Wearing Shirts for a Living
One broadcasting student at UCO is seeking online votes, in the hopes of landing a job wearing T-shirts. Page 4
The Bronchos came out victorious over the Southwestern Baptist University Bearcats Saturday night in the SBU Thanksgiving Classic. Page 12
NOV. 29, 2011 uco360.com twitter.com/uco360
UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL OKLAHOMA’S student voice since 1903.
THANKSGIVING AT CENTRAL By Mervyn Chua / Staff Writer The Edmond Community Thanksgiving Dinner Association served more than 3,000 meals in the UCO Ballrooms on Thanksgiving Day. The Thanksgiving dinner was held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday. At the dinner, participants filled out a form with meal options such as white or dark turkey meat, and a choice of sides. Choices included mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans and more; the diners were then served their preference. Meals were also delivered to the community. “We deliver to all over the Edmond community and so far we have delivered over 430 meals,” Mike Laska, one of the organizers of the event, said. Laska is a member of First Presbyterian Church. “As long as they live within the boundaries that we have set, we’ll deliver the meal to them. And we serve about a 30 to 40 mile square area.” The Edmond Community Thanksgiving Dinner Association had a phone line set up which goes into effect Nov. 1 every year. This allowed people to call in and through the voice prompt, encouraged to identify if they wanted a meal delivered or to be a volunteer.
If the caller chose the former, the phone line asked about their food preferences. Someone then called them to ask for their particulars. There were about 600 volunteers. To sign up, volunteers could contact the same phone line to leave their name and contact number. Ashley Price from First Christian Church was a volunteer. “It is great helping to serve people with no other place to go,” she said. “I’d do it again and again, to see a lot of happy people.” Crystal St. Pierre, another volunteer who came from a military family, enjoyed the experience. “It’s fun and nice to give back to the community and a good way to know people in the area,” she said. This annual event started in 1981, when Frank and Pat Paradise wanted to serve their five children a Thanksgiving meal but did not have room at their home. They had it in the church and invited a few people. They had it again subsequent years and the invitations kept growing. In 1995, the stand-alone Edmond Community Thanksgiving Dinner Association was created. “Every year we find new people that have
Guests of the 2011 Edmond Community Thanksgiving Dinner were served their meals in the Nigh Center Ballrooms, Thursday Nov 24, 2011. Photo by Liz Boyer, The Vista
not come. They make it for the first year, maybe just to have a desert, maybe just to participate with a meal, but they always come back.” Laska said. “They talk about it year after year and they say ‘I have never seen anything like this.’
So it grows by word-of-mouth because it’s such a warm event, such a heartwarming feeling to have all these people coming together and representing the entire community as we know it and serve as many people as you can.”
A child runs down Boulevard during Turkey Trot in Edmond, Thursday, Nov. 24, 2011. More on page 5. Photo by Garett Fisbeck, The Vista
Campus Events
‘CENTRAL FACTOR’ TO BE HELD WEDNESDAY The National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) is hosting The Central Factor from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Nov. 30 The Central Factor, a talent show derived from the popular television show “The X Factor,” will be held in the Central Plaza lobby. The Central Factor will feature students performing song or dance routines in hopes of winning cash prizes of $100, $50 or $25 for placing in the top three. Each contestant will have five minutes to perform his or her act. There are 18 contestants registered to compete. Winning contestants will be chosen by a panel of three judges. Judges will base their
decisions on creativity, performance, and talent. “This is the first UCO talent show I have competed in,” Brandi Wilson said. “I’m really excited to be a part of The Central Factor. It’s going to be a lot of fun.” “This year is the second year The Central Factor will be held. The talent show was created in order to showcase UCO’s student talent,” Darrell Potter, NRHH chapter vice president, said. Between 50 and 80 students are expected to attend this year’s event; guests will be served sandwiches, fruit, cheesecake and punch as refreshments. The NRHH was created in order to recognize the top one percent of college students who have helped to promote the quality of life
in residence halls through student programming, leadership, and community service. Members are selected to join the organization; students must have a minimum 2.5 GPA and live in a residence hall. “We have about twenty members in UCO’s
By Monica Johnson / Contributing Writer
TODAY H 54° L 27°
NRHH chapter, but we would like to have more,” Potter said. In addition to The Central Factor, the NRHH has also hosted Thanks for Giving, a canned food drive, and Auction for Action, an auction where money raised is donated to charity.
TOMORROW H 56° L 34°
DID YOU KNOW? In 2009 the word intexticated, meaning “to be distracted by texting while driving,” was shortlisted for OED’s Word of the Year.
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