazz Lab, has been up and running for just a few weeks and has already attracted locals, especially UCO students. The official grand opening is scheduled for July 14. UCO student Liz Teague has been working in the new location for a month now and looks forward to the grand opening. “The cupcakes are so good. I think the strawberry ones might be my favorite, but all of them are good. Some of our most popular flavors are the ‘Crimson and Cream’ and the strawberry. I really love working here, the owners are family-oriented people and they treat their employees like we’re part of the family,” Teague said. Sara Sara Cupcakes first opened in Bricktown, located on 7 NW 9th Street, in memory of beloved family member Sara Brinson. Sara was only 18 years old when she died of sudden cardiac dysrhythmia. She and her

TOMORROW H 105° L 78°

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DID YOU KNOW? The View-Master was originally for adults. The device was used to help soldiers recognize ships, planes & artillery from afar.

By Maia Jackson / Contributing Writer

Sara Sara Cupcakes, originally located in Bricktown, has opened an additional location in Edmond. The new location, serving more than 22 flavors, is near the UCO Jazz Lab and will be open July 14.

Continued on page 5

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